It's posts like these that make me question if they know how he even works.
I wish I could record some stuff now but I can't find my disk to install pinnacle lol
are you serious lol.
you're playing the demo for christs sake.
everyone in the back room recognizes sanic is NOT up to snuff. Including Dark_Sonic himself. I recognize it and i've been using him since the start of P:M. Other members recognize it.
You're trying to question whether the backroom knows how Sanic in PROJECT: MELEE works? are you serious lol. you can't be.
If you REALLY wanted to show me up, you'd ****ing torrent pinnicle studio and show the br and me w/e hidden secret sonic technology you've made
with the demo.
not questioning your skill, but really, sonic vs the rest of the non-jacked up characters of the cast POST-demo, is not fun for sanic as he has to outplay almost everyone as it stands now.
Every fight a boss in a proper Sonic game? It's all about running around and dodging attacks then curling up into a ball and striking when theres an opening, bouncing off and running some more. Even in the newer games, Sonic uses the homing attack, which is in it's very nature hit and run as it bounces off opponents, allowing sonic to make a quick attack then get away. (first you say NO, then you get out of there

) Sonic is about momentum based platforming, and enemies are only really there to potentially stop your momentum. I've rarely if ever seen Sonic get all "up close and personal" with an enemy (except when he went werehog and the less remembered about that the better), and don't tell me Sonic Battle or any other crappy modern spinoff as evidence.
Every fight in a proper sanic game is not hit and run lol. The only reason why Sanic in proper sanic games moves away after hitting eggman is because it'd be bad game design to let you sit on top of robotnik all hurr derr with a constant hitbox aka what you could do in the original sanic games.
sanic gets up close and personal with everything and everyone.
hit and run implies you hit and then run the **** away. sanic never willingfully runs away and is only forced away because of game mechanics because it'd be stupid to be able to homing attack to something and just **** on top of it with a constant hitbox or constant homing attack.
yeah sanic is about momentum-based platforming, but no where is sanic ever like, "lets attack and then gtfo"