So Project Melbourne/Bam 7 were ridiculous, got to fight some very high caliber players.
Got through my pools fairly easily until I got to Mango who 2-0ed me; a guy on the stream mistakenly told me the pool winner's finals were Bo3 where it was actually Bo5, which I was admittedly upset about later as I somewhat was finding out ways to counter his play later on the in set. (I don't suggest watching the VOD as the commentary is vomit inducing)
It was Evo Rules so when I got out of pools as second seed I was automatically placed into losers and only managed to get to round 2 before getting knocked out by SA Nick, an amazing Marth from South Australia. Looking back on the set now, I think I should've used Ike as this player knew exactly what to do against my Sonic and had a hitbox out whenever I was within the range of his sword.
Doesn't help that I got absolutely no sleep because of how excited I was and had to leave at 3am for my flight. I didn't perform well in Melee or Smash 4 over the rest of the weekend though I did okay in Smash 64. Quite a few lessons were learnt here regarding the status of my play in each game.
Overall the weekend was a little underwhelming for me, the venue was just a little small for the amount of players (300+) and there wasn't many opportunities to talk to some of my closer friends in the area as I only really came down just in time for the tournament and left straight after. I'm definitely going to come down at least a week early for the next Melbourne major next January as it'll be during my Uni break.
This weekend made me think a lot about my skill and how I am compared to other players and it seems that the people ahead of me now are those that have been playing for 4-5+ years. I have a friend who is in a similar position to me and we struggle to figure out just what makes these players so much better than us, there must be something that you can significantly gain from all those years of experience. Either way I am more determined than ever to improve and will aim for first at the Sydney Major which will be in two months.