I would like to actually discuss things about Ike for a minute here, so bear with me for a minute. Keep in mind this is all my opinion. I could very well be wrong.
I think the range and relative safety of Ike's dash attack contributes a lot to the problems people are having with Ike. Lots of Ike's ridiculousness (like dair to f-smash for example) could be avoided and played around, but then Ike players will throw out a dash attack, hit you from half way across the stage, and throw your spacing game off. At the proper distance, it is hard to even punish Ike's dash attack on shield with many characters.
To me, Ike's dash attack does for him what Peach's dash attack does for her in melee, except on a larger scale. Peach is slow in melee and often you can just maneuver around her with ease, if not for her dash attack which she can throw out every now and then. (obviously there is a lot more to what makes peach pretty good in melee, but her dash attack really does help cover one of her flaws)
The difference here is Ike already has good range on his attacks (he plays somewhat like a ganon with a sword) and his dash attack extends that reach far beyond what most characters can reach. He is basically putting pressure on you from almost anywhere on the stage. This can even apply to being on platforms often because of his QD into jump Aerial or WD on platform.
Is his dash attack a broken move? No, it's not that great, but it interacts with the rest of his playstyle in a way that makes his other advantages easier to make happen. He already has quickdraw for long distance approaches and chases, but somehow I feel like I can react to him approaching with Quick Draw, just from personal experience and what I’ve seen on videos. In fact, if QD is the ONLY thing you have to worry about at a long distance, it becomes much easier to handle. Having to worry about dash attack in addition to QD makes things harder to handle. My one friend doesn’t dash attack with Ike and it became so much easier. Not really because either one on their own (dash attack or QD) are hard to handle, but because the variety makes it more difficult.
So for these reasons, the change I would suggest for Ike, if we change anything at all, would be a reworking of his dash attack. Ike should, at the moment, technically lose to projectile users and anyone who can keep him in his shield. Although, I again think his dash attack helps handle projectile users to a certain degree.
I would also like to point out that it could end up that after months or years of practice fighting against Ike, the metagame might develop to a point where we are so used to what Ike can do that we can handle these things better. That is why I am not sure he really needs any adjustments. It is difficult to tell right now. I am simply giving a suggestion as to what I would change if a change was seen as needed.
Ike has flaws that people like Umbreon have pointed out before, and maybe these flaws will be more easily exploitable down the road.