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Project M Social Thread Gold


Hologram Summer Again
Jan 16, 2013
Tri Hermes Black Land
Gah, well my hopes have been crushed. I joined PM hoping to start a new leaf, because I'm (officially, according to Game FAQs) the world's worst Smash 4 player. It's not looking much better - I feel like I've jumped in too late and I'm up against a world of elites. I have to try my hardest just to take one stock, while my opponent sits around teabagging at me. Very upsetting ;(
everyone thought they jumped in too late

I started playing melee 6 years too late but I'm starting to get decent at it

getting used to having fun playing the game competitively takes awhile but when it happens it suddenly gets a lot easier to be bad

also you haven't picked up PM too late, a new version is just about to drop that wil bring in players newer than you are

Frost | Odds

Puddings: 1 /// Odds: 0
Nov 12, 2013
Calgary, Alberta
Gah, well my hopes have been crushed. I joined PM hoping to start a new leaf, because I'm (officially, according to Game FAQs) the world's worst Smash 4 player. It's not looking much better - I feel like I've jumped in too late and I'm up against a world of elites. I have to try my hardest just to take one stock, while my opponent sits around teabagging at me. Very upsetting ;(
It's not about where you start. It's about your mindset and ability to learn. If you're reasonably dedicated, and practice hard and intelligently, you could be in the top 1% of PM players within a year pretty easily. Most players are really, really bad - and have no idea how to get better.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
I finally finished Xenoblade. Ok its a good game. Still overrated (compared to how much praise I've heard the game given and crap) but still good. That final plot twist I did not see coming at all though. Like wow. I was not expecting them to link the game in that way at all.


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Can someone tag me in a post for when Sony's Press Conference starts today. I'm gonna be at school?


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Star wars battefront new and Xbone is gonna have backwards compatibility cool. Sony dont disappoint me also my class been cancelled for today so thats gas wasted.


Smash Ace
Jan 9, 2015
yooooooo for honor though
it's like chivalry but with sweet swordplay


Smash Master
May 27, 2010
"Xbox One can now play 360 games" i.e "please play your old games on your new console so as to lessen the sting of how much money you wasted"


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
New Mass Effect? Independent of original trilogy? Implied emphasis on exploring new places in the trailer? I'll hold my hype until we get more details, but color me intrigued. ME2 is still one of my favorite Action-RPG experiences of the previous gen.

Oh, and we're getting a new Dark Souls already. Hmm. I'm not as hyped for that as I thought, despite ranking Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 in my favorite games of all time. I did enjoy DkS2 and Bloodborne, so I'll likely enjoy this. Just hoping they don't crank Souls games out every year now, that would just make the formula kinda stale. It's already feeling that way.

Didn't really care about much else so far. **** new games anyway, Steam sale is on, and I've got me some games for cheap I should've played already-Mirror's Edge and Transistor.


Smash Master
May 27, 2010
hoping they don't crank Souls games out every year now, that would just make the formula kinda stale. It's already feeling that way.
They confirmed on Twitter earlier that DS3 is the last one.


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2013
Greenville, SC
Game is constant backtracking.
No places for significant but simple sequence breaking.
It tells me where to go and I do.
More linear than Fusion.

Actually it is basically other M.
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Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
They confirmed on Twitter earlier that DS3 is the last one.
For real? Interesting. Although when I say "Souls game", I mean a From Soft game that plays like Dark Souls. Bloodborne is a Souls game by that definition, technically. The King's Field games were sorta prototype Souls games. I'm not so sure From Software is capable of not making these sorts of games. But, I do expect them to innovate on the formula, which Bloodborne did to some extent.

Game is constant backtracking.
No places for significant but simple sequence breaking.
It tells me where to go and I do.
More linear than Fusion.
No. You can't be ****ing serious.
Ok, so you don't need to listen to the game when it tells you where to go. That was there for casuals. Are you casul? No? Then don't use it. iirc, you don't actually even need to activate the Chozo statues that tell you where to go at a certain point.
There's significant amounts of sequence breaking, allowing you to get multiple items before you should. You can skip Kraid and come back and kick his ass with Super Missles. Have you gotten the Varia Suit early? How about the Wave Beam? The High Jump boots?
Also, complaining about backtracking in a Metroid game. You've gotta be ****posting.
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Smash Master
Dec 30, 2013
Greenville, SC
For real? Interesting. Although when I say "Souls game", I mean a From Soft game that plays like Dark Souls. Bloodborne is a Souls game by that definition, technically. The King's Field games were sorta prototype Souls games. I'm not so sure From Software is capable of not making these sorts of games. But, I do expect them to innovate on the formula, which Bloodborne did to some extent.

No. You can't be ****ing serious.
Ok, so you don't need to listen to the game when it tells you where to go. That was there for casuals. Are you casul? No? Then don't use it.
There's significant amounts of sequence breaking, allowing you to get multiple items before you should. You can skip Kraid and come back and kick his *** with Super Missles. Have you gotten the Varia Suit early? How about the Wave Beam? The High Jump boots?
Also, complaining about backtracking in a Metroid game. You've gotta be ****posting.
I'm trying my best to break the game but even when I try to avoid the main path I go places where I need an item to continue, no choice. Plus it is beyond easy. The boss cutscenes are awful too.

The backtracking in super was just more fun. This game is just super straight forward puzzles and fights and I can just breeze through. I just speed through a room, carpet bomb for secrets, try to wall jump to places I'm not supposed to be, bomb jump up there, get stopped by item specific obstacle (wall jumping still is broken, you can't insta ball, no wall jump on single block). The backtracking in super was exploration. In ZM it tells you what to do and the areas are only interesting to traverse once.

I don't have reliable internet still, so I can't look up anything. Right now I have screw attack and am heading to tourian. Going to start a new save and try to intentionally avoid crucial items. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard if everything didn't funnel you into them.

Edit: Game is just too easy. It plays itself, like Other M
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Smash Master
Oct 3, 2009
I'm not addressing any of those points because walls of text are dumb, but I gotta say, you're currently coming off like the Angry Video Game Nerd on a particularly bad day.
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Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
I'm trying my best to break the game but even when I try to avoid the main path I go places where I need an item to continue, no choice. Plus it is beyond easy. The boss cutscenes are awful too.

The backtracking in super was just more fun. This game is just super straight forward puzzles and fights and I can just breeze through. I just speed through a room, carpet bomb for secrets, try to wall jump to places I'm not supposed to be, bomb jump up there, get stopped by item specific obstacle (wall jumping still is broken, you can't insta ball, no wall jump on single block). The backtracking in super was exploration. In ZM it tells you what to do and the areas are only interesting to traverse once.

I don't have reliable internet still, so I can't look up anything. Right now I have screw attack and am heading to tourian. Going to start a new save and try to intentionally avoid crucial items. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard if everything didn't funnel you into them.
Ok, certain things to note:

It's a remake of Metroid 1. They did in fact add more paths in order to make some sequence breaking possible, but you're dealing with the same general map.

The fights are pretty easy, I'll admit, but they weren't exactly tough in Super, either. I can't remember a single boss that was actually difficult to fight in Super, save for maybe Ridley. My advice to you is to just beat the game as you are right now, then on your next playthrough go through it again and this time try to do things differently. You know where all the items are, try to get to them in different ways.
The game telling you where to go isn't that big of a deal-it can be safely ignored entirely, you honestly never need to pay attention to that. The game only funnels you if you let it-and you sound like you've played Metroid games before, so you really don't need to let it. Claiming it's hard to avoid crucial items is a bit much, given that you actually do need the majority of them to get anywhere. It's a Metroid game, after all; getting those items are what open up your exploration.

Not gonna lie, a lot of your issues with this game sound like a combinations of "I liked Super better" and nitpicking. Zero Mission is a smaller game, but I think it's where the Metroid formula shone brightest. Super was just a bigger game.

Here's a few ideas:
Beat Ridley before Kraid
Go for low% runs. iirc, you can skip either bombs or screw attack, but not both.
Skip Ice Beam until just before Tourian.
Grab the Hi-Jump boots on your first trip into Norfair. Yeah, it's possible. You might need the Ice Beam for it though, not sure.
Get the Varia suit as early as possible. I think you can do it once you've got the bombs, but it's very tricky and difficult.

Just beat the game first before starting over. There's some extra stuff that you're missing.
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Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2015
Mine is already a top 5 :diddy:/:bowser2: who is also my idol. You can tell by how well he adapts to new matchups, and shows incredible sportsmanship in the face of adversity.
Damn, Odds...I mean yeah Bladewise rolls his eyes and johns when he dies sometimes - especially in Project M, lol - but he's not an unsportsmanlike player.


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2013
Greenville, SC
It was fun for the 1st hour, but I kinda gave into letting the game play itself and just sweeping all the rooms mindlessly and trying for breaks where they seemed feasible. Any breaks are so far out of the way that no person would run into them their 1st run. Which is just bad, because I accidentally did breaks or did them with little effort in super, that made the game fun.

And overall level design is bland puzzles and rooms full of enemies in ZM.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Jul 5, 2010
Seattle, WA
Switch FC
I'm trying my best to break the game but even when I try to avoid the main path I go places where I need an item to continue, no choice. Plus it is beyond easy. The boss cutscenes are awful too.

The backtracking in super was just more fun. This game is just super straight forward puzzles and fights and I can just breeze through. I just speed through a room, carpet bomb for secrets, try to wall jump to places I'm not supposed to be, bomb jump up there, get stopped by item specific obstacle (wall jumping still is broken, you can't insta ball, no wall jump on single block). The backtracking in super was exploration. In ZM it tells you what to do and the areas are only interesting to traverse once.

I don't have reliable internet still, so I can't look up anything. Right now I have screw attack and am heading to tourian. Going to start a new save and try to intentionally avoid crucial items. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard if everything didn't funnel you into them.

Edit: Game is just too easy. It plays itself, like Other M

Comparing any game to Other M is an insult to video games anon.

Honestly the rooms might just be easier to accommodate it being on a GBA.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
It was fun for the 1st hour, but I kinda gave into letting the game play itself and just sweeping all the rooms mindlessly and trying for breaks where they seemed feasible. Any breaks are so far out of the way that no person would run into them their 1st run. Which is just bad, because I accidentally did breaks or did them with little effort in super, that made the game fun.

And overall level design is bland puzzles and rooms full of enemies in ZM.
Personally, I disagree. When a game's levels break too easily, that's a flaw to me. The most interesting sequence breaks are caused by knowing how the game works and having knowledge of what you can access. Stop trying to break the game on your first playthrough and just take the time to actually learn the levels and how the items affect where you progress, if you're getting frustrated. It's on your second playthrough that ZM begins to show it's total colors. I feel like you're expecting Super part 2, when you're really playing Metroid 1 with a light sprinkle of Super.


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2013
Greenville, SC
Zero Mission's faster gameplay also rules.

Also now that we're talking about Metroid, AM2R v1.4 was released two weeks ago.
Game speed is fantastic. Just no soul in my first run. Going to play AM2R next. I was playing return of samus and got stuck. I need to backtrack super hard.

Probably can beat Metroid 1 now too.
Personally, I disagree. When a game's levels break too easily, that's a flaw to me. The most interesting sequence breaks are caused by knowing how the game works and having knowledge of what you can access. Stop trying to break the game on your first playthrough and just take the time to actually learn the levels and how the items affect where you progress, if you're getting frustrated. It's on your second playthrough that ZM begins to show it's total colors. I feel like you're expecting Super part 2, when you're really playing Metroid 1 with a light sprinkle of Super.
DAE want to revive Metroid creator?
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Smash Master
May 27, 2010
the quality of a metroid game is not related to the amount of sequence breaking that's possible in the game

stop letting your opinions be defined by dumb neckbeards from neogaf


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2013
Greenville, SC
the quality of a metroid game is not related to the amount of sequence breaking that's possible in the game

stop letting your opinions be defined by dumb neckbeards from neogaf
It is mostly because of Metroid 1's map sucking. I like Fusion just behind super.

Fusion has like 1 sequence break I'm aware of and the game tells you you broke after you complete it, and spoils the plot, lol.
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