Sapphire Dragon with IRL nerd knowledge also It sucks for people who want to practice DI options and such cause Smash having a booty butt cheeks training mode( please Namco get Harada specifically and beat Sakurai upside the head till he work on this seriously) and casuals who just wanna play with their friends as well as people who dont have scenes cause they don't know where to look and/or live in some rural bum place in the country. It also sucks for people who haven't played games like Mario Kart Wii yet and haven't tried online like me
. Pokemon community will also be hurting hella as well.
Also I went back to playing Wi-fi for brawl randomly a couple of months back after games with real netcode and holy crap it's bad like if you stuck on a island and forced to use dial-up to watch videos on the internet and contact people while eating moldy bread cause you got nothing else to snack on ATM.