Okay soo...
I played a lot of P:M today at a weekly smash club at my College. Played a LOT of wolf, a bit of Pit, Luke, and Ike
First off, as far as we are concerned, Ike is destroying, which is really cool. I'm not saying he's OP, I'm just saying he has a very good Effective gameplay to Player skill curve (like melee shiek). His mobility and mixup game combined with his destructive power make him a truly difficult force to deal with. We're all having fun coming up with counterpicks and counter strategies :D
I'm more and more falling in love with Wolf. While it's true he has difficulty launching people and low % for combo setups, his launches knockdown when CC'd, so he can techchase into grabs or upsmash, both of which are more reliable starters. His combo game is really great, from his fair to his amazing shine, his bair, and all the rest. His side-B is devastating, but wayyyy to risky to attempt to finish any combo that finishes near the edge of the stage (although if you do, the reward is sweet!). Overall I would say his shield pressure, combo game, and speed add up to an amazing character.
His laser deserves another paragraph. while it's all but useless when used normally, when wavelanded it adds not only mixup and mobility options, but shortens the lag enough that you can do amazing things, like stack them, use them as legitimate stage traps, or camp at mid range. I really love what you guys did to his laser, and Kudos to ALL of you, it truly is a stroke of genius.
And although I have a creeping feeling that it's cliché, I also have to rave about Lucario. His gatling combos are just small enough that they still feel in place in a smash game, and they're great. I really enjoy comboing things into Spirit Bomb :D. all in all Lucario has an amazing moveset flow and setups that have depth that's very hard to fully use. I will say the fact that gatling combos are present in a game with as much DI as smash means they aren't simply muscle memory but a combination of damage % awareness, player reading, prediction, and reaction, and they are really, really cool.
I will say to the dev team: I know you guys like doing things very professionally, (and I
love that, and it's probably the reason this is getting more life than any other mod did). Thus i understand why you guys don't like the idea of frequent updates. However, I know there are lots of people who really love this demo, but are disappointed by the lack of a certain character or another.
So what about infrequent updates, more like character packs than updates? When you guys put the finishing touches on a few characters (3 seems like a great number here), you could release them in an update, without touching anything else. This way you could
keep hype up, develop character metas and reports in a nice sequence, but not kill the flow of the metagame by changing/buffing/nerfing existing characters.
tl;dr Wolf is really cool, Ike is really cool, Luke is really cool, and you guys should make character packs
GREAT JOB PMBR!! you guys probably don't get the respect you deserve :D