I always had this super theory for Pokemon, that there should be a pokemon game, named like, idk Pokemon Rainbow or something mentioning the collaboration of all the names, but anyways, It'd be cool if they had a game where you start out in the first generation(all same pokemon, gym leaders, and elite four) And what happens is, at the end of the champion, you have to travel to the next region(I havent thought of a reason on why this happens), but you have to leave the region, and can only take with you 3 pokemon Level 7 and under from your PC box(Dont have to take any, but have the option of taking up to 3) , then you fly out to the next region and start again all the way until the LAST champion, (Which would be the black and white champion) and then, Team (insert name of new villain name), waits for you on an island that you have to maneuver around with Team(Blank) Grunts everywhere, coming from different teams(Rocket,Plasma,Aqua,Magma) (Keep in mind that the Villain team will be the HUGE UNION of all the past teams) On this island, there are still PCs, no Pokemon Centers, but there are shops. And in those PCs contain ALL THE POKEMON from the past regions(Your old pokemon teams will usually be around level 50-60s and such). So you can design a team from the past 5 teams you've had. Then, you get all the money that wasnt used in the past 5 regions, and a EMAIL from Mom saying Goodluck! and gives you more money. You also keep the money you had after the last region of course. Then you go through the island, fighting all of the grunts(There will be a good amount of them) And then at the end, is the final 10 people to fight(They are in a straight line, and these people are Leaders of old organizations AKA, Giovanni, Captain Of aqua/magma, etc) and you will receive 6 extra Full Revives before walking line. And at the last person(The leader of the BIG evil organization, Note:you have not met this guy) his 6 pokemon team consists of all the past legendaries from the 5 regions, and 1 new one, which is a pokemon he created, just like mewtwo. You did not capture any of the legendaries because they kept disappearing until like, Region 4 where you realize they're being stolen. So you fight him, free the legendaries back to their habitat, and you can go catch them again. And you can return back to any region to do fun stuff (Like, there will be Battle Tower, Pokemon contest, Poffin making, that race stuff), and you can re-vs the Champions from each elite four, and once you get your first Level 80 Pokemon, the game notifies you that there is a SUPER Champion waiting to fight you with Level 80+ pokemon, (This is a fun event, you dont have to beat him, but if you do, you get some cool Pokemon that i havent thought of, maybe Celebii, and he'll be like "This pokemon came to find the True Pokemon Master, and i guess thats you" and then its yours. yay.) And then you go do whatever you want SO,
Add to this idea, say what shouldnt be there, but this is just a small summary of what I think should be made.