www.proimpact.ca (?)
Due to relatively popular demand, I figured I'd post the details about a proposed website:
"But Randall, what would be on the website??"
Well, I'm glad you asked.
ProImpact.ca could conceivably have a wide variety of information (as well as pointless filler) related to the bi-weeklies themselves. No doubt there would be plenty of cutting and pasting involved as I have a more stylistic, non-message board-like announcement for each tournament in mind.
We could have player profiles with massive amounts of statistics and pictures and all kinds of extra goodies with links to each player's videos, etc.
How about a Pro Impact account creation? I mean, that sort of thing could take some time, but you could eventually "log in" to the Pro Impact website, throw on a skin of your choice, post comments on whatever kind of crazy content will be up by then, customized Smash news feeds, blah blah blah!
Who knows, maybe we could even set up a way to access "
Of course, I'd also want to include information about tournaments that are close enough for us bi-weekly-goers to attend.
What's that? Edmonton's having a tournament?
No problem, just head on over to proimpact.ca and read all the details in one convenient place!
What's that!? There's a Red Deer tournament the same day that I could go to on the drive up? Thanks ProImpact.ca!
You're welcome.
...but uh....Randall, isn't this kinda...uh...expensive?

The only reason this idea is coming up is thanks to the community spirit of many of you who would be willing to sponsor the project.
Believe you me, I already appreciate the bi-weekly offerings of various root beers, colas, chips, crackers, quesadillas, hor's d'oveures, escargot and home electronics that you guys bring. But hey, if you wanna continue the expansion of the mighty Calgary community in a more fiscally responsible way, I can't argue!
The Cost
Assuming we don't seriously overshoot the allotted bandwidth for a basic webpage, the costs break down into two chunks:
- $25.00 - cost of registering the domain name.
- $59.40 - cost of webspace and maintenance for 1 year
For a grand total of:
Which is good and cheap. Primarily because we don't have to pay someone to design the website itself as well. Additionally, once the year renews, you don't have to pay the $25 registration fee a second time around. The savings are super at Safeway!
The Reward
First and foremost: the website.
Secondly, I just had this crazy idea for a section of the website wherein you registered users could earn "shares" in the Pro Impact...uhh...
franchise(?) for every dollar donated to the ProImpact.ca fund.
But Randall, what good are shares in your massively successful corporate conglomerate in such a rapidly fluctuating economic market?
A more relevant question might have you wondering what good a few of these charity rewards attached to your name will be once we've earned the necessary cash to put the website up. Like any decent (or corrupt) charity, we'll certainly be open to donations that exceed our target of $84.40.
Amounts in excess of the necessary maintenance costs of proimpact.ca will be credited and stored in some sort of cute Nintendo-themed piggy bank here and a running total with details of contributors will be kept on the website.
Okay, so you wanna take all our money...why?
Well, there are plenty of other expenses that
could be attached to Smash if the money was there. Maybe we should just let the thing collect spare change until they come out with a release date for Brawl. At which point we will schedule a major, final Melee tournament some time shortly before. We could use what donations were accumulated along the way to rent out a relatively large hall so we could support 50-60 people from all over the map. I don't have a great deal of experience with fundraising but any cost reduction on a large-scale tournament is a positive one.
And, being a democratic community, I would also be open to other suggestions for uses of Pro Impact dollars. Don't like our couch? Propose to buy a communal lawn chair instead! Don't find our component tables offer satisfactory lag reduction in arm wrestles? Propose to buy new ones! Don't like our house? Propose to use the fund to pay a demolition company to knock it down!
It's your money.
And I haven't really fleshed out the "shares" idea yet, but I'm thinking for each dollar donated you get 10 shares or points or impacoins or whatever and the value that these miscellaneous units have may change over time. Maybe you can spend 30 points to guarantee yourself a Bye in the next bi-weekly. Or you could "money-match" other players but instead of gambling on money, gamble your Pro Impact points. Or perhaps I should just use the points as a currency in an interactive, multiplayer Pro Impact flash-based RPG that we can all participate in!
Whoa whoa whoa...that's a little too much work.
But anyway, hopefully you can see where I'm coming from in this regard.
And remember, donations are entirely optional. This is NOT to be confused with a tournament entry fee. Or a purchase of any kind, for that matter.