My Wii shuold be getting back from nintendo in about a week, and I can;t wait to play this... But ni the meantime, are there any videos of geno? I can't seem to find any on YouTube.
Shadic's Geno (the old version, I'm still waiting for him to put up his next release...) shows up in one of YouTube's videos fighting against Mewtwo. I don't think my Cosmic Geno has appeared there yet, though.
Speaking of which, I forgot to put my latest version on this thread. It's the first non-beta version, meaning all known bugs are gone and all moves are basically complete (although there will still be improvements in the future.) Check it out!
So... I guess that by this point, someone could make a promo video for him, yes? Keeping in mind that some aspects will still be changed in the future. If anyone decides to make a video, they should be sure to take a look at his moveset list, since some of his moves have more properties to them than meets the eye, and should be mentioned: specifically the charging mechanics of Geno Beam and Geno Boost, the timed hit effect of Geno Whirl, the long super armor time of Geno Boost and its ability to power up aerial attacks, and the second attack in his Forward Smash. Also, make sure to give Shadic credit where it's due!
(Oh, yeah, he also has new taunts and victory poses...I'll leave those as a surprise.

A: Finger Shot - Geno pulls out his trusty finger gun and fires a bullet. It's quick to fire and has pretty good range for a normal A move and can build up damage quickly.
FTilt: Hand Cannon - Geno fires off a flash of burning energy. Its range, speed, and knockback are excellent, but it's not a good kill move. Its primary use is for knocking close-range opponents away. It also is a good move to end a combo with.
UTilt: Hand Gun - Geno fires a burst of energy upwards. It has a bit of a start-up lag, but has a nice sweetspot if you can time it right.
DTilt: Ground Explosion - Geno sends a burst of energy into the ground, causing a small explosion in front of him. It sends opponents into the air, and is good for starting aerial combos.
Dash Attack: Double Hit - Geno strikes out quickly with a weak burst of energy. If you let go of the control stick at the moment he releases the attack, he will do a spin attack as well, but if you don't, it combos well into his FTilt.
FSmash: Star Gun - Geno fires off a burst of star energy. If you tap the A button again right after the burst is released, he will send off a second, more powerful attack as well. You'll know you got it right if you hear a 'ding' sound.
USmash: Star Burst - Geno focuses energy into the air above him, then causes an explosion of stars which blasts opponents straight upwards. It's slow, but very powerful, and is one of Geno's few good kill moves. Based on Shadic's USmash, but with different graphic effects.
DSmash: Rocket Burn - Geno uses the rockets in his fists to light his hands on fire and set off a pair of explosions next to him. Does good damage, but it has very little range and sub-par knockback.
Nair: Orbital Spin - Geno sparkles with energy and spins his body in the air rapidly, hitting anyone who comes too close. It's a good surprise attack, but often causes a hitbox 'trade' if the opponent is attacking while he's using it.
Fair: Rocket Rush - Geno uses his rocket punch to thrust himself forward for a powerful punch. If he hits them while thrusting, he will push them forward, but the attack is most powerful if he hits right at the end. Hitting with the sweetspot after using Geno Boost is as powerful as Captain Falcon's Knee of Justice! Based on the punch Geno uses on Bowyer in his first fight scene in SMRPG. Credit goes to Shadic for coming up with the air-dash idea.
Bair: Spinning Blast - Geno whirls around and fires his Hand Gun three times behind him. Each burst sends opponents in a different trajectory, but the strongest blast is the last one, which hits them at an upwards angle. A very good ranged attack, but it has a blind spot right next to Geno.
Uair: Stellar Shock - Geno releases a burst of star energy above him, sending opponents upwards. It has a strong sweetspot at the very tip of the attack at the moment it comes out. A perfect hit with the sweetspot is a very powerful killing move.
Dair: Meteor Strike - Geno hits opponents below him with his fist, sending them straight downwards. If the attack connects, he also gets a slight upwards boost.
FThrow: 7-Star Strike - Geno hits his opponent seven times with a rapid flurry of stars, sending them flying a good distance away with the last hit. Based on Shadic's FSmash animation and physics, but not quite as powerful. It's still a very good throw, about on par with Ness/Lucas in terms of knockback.
BThrow: Meteor Shower - Geno leaps above his opponent and rains star energy on top of them, dealing damage and sending them backwards. It doesn't send them very far, but does a good deal of damage.
UThrow: Star Release - Geno raises his hands and holds his opponent in the air above him for a moment before sending them flying upwards. Based loosely on the way that Mario sent Star Pieces into the sky in SMRPG.
DThrow: Rocket Punch - Geno smashes his opponent with a rocket-charged fist, knocking them down. It's not too powerful, but it leaves opponents open to a combo attack.
B: Geno Beam - Geno focuses energy into his Star Gun, charging it into a powerful long-range beam that sends opponents flying back. Charging it three times brings it to maximum power, but waiting any longer causes it to weaken. He can also fire it without charging at all, although this will result in a very small burst. In the air, only the small, uncharged version can be used.
Side B: Geno Whirl - Geno tosses a speedy energy disk, dealing damage to opponents. Pressing the A button immediately before the attack connects deals a powerful blow that can KO at around 100% damage, but pressing it too early causes the attack to become exceedingly weak. One of Geno's best killing moves, but it takes some practice to land the critical hit and its long start-up makes it easy to dodge.
Up B: Geno Boost - Geno rises into the air, radiating energy. He will take no knockback if hit during the first part of the move. After using the move, he will glow with energy, and any aerial attacks he uses while falling will be more powerful than usual (this aspect has still not been added, I want to complete his aerials fully before I deal with that). Unlike most recovery moves, Geno retains his second jump after using Geno Boost. He can also use the ability again while falling in order to slow his descent or to defend against attacks. Credit to Shadic for the graphical effect of the upwards spin.
Down B: Geno Blast - Geno raises his hands into the air, focusing energy into the sky above him, then sends it streaming down onto any unsuspecting opponents. The attack deals tremendous amounts of damage (up to 40% damage at full charge!) and has a wide range, but it has no knockback and a very long start-up, making it impossible to spam. It also has a blind spot right next to Geno, leaving him wide open to any opponents who avoid the blast. Like Geno Beam, it can be charged up to three times but weakens if it is not released after the third charge. If Geno uses this in the air, he will hover and fire the energy from his own hands instead. The aerial version is weaker and lasts shorter than the ground version. Also, it cannot be charged, and puts him into free-fall. Altogether, Geno Blast is not nearly as effective as it looks, being only marginally more useful than, say, Warlock's Punch, at least in a one-on-one battle. In free-for-alls or team battles, though, it is much more effective. (Note that this is in reference to human players. CPU's, even Level 9's, have a strange tendency to stand around and get slammed by the move.)
Final Smash - Geno Flash: Geno's physical body explodes, and his spirit transforms into a cannon made out of pure energy and fires off a blast of energy that explodes a few seconds later, dealing heavy damage to anyone nearby. It is possible to run away from the blast before it explodes, though. This attack is not
quite perfected yet - if the opponent is standing in the way of the initial blast, it will deal heavy damage but no knockback. Which is OK, but I intend to change it in a later release.