hopefully the link works. if not, i'm too lazy to find one that will. it's just silly stuff.
yes, literally that one! all of my coworkers were literally face palming and smh-ing me. but that guy was so ****ing sure he understood how the commutative property worked (he didn't) that i had to make sure as little misinformation was being spread as possible ;x
yeah, he started saying stuff like that, which was him adding context to a question which had none whatsoever, just to justify in his head overly rigid grading policies and his odd belief that math is rigid and problems can only be solved in some singular methodology.
even after i basically said "nah, bruh. like, this was literally 'little johnny, what's 3x5 equal? show me your work.' " and he kept trying to make apples drive of equal volume but different heights through tunnels or something.
honestly, it was mostly him literally misrepresenting what commutative property means (he was trying to say it meant 3x5dne5x3) and the fact that he didn't come off as trolly, just misinformed and cocky, which meant he might be going about spreading misinformation to people, which i really can't stand for ;x