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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Deleted member

One thing I'm sure will happen is that Nolan North will be Wolf. Wouldn't surprise me considerin that he is taking over some roles that Grant Goodeve had (Such as the TF2 Engineer & possibly Wolf)

Don't be surprised if you hear this man reciting Wolf's lines

And Steve Buscemi can be Slippy Toad :troll:

(Skip to 1:53-3:10 to hear new Slippy!)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 14, 2014
Hello fellow Krystal supporters! I was just lurking this thread but I thought I'd drop in and say hi! I noticed my art from Miiverse was posted here earlier- so I thought I'd share another one! :)
Amazing work their Aurora! Your other pics are great too!


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
One thing I'm sure will happen is that Nolan North will be Wolf. Wouldn't surprise me considerin that he is taking over some roles that Grant Goodeve had (Such as the TF2 Engineer & possibly Wolf)

Don't be surprised if you hear this man reciting Wolf's lines

And Steve Buscemi can be Slippy Toad :troll:

(Skip to 1:53-3:10 to hear new Slippy!)
Personally, I could see Nolan North playing McCloud what with voicing Nathan Drake and all.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
Alright, I've caught up on the posts and compiled some thoughts together. I do not seek to defend these thoughts, rather they should be treated theoretically. Chew them up, spit them out, it doesn't matter to me. If you view them as straw grasping, that's perfectly okay--but that's not what I'm aiming for, because I am not outright believing these thoughts. I seek possibilities that might not have been posted solely to extend discussion/speculation. To me, extending discussion/speculation beyond what's explicitly known can be fun sometimes (without losing track of the topic at hand, of course).


Is it possible that including Fire Emblem and F-Zero together in the recent newcomer trailer wasn't an act randomness? Firstly, Sakurai gave us a three-day time span to anticipate the "new fighter intro video", the Friday before its release. That time span essentially included EVO 2014, where Melee was featured (and sponsored by Nintendo) as part of the competitive venue. The schedule for EVO was full, and any special announcements by Nintendo during the tournament would have been too much (keep in mind the schedule, let alone itself, became roughly two hours behind, which isn't historically unusual). Perhaps, then, saving the "new fighter intro video" for Monday, while including EVO by giving us the three-day heads up, was on purpose?

Allow me to break it down further: if Nintendo turned a virtual 180 on the competitive Smash community, they must be aware of the many antics behind it (especially since Reggie mentioned "no Johns"). For instance, Fire Emblem is heavily associated with the competitive Smash community because of Marth and the King of Smash (Ken or LiquidKen, whichever you prefer). This is an easy association to make, and doesn't require much research on the competitive Smash community to figure out.

F-Zero, namely Captain Falcon, has a slightly more interesting possible association. Firstly, it's no secret that Captain Falcon is considered iconic to the Smash Brothers series by many fans--competitive and casual alike. In the competitive community, I also remember hearing multiple times (I think it was even mentioned in the Smash Brothers documentary series) that it is almost a general rule of thumb that, no matter who is playing, spectators should cheer for the "Falcon player". Captain Falcon is considered to have some of the more "flashy combos". Need I also mention the Wombo Combo (which ironically includes space animals, as you will see later in this post)?

In this sense, combining the two franchises in a reveal trailer (while including a three-day heads up and effectively EVO itself) might not actually be as far-fetched or random as some might say.

This brings me to the more hypothetical point: Star Fox and Comic-Con.

What do these two have in common? At a first glance, not much.

However, it could be slightly thematic, much like the Fire Emblem/F-Zero trailer could have been thematic with EVO. I understand that the general theme of Comic-Con involves the many Comic-related universes. However, I am curious:

How prevalent is the Sci-Fi genre at Comic-Con? I understand there is a presence, but I don't know how prevalent it is; I have never been there myself.

Star Fox is obviously Sci Fi, and with its lack of content, they could associate Star Fox with the Sci Fi presence at Comic-Con and deliver "a few special surprises". In my eyes, it would surely be surprising. I can't say about what Nintendo would think, though. Maybe a double-reveal of a Star Fox and Metroid newcomer? I have no idea. Actually, I remember talk awhile back about some kind of Star Fox/Metroid crossover by Retro Studios or something. Now that would be funny if were referring to a newcomer trailer and not a video game... but that's going too far for speculation, in my opinion.

Krystal and Ridley... huh...

Has Retro's secret project actually been officially revealed yet? All I see are a lot of misleading thoughts regarding it being Donkey Kong Country Returns + Tropical Freeze.

Actually, this quote from the linked article above: “the idea of Star Fox and Metroid crossing paths in a more unified Nintendo universe represented but one of several potential team-up projects that Nintendo has been considering.”

This quote actually sounds like it could be referring to the newcomer trailers for Smash Brothers. After all, I'd consider Smash Brothers a "more unified Nintendo universe". These "projects" could be just the newcomer videos, as they'd be more secretive that early in development (2012, which was about when Sakurai said the roster was pretty much finalized). Not only that, but different studios have been working on the newcomer trailers already! Little Mac's trailer, Palutena's trailer, and Robin's trailer prove this. In fact, Robin's trailer is already a crossover (F-Zero/Fire Emblem). Gah... I'm probably stretching here. Who cares? It's fun.

Even then, Retro (if they are working on a newcomer trailer to crossover Star Fox/Metroid) could 100% truthfully deny working on a video game, because it wouldn't be a video game. Food for thought.

Anyways, looking back to how Sakurai revealed Ike and the Coliseum within a week of each other, and now at the Star Fox stage reveal and that Comic-Con is in the same week... Sakurai could be setting the stage for the next "new fighter intro video"!


Okay, that was a terrible pun.

Well, that's all I could get from this that hasn't been something mentioned before. Yes, I know I'm probably being too imaginative. Yes, I know that there could very well be no "hidden meaning" or "hint" behind the ways Sakurai chooses to reveal things. It's just fun sometimes to assume hypothetically that he does.

What do you guys think? *winces in preparation*
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Alright, I've caught up on the posts and compiled some thoughts together. I do not seek to defend these thoughts, rather they should be treated theoretically. Chew them up, spit them out, it doesn't matter to me. If you view them as straw grasping, that's perfectly okay--but that's not what I'm aiming for, because I am not outright believing these thoughts. I seek possibilities that might not have been posted solely to extend discussion/speculation. To me, extending discussion/speculation beyond what's explicitly known can be fun sometimes (without losing track of the topic at hand, of course).


Is it possible that including Fire Emblem and F-Zero together in the recent newcomer trailer wasn't an act randomness? Firstly, Sakurai gave us a three-day time span to anticipate the "new fighter intro video", the Friday before its release. That time span essentially included EVO 2014, where Melee was featured (and sponsored by Nintendo) as part of the competitive venue. The schedule for EVO was full, and any special announcements by Nintendo during the tournament would have been too much (keep in mind the schedule, let alone itself, became roughly two hours behind, which isn't historically unusual). Perhaps, then, saving the "new fighter intro video" for Monday, while including EVO by giving us the three-day heads up, was on purpose?

Allow me to break it down further: if Nintendo turned a virtual 180 on the competitive Smash community, they must be aware of the many antics behind it (especially since Reggie mentioned "no Johns"). For instance, Fire Emblem is heavily associated with the competitive Smash community because of Marth and the King of Smash (Ken or LiquidKen, whichever you prefer). This is an easy association to make, and doesn't require much research on the competitive Smash community to figure out.

F-Zero, namely Captain Falcon, has a slightly more interesting possible association. Firstly, it's no secret that Captain Falcon is considered iconic to the Smash Brothers series by many fans--competitive and casual alike. In the competitive community, I also remember hearing multiple times (I think it was even mentioned in the Smash Brothers documentary series) that it is almost a general rule of thumb that, no matter who is playing, spectators should cheer for the "Falcon player". Captain Falcon is considered to have some of the more "flashy combos". Need I also mention the Wombo Combo (which ironically includes space animals, as you will see later in this post)?

In this sense, combining the two franchises in a reveal trailer (while including a three-day heads up and effectively EVO itself) might not actually be as far-fetched or random as some might say.

This brings me to the more hypothetical point: Star Fox and Comic-Con.

What do these two have in common? At a first glance, not much.

However, it could be slightly thematic, much like the Fire Emblem/F-Zero trailer could have been thematic with EVO. I understand that the general theme of Comic-Con involves the many Comic-related universes. However, I am curious:

How prevalent is the Sci-Fi genre at Comic-Con? I understand there is a presence, but I don't know how prevalent it is; I have never been there myself.

Star Fox is obviously Sci Fi, and with its lack of content, they could associate Star Fox with the Sci Fi presence at Comic-Con and deliver "a few special surprises". In my eyes, it would surely be surprising. I can't say about what Nintendo would think, though. Maybe a double-reveal of a Star Fox and Metroid newcomer? I have no idea. Actually, I remember talk awhile back about some kind of Star Fox/Metroid crossover by Retro Studios or something. Now that would be funny if were referring to a newcomer trailer and not a video game... but that's going too far for speculation, in my opinion.

Krystal and Ridley... huh...

Actually, this quote from the linked article above: “the idea of Star Fox and Metroid crossing paths in a more unified Nintendo universe represented but one of several potential team-up projects that Nintendo has been considering.”

This quote actually sounds like it could be referring to the newcomer trailers for Smash Brothers. After all, I'd consider Smash Brothers a "more unified Nintendo universe". These "projects" could be just the newcomer videos, as they'd be more secretive that early in development (2012, which was about when Sakurai said the roster was pretty much finalized). Not only that, but different studios have been working on the newcomer trailers already! Little Mac's trailer, Palutena's trailer, and Robin's trailer prove this. In fact, Robin's trailer is already a crossover (F-Zero/Fire Emblem). Gah... I'm probably stretching here. Who cares? It's fun.

Anyways, looking back to how Sakurai revealed Ike and the Coliseum within a week of each other, and now at the Star Fox stage reveal and that Comic-Con is in the same week... Sakurai could be setting the stage for the next "new fighter intro video"!


Okay, that was a terrible pun.

Well, that's all I could get from this that hasn't been something mentioned before. Yes, I know I'm probably being too imaginative. Yes, I know that there could very well be no "hidden meaning" or "hint" behind the ways Sakurai chooses to reveal things. It's just fun sometimes to assume hypothetically that he does.

What do you guys think? *winces in preparation*
I like it. Quite the long shot but it could work out like that.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2014
In the mountains, training....
Alright, I've caught up on the posts and compiled some thoughts together. I do not seek to defend these thoughts, rather they should be treated theoretically. Chew them up, spit them out, it doesn't matter to me. If you view them as straw grasping, that's perfectly okay--but that's not what I'm aiming for, because I am not outright believing these thoughts. I seek possibilities that might not have been posted solely to extend discussion/speculation. To me, extending discussion/speculation beyond what's explicitly known can be fun sometimes (without losing track of the topic at hand, of course).


Is it possible that including Fire Emblem and F-Zero together in the recent newcomer trailer wasn't an act randomness? Firstly, Sakurai gave us a three-day time span to anticipate the "new fighter intro video", the Friday before its release. That time span essentially included EVO 2014, where Melee was featured (and sponsored by Nintendo) as part of the competitive venue. The schedule for EVO was full, and any special announcements by Nintendo during the tournament would have been too much (keep in mind the schedule, let alone itself, became roughly two hours behind, which isn't historically unusual). Perhaps, then, saving the "new fighter intro video" for Monday, while including EVO by giving us the three-day heads up, was on purpose?

Allow me to break it down further: if Nintendo turned a virtual 180 on the competitive Smash community, they must be aware of the many antics behind it (especially since Reggie mentioned "no Johns"). For instance, Fire Emblem is heavily associated with the competitive Smash community because of Marth and the King of Smash (Ken or LiquidKen, whichever you prefer). This is an easy association to make, and doesn't require much research on the competitive Smash community to figure out.

F-Zero, namely Captain Falcon, has a slightly more interesting possible association. Firstly, it's no secret that Captain Falcon is considered iconic to the Smash Brothers series by many fans--competitive and casual alike. In the competitive community, I also remember hearing multiple times (I think it was even mentioned in the Smash Brothers documentary series) that it is almost a general rule of thumb that, no matter who is playing, spectators should cheer for the "Falcon player". Captain Falcon is considered to have some of the more "flashy combos". Need I also mention the Wombo Combo (which ironically includes space animals, as you will see later in this post)?

In this sense, combining the two franchises in a reveal trailer (while including a three-day heads up and effectively EVO itself) might not actually be as far-fetched or random as some might say.

This brings me to the more hypothetical point: Star Fox and Comic-Con.

What do these two have in common? At a first glance, not much.

However, it could be slightly thematic, much like the Fire Emblem/F-Zero trailer could have been thematic with EVO. I understand that the general theme of Comic-Con involves the many Comic-related universes. However, I am curious:

How prevalent is the Sci-Fi genre at Comic-Con? I understand there is a presence, but I don't know how prevalent it is; I have never been there myself.

Star Fox is obviously Sci Fi, and with its lack of content, they could associate Star Fox with the Sci Fi presence at Comic-Con and deliver "a few special surprises". In my eyes, it would surely be surprising. I can't say about what Nintendo would think, though. Maybe a double-reveal of a Star Fox and Metroid newcomer? I have no idea. Actually, I remember talk awhile back about some kind of Star Fox/Metroid crossover by Retro Studios or something. Now that would be funny if were referring to a newcomer trailer and not a video game... but that's going too far for speculation, in my opinion.

Krystal and Ridley... huh...

Has Retro's secret project actually been officially revealed yet? All I see are a lot of misleading thoughts regarding it being Donkey Kong Country Returns + Tropical Freeze.

Actually, this quote from the linked article above: “the idea of Star Fox and Metroid crossing paths in a more unified Nintendo universe represented but one of several potential team-up projects that Nintendo has been considering.”

This quote actually sounds like it could be referring to the newcomer trailers for Smash Brothers. After all, I'd consider Smash Brothers a "more unified Nintendo universe". These "projects" could be just the newcomer videos, as they'd be more secretive that early in development (2012, which was about when Sakurai said the roster was pretty much finalized). Not only that, but different studios have been working on the newcomer trailers already! Little Mac's trailer, Palutena's trailer, and Robin's trailer prove this. In fact, Robin's trailer is already a crossover (F-Zero/Fire Emblem). Gah... I'm probably stretching here. Who cares? It's fun.

Even then, Retro (if they are working on a newcomer trailer to crossover Star Fox/Metroid) could 100% truthfully deny working on a video game, because it wouldn't be a video game. Food for thought.

Anyways, looking back to how Sakurai revealed Ike and the Coliseum within a week of each other, and now at the Star Fox stage reveal and that Comic-Con is in the same week... Sakurai could be setting the stage for the next "new fighter intro video"!


Okay, that was a terrible pun.

Well, that's all I could get from this that hasn't been something mentioned before. Yes, I know I'm probably being too imaginative. Yes, I know that there could very well be no "hidden meaning" or "hint" behind the ways Sakurai chooses to reveal things. It's just fun sometimes to assume hypothetically that he does.

What do you guys think? *winces in preparation*
no need to wince man you make some solid points and you've outlined them far more cleanly then I ever could, unfortunately the sci-fi relevance at Comic-con are only as strong as the sci-fi comic ( or comic related things) there so that point kinda falls flat. other then that I can definitely see ware you logic if coming from with this, these cg cutscenes may seem fleeting to us but to making can take quite a bit of time, so Retro potentially having been working on this trailer since perhaps last year isn't to far fetched.

Now it's another discussion all together if the internet could even handle a duo Krystal/Ridley reveal...

King K. Rystal

Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2014
no need to wince man you make some solid points and you've outlined them far more cleanly then I ever could, unfortunately the sci-fi relevance at Comic-con are only as strong as the sci-fi comic ( or comic related things) there so that point kinda falls flat. other then that I can definitely see ware you logic if coming from with this, these cg cutscenes may seem fleeting to us but to making can take quite a bit of time, so Retro potentially having been working on this trailer since perhaps last year isn't to far fetched.

Now it's another discussion all together if the internet could even handle a duo Krystal/Ridley reveal...
My brain would explode.


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
One thing I'm sure will happen is that Nolan North will be Wolf. Wouldn't surprise me considerin that he is taking over some roles that Grant Goodeve had (Such as the TF2 Engineer & possibly Wolf)

Don't be surprised if you hear this man reciting Wolf's lines

And Steve Buscemi can be Slippy Toad :troll:

(Skip to 1:53-3:10 to hear new Slippy!)
Nah, Lyssa Browne is best Slippy.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
So this week we got nothing but stages. Makes sense as the 3DS tourney may show off new ones and the game is getting closer to release anyway. But why show the WiiU Stairfax stage at the beginning? Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
So this week we got nothing but stages. Makes sense as the 3DS tourney may show off new ones and the game is getting closer to release anyway. But why show the WiiU Stairfax stage at the beginning? Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?
We're going to get a Villains/Rivals Trailer that will feature Wolf in it. Calling it now.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2014
I'd love a Star Fox cartoon on Nickelodeon. It'd be perfect for it.
NO. Have you SEEN what Nickelodeon does to it's shows? Watch Sanjay and Craig. Watch Breadwinners. Watch Modern SpongeBob. Watch ANYTHING on Nickelodeon (Korra and Ninja Turtles notwithstanding) and I can guarantee that you would not want Nickelodeon to get it's filthy little hands on Star Fox. the only way it could get worse is if Seth McFarlane were to get it's hands on Star Fox instead........*Shudders*


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
NO. Have you SEEN what Nickelodeon does to it's shows? Watch Sanjay and Craig. Watch Breadwinners. Watch Modern SpongeBob. Watch ANYTHING on Nickelodeon (Korra and Ninja Turtles notwithstanding) and I can guarantee that you would not want Nickelodeon to get it's filthy little hands on Star Fox. the only way it could get worse is if Seth McFarlane were to get it's hands on Star Fox instead........*Shudders*
Or if Michael Bay gets his hands on a Star Fox movie


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
So, character reveal at comic-con? Who do you think it will be?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2007
Speculation that conic con will see a character? Or was that confirmed somewhere?


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Speculation that conic con will see a character? Or was that confirmed somewhere?
Heavy speculation. Nintnedo's putting a lot of focus on it but we don't know if Sakurai is yet. We'll find out tomorrow with his Miiverse post.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
Well here's hoping guys, we got reason to believe krystal is possible now it just has to be proved. Can I have a link to when sakurai announces stuff like this?
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Aurora Sparkle

Smash Apprentice
Jul 23, 2014
Comet Observatory
Oh man.. you know you're bored when you start arguing with someone on the miiverse who thinks the reason why Krystal has no chance to ever be playable in a Smash Bros game is because "Rare designed her original Adventures outfit."

On another note I hope we DO get a character at comic con.. *crosses fingers for Krystal* >.<


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Oh man.. you know you're bored when you start arguing with someone on the miiverse who thinks the reason why Krystal has no chance to ever be playable in a Smash Bros game is because "Rare designed her original Adventures outfit."

On another note I hope we DO get a character at comic con.. *crosses fingers for Krystal* >.<
Indeed, there's enough reason to prove why it could be Krystal, while Rare may have designed her, she is part of the Star Fox series now, so those people are so full of it

Aurora Sparkle

Smash Apprentice
Jul 23, 2014
Comet Observatory
Indeed, there's enough reason to prove why it could be Krystal, while Rare may have designed her, she is part of the Star Fox series now, so those people are so full of it
Yea honestly, by the way they're responding to me (Slinging around Caps Lock and what not), I can tell that they're just salty that there's been a lot of vocal support for her on the Miiverse lately- and they're probably just a hater.
I mean come on. It's one thing if you have a decent argument to support your reasons why you think she won't be included- but the fact that Rare designed her original costume is not a reason. Lol. They may have designed her, but they don't own her. Nintendo does. So the whole point is moot.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Yea honestly, by the way they're responding to me (Slinging around Caps Lock and what not), I can tell that they're just salty that there's been a lot of vocal support for her on the Miiverse lately- and they're probably just a hater.
I mean come on. It's one thing if you have a decent argument to support your reasons why you think she won't be included- but the fact that Rare designed her original costume is not a reason. Lol. They may have designed her, but they don't own her. Nintendo does. So the whole point is moot.
That's so stupid, the Miiverse can be such idiots at times


Smash Apprentice
Jul 24, 2014
Yea honestly, by the way they're responding to me (Slinging around Caps Lock and what not), I can tell that they're just salty that there's been a lot of vocal support for her on the Miiverse lately- and they're probably just a hater.
I mean come on. It's one thing if you have a decent argument to support your reasons why you think she won't be included- but the fact that Rare designed her original costume is not a reason. Lol. They may have designed her, but they don't own her. Nintendo does. So the whole point is moot.
"And they're probably just a hater." .... C'mon, Internet.

Aurora Sparkle

Smash Apprentice
Jul 23, 2014
Comet Observatory
Haters gon' hate.

It's barely even understandable, but someone is clearly butthurt about recent Krystal support.

When the Starfox Pic of the day was posted, I'd say like 75% of the comments were centered around Krystal- most of them supporting her inclusion.

Aurora Sparkle

Smash Apprentice
Jul 23, 2014
Comet Observatory
Ignore those idiots
Yea, I don't take them too seriously- it's just kind of funny seeing people trying to tell you to stop hoping for a character you want to be included. lawl. -as if they have some kind of authority.

I'll be hoping for Krystal in smash 4 right up until the moment were have all characters on the roster 100% confirmed. :p
-and even then a small part of me will probably hope for her as DLC if she doesn't make the initial cut. XD


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Yea, I don't take them too seriously- it's just kind of funny seeing people trying to tell you to stop hoping for a character you want to be included. lawl. -as if they have some kind of authority.

I'll be hoping for Krystal in smash 4 right up until the moment were have all characters on the roster 100% confirmed. :p
-and even then a small part of me will probably hope for her as DLC if she doesn't make the initial cut. XD
Yeah I am with you, 100%


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
The only thing rare could possibly own from adventure is the engine. Design or characters are unaffected unless said character is a mascot for their company and krystal is safe from both those things.

Like isn't the engine on donkey kong 64 owned by rare or something? And nintendo can't port it to next gen because of those rights restraints.
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Deleted member

Like isn't the engine on donkey kong 64 owned by rare or something? And nintendo can't port it to next gen because of those rights restraints.
I think so (Correct me if I'm wrong). I think its also hard to port because the game is very prone to crashing (Since it had a bug inside that would only be fixed by using an expansion pack)


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Haters gon' hate.

Sure, buddy, your argument is so much more convincing with allcaps and excessive exclamation points. >_>

(Anyone else notice a lot of inflammatory internet comments are that way? Whole phrases capitalized, overuse of punctuation at the end of sentences, an overall condescending tone as if they're trying to yell at the other side until they shut up...)

I'll be hoping for Krystal in smash 4 right up until the moment were have all characters on the roster 100% confirmed. :p
-and even then a small part of me will probably hope for her as DLC if she doesn't make the initial cut. XD
Even if she doesn't make the initial roster, she could have a decent shot via DLC if she has an important role in the new game. Although who knows, we might not even have to wait for DLC. Robin got in because of moveset potential, which is also the biggest argument for Krystal at the moment...although Robin was also in a recent game that did really well...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2014
She will make it people.
Haters gon' hate.

It's barely even understandable, but someone is clearly butthurt about recent Krystal support.

When the Starfox Pic of the day was posted, I'd say like 75% of the comments were centered around Krystal- most of them supporting her inclusion.
lol these are the idiots who go out spreading cancer about krystal* can't even spell it right. Probably doesn't even know who she is. Haters will hate. His vocabulary though...
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Deleted member

She will make it people.

lol these are the idiots who go out spreading cancer about krystal* can't even spell it right. Probably doesn't even know who she is. Haters will hate. His vocabulary though...
And they're probably the same idiots that go around & make a huge deal about the fan art she gets & claim that only weirdos like Krystal.


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
uhm... sadly krystal name is still asociated to dinosaur planet and in that game krystal was frankly terrible.

Another thing you should consider is that fire emblem didnt get 4 reps, they get 3,2 reps at most, slots don't matter but character development time does. and i doubt people would be too happy with krystal being a fox clone :v

Wonder if krystal will be present in the new WiiU game, wasn't going to be a reboot? certainly is a good time to get krystal right...

@ ImOnlyHereToTalkStarFox ImOnlyHereToTalkStarFox can you send me a link with the original image of your avatar? looks amazing


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2014
uhm... sadly krystal name is still asociated to dinosaur planet and in that game krystal was frankly terrible.

Another thing you should consider is that fire emblem didnt get 4 reps, they get 3,2 reps at most, slots don't matter but character development time does. and i doubt people would be too happy with krystal being a fox clone :v

Wonder if krystal will be present in the new WiiU game, wasn't going to be a reboot? certainly is a good time to get krystal right...

@ ImOnlyHereToTalkStarFox ImOnlyHereToTalkStarFox can you send me a link with the original image of your avatar? looks amazing
Eh 4 characters 4 slots. See it how you want still 4 people. If Krystal was revealed it would be insane if Sakurai made her a clone. She has to bring something unique especially if wolf and falco are the same. Sakurai is a smart man...he can make her unique Sure I'll get it for ya.
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