Welp, I'm getting just about fed up with this...
You just don't get it, do you? Nobody's calling you out on flaming, we're calling you out for being a bully with your opinions. Throughout this thread and several other threads on this board, you are trying to police people's opinions on something unbelievably inconsequential. You keep making these wild claims that if people don't submit to your way of thinking, that not only will they suffer but this entire forum will suffer. You repeatedly elude to people who don't agree with your opinions as being deluded or ignorant and CLEARLY your opinions are the only "correct" ones. "Why can't everyone just be like me; the world would be such a better place," is how I would sum up the content of a vast majority of your posts. You hold yourself on some strange, imaginary pedestal where you're a sort of super hero who is protecting the forum from... the Fanboy Apocalypse? Unlike a lot of sites, this site actually has top notch MODs and if people get whiny and disrupt things too much, it's THEIR job to take care of it, not yours.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, you like to beat people over the head with your opinions in an attempt to convert them to your way of thinking citing that it would be a sort of extreme tragedy if they expressed any sort of dissatisfaction of one of their wanted characters not getting in. One thing that I find particularly insulting about your statements is how you constantly insinuate that people are not capable of curbing their emotions and dealing with the exclusion of characters rationally. Apparently the only emotions that fans of characters that you don't like are capable of are lustful infatuation and unbridled rage which, again, strongly suggests that you think you're better than people
BASED ON YOUR OPINIONS ON VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS and if that isn't disquieting, I don't know what is. People should be held accountable for their own actions and opinions especially for something as trivial as game character speculation and, again, for you to claim that is it your responsibility to curb this and proselytize your opinions as the undeniable truth as your modus operandi to cleanse the world of the unspeakable evil of people who don't agree with you is simply too dogmatic for words to describe.
Remember as a kid when your parents said "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?" I think that's pretty sage advice in this situation. Seriously,
MORE THAN 80% of everything you have said on this forum this year has been you goosestepping around with a level of jingoism that I've usually only have ever seen on political and religious forums. Those are serious topics. Smash Bros isn't. Smash Bros is a game and there is absolutely no need to aggressively crusade to uphold your own opinions. Are you allowed to disagree with people's opinions? Of course. Is it possible to do it with out it being the equivalent of repeatedly jabbing someone with a spear? Absolutely. You lack tact which seems to be the reason why most people don't like you, not because you disagree with them. As a secular humanist who regularly works with a large number of Christian, Muslim, and even Pagan groups in my area and has for the past 3 years, I know for a fact that it is fully possible to sensibly express your opinions that are on the complete opposite side of the spectrum than the people you're dealing with.
Again, we get it, you don't like Krystal and that's all well and good. As previously stated, you're more than welcome to your opinion but your way of disagreeing is unacceptable. Is she possible? Yes because she fits the bottom basic criteria that Sakurai has stated in the past: she's a video game character that has appeared on a Nintendo platform. What are her chances? We don't entirely know and it's all speculation and conjecture so to claim to have absolute knowledge of this is dishonest and, obviously, you don't continuously lie to people and expect them to put up with it for long. Does she have a chance of not making it? Of course. Might there be some fallout with her not making it? Possibly but it's nothing a few bans couldn't fix and to suggest that this situation is far more serious than this is simply laughable. Are other people using false info and conjecture too? About as much as just about any other thread and while it should be addressed, there are a lot of good examples of people in here that have been able to respectfully disagree and point out errors while not parading as the way, the truth, and the light.
You keep claiming to be a realist so I'm now presenting you with the very real situation where you're being overly aggressive towards people simply because... wait for it... they like a blue cartoon fox and want to play as her in a video game. This is the situation at hand. This is where you have ended up in life. Is this honestly where you want to be? Again, you tie way too much significance to the opinions of others on this matter and it has made you a genuinely unlikable person as a result. Your opinions aren't what are getting people stirred up; it's your behavior. Looking at this, I'd like to think that I would say the same words to myself when I used to do this to the Tingle, Waluigi, and Daisy threads back in the pre-Brawl days sharing the same sentiments as yours but, lo and behold, I grew up. I came to discover that speculation is meant to be fun and that people disagreeing with me about video games, shucks howdy, was no skin off my nose even if they supported characters that made my stomach turn. I learned that it says a lot about a person if you have someone who actively destroys bridges rather than build them in the quest to simply fulfill the smug satisfaction of being able to say "I told you so."With all this being said, I think you need some quiet introspection of how you interact with people and I feel that it will do you a lot of good to turn your behavior around.
Paragraph One: Stop trying to police people's opinions.
Paragraph Two: You're way too dogmatic; cut it out.
Paragraph Three: You lack tact; work on that.
Paragraph Four: Stop presenting conjecture and opinions as facts.
Paragraph Five: Work on building bridges instead of destroying them.
Bottom Line: You're taking opinions about a video game way too seriously and you need to straighten up.
Vocabulary quiz words: proselytize, jingoism