Beo is litterally the most fun character. I jumped into some online vs a homie last night (the netplay is so good btw) and tried to learn some combos on the fly vs his fillia/eliza team. His throw game feels like I'm almost playing a smash character, I love being able to combo in and out of flexible grabs.
I have Kanji Chairs? HYPE. I get a command grab that is a dash forward>regular grab, so I have all my options? sick!. Whats that, I can combo into my chairless HP, which grabs them? And my crouching MK grabs them if it hits otg, so I can grab>pummels in the corner>c. lk>c. mp> throw ****? AMAZING. OH WAIT, MY FORWARD DASH PUTS ME AIRBORNE, AND MY STANDING LK HITS LOW? HELLO HIGH LOW MIXUPS (Dash>a. MK is like +17 on block, I love how easy labbing is in skullgrils). and on top of all of this I get two air grabs, can snap off a grab, AND WOLVERINE'S DRILL CLAW? AND A BIONIC ARM? best character. Now I just need to learn BnB and figure out how to play skull girls neutral, and get in on peacock somehow. I just need to learn how to play lol
More like Bae-o-wulf.