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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!

Kind Dedede

Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2007
Yale, Michigan
I also agree the comparison of each franchise to one another in terms of numbers of reps is ugly. I don't think Star Fox should have to take a hit because they're not as large as the Mario franchise, simply because Nintendo doesn't want to put out a new game for that series. What's worse is after we get all 4 of these characters in, (Fox, Falco, Wolf and Krystal), you'll already have the main core of the series. Anybody else after that you'll be digging deep into the series when time could be spent on other characters getting in.

Needless to say, all 4 should be allowed in but won't because blah blah blah and wah wah wah


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I doubt Krystal will be playable outright. IF she is playable, methinks DLC.

I do think we will see SF show up at E3 though. I do think she will be in the game as well

Deleted member

I don't see why Krystal wouldn't show up in the next Star Fox title (Unless its yet another remake of a Star Fox game that was made before her creation but I don't see either Star Fox SNES or Star Fox 2 HD happening), its not like Nintendo will just kill her off for no reason other than people wanting her to leave the franchise when they need to deal with it, its been 12 years & it was never a problem till now.

I just hope they don't make the characters unlikable ****s again like in Command.
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Deleted member

I doubt Krystal will be playable outright. IF she is playable, methinks DLC.

I do think we will see SF show up at E3 though. I do think she will be in the game as well
I certainly hope you're right about Star Fox at E3.
DLC won't happen, which is a true shame seeing as how it should. Back to wishing for project m
Sakurai has not said "there won't be DLC", just that he hasn't though about putting them in yet (this was back shortly after E3 2013 btw). We can still get DLC and if Sakurai referencing Fallout 3's method is any indication, it'll be done well.
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Kind Dedede

Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2007
Yale, Michigan
Can you show me a quote where Sakurai has stated that we won't get DLC?

With DLC becoming a huge standard in the video game industry, particularly for fighting games, many are no doubt wondering if Smash Bros. producer Masahiro Sakurai plans to take a similar approach. Sakurai told me in an interview that his sole focus right now is making the best possible game he can, and that currently he has no plans for DLC.

"At the current time we have no plans," Sakurai told me. "I consider my job at this point, and my main responsibility, to make the Wii U and 3DS versions the best and the fullest experience possible. That said, once finished, it's the type of thing we could take into consideration, but for now, you could consider DLC as not being in the cards."
As stated though, this was at last E3 so maybe he's changed his view on it. If they do something simple like Fire Emblem where you can have you can have fully interacting characters, stages and such I would be very happy. Never played fallout so not sure how they handle DLC so I'll have to look at that.

Deleted member

As stated though, this was at last E3 so maybe he's changed his view on it. If they do something simple like Fire Emblem where you can have you can have fully interacting characters, stages and such I would be very happy. Never played fallout so not sure how they handle DLC so I'll have to look at that.
He said "No plans for DLC", not "We're not doing DLC.". Hes not thinking about it at the moment until the game is done but he likes the idea of it.

As for Fallout's DLC, its basically more content added (That was not taken out of the base game) at a modest price. They're not required to play the game but they give you more hours to sink in to with bonuses like level cap increase, new areas to explore, etc.

Other games that do that kind of DLC include Borderlands.
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Kind Dedede

Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2007
Yale, Michigan
More/less me reading into it but I the same views follow with Brawl, I wouldn't be holding my breath. Which is truly saddening because it can be done very well as well as tailor custom for the fans as said.

Deleted member

More/less me reading into it but I the same views follow with Brawl, I wouldn't be holding my breath. Which is truly saddening because it can be done very well as well as tailor custom for the fans as said.
Well lets just wait & see how it goes from here, we might get a few DLC characters...Krystal being one of them. Who knows.

ITT Anything that isn't Star Fox 64 sucks and people having too high standards.
Aka Pokemon's Genwunners invade Star Fox

Edit: I was just reading this article from Wiiudaily.com & I spotted something interesting that I hope happens (Doubtful with Rare gone).

They were talking about what GameCube games should get the Wind Waker treatment and one of them was Star Fox Adventures.

Most Star Fox fans will cite Star Fox 64 as their favorite entry in the series because Star Fox Adventures departed from the direction of the series a bit. It’s still a classic title that could have a lot of room to grow on the Wii U, since environments could be larger and the story being told could be expanded upon to make a little more sense in the realm of the Star Fox universe. We’d love Nintendo to revisit the world of Star Fox and Star Fox Adventures might not be a bad place to start.
Perhaps this will calm the nerves of other Star Fox fans (Doubtful) and maybe it'll be better than what Rare had in mind!

See for yourself: http://wiiudaily.com/2014/05/9-gamecube-games-on-wii-u/
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2014
Linden, NJ
Has there been any good PSA work done for Krystal? How close do you guys think it will be to the real thing? (assuming we get Krystal as playable.)

Deleted member

Has there been any good PSA work done for Krystal? How close do you guys think it will be to the real thing? (assuming we get Krystal as playable.)
I've yet to find a "Good" PSA made but there is one made for Fox where he uses Krystal's staff.

I don't think it'll be that close even seeing how I don't see changing the fight style via taunting happening, plus some of the moves that is used in the clip don't exactly seem too faithful to Adventures but eh, Captain Falcon's moves aren't faithful to F-Zero so what do I know. (Also, some of the attacks look similar to Marth's)

Far as I recall while playing Adventures, you don't shoot or use lightning out of the staff.
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Deleted member

Hoo man...another day without much Star Fox content in the latest pic of the days without even the past stages like Corneria, Venom, or Sector Z showing a sign that they're returning.

Still wondering whats taking Sakurai so long to reveal one Star Fox stage, at least Donkey Kong & Kirby got 'em revealed despite being from the past...we got nothing so far. (Lylat Cruise was revealed on June 22nd 2007)
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Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
I like that we haven't seen much Star Fox content. Idk, it makes me hopeful. What i'm more curious to see is why people doubt Krystal will be included, acting like she has zero chance at all. From what i've seen, she has a very good chance of inclusion. Like I said before, the rep rule isn't real, and that's usually what people put against her.

Also, I'm curious what everyone's take on the Lylat Cruise Easter Egg is. We've seen Sakurai drop hints for characters inclusion, but was that one of them? People say it's just banter, but it's odd that they put that conversation for Star Fox.

Kind Dedede

Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2007
Yale, Michigan
Really is sad to see no info for Star Fox. Really beginning to feel like they're changing their opinion on the franchise and take it down a peg. This series deserves its attention, as well as the 4 fighters so why the dry spell idk.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
I like that we haven't seen much Star Fox content. Idk, it makes me hopeful. What i'm more curious to see is why people doubt Krystal will be included, acting like she has zero chance at all. From what i've seen, she has a very good chance of inclusion. Like I said before, the rep rule isn't real, and that's usually what people put against her.
Exactly, I still see people slapping on that silly rep rule when ever Krystal is mentioned to be possible newcomer in SSB4 on Miiverse. It's quite sad actually that people still really believe in this overrated rule.

Also, I'm curious what everyone's take on the Lylat Cruise Easter Egg is. We've seen Sakurai drop hints for characters inclusion, but was that one of them? People say it's just banter, but it's odd that they put that conversation for Star Fox.
Yeah the Lylat Cruise Easter Egg when Krystal claims that she's the only one who could stand a chance in SSB fight right? This Easter Egg reminds me of Pit's trophy description in Melee. Where people speculated that Sakurai hinted at Pit's inclusion in Brawl with this quote: "Will Pit ever fight again?".

Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
Exactly, I still see people slapping on that silly rep rule when ever Krystal is mentioned to be possible newcomer in SSB4 on Miiverse. It's quite sad actually that people still really believe in this overrated rule.

Yeah the Lylat Cruise Easter Egg when Krystal claims that she's the only one who could stand a chance in SSB fight right? This Easter Egg reminds me of Pit's trophy description in Melee. Where people speculated that Sakurai hinted at Pit's inclusion in Brawl with this quote: "Will Pit ever fight again?".
Yeah that's what I was getting at. It was always that one drip of speculation that no one seemed to recognize. Makes me think that people are trying to avoid it. Hmmmmmm.

Also, are you the same Kitsune I see on Miiverse often? The one that always ends his posts with, "KRYSTAL FTW!" If so, then we've talked before :p


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
Also, are you the same Kitsune I see on Miiverse often? The one that always ends his posts with, "KRYSTAL FTW!" If so, then we've talked before :p
Yes I am. Such a small world we live in eh? Lolz Anyway, who might you be on Miiverse good sir?
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Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
Yes I am. Such a small world we live in eh? Lolz Anyway, who might you be on Miiverse good sir?
Well my name on Miiverse is NeroSnare, but I use Joe as the screen name. I haven't been on Miiverse in a while however. Once I found Smashboards, I left that community because there was hardly any real discussion. I'll come back once the game realeases! (Most likely)

Deleted member

I like that we haven't seen much Star Fox content. Idk, it makes me hopeful. What i'm more curious to see is why people doubt Krystal will be included, acting like she has zero chance at all. From what i've seen, she has a very good chance of inclusion. Like I said before, the rep rule isn't real, and that's usually what people put against her.
Well nowadays, the common excuse I see being used against her is that she "Isn't relevant" (Which is a very subjective term I might add)

Yes I am. Such a small world we live in eh? Lolz Anyway, who might you be on Miiverse good sir?
You might quickly recognize me as "Mr. Freeman" from Miiverse.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
You might quickly recognize me as "Mr. Freeman" from Miiverse.
I figured as much seeing as you quoted stuff from Serious Sam on here a few times.

Did anyone know that Sakurai wrote Krystal's trophy description in Brawl? I find this bit of information beneficial towards Krystal's inclusion in SSB4 because this clearly shows that Sakurai is aware of her potential as a playable character/fighter.
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Deleted member

Also, I'm curious what everyone's take on the Lylat Cruise Easter Egg is. We've seen Sakurai drop hints for characters inclusion, but was that one of them? People say it's just banter, but it's odd that they put that conversation for Star Fox.
To be honest, I'm not exactly sure if its a hint since its not just Krystal who wants to get in on the action, Slippy & Peppy said it too.

Plus it is a secret taunt rather than a trophy so I dunno if I would take it into account but I'm not Sakurai.

All in all: I guess its a hint? But at the same time, it can't be. I really can't tell.

Would be interesting if Krystal was tied in with the reveal of another Star Fox character like Falco or Wolf in a trailer instead of being by herself.
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Kind Dedede

Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2007
Yale, Michigan
Kinda like how Charizard was revealed with Greninja during the Smash Bros. Direct?
That would be pretty sweet to see their trailer have Falco come flying in to help fox during a fight, while also leaving the possible opening for Krystal to ask if she needs to step in. More action shots later and then hear a thud. Its the pan of a boot with a witty comment towards how they were fighting, then lifting the camera up to show wolf getting ready to start fighting.

Lame description, but would be more then enough for me to get me excited for the game


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
That would be pretty sweet to see their trailer have Falco come flying in to help fox during a fight, while also leaving the possible opening for Krystal to ask if she needs to step in. More action shots later and then hear a thud. Its the pan of a boot with a witty comment towards how they were fighting, then lifting the camera up to show wolf getting ready to start fighting.

Lame description, but would be more then enough for me to get me excited for the game
All the while, the triple reveal trailer could be tied in with (or at least related to) the reveal of... A NEW STAR FOX GAME!

Ah E3, I can only wait and hope...

...or dream.

Kind Dedede

Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2007
Yale, Michigan
All the while, the triple reveal trailer could be tied in with (or at least related to) the reveal of... A NEW STAR FOX GAME!

Ah E3, I can only wait and hope...

...or dream.
Exactly! All else fails, could just be the announcement of them putting star fox games on the VC. I'm not picky but I do want my Star Fox

Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
Well nowadays, the common excuse I see being used against her is that she "Isn't relevant" (Which is a very subjective term I might add)

You might quickly recognize me as "Mr. Freeman" from Miiverse.

Fangirling aside, A triple reveal would be intense, but I don't think we'd see a cinematic trailer for those characters if we werenmt getting a new character.
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Deleted member

Kinda like how Charizard was revealed with Greninja during the Smash Bros. Direct?
Pretty much

Exactly! All else fails, could just be the announcement of them putting star fox games on the VC. I'm not picky but I do want my Star Fox
I do too but it seems like it won't happen with the studio who made the FX Chip gone (Argonaut Games)

While we still have Q-Games, I feel like the only way we'll get to experience the SNES Star Fox games is if they remade them like 64 3D, but I don't trust Dylan Cuthbert when it comes to making the games, especially considering that he isn't interested in Star Fox anymore just like how Yoshiro Sakmoto isn't interested in Metroid.

I did find him on another Star Fox fan site (If you're curious, its Arwing Landing) many years ago where he was, at the time of during Command's development, listening to the fans on what they thought the game should be like. Most of them wanted the series to be back on its roots & have elements of Star Fox 2 in the game...

Look how well that turned out.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
Would be interesting if Krystal was tied in with the reveal of another Star Fox character like Falco or Wolf in a trailer instead of being by herself.
My thoughts exactly. I've always envisioned Krystal being revealed like this. My idea for her reveal is where Fox is engaging Wolf & another character in a fight then he jumps away to get some breathing room and calls up to his ship the Great Fox for back up. Falco is the first person to respond to Fox's plea for help and says he'll be on his way. As soon as the conversation ends an Arwing flys by and a mystery character jumps out. The character hits the stage and its revealed to be Krystal. (Keep in mind that Krystal is a telepath, so she would probably know Fox is in trouble before Falco does.) That's basically my idea for Krystal's reveal.
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Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
If Krystal was revealed, i'd see it as this:

Fox is in an arwing, when he is attacked by an unknown force. He quicky evades his damaged ship, and is followed by his attacker: Wolf. Wolf and Fox duke it out, and Fox soon calls in Falco for assistance. Falco is also revealed, and soon, it's a 2 on 1, but Wolf will not go down. He ambushes the stage with his Landmaster, and soon he is a huge threat. In the sky, shots are fired from a distance, and land directly on Wolf's landmaster, destroying it completely. Wolf escapes, and all 3 look over in Astonishment. Soon, a figure jumps from the Arwing. The figure lands, and the camera slowly pans to show Krystal. Trailer revealed 10/10 would watch again.

Kind Dedede

Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2007
Yale, Michigan
I would love to see them touch up on their roots but I honestly didn't mind Adventures. After watching the game theory video on how customers are horribly ******** about games they really want, I'm not too surprised with how things turned out


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
If Krystal was revealed, i'd see it as this:

Fox is in an arwing, when he is attacked by an unknown force. He quicky evades his damaged ship, and is followed by his attacker: Wolf. Wolf and Fox duke it out, and Fox soon calls in Falco for assistance. Falco is also revealed, and soon, it's a 2 on 1, but Wolf will not go down. He ambushes the stage with his Landmaster, and soon he is a huge threat. In the sky, shots are fired from a distance, and land directly on Wolf's landmaster, destroying it completely. Wolf escapes, and all 3 look over in Astonishment. Soon, a figure jumps from the Arwing. The figure lands, and the camera slowly pans to show Krystal. Trailer revealed 10/10 would watch again.
This is also an epic idea.

Deleted member

I would love to see them touch up on their roots but I honestly didn't mind Adventures. After watching the game theory video on how customers are horribly ******** about games they really want, I'm not too surprised with how things turned out
Thats pretty much what it boils down to.

Nintendo announces new Star Fox game that doesn't play like SNES or 64, it tries to be fresh & different: "Waaahhh, it sucks! Nintendo go back to old times!"

Nintendo announces new Star Fox game that plays like SNES or 64, it tries to please the old fans: "Waaahhhh, it sucks! Nintendo, you need to be original & evolve! Stop rehashing!"

I don't usually agree with what Game Theory says but he did nail it on the head with "Consumers don't know what they want.". Maybe thats why its hard to make a new Star Fox title, because only half the fanbase will like it & the other half will hate it. We can never get along.

If Krystal was revealed, i'd see it as this:

Fox is in an arwing, when he is attacked by an unknown force. He quicky evades his damaged ship, and is followed by his attacker: Wolf. Wolf and Fox duke it out, and Fox soon calls in Falco for assistance. Falco is also revealed, and soon, it's a 2 on 1, but Wolf will not go down. He ambushes the stage with his Landmaster, and soon he is a huge threat. In the sky, shots are fired from a distance, and land directly on Wolf's landmaster, destroying it completely. Wolf escapes, and all 3 look over in Astonishment. Soon, a figure jumps from the Arwing. The figure lands, and the camera slowly pans to show Krystal. Trailer revealed 10/10 would watch again.
You got the right idea here!
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Kind Dedede

Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2007
Yale, Michigan
Think it goes without say that you shouldn't take GT too seriously but they were right here. Then again, we do have a problem with plug & chug sequels of games right now still flooding the market. People ***** about them yet still keep buying it up. Rather sad those type of people are swaying so much control over the video game market /:

Back on topic, when I think of it E3 is either going to hold one of the following scenarios for us:

  • Double announcement for Star Fox, which two is up in the air but Krystal does stand out from being a semi clone plus would build hype.
  • Single announcement of either Falco/Wolf, as well as a new stage to fight on, saving for Krystal for last minute announcement.
  • Chopping block style rampage and the guaranteed vets yet to be announced will be. Meaning Falco/Wolf will blend in with Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, Ness etc who we all know will return. Krystal would again be last minute announcement at the expense off announcing a large amount of people.
I doubt they'll skip Star Fox during the event and would miss another golden opportunity not to pick up Krystal if they deny her again. Still wish to hear news on new SF game but I'll wait for that.

Deleted member

Well Nintendo is trying their best to hype up their E3 2014 performance so it could be good news for fans of franchises like F-Zero & Star Fox (And I guess Metroid :p) since they tweeted after the release of the Mega64 video that its "what we've been waiting for"

Yet at the same time, history has shown that fans of Nintendo should never be excited because of Nintendo's unpredictable behavior and that you should hope for the best. Nintendo Land & Wii Music anyone? (For instance, Iwata thinks the "Quality of Life" plan was what we've been waiting for)

Its really hard to say but I think the 3rd scenario being the best case since I imagine that Sakurai knows people are still debating which Star Fox character should get cut & who should replace him so hes keeping them hidden to make us feel anxious like with Ridley.

It'd be funny if Krystal was the newcomer or one of the newcomers revealed at E3 instead of who people thought they'd see coming like Mewtwo, K Rool, Pac-Man, Palutena, etc.
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Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York

Agreed, Nintendo shall forever be the most hit/miss of the big 3.
My sides, they have vanished.

To be honest, if Krystal was in, i'd find it all the more hilarious towards the people that counted her out.
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Smash Cadet
Apr 22, 2014
I compare Star Fox to Green Lantern, it's a series that never had a big blowout but it's got a big fanbase....
Still no need for 4 reps, maybe even 3 is too much and Fox is a must kinda like Hal Jordan.
Like Andross, Parallax is the big villain but they can't be playable for obvious reasons....
Sinestro is the antagonist of Hal and the leader of the rival team of the GL corps, pretty much like Wolf.
John Stewart is Falco, a badass sidekick and Krystal is like Star Sapphire as the love interest.
I Can't believe i'm saying this but Star Fox is best repped with Fox and Wolf if there are only two reps like Hal/Sinestro in Injustice.
Yes Wolf/Sinestro deserve to go in over Krystal/Star Sapphire, despite my hatred for Wolf, without him no rival team
to fight and a big gap in the series, he's more important than Krystal and Falco who are sidekicks.
They should only be in if there was a third slot for Star Fox and than i prefer Krystal who's more unique than Falco BUT
Kid Icarus is the problem, Sakurai has betrayed you guys once and he can do it again by including Palutena with her staff
instead of Krystal doing some combat with tilts and smash attacks while more magic in the specials.

But seriously ask yourself these questions:
If they really wanted Krystal to be relevant again after 8-9 years than why diddn't they made a new Star Fox instead of Kid Icarus?
Why diddn't they released a HD version of Adventures instead of 64 on 3DS feat. Falco and Wolf but not Krystal?
I'd like Krystal and Black Shadow with some M.Bison moves you know but the newcomers all have had a game in the last 2 years,
not like 8-9 years ago so i just don't believe they're a shoe in like many of you are saying that's all.
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