Smash Hero
I'm not using Sharla though. Her healing is cool and all and was helpful for when I used but it is quite, painfully so really, obvious that she really just holds any party back because she slows them down with her rather bad damage. Once I figured that out, which was in the early phase of Makna Forest, which I'm far pass now and fixing to go into Prison Island after I go around/back-track and buy more intermediate Art scroll/book things (god I hate that I have to buy this kind of crap to advance my Arts more, but at least I'm able to get bye without buying equipment too much).For Sharla is easy: just support-based moves. Any other thing is a huge waste of slots.
It is more Dunban and Riki I'm having trouble with on Arts to use, and I can only imagine the headache I'll have with Melia as she gets more useful Arts because of all the already useful Arts she has.
For a game that I think is overrated, it still does a surprisingly good job of keeping me pulled in lol. But sometimes it just makes me want to play The Last Story again rofl.
I'm not even sure tbh.What is following even for. No one's ever followed me, and I've never felt the compunction to follow someone else.