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Project M Social Thread Gold


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
SCD was one of my favorite games as a kid, except I didn't understand what was going on and my computer lagged whenever there was a lot of stuff on the screen :(.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
SCD was one of my favorite games as a kid, except I didn't understand what was going on and my computer lagged whenever there was a lot of stuff on the screen :(.
The Christian Whitehead version for IOS and maybe android is the best one (US and JP soundtracks FTW)


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
I`m sorry, I know that I am never on topic with any of my post here and I`m ok with it if you all hate me for it, but just listen to this.



Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Homing Attack killed any clever or brutal enemy placements that game ever had.
Good Ending without the TIme Stones was a *****. Too much effort for the same **** as the bonus levels. :applejack:
But it made navigating the levels more pleasurable imo. Setting enemies up around ****ty level design is bleh.

Good futures were totally worth it. There is just something nice about scrolling through a level void of enemies.

Still though, SCD is easily my least favorite sonic in the S1 - S3K series.

SCD was one of my favorite games as a kid, except I didn't understand what was going on and my computer lagged whenever there was a lot of stuff on the screen :(.
Hahahahaha poor metroid. Try and revisit it now.

The Christian Whitehead version for IOS and maybe android is the best one (US and JP soundtracks FTW)
It's also on PSN, XBL, and Steam(I think?)

I understand that the current strategy is to just avoid Nintendo's legal dogs as much as possible, but this is useful information...just in case.

I forgot about this case haha. Still it always doesn't work in the little guys favor.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Jul 5, 2010
Seattle, WA
Switch FC
SCD would have been better if it had been based on the Sonic 2 engine instead of Sonic 1's.
On a semi on-topic note, I'm going to make some BRSTMs of the SCD remix album when that comes out if anyone's interested. (I'm not sure if I'll do the whole thing though.)

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Level design is the only reason I bothered to continue playing SCD after the first level.
It's easily my least favorite game of the 1-K group. :applejack:


Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
"I saw a small clip of something I don't understand... I don't want to have to play against that!! Change baaaaad!"
I feel like I'm missing something here...


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
It's fine to think Captain olimar has cheesy design. But the concept that they are leading kind of an attack on Melee or something by changing a "perfect accident", and them basically begging on camera for the PM developers to stop changing a perfect game because "if you tweak mewtwo's dtilt, it migth ya know. break the game and we'll have that to look forward to" was basically like watching someone in the middle of an argument have the oxygen in their brain drawn out forcefully in seconds.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
They have legitimate complaints about Olimar's Brawl design, and from the trailer it's hard to say that anything has changed about what makes Olimar so bad in Brawl.
To be fair, I share their views on Olimar from what I can draw from nothing but the trailer.
For me though, somebody who already enjoys Project M, it's not enough to make me not want to play, but I can totally see how that kind of kills hype for somebody who hasn't really played.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2011
I think you mean "doesn't always work" GHNeko because it has been used to save cases before. It also helps that PM isn't sold, unlike the Game Genie.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Apparently i'm not the only one who thinks Brawl should be the game with a cap at Apex, instead of PM. As of right now:

Melee: 206 entries
PM: 161 entries
Brawl: 116 entries

And I think that PM's interest will greatly increase when people get their hands on 3.0. Sad that their are only 31 spots left almost 2 months before the tourney, even after a cap increase.
Brawl and Melee get sponsor status though: PM does not (or did not last time) because of legal concerns Strife had. He's not gonna swap the cap, because sponsors want as many people playing in only the events they sponsor obv.

They have legitimate complaints about Olimar's Brawl design, and from the trailer it's hard to say that anything has changed about what makes Olimar so bad in Brawl.
To be fair, I share their views on Olimar from what I can draw from nothing but the trailer.
For me though, somebody who already enjoys Project M, it's not enough to make me not want to play, but I can totally see how that kind of kills hype for somebody who hasn't really played.
Well a lot changed imo (maybe not from Olimar's side, but the game doesn't favor what he does nearly as much). Melee pressure and approaching is 5x-10x better than Brawl: hitting his shield doesn't mean he gets a free grab or OOS Usmash anymore (factor in shield pushback as well, doesn't favor Olimar nearly as much). If his grab is like tethers, where he can't easily grab people who are airborne (sort of like this in Brawl but had janky grab properties), then he's gonna be sad panda. Same if he has higher than average frame data for grabbing or the mashing issue, which is definitely possible if the Pikmin travel similar to Brawl.

If Brawl properties are the same, you can shield non purple pikmin as they pass and they don't latch onto you. Same with knocking them off or killing them when they aren't near Olimar. You can also smack/eat through certain Pikmin attacks: Wario could usually Dair from above and cleanly beat out most Usmash Pikmin types in Brawl for example.

I got to see an actual gameplay stream with people playing Olimar Samus Kirby etc on the new stages. Some of you probably got to see it last night, was "InternetExplorer's" stream. The moves I didn't see much of though were Olimar smashes and grab, so I can't comment on that aspect of the character, but everything else did not make him seem like he was gonna ruin the game. He looked a bit lighter and floatier than Ness maybe? Had really bad tech rolls (distance was terrible, I'd almost rather be Falcon), his Upb had some delay before he latched to the edge making edgeguard attempts more than reasonable (maybe overall tether nerf?), etc


Smash Master
Apr 15, 2008
Dallas, TX
stuff like what scar said is exactly why I can't play melee. so many community members are just really annoying


Jan 21, 2013
Charlottesville, VA
Jeez, literally everything Scar says is terrible. He has such a punchable face. But seriously "Don't bother trying to balance the cast, we have eight viable characters and if you try to improve any other characters in a separate project you'll inevitably and irrevocably break them." Paraphrasing. Not even mockingly paraphrasing. That's just what he said. I..... I don't even know what to say....


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
I wanted to reserve judgement before playing the game, but Olimar was definitely my most hyped character I was looking forward to...and he looked terrible in the trailer. I was really looking forward to the BR attitude of "not just taking brawl characters and meleefying them, but really asking ourselves how this character should be, as if they were added in a smash game for the first time". Sometimes, how they should be is pretty close to their brawl iterations (DDD, Ike). But other times, like in the case of Olimar, Wolf, Toon Link, Wario, it's an opportunity to make a more complete and fun character.

Olimar should rely more on intelligently sacrificing and keeping pikmin alive rather than this "wherever opponent is, hammer them with pikmin in that direction". I wish his up b was a footstool where he jumps off a pikmin. I wish his backair was new (like he spinthrows a pikmin short range behind him, ala mario64 bowser fight...often leading to a dead pikmin). They could have taken a sort of pichu approach to Olimar, making it so his strongest attacks sacrifice from his arsenal (in pichus case, it was accruing personal percentage where as with olimar, it would be sacrificing pikmin that could grow to be flowers).

i love the idea of flower pikmin being stronger but they should have seriously redesigned his moves. Also, I hope downb is a unique move and not the whistle. There has to be a smarter way to switch pikmin involving taunts.

Actually, make his downair like a Pikmin footstool where he stomps off his pikmin sending them down fast at the opponent. This way, if he has more of them, he can apply a lot of vertical disjointed pressure, but each time he uses it, he puts his pikmin count at jeapordy. With these changes, his moveset wouldn't look nearly as boring. His bair would be a spin throw of a pikmin, his dthrow would be a pikmin stomp, his uair would be that cool multihit one, and his fair would be a standard pikmin wap to your face.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
I wanted to reserve judgement before playing the game, but Olimar was definitely my most hyped character I was looking forward to...and he looked terrible in the trailer. I was really looking forward to the BR attitude of "not just taking brawl characters and meleefying them, but really asking ourselves how this character should be, as if they were added in a smash game for the first time". Sometimes, how they should be is pretty close to their brawl iterations (DDD, Ike). But other times, like in the case of Olimar, Wolf, Toon Link, Wario, it's an opportunity to make a more complete and fun character.

Olimar should rely more on intelligently sacrificing and keeping pikmin alive rather than this "wherever opponent is, hammer them with pikmin in that direction". I wish his up b was a footstool where he jumps off a pikmin. I wish his backair was new (like he spinthrows a pikmin short range behind him, ala mario64 bowser fight...often leading to a dead pikmin). They could have taken a sort of pichu approach to Olimar, making it so his strongest attacks sacrifice from his arsenal (in pichus case, it was accruing personal percentage where as with olimar, it would be sacrificing pikmin that could grow to be flowers).

i love the idea of flower pikmin being stronger but they should have seriously redesigned his moves. Also, I hope downb is a unique move and not the whistle. There has to be a smarter way to switch pikmin involving taunts.

Actually, make his downair like a Pikmin footstool where he stomps off his pikmin sending them down fast at the opponent. This way, if he has more of them, he can apply a lot of vertical disjointed pressure, but each time he uses it, he puts his pikmin count at jeapordy. With these changes, his moveset wouldn't look nearly as boring. His bair would be a spin throw of a pikmin, his dthrow would be a pikmin stomp, his uair would be that cool multihit one, and his fair would be a standard pikmin wap to your face.
It`s still the whistle. Also, you REALLY seem to like picturing Pikmin as stairs don`t you? I personally love what they have done to Olimar and intend to main him when 3.0 comes out.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
I'd fully support Whistle's 'Pikmin exchange' trait being remapped to taunting, but I personally like being able to quickly recall Pikmin that are thrown / used in an attack / got swatted away, due the increased vitality of each Pikmin. Although... This could be a good opprtunity to integrate le celebrated Pikmin footstool idea. Olimar has arguably the worst recovery options in the game, and this could really help keep his recovery versatile; moreover, it could make mircomanaging a tad easier, as it grants Olimar another option with which he can get rid of unwanted Pikmin without losing much [defensive] momentum.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
Actually, make his downair like a Pikmin footstool where he stomps off his pikmin sending them down fast at the opponent. This way, if he has more of them, he can apply a lot of vertical disjointed pressure, but each time he uses it, he puts his pikmin count at jeapordy. With these changes, his moveset wouldn't look nearly as boring. His bair would be a spin throw of a pikmin, his dthrow would be a pikmin stomp, his uair would be that cool multihit one, and his fair would be a standard pikmin wap to your face.
Whosoever is a part of the Oli dev team for P:M, please take this excellent idea into account. NZA has something amazing here, hear me out.

You're Olimar, and you've got your opponent off-stage at a low percent of, like, thirty. You jump out above them, and start D-airing like a madman, pelting your opponent and pushing them lower and lower with each hit, diminishing the chances of recovering to the stage yourself while you do so by making your tether shorter (Oli would get a little boost out of footstooling his own Pikmin down at his opponent). It's such a perfect risk/reward scenario that would add some huge depth to Oli's game.

B-throw gets you a trajectory like Link tapping B to fire a weak arrow, pelting your opponent with your stock of Pikmin and gimping the opponent out, but leaving you with little to no Pikmin to defend yourself when your opponent respawns.

U-air could be throwing Pikmin up at your opponent to lift them off of the ceiling, with Olimar having the ability to 'catch' them and add them back to his arsenal or something.

And, like NZA had said, F-air is your good ol' Pikmin whip.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I would never support that Olimar Dair change because it would be very hard to balance. His current Pikmin moves, barring smashes and probably Bair, all make sense and already have depth attached to them because the Pikmin used will change the properties. What Olimar probably actually deserves to get, are changes to his tilts + DA + possibly Nair. He doesn't need crazy acrobatic moves or crazy flying Pikmin properties: just flesh out a solid character who wins with his buddies and call it a day.

Like just a check list of stuff you would have to consider for his Dair:

1. How easy do you want the Pikmin in this move to lose out to other attacks? If you make it too easy or too hard, you'll be stuck with an unsatisfying move.

2. What angles does it send people at? Is it a meteor? Would it trap them like MK's Dair, or only hit once? Is it stronger the closer they are to Olimar, or does it grow stronger the further the Pikmin flies down?

3. How quick can he act out of it? If he has too little or too much lag out of the move, again probably gonna be not fun. I can imagine Olimar with 3-4 Pikmin and an opponent stuck because he did 3 quick "waves" of Pikmin from offstage as he retreats it back onstage.

4. What does the move do when he's out of Pikmin? Is the move consistent throughout all Pikmin or change a lot based on which one is used?

5. How far and fast do the Pikmin plummet downwards with a hitbox? Do they keep one until they reach the boundary, or lose it after a period of time?

6. Onstage, if this doesn't meteor and instead knocks you sideways a bit, how susceptible to CCing is the move? If the "no Pikmin" version of the move is in a similar vein, how susceptible is that?

I mean you'd really have to go through the gauntlet on a creative move like that, not to mention if that's even a possibility for the programmers.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
I never played Brawl, so I don't really understand how he played before, and I hardly know anything about him to begin with, so I don't know too terribly much about him. It just sounded like the sacrificial moves added more depth to his game, which I had the understanding was roughly the same as before, which people seemed to dislike.

But, then again, you'd mentioned earlier that what'll change how Oli is played isn't his moveset itself, but the mechanics of the game he's in, and how he now reacts to others.

So, what do I know.

Not that I'm trying to sway you to consider it at all, but I thought I'd at least explain how I felt about the suggestion in the guidelines you'd provided.

1. How easy do you want the Pikmin in this move to lose out to other attacks? If you make it too easy or too hard, you'll be stuck with an unsatisfying move.
I don't know anything about molding a character's attacks, so I don't know how much damage people prefer to have to put out to stop a projectile, but I was sort of thinking that attacks like Mario, Fox, and Link's nair could snuff it out easily. Well, maybe not a nair, since the attack would be coming at you from above, but because of that, I figured they'd be easy enough to stop, to give the defender a chance.

2. What angles does it send people at? Is it a meteor? Would it trap them like MK's Dair, or only hit once? Is it stronger the closer they are to Olimar, or does it grow stronger the further the Pikmin flies down?
It'd be down and to the side for trajectory. Each Pikmin would only hit once, and they'd be stronger at the start of the attack, their strength waning as they become slower, and useless, over a short period of time. In terms of distance before they become useless, I sort of pictured the Pikmin d-air being useless at about the length that Charizard's fire breath fades. It's a bad comparison, I know, but I don't really know how to represent distance very well. Anyway, a limited range on the attack would mean that Oli wouldn't be able to sit up at the top of the stage and pelt his opponent while they were trying to get out of the scope, he'd have to put himself in some kind of danger to get something out of the attack.

3. How quick can he act out of it? If he has too little or too much lag out of the move, again probably gonna be not fun. I can imagine Olimar with 3-4 Pikmin and an opponent stuck because he did 3 quick "waves" of Pikmin from offstage as he retreats it back onstage.
I sort of figured he could throw the Pikmin down at the rate that Mario could throw his fireballs, but would get that ever so small boost upwards out of it to compensate for that time between tosses. It'd give the opponent some time to react, and prevent Olimar from simply falling to his own death.

4. What does the move do when he's out of Pikmin? Is the move consistent throughout all Pikmin or change a lot based on which one is used?
Absolutely nothing. You'd have to be the biggest dorklord to go out and throw something you don't have. Oli can't 'jump' off of a Pikmin he doesn't have (which is how I pictured him pelting people with them, booting them down... lol). BUT, The move would have a hitbox where Oli is kicking, and he could possibly get a big upward boost off off of that, with it being a meteor.

5. How far and fast do the Pikmin plummet downwards with a hitbox? Do they keep one until they reach the boundary, or lose it after a period of time?
They'd travel at about the speed of Falco's lasers, and lose their hitbox after a short amount of time. They'd also have minimal hitstun, because it's bad enough to be pushed downward and be unable to do anything.

6. Onstage, if this doesn't meteor and instead knocks you sideways a bit, how susceptible to CCing is the move? If the "no Pikmin" version of the move is in a similar vein, how susceptible is that?
Being a weaker sort of attack with little knockback and stun, CC would be a pretty hard counter to the attack. But, Oli could be able to 'pick up' the Pikmin he throws onto the stage for a short time, if that's even possible to code. The 'no pikmin' version of the move would be harder to CC, and would work kind of like Ganon's dair in terms of trajectory, but not power.

Also, just got my PM shirt ordered up. Hyped.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Actually, it has come to my attention that the PMBR overlords officially define his Red Pikmin as Spiced Beets. I'm sorry but Beets only go so far in this world.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Where do you get off PMBR?!
Was it really necessary to gut Olimar's kit THAT much?
Fire swords to spiced beets has got to be the most outrageous nerf that I have ever seen, even moreso than what they've done to Kirby (seriously guys, this guy is OP in Melee... you just float up, Down B, and then Up B out of Down B... never loses always wins unstoppable and they are nerfing this wtf).
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