Watched the E3 Nintendo thing.
Genei Ibunroku#FE(formerly known as SMTxFE) is looking not very SMT and not very FE. I'd argue it's even gone past Persona. We're getting...P4:DAN with FE characters? Thus far, it's looking like it won't appeal very much to the SMT audience or the FE audience, so I dunno what they're going for. Speculation though, considering we haven't seen much of any gameplay yet. Just animated boobs and bright colors and JPop. According to some stuff I've read, the main characters want to be popstars, while battling "mirages" and struggling to become better singers or something, so not even the premise is SMT or FE. Either way, my interest in it is basically zero as a result of E3. Kinda odd that I'm actually waiting on Persona 5 to give me my next SMT fix.
Also, what Metroid are you guys talking about? I didn't see any Metroid games.
New Star Fox looks cool, and Platinum Games being on board helps.
Overall, I was far more interested in Sony's and Squenix's conferences, but it's just E3 anyway.