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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC

The Psychic blue Fox hailing from Sauria has joined the fray!... is what we’d like to hear. Krystal, is a vixen and the most recently-recruited member of the Star Fox team. She serves as Fox McCloud's main love interest and made her first appearance in the series in Star Fox Adventures. In addition to her fighter role, Krystal is the team's telepath; these abilities are first seen in Adventures and put to good use during the Aparoid Invasion. Using her abilities, she can read thought patterns and sense distress signals, which is vital for the team as they help out other planets.

In Super Smash Bros Brawl: Krystal appears as both a character in the StarFox codecs (Where she alludes to being the only SF character left who can fight), as well as a trophy with a description.

A member of the Star Fox team welcomed in Star Fox Adventures after the team met her on planet Sauria when responding to a distress signal. Krystal is capable of telepathy and is a valuable member in combat. After becoming romantically involved with Fox, their relationship gets very rocky in Star Fox Command.

For the second time her fighting prowess is also mentioned in her other appearence within Smash.

Peppy: That gives me itching for some action. I want in!

Slippy: No way! Old-timers like you ride the bench. This fight's mine!

Krystal: What are you two thinking? I'm the only one who can come through in a fight like this!!
In Sm4sh: At this point, Krystal is pretty much the final important character within the StarFox series. We have Fox (Main Hero), Falco (Second Banana), Wolf (Villain/Rival), the last character we need is Krystal (Love interest). In many ways, not having Krystal is like not having Peach in the Mario universe. She is the last key character in the series that has yet to be added into Smash bros. Fortunately for us, Sakurai isn't too concerned about "representing" any series with a limited number of slots, and he DOES KNOW of Krystal, since he had his team work on her codecs, and he wrote up her trophy description. So, to me, this is Krystal's prime time to be included. As for what she could bring to Smash in terms of playstyle something along the lines of a staff weilder (Seong Mi-Na of SC esque) would be ideal. She could, of course, end up being "semi-cloned" like Wolf and Falco, which wouldn't be that bad. Her appearance in Smash 4 would probably be her Assault costumes, considering that's what she's seen wearing in Brawl, but she could also be dressed in either of these costumes as well:

What about the SF64 Remake?
Some people will try to take this and say that it's Nintendo's way of "Rebooting" the series, but there is no way to reaaaaallly know that. So, until StarFox Wii U is announced, I'm going to take it in the same light I took OoT3D, just a remake of a great game.

So please, feel free to discuss any aspects of this character here! From movesets, to costumes, or how you would personally want to see her implemented. I would like to hear your opinions on this character as well, all is welcome.
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Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
~ Krystal Movesets ~

[COLLAPSE="Specials"]B: Fire Blaster
Krystal shoots a Fireball with small knockback from her staff. However, by holding B, you can hold the charge and have a stronger, in general fireball. The main purpose for this attack is for zoning and scaring your opponent that you’ll shoot a fireball.

Side B: Ice Spray
Shoots a spray of ice from her staff. While Krystal is in any part of the startup or while it’s active, Krystal can adjust her aim. This is used as an anti-air, keep-out attack, or an edge guard move. Over time, the range of the spray decreases. If the spray is done at point blank, however, the opponent will be frozen.

Down B: Quake
Krystal strikes her staff to the ground to create a localized shockwave, there are three “points” where the shockwave will rise. This depends on your directional input. If you hold back during the startup, the shockwave will be close to you, while holding forward goes for max range. Holding just down or neutral lands between the two points. Useful for countering camping, or like the fireball, scaring the opponent. This attack is also jump cancelable. This attack does not work in the air for obvious reasons.

Up B: Rocket Boost
Krystal raises her staff and flies up. Doing straight Up causes her to go up vertically while Up-Left and Up-Right will cause her to travel in those directions. Like’s Snake’s Cipher recovery, Krystal can exit out of the recovery.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Ground attacks."]AAA: Krystal does a forward jab with her staff high, then low, and then does two kicks.
FTilt: Swings her staff downward. A good poke.
DTilt: Krystal crouches and sticks her staff out, this is her best poke.
Up Tilt: Like Pit’s UTiltt, but has two hitboxes. If the opponent is next to you as you hit, the move has more knockback and damage, but the hitbox on the feet has less knockback and damage.
Dash: Does a swipe at the opponent's foot, causing them to trip, but because of the reward, this attack is unsafe at close range.
FSmash: Krystal raises the staff behind her and drops the staff like an axe.
DSmash: Krystal places her staff to the ground, spins around and then does a downward angled double kick to the opponent. This has good horizontal knockback, but poor vertical knockback. This is best used for tech chasing or as an edgeguard.
USmash: Krystal holds her staff like a baseball with the charge going to her staff’s head. She swings upward. Unlike the above attack, this has poor horizontal knockback, but good vertical knockback.
Wakeup Attack: Like AA, but the second hit goes behind her.
Ledge Attack: Climbs and does a quick, weaker version of her FTilt
100% Ledge Attack: Weaker version of her DSmash[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Aerials"]NAir: Spins once with her staff horizontally.
FAir: Spins once with her staff vertically. The range, unlike her NAir, goes far in front instead of covering both sides.
BAir: Swings staff horizontally behind her. Has two attacks. First few active frames have good knockback not too far from Zelda's kicks. The rest of the active frames function as a sex kick.
DAir:Pokes directly below her.
UAir: Extends her staff 30 degrees upward to the direction she’s facing.[/COLLAPSE]

[collapse="Throws"]Pummel: Knees the opponent.
FThrow: Lunges at them in the stomach.
BThrow: Stomps on their foot, uses the staff to push them behind by their neck moving them behind her, and then kicks them.
DThrow: Tosses them to the ground, does a quick jump and spin of the staff above her, land with her staff hitting the opponent and causing a ground bounce.
UThrow: Punches the opponent and then uses the staff like a shovel to launch the opponent.[/collapse]

Playstyle: Krystal is a character that excels greatly at mid-range combat thanks to her range while having her Fire Blaster and Quake as zoning backup. Your objective with Krystal is to scare the opponent with these projectiles while being close enough to poke in for damage. Her preferred way to K.O. is horizontally. Her attacks don’t do the greatest knockback aside from a few so use her aerial pokes, Ice Blast and potentially other attacks for edgeguarding the opponent which she is also good at.

(Created by Kuma)


- Staff Attacks

Krystal punches, then kicks, then swings her staff. (Comes out very quickly, ends fairly quickly. Punch and kick are short ranged, staff swing is medium ranged. Knockback is good and launches forward at a 45 degree angle. Does 12 damage total when fresh. First hit does 2 damage, second does 3, and third does 7. Not a kill move.)
> Dash Attack:
Krystal rushes forward and swings her staff in an upward motion. (Comes out semi-slowly, like Marth's Dash Attack. Long ranged. Knockback is decent and launches forward at a 45 degree angle. Does 8 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> F Tilt:
Krystal stabs forward with her staff. (Comes out almost immediately. Long ranged. Knockback good and launches straight forward. Does 10 damage when fresh. Only a kill move at higher percents.)
> U Tilt:
Krystal quickly spins her staff above her, like a helicopter. (Comes out very quickly, ends very quickly. Medium ranged above her. Knockback is small and launches straight upward. Does 6 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> D Tilt:
Krystal crouches and swings her staff horizontally in front of her. (Comes out fairly quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is minimal and launches at an 80 degree angle forward, allowing for it to combo into itself. Does 5 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> F Air:
Krystal swings her staff vertically in front of her. (Comes out very quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is good and launches straight forward. Does 10 damage when fresh. Kill move, but at higher percents.)
> U Air:
Krystal backflips and slashes above her with her staff. (Comes out almost immediately. Long ranged. Knockback is minimal and launches straight upward, allowing it to easily combo into itself. Does 7 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> D Air:
Krystal stabs her staff downward. (Comes out semi-slowly. Long ranged. Knockback acts as a powerful meteor. Does 11 damage when fresh. Kill move at low percents when off-stage.)
> B Air:
Krystal spins and slashes horizontally behind her, using both hands. (Comes out semi-quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is good and launches straight backward. Does 13 damage when fresh. Kill move.)
> N Air:
Krystal rapidly spins her staff around, forming a circle around her. (Comes out fairly quickly. Medium ranged. Hits multiple times, and the final hit's knockback is minimal, and launches the opponent back in the direction they came from. Does 14 damage if all hits connect when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> F Smash:
Krystal uses both hands to slash the staff diagonally in front of her. (Comes out fairly quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is great and launches straight forward. Does 14 damage when fresh. Kill move.)
> U Smash:
Krystal stabs the staff straight up, and it is surrounded in flames. (Comes out very quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is good and launches straight up. Does 16 damage when fresh. Kill move, but at higher percents. Does fire damage.)
> D Smash:
Krystal stabs the staff into the ground, creating a quake around her. (Comes out semi-slowly. Range extends slightly above her head because of the staff, and it has medium range on either side of her because of the quake. Knockback is great and launches straight forward or backward if it hits with the quake, and launches straight up if it hits with the staff. Does 18 damage when fresh. Great kill move.)
> Neutral B:
Krystal shoots ice from the tip of her staff, like Charizard's fire breath. The angle can be controlled. (Comes out semi-quickly. Long ranged. Knockback works exactly like Charizard's fire breath. Starts at 10 damage per second, and slowly decreases to 1 damage per second. Not a kill move. Does ice damage.)
> Side B:
Krystal takes a great leap forward, flips, and slashes with her staff. Can be used in the air. (Comes out fairly quickly. The jump goes a long distance, and the slash is medium ranged. Knockback is good and launches at a 30 degree angle forward. Does 13 damage when fresh. Kill move, but only at higher percents.)
> Up B
Krystal uses the staff to launch herself up a great vertical distance. Horizontal distance is minimal. Krystal can use aerials out of this move, like Snake's recovery. (Comes out fairly quickly. The jumping motion has a hitbox, which hits multiple times and finally launches forward or backward at a 70 degree angle. This move always does 15 damage if all hits connect. Only a kill move at very high percents.)

(Krystal changes stances between her Staff Stance and her Assault Stance. The change starts on frame 1 and ends on frame 5, allowing for a quick transition. If she is holding her staff, she puts it in a sheath on her back, and pulls out a blaster from a holster on her hip. If she is holding the blaster, she puts it in its holster and draws her staff.)

- Assault Attacks

> AAA:
Krystal swings her blaster in front of her, punches, and then kicks. (Comes out fairly quickly, ends fairly quickly. Swing is medium ranged, punch is short ranged, and the kick is medium ranged. Knockback is decent and launches forward at a 45 degree angle. Does a total of 13 damage when fresh. First hit does 3 damage, second hit does 4, and third does 6. Not a kill move.)
> Dash Attack:
This is one of Krystal's very few real "clone" moves. It is exactly the same as Fox's Dash Attack.
> F Tilt:
This move looks the same as Falco's F Tilt. However, the only difference is in knockback: it launches straight forward, does 10 damage when fresh, and is a kill move at higher percents.
> U Tilt:
Krystal does a quick backflip, kicking above her with both legs and landing gracefully back on her feet. (Comes out very quickly. Medium ranged. There are two hits, one for each leg, and the second kick has good knockback that launches straight upward. Does 12 damage when fresh if both hits connect. Kill move at high percents.)
> D Tilt:
Krystal crouches down and swings her legs in front of her. (Comes out fairly quickly. Medium ranged. Knockback is decent and launches at a 45 degree angle forward. Does 7 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> F Air:
Krystal kicks, spins, and kicks again in quick succession. (Comes out fairly quickly, ends semi-quickly. Medium ranged. Knockback is good on both hits, making it much harder to air dodge, and launches straight forward. Each kick does 7 damage when fresh. Kill move at higher percents.)
> U Air:
Krystal backflips and throws a grenade a very short distance above her, creating a medium-sized explosion. (Comes out semi-slowly. Long ranged. Knockback is great and launches straight upward. Does 15 damage when fresh. Kill move.)
> D Air:
Krystal throws a quickly-exploding grenade beneath her, creating a medium-sized explosion. (Comes out semi-quickly. Long ranged. Knockback is decent and launches straight up, but only about enough to get opponents above her head a short distance, allowing this move to lead into her N Air, which will be explained shortly. Does 9 damage when fresh. Only a kill move at very high percents.)
> B Air:
Krystal spins and kicks behind her. (Comes out very quickly. Medium ranged. Knockback is good and launches straight backward. Does 10 damage when fresh. Only a kill move at higher percents.)
> N Air:
Krystal does the splits and a backflip at the same time, creating two hitboxes spinning around her. (Comes out very quickly. Medium ranged. Knockback is decent on both legs, launching in the direction that the opponent came from. Each leg does 10 damage when fresh. Not a kill move.)
> F Smash:
Krystal leaps forward with a spinning kick. (Comes out fairly quickly. The leap carries her a short distance, and the kick is medium ranged, lasting for the entire leap. Knockback is good and launches forward at a 30 degree angle. Kill move at higher percents.)
> U Smash:
Krystal does an uppercut, and when the opponent is above her, she throws out several grenades toward them, which create a big explosion. (The uppercut comes out semi-quickly, and knocks the opponent straight up, only slightly above her, and it only does 1 damage. However, it stuns the opponent long enough so they cannot do anything while Krystal quickly throws the grenades at them. The grenades come out immediately after the uppercut. They create a large hitbox above her, like Lucas's U Smash. Knockback is a bit stronger than even Fox's U Smash, launching straight up. The grenades do 20 damage when fresh. Definitely a kill move. However, if Krystal misses with the uppercut, she will still throw grenades, and the cool down is laggy, so she can be punished hard for it. But if the uppercut DOES connect, then the grenades will always hit, no matter how the opponent DIs.)
> D Smash:
Krystal plants a sensor bomb. (Comes out semi-slowly. The bomb will explode when a player steps on it. Knockback is good and launches straight up. Does 12 damage always. Kill move at higher percents.)
> Neutral B:
Krystal shoots her blaster. The lasers are green. (Comes out fairly quickly. The lasers can shoot slightly faster than Falco's. Knockback is minimal, stunning the opponent for half a second. Always does 3 damage per laser beam. Not a kill move.)
> Side B:
This move has two effects.
If the player is already holding forward and then presses B, Krystal will quickly throw a grenade. (Comes out fairly quickly. Grenade launches as far as Snake's do when thrown normally. They explode after 2 seconds. Knockback is decent, launching the opponent in a random direction upward, but not downward or to the sides. Always does 8 damage. Not a kill move.)
If the player presses forward and B at the same time, then Krystal pulls out a missile launcher and fires a missile. (Comes out semi-slowly. The missile itself travels very quickly, and will explode after ten seconds if it doesn't hit anything. On contact, knockback is good, and launches the opponent in the same direction that the missile hit from. Always does 15 damage. Kill move at higher percents.)
> Up B:
Krystal pulls out a jet pack and is able to fly around freely for five seconds. After the five seconds, she free falls. This move can be cancelled into her aerials, but has no hitbox. (Comes out semi-quickly.)

-Throws (Both Stances)

> Normal Grab
Krystal lunges forward and grabs, giving her grab range similar to something between D3's and Marth's.
> Dash Grab
Krystal's Dash Grab has a much shorter range.
Krystal punches the opponent with her staff in hand. (Always does 1% per pummel. Pummels are moderately fast.)
> F Throw
Krystal throws the opponent into the air slightly, then slashes with her staff. (Knockback is good and launches forward. Does 10 damage when fresh. Kill throw at higher percents.)
> U Throw
Krystal throws the opponent up into the air and shoots them multiple times with her blaster, like Fox's U Throw. (Does 7 damage when fresh. Not a kill throw.)
> D Throw
Krystal slams the opponent on the ground and shoots them with her blaster, popping them into the air a short distance. (Does 10 damage when fresh. Not a kill throw, but good for leading into other attacks.)
> B Throw
Krystal tosses the opponent behind her, then spins and slashes with her staff. (Knockback is good and launches straight backward. Does 8 damage when fresh. Kill throw at higher percents.)

- Miscellaneous

> Normal Get-Up Attack
Krystal spins around, swiping her staff on either side of her. There are two hitboxes.
> Get-Up Attack above 100%
Krystal slowly stands and stabs with her staff on either side of her, first in front, then behind.
> Ledge Attack
Krystal flips onto the stage, swinging her staff in front of her.
> Ledge Attack above 100%
Krystal slowly gets up, flips and kicks in front of her.

Final Smash: Demon Sniper
Krystal pulls out a demon sniper from thin air, and fires it across the stage. The bullet works like Marth's FS and Zelda's FS combined, going through everything. It instantly kills anyone in its straight path.

Play Style:
Krystal is a character that allows you to choose between two options while fighting: A ranged fighter, or a close ranged fighter. While in her Staff Stance, she is mainly a horizontal killer. Your objective is to space your opponent with her staff, similar to Marth's style. She can rack up damage in this stance with her good speed and range. Good pokes for her are her F Tilt and D Tilt. While in her Assault Stance, she becomes a vertical killer. Your objective is to control the stage with her sensor bomb and grenades, stop approaches with her missile launcher, and rack up damage with her swift attacks if your opponent gets too close. Her U Smash will easily kill around 100% on most characters with no DI, but it is high risk, so it should only be used when the timing is absolutely perfect. However, her melee range is shorter than that of her Staff Stance.

Other Comments:
All her moves in her Staff Stance have more priority than the moves in her Assault Stance.
Krystal is a medium weight character.

Behold, the most extremely unique and versatile character of all time: Krystal.

(Created by Amical)


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
You know I am not too keen about Star Fox undeservingly getting four characters but I would accept Krystal in Smash if she isn't a Fox clone with a Landmaster. But knowing Sakurai's track record regarding Star Fox characters, I am not confident Krystal would end up any different from Fox, Falco, and Wolf. :(


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
You know I am not too keen about Star Fox undeservingly getting four characters but I would accept Krystal in Smash if she isn't a Fox clone with a Landmaster. But knowing Sakurai's track record regarding Star Fox characters, I am not confident Krystal would end up any different from Fox, Falco, and Wolf. :(
Well, if anyone should end up not being a clone, it's Krystal, and I'm sure you can agree with that.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2012
?????? .... krystal??
*sigh* why is it that whenever i hear fans talk about star fox its always about krystal??
Why does krystal get a bigger fan group then say slippy?!? Or leon!?!?! LEON WOULD BE SO COOL IN SSB4

Cloaking dev ftw!!!



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
?????? .... krystal??
*sigh* why is it that whenever i hear fans talk about star fox its always about krystal??
Why does krystal get a bigger fan group then say slippy?!? Or leon!?!?! LEON WOULD BE SO COOL IN SSB4

Cloaking dev ftw!!!

Cause she's got boobs


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
*shrugs* I like Krystal, not slippy or leon, so I made this thread...



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Fixed to make your statement more accurate. :awesome: :troll: :laugh:
Technically they are fur. And fur has a different feel than just hair. If you can imagine, the feel of it would make up for it


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Ewwww, can we not? I'm sure ill have to deal with the REAL furries at somepoint. So don't make me start early.



Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Krystal is ****ing hot, add he pls. Oh, and her staff would make her unique, and shes a girl, so yeah, legit reasons...


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Yes Krystal is a pretty fox, and shoo Arcade! Go make a Tingle thread or something. I actually am curious to what extent her staff would be used in her moveset. Brawl doesn't mention it at all. It mentions her psychic ability, relationship with fox, and combat skills.



Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
I think Krystal would make an interesting character. She's also quite popular and one of the three most popular female character alongside Dixie and Palutena.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I'm questioning her status as most popular female this time around. The past three years she has been top dog, but Palutena is definitely giving her a run for her money. Not that the inclusion of Palutena would effect Krystals chances.



Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
If the Star Fox roster HAS to come to an end with 4 characters, then hands down KRYSTAL should be the one to do it!

I just hope her moveset represents Star Fox Adventure, instead of a 4th variety of Fox's moves.

And I don't see many other popular female characters making it in (after Palutena/Medusa of course). So Krystal is a great choice.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Krystal has both popularity and Viability, so, there isn't much going against her. At this point the only thing that could really stand in her way is if Sakurai just goes, "Meh, I think I'll pass"


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Krystal has both popularity and Viability, so, there isn't much going against her. At this point the only thing that could really stand in her way is if Sakurai just goes, "Meh, I think I'll pass"
I recall you agreed with me in the Dixie thread that DK didn't deserve four characters.

Can you really say Starfox, of all series, deserves such an honor with a clear conscience?

Nevermind her totally unrivaled hatebase.



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I recall you agreed with me in the Dixie thread that DK didn't deserve four characters.
No but I was playing along with your little game. Donkey Kong definitely has two more strong candidates, but this isn't the place for DK talk, now is it?

Can you really say Starfox, of all series, deserves such an honor with a clear conscience?
1. And honor?

2. Most definitely.

Nevermind her totally unrivaled hatebase.
Sakurai doesn't seem to care much.

Waluigi AT.

Krystal Codec.

Lyn AT.

Tingle AT.

For every hatebase, there is a fanbase twice as strong.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
You yourself said that these characters also had fanbases. Assist trophy roles are a good medium to satisfy both ends to a degree. Hated characters are very tolerable in more minor roles like this, while the fans still get something.

Almost none of the assists from Brawl are particularly likely. And Krystal had to settle for a more minor cameo than that.



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
King K. Rool was a Trophy.

I don't think you realize that you and about three or four other people on this site seriously dislike her. You five are just really obnoxiously loud.

Popular, Viable, prominent, still stands completely. Still makes her an excellent candidate.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
The donkeykong series is widely considered more popular and made better sales then starfox. But I don't think they deserve a 4th rep because they have no other character thats like, super important to the plot.

Really, I hate Krystal. To death. But shes the last piece missing from the starfox crew as far as important characters go.

Dixie wouldn't be necessary. She'd just be a cool extra addition.
Still want her though~ <3 Oh or Funky alongside K. Rool.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
Krystal is in IMO. There really isn't a 4th Character that fits well with Star Fox other than her. She also has a unique move set. Slippy and Peppy are the only other two options and I think she comes over them.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
The donkeykong series is widely considered more popular and made better sales then starfox. But I don't think they deserve a 4th rep because they have no other character thats like, super important to the plot.

Really, I hate Krystal. To death. But shes the last piece missing from the starfox crew as far as important characters go.

Dixie wouldn't be necessary. She'd just be a cool extra addition.
Still want her though~ <3 Oh or Funky alongside K. Rool.
Listen to SunnySunny, although I would definitely consider Dixie one of the most important characters to the series. What she's missing in terms of recent titles, she makes up for in what she achieved in the past.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
King K. Rool was a Trophy.

I don't think you realize that you and about three or four other people on this site seriously dislike her. You five are just really obnoxiously loud.

Popular, Viable, prominent, still stands completely. Still makes her an excellent candidate.
Sorry that I don't have a poll to quote to show you how many people hate her, but those are pretty hard to come by.

As far as K. Rool, he did not make it as such a minor role most probably because Sakurai did not want to immediately cross him off the list of potential Brawl newcomers. Notice there is no DK assist trophy at all.



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Sorry that I don't have a poll to quote to show you how many people hate her, but those are pretty hard to come by.

Only complaint is hatebase, something already disproved to really matter.

Still Prominent, popular, and viable. Everything (and more) Sakurai looks for.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
I think sakurai mentioned this somewhere on one of his blogs. Props to anyone that has it and can show it.

But basically he said the only rules for a character to get in is: "It has to be a character that people would like to play, and that would have an interesting playstyle." Something like that. Krystal fits both of those criteria. Granted she IS hated as much as she is loved.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Only complaint is hatebase, something already disproved to really matter.

Still Prominent, popular, and viable. Everything (and more) Sakurai looks for.
If it is truly necessary, I'll make a poll asking whom people's most hated newcomers are.

Prominence? She was trapped in a crystal for almost her entire game, then was a more minor character like Slippy and Leon. She shares her ending screen in Command with Slippy, while Falco and Wolf have their own.



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Prominence? Look at Peach and tell me she did much more prior to her inclusion in Melee. Her story is deeply intertwined with Fox's (As deep as SF can get), and she is the main love interest. And honestly, even if she was only as prominent as Leon and Slippy, her popularity is MILES above theirs.

And Im not saying she doesn't have a group who doesn't like her, I'm telling you that doesn't matter. Because Sakurai doesn't care (clearly), and she her fanbase is significantly larger than her hatebase.

I'm pretty much just saying the same thing over and over again, so..


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2011
Given Star Fox's record of having 3 characters that have such similar sets in the game when Krystal could actually be different, I would not be too surprised if she got in.

This is not to say that I want this, it's a pretty horrible choice and Star Fox is way way overepresented as is. But given the ridiculous amount of representation the series has been getting, it seems all too likely.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
If you think ANY series getting one new character at this point would make them overrepresented, your vision is too conservative.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
The sad part is that Krystal won't be much different from the other Star Fox characters. A stick is hardly an excuse due to characters not always using their weapons. Though being able to utilize some magic might be interesting I suppose, at least enough to not have knockoff special attacks like the other Star Fox characters.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2011
Another Game and Watch character would be an absolutely terrible idea.

That aside, I don't really see a ton of new characters getting added into the game given we only got a roster expansion of 10 in Brawl. Given we add 10-15 characters again in SSB4... wasting even one of those slots on another bloody Star Fox character is just bad, when Metroid and Donkey Kong only have 2 slots at the moment.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I definitely support Krystal for SSB4 (and not because she has boobs :smirk::rolleyes:)
I think she would offer a unique moveset, she has an interesting character design, and although she has her haters, she also has quite a large fanbase.

I would agree with the earlier comments that she is no longer the most popular or likely female character to get in (not that characters should get in due to being female), but I still think she has a fairly decent chance. I personally would play as her quite regularly if she was included.

The sad part is that Krystal won't be much different from the other Star Fox characters. A stick is hardly an excuse due to characters not always using their weapons. Though being able to utilize some magic might be interesting I suppose, at least enough to not have knockoff special attacks like the other Star Fox characters.
Theoretically Krystal could have her special moveset based on Fox's, like Falco and Wolf, but the chances of that happening are extremely slim. It is very unlikely that Sakurai would give Krystal an unoriginal moveset, unless she is a last-minute addition such as the other two, especially since she offers a much more unique moveset than Falco or Wolf ever did. Personally I think it's more likely she won't be included over her having a semi-clone moveset. If Sakurai needed a quick semi-clone to add towards the end of development, he would probably use a moveset that hasn't been copied twice so far.

Another Game and Watch character would be an absolutely terrible idea.
I think Shortie was saying that an addition to any series wouldn't count as overrepresentation, not that every series should get a newcomer, because I agree, Game & Watch is as represented as it's ever going to be or needs to be.

That aside, I don't really see a ton of new characters getting added into the game given we only got a roster expansion of 10 in Brawl. Given we add 10-15 characters again in SSB4... wasting even one of those slots on another bloody Star Fox character is just bad, when Metroid and Donkey Kong only have 2 slots at the moment.
Technically 18 new characters were added to Brawl, although I do agree that we will probably see fewer additions this time around. I also agree that Metroid and DK are in need of more characters (and it's quite possible they will each get at least 1 new one in SSB4), but I think that Sakurai includes characters mostly based on individual demand and popularity rather than to represent an "underrepresented" franchise.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Given Star Fox's record of having 3 characters that have such similar sets in the game when Krystal could actually be different, I would not be too surprised if she got in.
Starfox getting so many characters so consistently is exactly the reason why it can't get more.

And yes, a moveset where she's trapped in crystal would certainly be. . .unique, to say the least.

The staff moveset, if it's even used, would be based off of what -Fox- does with the staff. She barely even uses it.


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2008
New York
It worries me that people think Krystal will be a Fox clone *shrugs*

Krystal isn't one of my most wanteds, but she has my support. I think she's in.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I think if you don't like Krystal, you should stop obsessing over her and not hang out in the Krystal thread :rollseyes:


Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
While yes, Krystal can be a semi-clone of Fox in the same vein as Falco and Wolf, I believe her psychic abilities and use of the staff gives her the potential to not only be the least likely of the space animals to be a semi-clone, but gives her the potential to have her own unique moveset that mirrors no one else. Assuming that is indeed the case, then I am all for Krystal's addition.
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