Jesus **** what's going on in this thread.
- Misspelled return at 0:16
- You use the phrase "to hell with you" or variants of that quite often. It works because it's bayonetta but I highly advise varying your text more.
- These clips are mostly just people being bad or doing dumb things. Some of them look staged as well and honestly I was bored watching it because everyone was doing so many things that just shouldn't be done. These kind of clips are fine but you have to balance it out with clips where people are actually competent.
- you're more just blatantly insulting the opponents than being witty with most of this text. That might be someone's thing but I feel like wit > smugatron is more interesting to watch. This goes along with clips of competent people.
- 1:44 was a really good clip to add flavor to the video.
- 1:46 was a nice clip. End text I'd of replaced insults with wit though.
- 2:04 I wouldn't of put in at all
You're channeling alphared really hard in this video but falling flat with the humor for me.
Before I start I'm explaining my think process, I'm not trying to excuse myself ,
I fully appreciate the time you took to watch the video and the criticisms you made, I'm just saying these things to see what you think and how I could maybe change this thought process of mine when making videos like these in order to be more unique and be able to be myself I guess brainstorming, instead of just another copy of the formula someone like Alpharad, Little Z, StylesX2, etc, might have.
The typo was a definitive oversight, it's a bit embarrassing too since I re-watched the video like 15 times before rendering it.
I did use hell jokes a lot, I didn't want to resort to smash jokes most of the time, and if I keep doing more videos in this style I tried to fit in some more jokes related to the characters rather than smash alone. This is the reason why I resorted to being smug, Bayonetta is that way in her games. Plus when I see the Alpharad/LittleZ videos they aren't heavy on character jokes. So I wanted to give my videos that treatment. In this case, insult, be cocky and belittle since she's that way, however I see that there can still be space to put in some more wit in there.
About channeling Alpharad, I guess I'll learn more about being more original the more I edit and practice brainstorming for jokes. I tried to stay away from things like air horns, smoke weed, 420, black and white sad violin, etc jokes and a lot of the usual smash puns like back air jiggs jokes or saying stuff like better nerf greninja, which is used widely in the smash community, for me it's ok to use them every once in a while of course, I'm not saying I won't do them from time to time but I still want to stay away from it when it's not necessary for me to use em. That for me is what I'm reminded of when I think of Alpharad. I really don't want to copy his sort of "awkward" humor that's full of puns (that's the best was I can describe it) which is of course spectacular and very funny, and if I do one of those awkward jokes, or puns then it's just one joke per video at most. Since Alpharad does them quite a lot and I don't want to have anything close to that in order to distance myself, which is also the reason why 2:04 is there, took a slight gamble to see if it's funny ya know? I gotta see in what other ways I do this though, I'll learn as I go on making more videos I'm sure.
I can assure you no clips were staged however, when you spend a week recording you find a lot of good and bad players in FG. I still have all the replays stating where they come from (FG), all of them was for glory being for glory, I got a lot of bad players and went for it because at least these guys were playing different characters, a lot of the decent players were playing lots of Corrin and Bayonetta, and you can only do so many jokes against Bayo's or Corrin's. I also have no clue about fire emblem fates so I can't do character jokes about her. I do have to say some of the clips in there are from fights that I had a really hard time against. I tried to balance bad players with good players but I do see where you're coming from, and instead of doing a 50/50 split of good and bad players, maybe 75/25 split of good vs bad players is a better balance of clips, thankfully the DLC hype has died down a bit so maybe I'll see more variety of characters online and I won't have to resort to maybe sticking with bad players to get character variety. No johns though.
I am very grateful of these things you've pointed out. I'll definitely take them into consideration for the next video and I'll try to keep expanding the humor and try to create more of my own jokes.