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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
My Head
if he just had his armor and no endlag on free fall landing up b would be fine. Its actually kinda like kirbys up b except you can change direction and its slower.
There is no doubt you can make the move good, but I still think the concept of his upB is Garbage, I would fully support a whole sale change to it. Besides Jiggly has no UpB recovery, why cant DDD be the same?

I would suggest something like remapping his DownB to UpB, then make his DownB some move that is a giant overhead swing that puts the opponent into a pitfall state, like DK's side B. OR he hits the ground with his hammer, and anyone in the immediate area is put into a stunned state(deku nut effect) or trips them, bcuz you know, he causes a earthquake with his mighty blow. Cause DDD is :cool:

Hell, maybe give him Bowser old side B, bodyslam makes way more sense for DDD then Bowser.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
I think his "Missed" Up-B cancel, if Up-B stays the same, should be lagless, while his actually canceled one should act like Game and Watch's and allow aerials out of it. I'd also like to see the move more controllable on the ascent, and for it to give more horrizontal movement in general.

On Jigglypuff: While her Up-B doesn't give any ascension it does allow her to grab the ledge backwards in Melee and allows her to auto-ledgespot in Brwal. It's now useless in P:M since everyone can already grab the ledge backwards and there is no Auto-Ledgespotting.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
I think his "Missed" Up-B cancel, if Up-B stays the same, should be lagless, while his actually canceled one should act like Game and Watch's and allow aerials out of it. I'd also like to see the move more controllable on the ascent, and for it to give more horrizontal movement in general.

On Jigglypuff: While her Up-B doesn't give any ascension it does allow her to grab the ledge backwards in Melee and allows her to auto-ledgespot in Brwal. It's now useless in P:M since everyone can already grab the ledge backwards and there is no Auto-Ledgespotting.
It's not useless, it's just that other characters can also do it.

And about DDD's up-b, I didn't play brawl so I don't really get how it works, I know it's kinda like Kirby's except that you can cancel it, so when you say missed up b cancel, you mean without cancelling it right?
But if they made that lagless, wouldn't the only point of cancelling it(assuming they don't rework it to be like G&W's) be grabbing the ledge?

And does the cancelled version have any extra landing lag? Or is it just a special fall?


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
No, the missed Up-B cancel happens when you cancel it too close to the ground. In Brwal it gives him like 110 frames of helpless flailing or something and only happens if he lands before the cancel's animation is complete. The animation itself takes a good like ~30 frames and with a faster falling speed that means a huge portion of his canceled up-B's miss the cancel.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
No, the missed Up-B cancel happens when you cancel it too close to the ground. In Brwal it gives him like 110 frames of helpless flailing or something and only happens if he lands before the cancel's animation is complete. The animation itself takes a good like ~30 frames and with a faster falling speed that means a huge portion of his canceled up-B's miss the cancel.
That's kinda dumb.
How did it work in brawl+?


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
It's posts like these that make me question if they know how he even works.

I wish I could record some stuff now but I can't find my disk to install pinnacle lol
are you serious lol.

you're playing the demo for christs sake.

everyone in the back room recognizes sanic is NOT up to snuff. Including Dark_Sonic himself. I recognize it and i've been using him since the start of P:M. Other members recognize it.

You're trying to question whether the backroom knows how Sanic in PROJECT: MELEE works? are you serious lol. you can't be.

If you REALLY wanted to show me up, you'd ****ing torrent pinnicle studio and show the br and me w/e hidden secret sonic technology you've made with the demo.

not questioning your skill, but really, sonic vs the rest of the non-jacked up characters of the cast POST-demo, is not fun for sanic as he has to outplay almost everyone as it stands now.

Every fight a boss in a proper Sonic game? It's all about running around and dodging attacks then curling up into a ball and striking when theres an opening, bouncing off and running some more. Even in the newer games, Sonic uses the homing attack, which is in it's very nature hit and run as it bounces off opponents, allowing sonic to make a quick attack then get away. (first you say NO, then you get out of there :p) Sonic is about momentum based platforming, and enemies are only really there to potentially stop your momentum. I've rarely if ever seen Sonic get all "up close and personal" with an enemy (except when he went werehog and the less remembered about that the better), and don't tell me Sonic Battle or any other crappy modern spinoff as evidence.
Every fight in a proper sanic game is not hit and run lol. The only reason why Sanic in proper sanic games moves away after hitting eggman is because it'd be bad game design to let you sit on top of robotnik all hurr derr with a constant hitbox aka what you could do in the original sanic games.

sanic gets up close and personal with everything and everyone.

hit and run implies you hit and then run the **** away. sanic never willingfully runs away and is only forced away because of game mechanics because it'd be stupid to be able to homing attack to something and just **** on top of it with a constant hitbox or constant homing attack.

yeah sanic is about momentum-based platforming, but no where is sanic ever like, "lets attack and then gtfo"



Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Question concerning glitchclimbers- Is it possible to return Melee roll and side-step desynchs though the horror that is AI coding?

I mean. ****, I'm convinced glitchclimbers are going to be the ones that delay this game an extra 3 months.


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
My Head
Also I have a minor question regarding Samus, can she still DJC her missiles like she could in Brawl? She can't do it in melee but in Brawl you can cancel her missile animation by DJ'ing. But only Double jumping, it`s not Jump canceling. This allows her in brawl to have 3 missiles out, SH - Missile - DJC - missile - proper missile cancel on upon hitting the ground.


I have no friends, Im dead inside
Aug 8, 2011
Also I have a minor question regarding Samus, can she still DJC her missiles like she could in Brawl? She can't do it in melee but in Brawl you can cancel her missile animation by DJ'ing. But only Double jumping, it`s not Jump canceling. This allows her in brawl to have 3 missiles out, SH - Missile - DJC - missile - proper missile cancel on upon hitting the ground.
true that bro i hate that sometimes.
melee is better than brawl
too be honest :p


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
dont worry guys

i have a sova:m fest tomorrow

i got a couple people coming down, around 5 people, to play P:M with me.

kirisame included, but since there is more people, you'll see alot more than just

zss/sanic/marf/lucaryu/mareeo/snaek/d3/falcon vs ike


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
Also I have a minor question regarding Samus, can she still DJC her missiles like she could in Brawl? She can't do it in melee but in Brawl you can cancel her missile animation by DJ'ing. But only Double jumping, it`s not Jump canceling. This allows her in brawl to have 3 missiles out, SH - Missile - DJC - missile - proper missile cancel on upon hitting the ground.
Wouldn't that only work because of her being floatier in brawl?


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Sorry guys haha, no stream tonight =[

Weve streamed 14 hours of the past 2 days so we need dat break =]


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
You can already Full Hop double missile in Melee. If missiles were double jump cancelable I don't see why she'd be unable to fire three.
But what he said started from a SH, I don't play a lot of Samus so... would that work with melee physics?


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Just a quick question about Ike. In a match once, I saw him do bthrow>QD>JC grab>bthrow>QD>JC grab>bthrow. Is this a legit chaingrab? Who does it work on, and at what percents?



Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
you'll get courage from me.

i fight for courage.

Courageous Aether.

you grab me round and round
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round


Stopmotion Love.
Oct 11, 2011
Just a quick question about Ike. In a match once, I saw him do bthrow>QD>JC grab>bthrow>QD>JC grab>bthrow. Is this a legit chaingrab? Who does it work on, and at what percents?

Don't get too excited over it. Ike can do this to some characters, yes. But this is only assuming either bad or no DI is taking place. Otherwise I'd be doing it all the time.


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
My Head
But what he said started from a SH, I don't play a lot of Samus so... would that work with melee physics?
I'm pretty sure it would work with a SH, but if not a FH will for sure work.

I just think it is a small buff that would be fine for samus. 3 missiles are better then 2 right? But you can still FH double missile if you want as well.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Don't get too excited over it. Ike can do this to some characters, yes. But this is only assuming either bad or no DI is taking place. Otherwise I'd be doing it all the time.
I suggest buffing this to be a legit chaingrab at low percents then, even factoring DI. How badass would it be? Plus, you need a fairly long space to do it, it'd be % specific and wouldn't work that long, but it'd be a good addition to Ike that adds to his grab game, and given that Ike is considered decent, but on the lower end of P:M, it might be a nice boost to help him out.


Jonny Westside

S4mus Fiend
Jun 4, 2011
So I remembered that pika has a Dtilt similar to Snake's and I was wondering if Pika was gonna get the same buff snake got...a second hitbox behind Dtilt


Smash Journeyman
Apr 27, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
So as the new Brwal characters stand as I can tell would this be fairly accurate:

Diddy - seem to want to preserve his brawl playstyle on Banana game, otherwise seems relitvly untouched
Wario - looks fairly close to being complete
Toon Link - experimental
Pit - experimental
ROB- looks fairly close to being complete
MK - experimental
DDD -relativly untouched
Olimar -relitively untouched
Wolf - experimental
Squirtle - looks fairly close to being complete
Ivysaur - experimental
Charizard - looks fairly close to being complete
Lucario - looks fairly close to being ccomplete
Lucas - experimental
Ike - looks fairly close to being complete
Snake - looks fairly close to being complete
Sonic - looks fairly close to being complete
I heard MK was untouched, and he feels like it everytime I play with Sniperfox. He's like the only character that feels like a Vbrawl character still, which kind of makes it especially enjoyable when I beat on him. But still ugh. He feels like a weak moving Peach down-smash in the air. It feels dirty even for us sheik ditto chain grabbers.

I guess D3 feels pretty untouched too and Vbrawl-ish, but I just feel bad for him. Feels untouched. And for his recovery, maybe it could be shorter + faster (to easier aim with) and able to cling while coming down like Bowser's down-b, without having to cancel it? Maybe that would be too easy a recovery? I don't know, I just like the jump. It make sense for him.

Also, for Sonic's side-b, i hope he gets the air dash he got from the sonic Advance games. I'm really surprised he didn't have it in Vbrawl, and I think it could open up some more approach options for him, like Pit's side-b and ROB's side-B.

Also, how much of a pain is IC's for the coders? How bad is that?


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Also, for Sonic's side-b, i hope he gets the air dash he got from the sonic Advance games. I'm really surprised he didn't have it in Vbrawl, and I think it could open up some more approach options for him, like Pit's side-b and ROB's side-B.

And Ike's side B, and Diddy's side B, and Wario's side B, and Meiling's alt. 214 B/C, and Reimu's 421 B and wait


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
I suggest buffing this to be a legit chaingrab at low percents then, even factoring DI. How badass would it be? Plus, you need a fairly long space to do it, it'd be % specific and wouldn't work that long, but it'd be a good addition to Ike that adds to his grab game, and given that Ike is considered decent, but on the lower end of P:M, it might be a nice boost to help him out.

I second this. I plan to be a sword heavy character in the next game.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 27, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
And Ike's side B, and Diddy's side B, and Wario's side B, and Meiling's alt. 214 B/C, and Reimu's 421 B and wait
And what's with all these up-b moves being upward recovery attacks?

And too many characters have projectiles!

What is your point?

Over half the cast already has side-b moves that move sideways, counting SONIC. As for the side-b attack/jump cancel mechanic, like a dozen or less? So what? His current side-b is right now kind of redundant with his down-b. And all characters are subject to change still, it could work out better for sonic than other characters.


Stopmotion Love.
Oct 11, 2011
I suggest buffing this to be a legit chaingrab at low percents then, even factoring DI. How badass would it be? Plus, you need a fairly long space to do it, it'd be % specific and wouldn't work that long, but it'd be a good addition to Ike that adds to his grab game, and given that Ike is considered decent, but on the lower end of P:M, it might be a nice boost to help him out.

Ike already has plenty of options out of quickdraw, which give him a plethora of approaches. Chain grabbing is nice and all, but ike's JC grab is best use as a surprise considering as of now, he probably has the best means of grabbing out of any character. I dunno if you've seen on stream or not, but Ike's down throw can set up tech chases. If an opponent rolls back toward you, that's an easy kill with Fsmash. If they roll away or in place, you can go get them with a QD JC Grab or a QD JC Reverse Upsmash or regular QD JC upsmash. Not to mention like all other characters, he can upthrow chain spacies and some other fast fallers into either an upsmash or fsmash if you predict correctly during so.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
Also, for Sonic's side-b, i hope he gets the air dash he got from the sonic Advance games. I'm really surprised he didn't have it in Vbrawl, and I think it could open up some more approach options for him, like Pit's side-b and ROB's side-B.
Make Sonic side B like this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-Rf_n1DrfY

Make it cancelable with another side, a Jump or an attack. that would make sonic a lot better (He sucks).

EDIT: Wrong quote, fixed.
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