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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI
more like steak tier

but, really, P:M is more like...cupcakes...and we're just licking up batter and icing until it's finished.

strawberry icing, **** yeah

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
PM is more like a mystical cake that whose ingridients need to be mixed/developed perfectly.
It's a labor of love.

RIP Dant's desktop PC

(???? - 2010)


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI
i think he was talking about the thread viewer index below. anyway, JCz did say it'd start up between 7 and 8 or something like that. damn if it isn't a long wait now though.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
JCaesar isn't even at Tant's yet, the tourney in general is running late due to inconvenient weather. I know this because I just read the tourney thread. PM's time to start was moved to 9:30ish PM EST.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
I just wanna say, I haven't been following P:M in particular. But I want to say I'm quite impressed with how it's looking so far.

Most every addition made that I've seen is to my liking, and I'm gonna follow the news on it from here on. My only complaint really is some characters are losing small things that separated them from being clones (AKA Fox's b-air being the same) but I know it's not my project and I know it's meant to make everyone similar to their Melee counterpart of they were in Melee. I'm not gonna argue these things as this is just my opinion, and everyone has opinions on a lot of things and not everything can go the way they want.

All in all keep up the good work and don't disappear on us. The first competitively tuned game on the smash bros engine, whether official or not, is in your hands and we will all hunt you down and lock you in a room to work on the game til finished if you cease working on the game lol.


Smash Ace
Oct 8, 2010
Can't tell if I like this guy or if I'm scared of him.
Who Project-05? Think he was joking about this bit:
The first competitively tuned game on the smash bros engine, whether official or not, is in your hands and we will all hunt you down and lock you in a room to work on the game til finished if you cease working on the game lol.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
Who Project-05? Think he was joking about this bit:
No joke. There are competitive Smash games. But none made specifically for competition. And I wasn't joking about forcing labor..

I can't stand fox's Bwarl Bair.
I don't like it either it was just an example of character differences. I couldn't think of too many others.

Also people probably don't know me at all since I've been absent from SWF for a while and absent from the Brawl hacking community for longer but I actually was one of the guys that helped get Brawl+ started, which was also kind of the birth of hacking Brawl... I can't believe how far it's come and how much people have been able to add to the game. I'm proud of this community lol.

The King Of Hearts

Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2005
clearwater near tampa
I have to say dont worry about 5ive. Hes just a trolling D***. Durring the said time me and 5 of my friends trolled him, 3 of which trolled and spamed and 2 saying please give me PM. NON of us got any reply so all hes really doing is just being a brat.

Btw I haven't told you guys but I HAVE a leaked copy of PM...and its... very wrong and creepy..

I met this man in an ally who said he could give me PM if I hand him my thumb drive... Curious for a fix of good gameplay I considered and handed it to him. He gave it back and said I knew what to do...

I ran home enthusiastically and inserted the data onto my SD card and hoped on brawl.... the screen kept flickering with the words wombo!!!... It stayed frozen so I reseted the council... Finally after the 7th try it worked. The screen showed in full and said "Wombo is Dead, and soon so will You....hehe". Right after that I think it sounded like mewtwo Japanese yelling victory voice came on... but very slow and you could here Young link repeatedly screaming.

The intro started with an unusually high contrast and horrible moaning noises... I pressed start and got to the intro screen and It said PM by shandic 400 on a black screen with blinking white text. Next screen It went to was a black with white text with the options of PM or Options... I selected PM.

It went to the character selection screen and everything was normal and I noticed mewtwo!!! I selected mewtwo and a random CPU and started on Final D. It was like a dream and mewtwo played so much better then his melee conterpart. After a few matches, everything seemed fine. I was getting use to the controls and admiring the hard work until my 8th match. I chose Final D but it started up on castle siges 3rd lava map. Mewtwo and young link were there standing on opposite sides with a timer of 8mins... I couldn't get a response out of mewtwo and the timer was going down fast. I sat there for 8 minuets thinking that everything would go back to normal... the screen went black and I herd Ylink scream...sudden death came up and Ylinks body was in peices all over onet town and mewtwo was chewing on his head and staring at me... The cars that went by would carsh and stock pile into each other and loud screams could only be herd with the music of double rainbow playing backwards. Bombs started dropping every where and not just on stage but in the back ground aswell. The game crashed and my wii wouldn't work...

occasionally it turns on by itself at 4AM with that chattering mewtwo and my bedroom window will start knocking... I learned my lesson.. stay away from a Leaked copy of PM... you dont want this happening to you...


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
Well, my bad I guess. But yeah, feel free to join the hype train. Its never late!
I plan on it. I'm mostly curious about whatever changes may happen to T.Link. As a Y.Link main in Melee and WW being my favorite game in the Zelda series I want to know what's going to happen with him. But I can play the patient game. I've still got Melee.
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