You guys know the saying "dating your best friend is the best?" Ites pretty nice, but its also putting all your eggs in one basket, so to speak.
you'd have thought it wouldn't have taken over 3 years to realize we just weren't romantically compatible but whatevs. It was one of those relationships that both sides really want to make it work but you just end up making each other miserable.
So now I'm stuck in that awkward position where we're trying to keep the friendship alive while we both still want the relationship, but both know it just makes everything worse.
I'm single for the first time in 3 years, Project Feels thread v2, what do?
Funny you brought this up as a few days ago I caught up with an old friend I used to crush on so hard early in high school. Now I'm crushing on her AGAIN, and it's torture because I know there's nothing I can do and everything would quickly fall apart if I tried to move it forward.
Dating one of your best friends is one of the worst things you could do for multiple reasons.
1. The attraction is never truly equal. One person (usually the guy) almost always falls for the other, and thus becomes more invested in keeping the relationship alive than the other, which is just unhealthy.
2. If you try and date/sleep with your friend, sure it feels right at first, but it soon gets awkward because the whole relationship was founded on a friendship, and now you're just stuck in the weird middle ground.
3. Likewise, when you inevitably break up with them and try to go backwards from lovers to friends, it still feels awkward because both of you know you wanted more and keep things going forward.
4. Most of your attraction for someone happens instantaneously, not over a long period of time. You could look at any girl and tell if you're attracted to them or not in the first few seconds of meeting them, and the same with girls. You're not gonna sweep a girl off her feet and have her obsessing over you by being her friend and "warming her up" over time. A lot of it is about your first impression.
If you want to date someone, set the precedent early in the relationship that you're interested and don't dawdle, and things progress smoothly (assuming they're interested). If you both like other, why not enjoy now instead of postpone it for later? It just saves you a lot of awkwardness and pointless drama.