oh, i see what you mean. like if we could see landing detection like hitboxes, as in a big ball of light, in vBrawl it would be squashed on the feet so when on the ground it would find the 'landing box' and say you landed, and if you jumped through a platform it would still do that, but currently in PM the landing box is taller, so jumping through a platform would put you in land sooner because the platform would sense the landing box sooner because of the added height. however, coming downward would have the game read the landing box at the feet still, forcing the player to land on the feet no matter what?
so, basically, jumping through platforms will yield a sooner landing and jumping sideways into a platform could yield a landing if the game finds the taller landing detection, but landing from above will yield a vBrawl, foot to ground landing, regardless of what is landed on?
edit: yep, always apex. man, he was playing really well from the few vids already uploaded (ripped from stream)