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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Deleted member

no i dont have any info i just read from a post i dont remember plus im 17 so please dont judge(i know u weren't)
Wasn't planning to, take it easy there & I'll cool off.

All I ask is that you do a bit of some research & provide the evidence because I get a little irritated that it gets said all the time with nothing to show.

Fox fan6667

Smash Cadet
Jun 14, 2014
Hastings Mi
Wasn't planning to, take it easy there & I'll cool off.

All I ask is that you do a bit of some research & provide the evidence because I get a little irritated that it gets said all the time with nothing to show.
this sounds really stuiped but like what research how would i know were to start offive looked up smash bros ect.... but nothing is coming up
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Deleted member

this sounds really stuiped but like what research how would i know were to start off
Google some terms like "Japanese Nintendo forum/blog" or "Japanese Smash Bros forum/blog" & visit them, see if they're talking about Star Fox or Krystal (Unless you know Japanese, you'll probably need Google translate on the side to help you), find polls that are taken in Japan or asked by the Japanese fanbase on things like "What are your wanted Smash Bros characters?" or "Who is favorite/least favorite Star Fox character", etc.

Heck go on Japan region Miiverse & count how many users want Krystal to join Smash, like her as character or hate her as a character

Its not hard.
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Fox fan6667

Smash Cadet
Jun 14, 2014
Hastings Mi
Wasn't planning to, take it easy there & I'll cool off.

All I ask is that you do a bit of some research & provide the evidence because I get a little irritated that it gets said all the time with nothing to show.
this sounds really stuiped but like what research how would i know were to start off
Google some terms like "Japanese Nintendo forum/blog" or "Japanese Smash Bros forum/blog" & visit them, see if they're talking about Star Fox or Krystal (Unless you know Japanese, you'll probably need Google translate on the side to help you), find polls that are taken in Japan or asked by the Japanese fanbase on things like "What are your wanted Smash Bros characters?" or "Who is favorite/least favorite Star Fox character", etc.

Heck go on Japan region Miiverse & count how many users want Krystal to join Smash, like her as character or hate her as a character

Its not hard.
thxs. But i think ive giveing up on krystal being in smash. The reason for this is well they put in wolf instaed of krystal? Like really and we all have been wanting her for brawl witch didnt happen instead we get a trophy and a easter egg witch lasts like 3 secs of krystal talking in brawl. How r her chances any better if sakuri said that he wasnt gonna cut much characters( the one that are cut probably lucas,snake, and we do know that ivy and sq are out. so how does this help her? i get so ANGRY When shes not in but they have roselina and luma who in my opinion are op with paltina or whatever her name is. Sakuri wanted a balance fightng style with most characters with add more females but after see the trailer with rose and pal they look way to strong. Again what is wrong with adding her i mean come on shes more fighting style then wii fit tranner and shes just plane werid ive see mods with krystal with her own moveset and it looks great( by they the game is called super smash bros crusade) y cant sakuri do that? id like to know A REAL REASON Y SHE WONT BE IN IT!!! as for dlc i dont see it. me and my friends have been wanting dlc since brawl and has smash confirmed i mean like told everyone there will be dlc? again no shes out theres no turning it around unless sakuri goes '' o i think i should add her '' witch i know for a fact that she isnt gonna be in the game and just be a trophy again. I really wish she was but newcomers are pretty much all right in front of us and i know us krystal fans dont want to believe the fact shes not gonna be in the new smash bros:`( Dreams for her being in the game are now crashed for me:( sorry for the long post and i know no one will read this but whatever.(im not mad at any of u guys i just dont understand y she cant be in thats all...)
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Deleted member

thxs. But i think ive giveing up on krystal being in smash.

The reason for this is well they put in wolf instaed of krystal? Like really and we all have been wanting her for brawl witch didnt happen instead we get a trophy and a easter egg witch lasts like 3 secs of krystal talking in brawl.
Pretty much boils down to seniority.

ive see mods with krystal with her own moveset and it looks great( by they the game is called super smash bros crusade) y cant sakuri do that?
(I'm aware of the game, I have it on me) Same reason why Sakurai probably might not add in characters like Ridley (No offense): He doesn't think like us.

id like to know A REAL REASON Y SHE WONT BE IN IT!!!
Well I guess not being in the SF 64 remake counts (Although its kind of dumb considering that she was created after 64's release date but whatever) along with no new title since Command's release in 2006. (Yes, a new game has been announced but I imagine it's late at this point)

as for dlc i dont see it. me and my friends have been wanting dlc since brawl and has smash confirmed i mean like told everyone there will be dlc?
There hasn't been any official word from Nintendo about DLC but since the Sal leak implies we will get character DLC post release, we can at least hope she will be downloadable one day. Pretty much any character not named in the Sal leak won't be in unless they're considered for DLC or by some miracle, slip through the cracks.
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Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
I've only heard about Krystal's infamy in Japan, but I've never seen any hatebases actually speak up.

If Krystal isn't in the initial game, then DLC is definite. The new installment in her game, should she be in it, (which I have confidence she will be,) will make her extremely relevant and a worthy candidate for later inclusion.

I honestly don't see why DLC gets so much hate, when it can be a great feature if done the right way. Oh, and I mentioned this on the OCT yesterday, but I think the success of Amibos in Smash will affect the output of DLC. If Amibos take off, them DLC characters and Amibos will sell like Hotcakes.

Mmmmm, I'll be right back, time for breakfast.

Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
my question is is ambios gonna have new characters that weren't in the game before now be in it?
Of course they can. All they have to do is put the character's software on the Amibo and it can be put on the gamepad. New one's will be coming out eventually.

Deleted member

I honestly don't see why DLC gets so much hate, when it can be a great feature if done the right way.
Companies like Capcom & EA have pretty much affected the gamer's perception on DLC. Nowadays they associate DLC with "Content that should've been in the game but we're now paying to get it back"

At least thats what I'm thinking.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
Well as we all know Falco & Wolf are still up for debate as to who makes it into the character roster for SSB4. Right now in terms of content for the StarFox franchise in SSB4 there is only one playable character (Fox), an assist trophy (Andross) and an item (Smart Bomb). Other than those three things the StarFox franchise has nothing else going for it in SSB4. With the release of both versions in a few months I'm sure will see more StarFox content get revealed.

Now as far as playable StarFox characters go, (besides Fox) most fans want Falco & Wolf both to return. While others only want Falco over Wolf & vise versa. Now as for Krystal we all know that there's a pretty good demand for her as a newcomer. Most fans who want Krystal in the game propose that she should replace Wolf or Falco. Plus there is some support for having 4 StarFox reps which is unsettling to a certain degree with some fans.

Thoughts anyone?


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Well as we all know Falco & Wolf are still up for debate as to who makes it into the character roster for SSB4. Right now in terms of content for the StarFox franchise in SSB4 there is only one playable character (Fox), an assist trophy (Andross) and an item (Smart Bomb). Other than those three things the StarFox franchise has nothing else going for it in SSB4. With the release of both versions in a few months I'm sure will see more StarFox content get revealed.

Now as far as playable StarFox characters go, (besides Fox) most fans want Falco & Wolf both to return. While others only want Falco over Wolf & vise versa. Now as for Krystal we all know that there's a pretty good demand for her as a newcomer. Most fans who want Krystal in the game propose that she should replace Wolf or Falco. Plus there is some support for having 4 StarFox reps which is unsettling to a certain degree with some fans.

Thoughts anyone?
Very rational, if Krystal isn't at least playable from day one, she'll probably be DLC


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Well as we all know Falco & Wolf are still up for debate as to who makes it into the character roster for SSB4. Right now in terms of content for the StarFox franchise in SSB4 there is only one playable character (Fox), an assist trophy (Andross) and an item (Smart Bomb). Other than those three things the StarFox franchise has nothing else going for it in SSB4. With the release of both versions in a few months I'm sure will see more StarFox content get revealed.

Now as far as playable StarFox characters go, (besides Fox) most fans want Falco & Wolf both to return. While others only want Falco over Wolf & vise versa. Now as for Krystal we all know that there's a pretty good demand for her as a newcomer. Most fans who want Krystal in the game propose that she should replace Wolf or Falco. Plus there is some support for having 4 StarFox reps which is unsettling to a certain degree with some fans.

Thoughts anyone?
I liked the idea of Krystal replacing Falco or Wolf at one time, but not anymore, Falco and Wolf are both far more important characters. I wouldn't mind Krystal, but if either Falco or Wolf get cut I don't think one will just get up and replaced by Krystal. And I don't think Star Fox will get a fourth rep, either. If anyone gets cut, I'm betting on Falco, and he won't get replaced (though Falco will be made available as an alt of Fox in some way, since that's basically all Falco is anyway with Custom Movesets :p).

Deleted member

I highly doubt Falco will be leaving as much as people want it to happen.

Krystal will probably be DLC. That way, for those that don't want her on the roster don't have to shell out any money (Assuming DLC is paid but I doubt it) & whine about her joinin the fight (Even though it'll happen anyway because apparently its fun).
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I highly doubt Falco will be leaving as much as people want it to happen.

Krystal will probably be DLC. That way, for those that don't want her on the roster don't have to shell out any money (Assuming DLC is paid but I doubt it) & whine about her joinin the fight.
I don't WANT it to happen necessarily. I do like Falco. I just think it very well might happen because custom movesets makes Falco irrelevant and Wolf is significantly different from Fox, he just needs a few touches. Either way I don't think Krystal would replace Falco at this point. Star Fox will either lose one rep or stay with the same three. Krystal could be DLC, but I'm not so sure about it.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Would rather have kept Lucas than Falco



Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
I still think that one of star fox's com calls in brawl might hint at krystal's appearance in ssb4 because she said something of the like to I would be the only capable of going out there and holding my own while peppy and slippy argued.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I still think that one of star fox's com calls in brawl might hint at krystal's appearance in ssb4 because she said something of the like to I would be the only capable of going out there and holding my own while peppy and slippy argued.

Yep, and remember in Pit's Melee trophy, it said "Will Pit ever fight again" and bam! He was playable in Brawl, besides Krystal is realistically the only Star Fox newcomer left


Banned via Warnings
Jul 25, 2010
The hatebase is formed up of hypocrites. The same people that denounce Krystal for 'furry shaming' turn right around and lap up the shots in Palutena's trailer(hip check, chest shot, check! Nothing perverted here!). Sadly, popularity for Krystal just isn't there. Starfox as a whole may be getting a reboot, and Krystal may be one of the characters tossed to the side(ala K. Rool in the DKC reboots. Makes sense, she is from Rare).


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
The hatebase is formed up of hypocrites. The same people that denounce Krystal for 'furry shaming' turn right around and lap up the shots in Palutena's trailer(hip check, chest shot, check! Nothing perverted here!). Sadly, popularity for Krystal just isn't there. Starfox as a whole may be getting a reboot, and Krystal may be one of the characters tossed to the side(ala K. Rool in the DKC reboots. Makes sense, she is from Rare).
Nintendo owns Krystal not Rare. Adventures was Rares last game FOR Nintendo before Microsoft bought out Rareware. Rare created the cat character named Krystal in the cancelled game Dinosaur Planet, but I believe when Nintendo decided to change it to a StarFox title Rare changed the character for Nintendo to blue vixen we all know today as Krystal. I do see what you mean though. Its sad to see all the good characters Rare made for Nintendo get tossed to the side like a piece of garbage.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 25, 2010
Nintendo owns Krystal not Rare. Adventures was Rares last game FOR Nintendo before Microsoft bought out Rareware. Rare created the cat character named Krystal in the cancelled game Dinosaur Planet, but I believe when Nintendo decided to change it to a StarFox title Rare changed the character for Nintendo to blue vixen we all know today as Krystal.
Nintendo owns DKC too, but K. Rool got punted out of the reboot with impressive haste. I suspect that fate may befall Krystal as well. :(
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Smash Rookie
Feb 9, 2014
Krystal has appeared prominently in the Starfox games post-Rare, whereas K. Rool was supplanted.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Krystal has appeared prominently in the Starfox games post-Rare, whereas K. Rool was supplanted.
K. Rool wasn't either. K. Rool appeared in quite a few games post-Rare, so neither argument counts worth jack squat. K. Rool appeared in King of Swing, Jungle Climber, Donkey Konga (maybe multiple ones), Barrel Blast and even a Mario spinoff, Mario Super Sluggers. Plus Kremlings, K. Rool's underlings, are in Smash Run.

Recent Starfox games weren't a reboot of the series. DKC R was.
DKCR is a sequel to the original DKC games, not a full on reboot. Kremlings in Smash Run already destroy the notion anyway. In fact Kremlings appear ALONGSIDE Tikis.

I don't think Krystal is getting cut from Star Fox, and K. Rool is going to return to future DKC games as well anyway. I don't think Krystal will be playable in Smash Wii U/3DS, but I'd support her inclusion.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Krystal and K Rool rely on becoming DLC characters at this point.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
K. Rool wasn't either. K. Rool appeared in quite a few games post-Rare, so neither argument counts worth jack squat. K. Rool appeared in King of Swing, Jungle Climber, Donkey Konga (maybe multiple ones), Barrel Blast and even a Mario spinoff, Mario Super Sluggers. Plus Kremlings, K. Rool's underlings, are in Smash Run.

DKCR is a sequel to the original DKC games, not a full on reboot. Kremlings in Smash Run already destroy the notion anyway. In fact Kremlings appear ALONGSIDE Tikis.

I don't think Krystal is getting cut from Star Fox, and K. Rool is going to return to future DKC games as well anyway. I don't think Krystal will be playable in Smash Wii U/3DS, but I'd support her inclusion.
Thank you for talking sense and not assuming Nintendo is on a crusade to destroy what little is left of Rare. That's Microsoft's job (WOKKA WOKKA!)


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
I hope SF isn't getting another reboot. Let the series get some consistency going for God's sake. Miyamoto was soley responsible for turning Dinosaur Planet into Star Fox Adventures, and so he should take ownership of the character he pushed into the spotlight. No one gives this man ANY flak whatsoever for taking SF on the direction it's going now.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I hope SF isn't getting another reboot. Let the series get some consistency going for God's sake. Miyamoto was soley responsible for turning Dinosaur Planet into Star Fox Adventures, and so he should take ownership of the character he pushed into the spotlight. No one gives this man ANY flak whatsoever for taking SF on the direction it's going now.
I agree. I don't want Nintendo to abandon EVERYTHING post-64. Just abandon the crappy Star Fox Command or continue partway through the story of Command.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
I agree. I don't want Nintendo to abandon EVERYTHING post-64. Just abandon the crappy Star Fox Command or continue partway through the story of Command.
Didn't star fox command get good reviews? Besides some of the critics calling it a soap opera in space. The games canon is debatable and there is stuff going for it to see which ending was canon, the director say said something confusing saying fox's story ends here after they were talking about a sequel to the series so no one really knows whats going for sure at this point. I haven't seen anything to support that the next star fox title is going to be a reboot besides speculation by fans.

P.S. Krystal does have a pretty big fanbase despite not being a very developed character, she does have that whole last of her tribe thing going.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Didn't star fox command get good reviews? Besides some of the critics calling it a soap opera in space. The games canon is debatable and there is stuff going for it to see which ending was canon, the director say said something confusing saying fox's story ends here after they were talking about a sequel to the series so no one really knows whats going for sure at this point. I haven't seen anything to support that the next star fox title is going to be a reboot besides speculation by fans.

P.S. Krystal does have a pretty big fanbase despite not being a very developed character, she does have that whole last of her tribe thing going.
It had good reviews at first and at first people liked it, but now I hear nothing but HATE for Star Fox Command. Krystal has a decent fanbase, but she's also widely hated at the same time, some even going so far as to suggest that she caused the downfall of the series. :p


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
It had good reviews at first and at first people liked it, but now I hear nothing but HATE for Star Fox Command. Krystal has a decent fanbase, but she's also widely hated at the same time, some even going so far as to suggest that she caused the downfall of the series. :p
Yeah but, those people aren't true Star Fox fans in my eyes. They think Star Fox should go back to how it was on the 64 or SNES. I for one don't mind Krystal as she is my second favorite character after Fox McCloud who is my favorite.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
It had good reviews at first and at first people liked it, but now I hear nothing but HATE for Star Fox Command. Krystal has a decent fanbase, but she's also widely hated at the same time, some even going so far as to suggest that she caused the downfall of the series. :p
I've seen some of that but she has very passionate fans, one even going as far as to make a petition for her years prior in hopes of getting her and it has over 600 votes. I do believe that the overall appeal for her is her design though, she has done nothing note worthy as of yet, but she has that whole telepathy thing going for her to help find sos calls. I think in a sequel she could be expanded upon heavily, she is the last of her kind supposedly, this whole plot could be used for a game.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
Yeah but, those people aren't true Star Fox fans in my eyes. They think Star Fox should go back to how it was on the 64 or SNES. I for one don't mind Krystal as she is my second favorite character after Fox McCloud who is my favorite.
I just had to reply to this, I think there is a nasty fight going on with these old fans that think nintendo games should only be played as the first game of its origins. I don't like these people at all, I loved all the star fox games and I even loved star fox assault! that games multiplayer was the ****!

I love it when they expand upon the series and try new things, I want to know more about the universes of these games. I even heard talk about how they wanted to expand upon the metroid universe and even add new characters in like they did with metroid prime hunters.

They shouldn't kill potential because of these origin loyalists, if you truly like the series and the characters like me you want to see them do new stuff as well and not just old! I personally want a star fox assault 2 with heavily improved gameplay and a new story! Think about if they redefine their on foot combat while still being to jump in planes on a mission! This has some seriously cool potential!

Deleted member

It had good reviews at first and at first people liked it, but now I hear nothing but HATE for Star Fox Command. Krystal has a decent fanbase, but she's also widely hated at the same time, some even going so far as to suggest that she caused the downfall of the series. :p
If there is one thing I at least give Command credit for, its developing a bit more of Krystal's character (No, not the endings)

Though people have the nerves to say that her being angry at Fox is all a "Misunderstanding" but they're all cool with how Falco acts.

Heres the thing with Krystal (And Katt Monroe), shes a far more developed character than Wolf
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Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
If there is one thing I at least give Command credit for, its developing a bit more of Krystal's character (No, not the endings)

Though people have the nerves to say that her being angry at Fox is all a "Misunderstanding" but they're all cool with how Falco acts.

Heres the thing with Krystal (And Katt Monroe), shes a far more developed character than Wolf
Dude that is so true, everyone likes wolf but krystal did become more developed then him in command.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
EbonyRubberWolf, post: 16992419, member: 175081"]The hatebase is formed up of hypocrites. The same people that denounce Krystal for 'furry shaming' turn right around and lap up the shots in Palutena's trailer(hip check, chest shot, check! Nothing perverted here!). Sadly, popularity for Krystal just isn't there. Starfox as a whole may be getting a reboot, and Krystal may be one of the characters tossed to the side(ala K. Rool in the DKC reboots. Makes sense, she is from Rare).
If Nintendo wanted to cut her from the series, don't you think they would have done so after Adventures? Yeah that's what I thought, and besides like it or not, Krystal is part of the Star Fox series now.

Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
The new Star Fox isn't a reboot. They've mentioned how this game will act as a continuation from the, "movies," that were the previous games, or something like that. There's no reason for her exclusion and what we saw at E3 was a tech demo and nothing more.


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
Question to supporters, why you want Fox-Lady? Her design? Her possible moves? Her being lady-fox?
Well, I support Krystal because of her moveset potential, and I like her as a character (I don't count Command, because in my opinion, EVERYTHING was terrible about that game, and its status in the Starfox canon is debatable). I think that she could be a very interesting fighter who uses a mix of staff moves, artillery, and calling dinosaurs. She's got a lot more potential for a unique and fresh moveset than most potential Starfox newcomers, in my opinion.

I think it was the fangame Super Smash Bros. Crusade that really sparked my interest for Krystal being playable in Smash. She uses a combination of staff moves, weapons from Assault, and psychic powers in that game.
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