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Project M Social Thread Gold


Smash Master
Oct 3, 2009
All the better not to repeat their foolish mistakes when you get to their age, then.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2011
All the better not to repeat their foolish mistakes when you get to their age, then.
Fortunately for the future proportional kids I left the group and have zero urge to go back. It's still kind of a shame because there are some really nice guys mixed in there as well. ...Gaming communities....


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
LOL Internet explorer found the perfect time to unveil smash 4 link's jab cancel wobbling without causing a ruckus. I remember seeing him practice it onstream a month ago, but I guess he didn't want to show the tech until he made sure it was inescapable by top level players.


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Its okay guys, if PM gets #banned we can always just play Melee, why weren't we just playing Melee to begin with?

I might actually go and get Xrd soon, dive into that maybe.
Do it you chump so you can watch nerds get lit up at Evo and control god's gift. Plus you live in Arizona I'm pretty damn sure you have a scene for the game there and including the main head of Broken Tier Koogy( Not 100% sure on Koogy living in AZ).
Guys, The Salt Mines Ep. 3 was really good. Watch it. These views are sad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luNY8cYvF7Q

I really want to see this Gallo vs Prof pro JV3

Huge props to the people putting this together and taking about things.

@ The_NZA The_NZA I really liked your speech near the beginning of the cast.

A great example of what The_NZA was talking about

Project M Parry experiment video = over 3500 views

The Salt Mines Ep. 3 = 240?

Come on community. It's like you guys don't even care about growing...
Bout to watch it right now.

And hot damn this community sucks ass sometimes holy crap.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Let me just say something as a regular member and nothing else.

In regards to the how people are acting towards this whole situation with Sky.

I swear to ****ing god, is this really a thing again?

Can people SERIOUSLY not realize that the actions of a few are irrationally and wrongly linked to the COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE?

10 idiots are acting up on twitter with 20 niggas acting up on Reddit, and guess what. Allllll the outsiders of the PM community are associating that with the community. AGAIN.

Like how hard is it to NOT post vitirol towards people who have an opinion that is completely different than yours. It's not even like Sky is relavent in the PM scene. He's a Smash 4 guy and LOL caster who wants to be a gaming personality. The guy doesn't really give that much of a **** about PM in the first place.

And the guys who keep associating a few poor decisions by a few members within the community WITH THE WHOLE community are just as equally frustrating. Like I get it. YOu love PM. I do too; but you dont see me taking actions and making serious posts that can AND WILL be misconstrued or taken in a way that will negatively reflect on the community because people in the community as a whole lack the ability to associate one peron's actions with that person and that person ALONE.

How emotional and how quick to latch out can someone be to not sit down for a second, do some critical thinking, and come to the conclusion that a vocal minority is not representitive of the whole community of which they subscribe to. You would think that be default, all competitive smashers realize the amount of criticism we recieve from non-competitive players because of the actions of a few competitive smashers, like Dylan Tnga.

Like come on people. This **** is frustrating to see because no matter how wrong it is, we ARE infact judged on a hollistic level. That's just the **** truth of the situation.

EDIT: Dialed back the post a bit. Was a bit vulgar at first.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2015
Poo and I need to start bringing our Wii to college because PM doesn't seem to exist here anymore from what we can see :/


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2014
I say a lot of overblown sarcastic things on here, but disclaimer this is completely real. (P.S. If you don't want to read the whole story, skip to the last two paragraphs)

PM has been a really really big deal for me since I started playing it less than a year ago. I liked but never really got into all of the other smashes, but PM was different. It came to me when I had just come out of a crossroads in my life, where was of my choices was a literal dead end as I had just managed to overcome severe depression. I had come back to school, gotten a job and started making progress again.

At school there was always this group of people playing project m, and one of my few irl friends was there playing. Eventually I worked up the courage to go join in, and man did I SUCK. The way it worked, two people could call next and the first two people who died in the four person free-for-all would go out, and those two would go in. So I had to get up, everytime. However, I had nothing better to do during the days I went to school, so I kept playing and got SUPER frustrated. I was used to brawl, so the increased fall speed was constantly killing me. At some point, however I decided to get good at this game.

I decided to study, work and practice in order to achieve this goal and the goal was to be one of the top five players there. So, slowly I thought and thought and mentally analyzed my play slowly and slowly getting better until I was finally in that area where I was considered one of the "good" players there. I rarely had to give up my seat and if we played teams, people would prefer to team with me. Then I heard about this tournament they were going to for PM, and I was kind of interested in going and did, but most people there were MUCH better than me. I wound up going 2-2, but after seeing how quickly people were playing I saw what I had to do, I needed to learn tech skill. At this point, I couldn't even L-cancel.

So, now my goal was different. I wanted to learn how to play the game correctly. I started off trying to shffl, and, long story short, I almost rage quit the game over it because I just couldn't get my fingers to work. I thought for a while that they just simply weren't fast enough, but I stuck at it until I finally got it down (sorta at least). Then I went to another, smaller tournament, and... all my tech skill was gone. I just couldn't actually apply it in a real game and I hadn't practiced any of it outside training mode, plus I had been using a really laggy hdtv to practice. I got to winner's semis and choked against a player I normally could beat at that time and set a trend for myself. Shortly after that, I did nail down shffling and dash dancing and wavedashing and all those other techs, and put myself comfortably into the top 4 players at school, and nobody could really compete with us. However, at tournament I kept getting fourth place. I kept losing to players I know I could beat (and sometimes had beat easily in winner's bracket). This was the second time I almost wanted to give up PM

At that point, I felt like I couldn't improve. Another one of the top 4 players at school basically didn't practice at all, and was still better than me at that point. I felt like I just couldn't be good at fighting games and wanted to give up again. However, I still didn't. Eventually I broke the curse by taking first place and have taken second twice since then. I've also gotten better than 2 of the other top 4, and there's only one more spot to go at school, but I'm still working. On saturday, I took a game off of one of the top NC players, but I'm not done. I WILL get better and I WILL figure out how to beat them.

But more importantly than how much I've improved at the game, were all the things I've learned and achieved on a personal level. I used to be super anxious and nervous in large social events, but I have become a big personality at these tournaments, regularly hopping on the mic and constantly joking around in friendlies. Right now, being in the smash tourney venue really feels like home. Also, for the first time in my life, I've felt really motivated to do something. Before, I never really thought drive and motivation existed inside me, but I found it in PM. I don't remember the last time in my life I was this excited for something. I'm extremely excited to go against all of the top NC players and take them out. I want to display to them "You guys better practice for me because I'm a threat, and I'm coming for you."

PM has really become a big part of my life, and indirectly gave me a lot of hope for my future. If the PM scene ever died... I would actually cry. I would cry a lot and I don't know if I could replace it.


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Naa @ GHNeko GHNeko you need to be raw sometimes while being in smashboards rule context lol screw that.

Also random XRD vid drops.

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Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Naa @ GHNeko GHNeko you need to be raw sometimes while being in smashboards rule context lol screw that.

Also random XRD vid drops.

as raw as I would like to be, i am pmdt. i may not act like it in the social thread, but in other places, i actually invoke a professional persona for the sake of pmdt and Project M as a whole.

I cant be a real nigga when I gotta put on the suit and tie because I know how people will react to me and PM as a whole if i do.


Nov 19, 2009
VA baby whe' you at
One person could do something wrong and all of a sudden IT'S THE WHOLE COMMUNITY'S FAULT

I get the whole "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link" and ****, but it's pretty lame that everyone has to look bad due to a couple people.
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Smash Master
Oct 3, 2009
*snip* I get the whole "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link" and ****, but it's pretty lame that everyone has to look bad due to a couple people.
Such is my beef with freedom of choice not being restrained. ...And that is the LAST thing that should ever be relevant to a gaming community.

To prevent crap like this from happening, you'd have to perma-silence loud-mouthed idiots and card-carrying trolls, but oh, no, everyone's allowed to have an opinion or even express hurt feelings.

tl;dr: Some/a lot of people suck, and they need incentive/no choice not to be like that.
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Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Guys, The Salt Mines Ep. 3 was really good. Watch it. These views are sad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luNY8cYvF7Q

I really want to see this Gallo vs Prof pro JV3

Huge props to the people putting this together and taking about things.

@ The_NZA The_NZA I really liked your speech near the beginning of the cast.

A great example of what The_NZA was talking about

Project M Parry experiment video = over 3500 views

The Salt Mines Ep. 3 = 240?

Come on community. It's like you guys don't even care about growing...
Yo thanks man! Honestly, a lot of pepole came forward and told me I focused WAY too much on reddit but the thing is--it seems people here are only interested in a few threads (tier discussion, social, best players by video). I don't know if this is still a place that is conducive to new material, but I'd be really appreciative if you guys like any of our content, to become involved in the "get the word out there" part of the process. Create threads here in SB if you liked a specific podcast and want to lead a community discussion about it. Engage with good PM content in new ways.

Anyways, I appreciate you posting here about it. Salt Mines episode 4 will be tonight, and features Messi, myself, Gallo, Junebug, and Oracle.


insincere personality
Nov 2, 2013
Realizing a tournament you want to go to is 50 miles away. About to start walking the day before.
That isnt evrn far
U r stupid and dumb
U dont even practice
Stop talkin bout tournaments when you dont even practice
U such Scrublord
I hope yer happy donating to pot
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Smash Ace
Oct 4, 2014
Medford, NY
I wanna go to a tourney or weekly soon, but my job schedule comes out once a week late Friday or early Saturday, and with the schedule I've had as of late I may not ever have the time to go T_T


Feb 18, 2009
Can we all just agree that IP is dumb? It's ridiculous to think one can 'own' an idea, since ownership arises from the exclusivity that scarcity imparts, and people cannot be deprived of their ideas, thus there is no exclusivity and no right.
Or, at least, there's a lot of corruption and stupidity in intellectual property law.
Project M shouldn't be able to be C&D'd in the first place.
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Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
If PM does get C&D, what happens to the PM forums here?
they disappear and we make a new social thread somewhere else on the forums, in the light house or something idk
and discussion on PM itself probably just goes back to being primarily IRC based, maybe we'll see the return of our own forum like Smashmods again
tournaments will almost assuredly happen on the local level, and very likely regional as well, though don't expect streams (at least on Twitch, there are plenty of other methods that we could use to get around not having Twitch)
videos will be unlisted on youtube and you'll have to get the links from the IRC or w/e

PM won't die
I think that much we can all agree on, there are just too many people who care about this game to let it truly die
we'll just be next level underground
and like, even new updates is very possible if you just put them up unlisted on whatever uploading site or torrents
really, a C&D just prevents PM from being in the spotlight

Can we all just agree that IP is dumb? It's ridiculous to think one can 'own' an idea, since ownership arises from the exclusivity that scarcity imparts, and people cannot be deprived of their ideas, thus there is no exclusivity and no right.
Or, at least, there's a lot of corruption and stupidity in intellectual property law.
Project M shouldn't be able to be C&D'd in the first place.
Fair use has a lot of gray areas, and taking precedents isn't common with fair use so it's primarily on a case by case basis. You can certainly argue that PM fits, and personally I think it does, but you're going to need a lot of money to fight Nintendo over it. That's really what makes a C&D effective in this case. Nintendo lost in their case against Lewis Galoob Toys/the Game Genie, and they deemed modifying Nintendo's code to be fair use. And when you get down to it, this is more or less what PM is... but Lewis Galoob Toys was one of the biggest toy makers in the world at the time and had the pocketbooks to defend themselves.
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| Kailex |

I smell like salty coins and milk
Jun 3, 2013
Dubai - UAE
Waiting for that hoodie hipster ganon, theytah pls, its been 7 months since I requested.


Smash Master
May 27, 2010
Can we all just agree that IP is dumb? It's ridiculous to think one can 'own' an idea, since ownership arises from the exclusivity that scarcity imparts, and people cannot be deprived of their ideas, thus there is no exclusivity and no right.
Or, at least, there's a lot of corruption and stupidity in intellectual property law.
Project M shouldn't be able to be C&D'd in the first place.


Smash Master
Dec 15, 2013
I think we should step away from the drama and instead take a moment to appreciate PPMD's various facial expressions
There was a problem fetching the tweet
There was a problem fetching the tweet
There was a problem fetching the tweet


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006

What the **** am I reading? lol. "4 female members and 1 gay".
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Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
You are reading perhaps the most unnecessary thing ever from MULTIPLE standpoints. I'll start with PURE FACTUAL.
- Logistically a ****ing nightmare because how do you tally transgendered people if the sole reason they are transgender is to FEASIBLY identify as the other gender?
- How do you CONVENIENTLY ask them to reveal this and not look like a ****ing idiot?
- Why would you place so much duress on keeping count like this on organizers and teams alike, exactly?

And now the other standpoint
- Why are you blatantly disrespecting minorities like this and assigning arbitrary numbers that nobody actually asked for. How does this provide an "even competitive experience?" Last I checked transgendered people are not ****ing Newtypes or some ****, they're not psychics or anything. What is this?

I sure hope Riot games actually gets involved because this is going to spread like wildfire at mach 20 thanks to it being about ****ty treatment of LGBT+. 50 bucks in like 3 hours this is gonna explode.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
Lmaoooooo I so ****ing love ppmd, I hope everything causing him trouble in his life turns out well and we get to see him compete more often.

Also it feels like everyone forgot about hax. Dude needs to get back to it asap


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Can we all just agree that IP is dumb? It's ridiculous to think one can 'own' an idea, since ownership arises from the exclusivity that scarcity imparts, and people cannot be deprived of their ideas, thus there is no exclusivity and no right.
Or, at least, there's a lot of corruption and stupidity in intellectual property law.
Project M shouldn't be able to be C&D'd in the first place.
I don't think Intellectual property covers ideas, but moreso the creations of said ideas.

I'm no law major though.
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Apr 27, 2014
Wichita, Kansas
Switch FC
SW 7896 6401 6209
Can we all just agree that IP is dumb? It's ridiculous to think one can 'own' an idea, since ownership arises from the exclusivity that scarcity imparts, and people cannot be deprived of their ideas, thus there is no exclusivity and no right.
Or, at least, there's a lot of corruption and stupidity in intellectual property law.
Project M shouldn't be able to be C&D'd in the first place.
Pick your battles

Fighting copyright law is not a battle you want to get into.
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