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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Deleted member

I kinda have a feeling Krystal won't be revealed with a trailer & that she'll probably be a secret character...unless Sakurai is free to prove me wrong.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2014
I kinda have a feeling Krystal won't be revealed with a trailer & that she'll probably be a secret character...unless Sakurai is free to prove me wrong.
Every newcomer is getting a trailer and I think all the newcomers will be revealed before the game launches because hype


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Think it might have been on the IGN boards (it might have been right before Brawl was coming out, either way that post is long gone now).
Plus I think Sakurai himself admitted that he wanted Peppy for Brawl, before he settled for Wolf.
sounds like made-up information if you ask me


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
IF we see Falco or Wolf on the DOJO, there's a good chance she's playable, but as a secret character. Personally, I think we're on the last few legs of newcomers being shown off. I think Dixie/K Rool/Cranky will be hidden, Chrom/Robin/Roy will be hidden, and Mewtwo as well. At E3, I really feel like we will see a Miis/Pac or IF Ridley is playable, him and Pac-Man. But after them, I think we're done with newcomer reveals. MAYBE one more.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I think there's 5 more newcomers still and if one of them is another Third Party that'll be the E3 reveal. I expect if Krystal is indeed one she'll be revealed during a direct, hopefully coinciding with information on a new Star Fox.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2014
Krystal is hopefully in but I feel like they would take out wolf to put her in.
I know it won't happen but he's my favorite villain ever and I want scales in over everyone


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
He's super cool, but I do agree that he's sort of like Zant at this point. Maybe we will get a trophy?

Aurora Jenny

Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2007
Spring. Texas
Possible. Honestly, I want all four. with Falco getting a further revamp, though for some reason Waluigi's return as an Assist makes me a touch nervous.
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Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Why does that make you nervous? Waluigi had literally everything stacked against him.

Deleted member

To be honest I doubt we'll get any StarFox newcomer, and as we have three already, I'm okay with that. I just want some updates to Wolf especially, because although he has an original moveset, there are some things about it that feel very uninspired or useless. A friend of mine has made a thing about how bad his recovery is, and his forward smash is so overpowered and spammable on a novice level of play. He also doesn't really have the right presence in my opinion, his inclusion feels just as rushed as Jigglypuff, who is, as we all know, very underpowered compared to Melee.

Anyway, if there was a new StarFox rep I may be able to see Krystal, only because there's no one else. I've never understood why fans think the lizard or the panther have any chance. I prefer them as characters to Krystal sure, but they're definitively in the background. I think Peppy or Slippy I'd also prefer, sadly they aren't made out for fighting enough to warrant Sakurai's efforts compared to Krystal having actual fans.

Ultimately I think any StarFox newcomer has a chance of about 5% getting in, altogether. It's about as low a chance as a rep getting removed. I'd be happy if Sakurai simply improved upon the ones that are in.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Wolf's recovery is just fine, its quite good actually. Its definitely one of the harder to use recoveries, but its still good, and any high/top level wolf main will attest to that.

And Wolf's fsmash at low level is actually pretty bad. Just tell the low level player to shield a lot, low level wolf players are insanely punishable on block and they get basically nothing out of grabs. Unless youre talking mindless button mashing levels of low play, wolf's fsmash isnt a problem. His dsmash though, that thing is good. On the backside its somewhat safe and in the front its hella fast and has great knockback.

Id still prefer Krystal over any other StarFox character though, not because of looks or anything (although that is a plus imo) but more moveset diversity. She has ridiculous amounts of potential for a totally unique moveset, far moreso than anyone else in the StarFox universe bar like, maybe Andross, but he doesnt really fit into a character portrayal in the smash universe very well imo. Like Trigger said though, I do think Scales would work well also, but he's just not even close to as notable/popular/important as Krystal is in the franchise. Plus, being a girl, something Smash severely lacks in representation, is a huge plus.
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Deleted member

I always find it silly talking about "gender representation" in a game with giant lizards and penguins fighting it out with giant hammers and Pokemon. I disagree that Krystal has that much potential. I don't think it'd be appropriate for her to use the staff, unless it was a complete homage to Dinosaur Planet/StarFox Adventure. She barely uses it at all in the game compared to Fox. And while I enjoyed that game, I don't think it deserves a whole rep just to pay it respect in that way. If you subtract the staff she has about as much potential as the others.

What I said about Wolf was obviously anecdotal, I'm not going to say he's objectively badly designed nor did I argue he's low tier or useless, just that his set is kinda unbalanced. You're naturally going to gravitate toward a few moves, it doesn't flow as naturally as the other two space animals, though I enjoy playing as the character regardless. It may simply be the intended feel of the character that I've misinterpreted to be a bit clunkier than the norm.

Popo Nana Power

Smash Apprentice
Dec 6, 2013
Only played Adventures, but I think Krystal is more important than Falco or Wolf. More popular too, next to Slippy. Not too interested in either Krystal or Star Fox, mind.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Sakurai has already said he would like to to find more female representation. He straight up said that in an interview. And not every character is based off their most recent game's design, perfect examples of this are Link and Mega Man who are based off their more notable/recognizable games in their franchises. When it comes to Krystal, what game is she most closely related to? Adventure. Which game's design for her is more notable/recognizable? Adventure. Which game in the series is Krystal's character most central and involving? Adventure. And what does she have in Adventure? Her staff. Does anyone else have a staff? Nope. That is a perfectly logical basis on which to say she could have her staff, which in turn, allows for a very diverse and different moveset. Add in the fact that she had a thing for extra barriers and NOT a reflector, that she was never fond of Blasters and preferred the Gatling gun in when it came to actual weapons (she had a Blaster in the multiplayer of Assault, but thats because it was the starting weapon for everyone), and then of course the staff, you could make something totally unique.

With all this said though, while I do think she'd make an amazing addition, I dont think she'll be in in the end just due to the fact that Sakurai doesnt seem to think she warrants a spot anyway.

Deleted member

I'd like to see that quote, there was a similar philosophy in Brawl that we'd get so many females but it turned out we got just one. I also just don't see why Adventure gets basically a rep designed around it when it's so old at this point and irrelevant to the StarFox series, which has soldiered on and used Krystal as a member of the crew without the staff. Link and MegaMan are very different cases. Link's appearance seems to be based on Twilight Princess if anything, and MegaMan's most famous and Nintendo-exclusive games happen to be his oldest. Considering none of the StarFox characters were ever based on Adventure, I don't think that Sakurai would make an exception for her. At best I'd see her pull a Ganondorf and use the staff.. for a taunt. Just as an easter egg. With that in mind it's hard to see her getting in over the iconic Slippy or Peppy by that wide of a margin, although I'd say those three are the only ones with a chance. We both agree that StarFox is not going to be getting a newcomer anyway, that much seems obvious.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2014
I'd like to see that quote, there was a similar philosophy in Brawl that we'd get so many females but it turned out we got just one. I also just don't see why Adventure gets basically a rep designed around it when it's so old at this point and irrelevant to the StarFox series, which has soldiered on and used Krystal as a member of the crew without the staff. Link and MegaMan are very different cases. Link's appearance seems to be based on Twilight Princess if anything, and MegaMan's most famous and Nintendo-exclusive games happen to be his oldest. Considering none of the StarFox characters were ever based on Adventure, I don't think that Sakurai would make an exception for her. At best I'd see her pull a Ganondorf and use the staff.. for a taunt. Just as an easter egg. With that in mind it's hard to see her getting in over the iconic Slippy or Peppy by that wide of a margin, although I'd say those three are the only ones with a chance. We both agree that StarFox is not going to be getting a newcomer anyway, that much seems obvious.
I don't think it matters that the staff was only in adventures, it's krystals signature thing, it's what she does that seperates her apart from the other star fox characters, let's say bowser jr got in, you'd still expect him to use the paintbrush even though he hasn't used it since sunshine, it's what sets him apart, fludd was only in sunshine yet mario has that

Deleted member

I don't think it matters that the staff was only in adventures, it's krystals signature thing, it's what she does that seperates her apart from the other star fox characters, let's say bowser jr got in, you'd still expect him to use the paintbrush even though he hasn't used it since sunshine, it's what sets him apart, fludd was only in sunshine yet mario has that
To be honest, I don't agree. I can see Bowser Jr. use his paintbrush in some way, but considering he didn't even appear to use it as an assist trophy, it's difficult to say he'd outright use it as the core of his set now. I simply don't think Sakuria's mind works that way when he's making movesets for characters. He has rarely used one-time props in that way, FLUDD itself just turning into a fairly ubiquitous down special. I may be wrong, but that's the sense I get.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I would really like Krystal in Smash, and I think she's gonna make it for sure. Sakurai kinda spilled the beans on one of Falco's codecs on Lylat Cruise in Brawl at Corneria. Here's what I've heard:

Peppy: That gets me itching for some action, I want in!
Slippy: No way! Old timers like you get the bench, this fights mine!
Krystal: What are you two thinking? I'm the only one who can come around in a fight like this!

Popo Nana Power

Smash Apprentice
Dec 6, 2013
I also just don't see why Adventure gets basically a rep designed around it when it's so old at this point and irrelevant to the StarFox series, which has soldiered on and used Krystal as a member of the crew without the staff.
Aside from Command, which is non-canon, there's literally only been one game since Adventures. Which...came out in 2005, also really old.

And I don't think her not using a staff one game later means much, esp. considering the gameplay is radically different from her debut game, and using a staff in that game simply would not fit with the game.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
To be honest, I don't agree. I can see Bowser Jr. use his paintbrush in some way, but considering he didn't even appear to use it as an assist trophy, it's difficult to say he'd outright use it as the core of his set now. I simply don't think Sakuria's mind works that way when he's making movesets for characters. He has rarely used one-time props in that way, FLUDD itself just turning into a fairly ubiquitous down special. I may be wrong, but that's the sense I get.
Zelda uses moves that Link only uses in one LoZ game. On top of that, she may also be using a living statue from one game, and her whole moveset is based around a character who only appears once. (Shiek) Your problem with the staff is nothing more than that. Your problem
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Besides, Krystal used the staff's powers in the climax (ineffectually but still) so there's some pretense for it.

Not to mention Ness and Lucas's movesets used by the gal of their teams and Falcon's moveset from the Nether.

Deleted member

Well, it's not so much my problem as my opinion, granted. I just don't see any evidence for why she'd use it when no other StarFox character does anything similar. It's possible but it's a long shot.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2014
Well, it's not so much my problem as my opinion, granted. I just don't see any evidence for why she'd use it when no other StarFox character does anything similar. It's possible but it's a long shot.
She'd use it because no other star fox character uses anything similar, it's what makes her unique


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
It's not a long shot, it's the only way I could see her getting in. Not the staff, per-se, but being unique. She would have to be unique to be included, and the staff is sort of a no brainer. It's not just Krystal either, I don't see any newcomer making it in this time that isn't unique. So, more or less the staff is the most probable thing she would use if she got in.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Well, it's not so much my problem as my opinion, granted. I just don't see any evidence for why she'd use it when no other StarFox character does anything similar. It's possible but it's a long shot.
This makes no sense. Why does Peach float and use turnips from Super Mario Bros. 2 when none of the other Mario characters do? Why does Rosalina use moves from Galaxy, her most notable appearance (of which she never actually did anything, and her moves are rip-offs of things Mario did, similarly to the "Fox used Krystal's staff" argument), when no other Mario character does? Why does Zelda use magic that Link used, and not even in the same way he used it? Why aren't Dedede and Meta Knight just complete Kirby clones, I mean, they're both Kirby characters. The notion that Krystal should be a clone of Fox because she's a Star Fox character is just completely ridiculous.

MegaMan's most famous and Nintendo-exclusive games happen to be his oldest. Considering none of the StarFox characters were ever based on Adventure, I don't think that Sakurai would make an exception for her.
Mega Man is designed off of his most famous appearance as you obviously said. Guess what Krystal's most famous appearance is? None of the other Star Fox characters are based on Adventure? Obviously, Adventure isn't any of their most famous appearances, but it's Krystal's. I guess Luigi shouldn't get his Poltergust because Luigi's Mansion wasn't a true Mario game, even though Mario got his FLUDD from a single game appearance. You know, logic.

Deleted member

For one, Peach's entire set is not focused around her turnip-picking, it's a single special, albeit a central one. She has about twenty other moves that are not turnip-picking. I will agree that Krystal using the staff on one special is possible. Your other example of Zelda is a more valid comparison as she does use magic not used by her in many moves, but the difference is that she had to be added, after all, it's Legend of Zelda, if we were talking about Star Krystal I may see why her inclusion and thus the use of this prop is that valid. The magic also didn't require a prop to activate. I personally just don't see it as being a huge part of her set, although I'm at fault for not being descriptive enough.

If she did use the staff, it'd be as a multi-functional single special, or a taunt, basically just using it for one thing and then having a set similar to the other space animals. This is because every space animal thus far has followed a pattern of how their moveset works, and I don't think Sakurai will want to break that to base a set around a not uncommon type of weapon. Hey it's possible, and I'm not hating on Krystal by saying I don't think she will use it heavily. I feel that also the farther we get away from Dinosaur Planet, the less likely it is he would use the staff.
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Really now? False? Must I bring up the points you ignored?

You're under the assumption that, if Krystal got in, she would have to be a Fox clone, because she's a Star Fox character. Why is that exactly?

Almost everything Rosalina does in Smash is completely made up BS by Sakurai, she never threw Lumas around like puppets. All of the moves that are from Galaxy are things that Mario did. Also, please tell me, why would Rosalina end up in the game, taking inspiration from the Galaxy games for her entire moveset instead of just being another Mario character with only a single reference or two? Rosalina is in essence representing two games from the Mario franchise, so why could Krystal not do the exact same thing? According to you, she should have only gotten a taunt, or just a single move at best, while just being another Peach because of the franchise logo she wears. Galaxy is hardly new, and her latest appearance was in Super Mario 3D World, where she played like Peach with just a simple spin attack reminiscent of Galaxy, obviously she shouldn't have a Galaxy based moveset because of this. Yet she does, because uniqueness trumps "relevance."

Deleted member

I never said anything about relevance, it's just that common sense dictates, if Sakurai continues to go not mentioning a character's game for that long, in this case Dinosaur Planet, I don't think he's going to draw huge influence from it.

I'm not saying she'd be a Fox clone. Wolf is not a Fox clone, Falco continues to edge away from Fox. Her moveset would likely be based on Fox's in a similarly different way to Falco's as Wolf. She may use the staff as a replacement blaster or something along those lines, but I don't believe she'd use it thoroughly as is the case with Rosalina and her Luma. I also don't think that is comparable, considering that it is completely made up. Sakurai does not use a pre-existing quantity and take liberties with it unless there is a legitimate reason, and that would be required in the first place to use one prop to make an entire moveset. A single special, or a handful of moves, maybe, but then that is not exactly a super interesting set either. Which is why I don't think Krystal will get in, nor do I think she would be a totally unique standalone set either. Just my opinion though.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
So Rosalina is just an exception for you, wonderful.

How about Diddy Kong? He hadn't been seen in years before Brawl, and when he finally did show up he came packing his Peanut Popgun and Rocket Barrel Jetpack from Donkey Kong 64, a single game that was two systems old by the time Brawl came out. You know when Sakurai makes a character, he goes back and looks at their history and picks what is most appropriate for them. You can truly see his dedication to such in Diddy himself, as his idle animations are almost near perfect to how they were in Donkey Kong Country. Sakurai even said that he had no idea Krystal was so well requested until after the fact, it's entirely plausible that he would return to her as a character this time, and he would look at her history and see exactly what she can do to differentiate herself from the other spacies.

Of course, now I'm just waiting for you to deny Diddy as an example with some excuse. Probably "the gun and jetpack are only two moves and a final smash."

Deleted member

I'm not ignoring your cherry picks here, Krystal is simply in a unique situation where the other characters from her series have a shared moveset foundation. She may have the staff as her blaster, but she won't use it throughout. Just as Diddy Kong doesn't use his peanut gun for every single move. She is bound to be heavily similar to the others. It's not as though Wolf was not easily made into an entirely new set as well, but Sakurai has set a precedent and I doubt he'll break it. If you want to base Krystal on every other Smash character, I just don't think that is a reasonable argument.

Also just to correct you slightky the peanut gun and jetpack are two separate things. The staff is a single prop.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
And now the Krystal board is in full hornet nest mode again. Guess that's why it's only just behind the Ridley, K Rool and Palutena ones.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Also just to correct you slightky the peanut gun and jetpack are two separate things. The staff is a single prop.
I never referred to them as a single object, I specifically mentioned them both separately.

You claim I'm cherry picking? Then what are you doing exactly? Basing your opinion of Krystal only being a clone just because of the previous two Star Fox characters being so, particularly when that is not the case for most of the roster. Saying Krystal is in a unique position is cherry picking in itself, only two characters support your argument, while nearly the entire roster supports mine. You know the reason Wolf wasn't as unique as he could have been? Because he was added at the last minute and didn't have enough development time to make him a fully unique character. The only reason Falco was even in Melee was because he was easy clone material. All of your arguments are completely insubstantial, you say she wouldn't use her staff because you seem to think you know what Sakurai thinks.

I'm not the one cherry picking here, you're just grasping at straws.
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