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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
If we did get a Krystal Mii costume, then on one hand I'd be like "ugh, we were so close to getting her in the game!" But on the other hand I'd just be happy that she's still being acknowledged.

Exactly this. Couldn't put it any better myself. If Zero DID end up getting bad feedback after its release, hopefully the best case scenenario would be that it'd open certain fans eyes a bit more. Fans attitudes towards the subject have already changed, even if just a little bit, so I remain cautiously optimistic, aha.
A Mii Costume doesn't DQ her from being playable, Heihachi was already in PSASBR, it would feel too akward, there are Link and Samus costumes
Which is a good thing, so that they wouldn't whine when Nintendo tries something new with Star Fox


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
Well what did you expect, it's the GameFAQs message board after all, FYI @ jahkzheng jahkzheng , K Rool is not off the table at all, a Mii Costume doesn't mean anything
I concur of course, as proven by the parenthetical comment.

Because nostalgia elitists consider her the odd one out since she wasn't in the older games. That and, what's been discussed in the past, they like to blame her for the so called "downfall" of the franchise.

I suppose our biggest chance now for a pre-ballot Wolf would be a Nintendo Direct prior to October. I suppose there's a chance somehow that he'd be announced AFTER all the ballot characters, but I think that's much less likely. Though saying that, I know Sakurai said no more characters after the ballot, but again much less effort would be put into including a pre existing character. And I'm not sure where the spur in Krystal support is coming from, but I sure hope it carries on growing. Krystal's huge fan base is the only thing that doesn't make me lose hope that we've seen the last of her.
Well, even after the ballot voting period is over, we're unlikely to see a ballot voted character reveal for a while. Wolf could still be a "pre-ballot" character that's announced after October and released in December or early next year, or something. I think the first ballot character may not be announced until the Holidays and not released until Spring 2016. It's all just speculation of course. My hope is that he gets announced and released very soon. The best bet may be to expect him to be available as DLC or at least be announced by the release of Star Fox Zero. I've already been wrong about many of my Wolf predictions however so who knows. As unbelievable as it I feel it is, Wolf could still manage to not be a DLC character... even though he's by far the most popular vet and possibly DLC request right now, would be easier to add to the game, and has Star Fox Zero happening on his side.

*says Captain Toad copies format from Angry Birds series*
"Go through the level and get to the end"
REALLY! Because Angry Birds is about shooting birds at pigs. No getting to the end just shooting pigs with birds.
"All it has is controls for the Wii U Gamepad" You can't play with any other controller."
Maybe because it was made for the Gamepad and the Gamepad is the controller the Wii U comes with.
How is touching the screen so ****ing difficult? A button would've worked fine, but that would've made the puzzles easier and HOW IS TOUCHING THE SCREEN SO DIFFICULT?

How do you even watch this guy? He says Nintendo isn't targeting adults with Splatoon (in another review) with the sci-fi, military, or similar theme. Splatoon targets kids with, get this, a very generic, bland theme. Lost all credibility.

Back from my rant, to our usually scheduled Krystal propaganda. If you want to continue the Captain Toad conversation, go to the Captain Toad thread since I don't want to derail this one.
I started to watch that video too but that guy was a bit too much for me. He just seems bitter and almost like he's holding back a internal rage with every sentence. Super condescending too. Plus he sounds like just some angry kid who wants everyone else to be angry too. I don't have a lot of patience for that. I guess someone cares how he feels, but it basically sounds like an excuse for an already angry person to rant about something. There's too much of that online. I really don't care to hear it, so I stopped before I was halfway.


Smash Master
Sep 12, 2014
Mexico? (reference to Star Man)
I started to watch that video too but that guy was a bit too much for me. He just seems bitter and almost like he's holding back a internal rage with every sentence. Super condescending too. Plus he sounds like just some angry kid who wants everyone else to be angry too. I don't have a lot of patience for that. I guess someone cares how he feels, but it basically sounds like an excuse for an already angry person to rant about something. There's too much of that online. I really don't care to hear it, so I stopped before I was halfway.
He honestly seems to hate things that other people like just to hate them. I don't really like people like that. Opinions are fine, but when you start spewing bull****, you lose credibility.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
Well, someone already shared the article to GameFAQs and OP tried using it has a way to discredit Krystal with the title, "Sakurai Compares Krystal to Dry Bones and Baby Peach" completely using what Sakurai said out of context to make her look bad. Lucky some of the people there already pointed out that Sakurai meant something completely different.
I knew it was coming the moment I read the article. And the first person that commented tried using Zero as a reason Krystal can't be added because she isn't in the game. Meanwhile King K. Rool hasn't been in a DK game the past three games and let he is give a pass. The same for Isaac. Not being the main character of your own series for the past two games seems to be perfectly OK. But Krystal is not in one game and suddenly "Krystal disconfirmed!"
I just got done reading through the thread you mentioned that's on GameFAQs about the article and I couldn't believe how silly some of the users are. I like how they try to find/use every loophole they can from the article to disprove the fact that Krystal was indeed considered as fighter in Brawl, but it seems that due to their denseness they can't believe that Wolf was chosen over Krystal due to time constraints.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Guys we really should ignore the GameFAQs message board, it's nothing more then a massive incubator for trolls as @Mental Surge has said
Speaking of trolls, I totally owned someone on Youtube who said Krystal was trash, using facts, that guy didn't even respond, @Krayon Kaphonie can attest to that
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Guys we really should ignore the GameFAQs message board, it's nothing more then a massive incubator for trolls as @Mental Surge has said
Speaking of trolls, I totally owned someone on Youtube who said Krystal was trash, using facts, that guy didn't even respond, @Krayon Kaphonie can attest to that
I like GameFAQs still. Its rather entertaining for me to say the least. How the how the board exploded when the K. Rool costume was shown.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I like GameFAQs still. Its rather entertaining for me to say the least. How the how the board exploded when the K. Rool costume was shown.
Yeah, it is good for a few laughs, but we shouldn't take anything on the message boards there seriously, especially pertaining to Krystal, though the guide and walkthroughs there are helpful, I try to avoid the GameFAQs message board especially the Krystal related threads


Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
I read the article on those post-brawl questions. I don't really think what to think of it. What I mostly focused on was how Wolf almost didn't make it and how Krystal was actually considered, but dropped due to just how much work would've been required. At the very least, Krystal was actually acknowledged, and in depth, too. Regardless, Wolf is my number one to return, with Krystal my number two, and I'm still hoping for that Star Fox DLC Bundle with them both in it. Having them come out in December would suck because of the wait, but it'd give them more than enough time to port Wolf and recreate Krystal.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Guys, well any ideas of how to incorporate elements of Krystal's Adventures attire, into her Smash attire, if we don't get alts for her
Krystal's tribal attire looks pretty regal thanks to all the bronze it's adorned with. I want some of that to carry over, so I vote she wears her favorite necklace again, for the third time overall (she's seen with it in her Adventures and Command outfits). It won't result in a messy fusion between old styles and new, and it will be a subtle reminder of where it is she came from.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Guys, well any ideas of how to incorporate elements of Krystal's Adventures attire, into her Smash attire, if we don't get alts for her
Most likely through a hybrid design that merges both of her Adventures and Assault design.

Anyways, I guess I'll come forward and say that I support Krystal for Smash Bros DLC.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
I'm so conflicted on Krystal's design, I like the Assault design but Fox, Falco and Wolf are mostly inspired by their command designs so it would clash, but at the same time I'm not a huge fan of the pink and at the same time I want it to represent adventures in some way cause it'd be kinda strange to have the staff but nothing else from adventures. UGGGHHHH, I DUNNO


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Just read the article and to be honest I see this as good news:

1- Sakurai is aware of her, I can understand why Wolf barely happened, and judging by the way Smash 4 was put together is understandable why he's not in the game at least for now.

2- Smash has a history of characters that were planned in one game and appeared on the next one: Snake, Sonic, Sakurai's Characters in Melee and Villager, Pac-man, and the Mii Fighters in Brawl.

3- Ryu proved that drastically different characters are not impossible for DLC.

4- Sakurai made clear that all characters from now on will be fan service.

5- It's probably unrelated, but David Wise is working in an unannounced project with Nintendo, it's probably the Diddy Kong Racing game that apparently is being made by Retro Studios, but the word project might suggest something that's not a game, after all Sakurai bothered to find the original composer of Street Fighter II just to make the soundtrack for Suzaku Castle, and both Krystal and K.Rool have their origins on games with soundtracks composed by Wise.

I'm not saying she is definitely in, just that her chances may be even better than we originally thought.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
I'm getting worried that our Krystal Smashified may not get here before the Ballot ends. We were suppose to get Smashified #10 on the 14th but Omni had to go on a trip and its almost to the end of August and nothing so far.
I really hope things speed up for us soon.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
I'm getting worried that our Krystal Smashified may not get here before the Ballot ends. We were suppose to get Smashified #10 on the 14th but Omni had to go on a trip and its almost to the end of August and nothing so far.
I really hope things speed up for us soon.
Apparently #10 (very clearly Isaac) should be ready in the next couple days.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
#10 is Isaac lol. Your avoiding saying his name.
Ah. I guess it was a reply to a comment. I didn't see it since I don't go through all the comments.
Also, there are a lot of users and guests here today. Did that article really bring that hype around it?
Edit: I know its Isaac. Its faster to type #10 for me. Lol
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2015
Yep Isaac smashified video comes tomorrow and hopefully it won't be delayed and I think Krystal could be next.


Smash Cadet
Dec 17, 2013
Going wherever I please
Ah. I guess it was a reply to a comment. I didn't see it since I don't go through all the comments.
Also, there are a lot of users and guests here today. Did that article really bring that hype around it?
Edit: I know its Isaac. Its faster to type #10 for me. Lol
Yep, it gave me new hope. It was annoying never knowing if your character would ever be noticed, always in the dark, (hell that's the reason i'm not my main account here anymore) at least we know he knows. No excuses now really, we'll get something, I dont think we'll get timed out given ryu.
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Yep, it gave me new hope. It was annoying never knowing if your character would ever be noticed, always in the dark, (hell that's the reason i'm not my main account here anymore) at least we know he knows. No excuses now really, we'll get something, I dont think we'll get timed out given ryu.
I agree


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
There was a Krystal file in I think it was Bomberman's video.
For what it's worth, they did say some of the files in the Bomberman video were deliberate red herrings.

On the other hand, Krystal is heavily requested and the kind of character they would Smashify. Hard to say for sure, but based on what they've told us, Krystal and Ridley--in some order--are most likely the next two.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Yep Isaac smashified video comes tomorrow and hopefully it won't be delayed and I think Krystal could be next.
In the Bomberman video they leaked the upcoming Smashified with files in the program Maya with the name Krystal.
And Maya is the program with the best render of Krystal I have ever seen so there is that as well.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
In the Bomberman video they leaked the upcoming Smashified with files in the program Maya with the name Krystal.
And Maya is the program with the best render of Krystal I have ever seen so there is that as well.
Do you have a link to this render? I don't think I've seen it.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
So with this new...news, perhaps it's time for a rerate over in RTC? We could correct that gong show that was her first rating...


Smash Master
Sep 12, 2014
Mexico? (reference to Star Man)
For what it's worth, they did say some of the files in the Bomberman video were deliberate red herrings.

On the other hand, Krystal is heavily requested and the kind of character they would Smashify. Hard to say for sure, but based on what they've told us, Krystal and Ridley--in some order--are most likely the next two.
The files in there were Krystal, Isaac, and Octoling I believe. Octoling is the clear red herring while Isaac is confirmed. Krystal is most likely true.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
So with this new...news, perhaps it's time for a rerate over in RTC? We could correct that gong show that was her first rating...
I'll help you vote her to the top again. I wasn't here for the re-rate, but from what you're saying, I can tell it went horribly.


Aug 12, 2015
New Jersey
So with this new...news, perhaps it's time for a rerate over in RTC? We could correct that gong show that was her first rating...
I feel that her want and chance rating will go up at least a little bit with all that has happened recently.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
I wasn't here for the re-rate, but from what you're saying, I can tell it went horribly.
We actually haven't rerated Krystal at all. Her only rating was from really early on, and she got kicked down a lot from people who assumed only one Star Fox character could get in or thought she'd "steal" a "slot" from Wolf.

That, and a little bit of the furbait card, which was ridiculous and hypocritical when so many of them were Wolf supporters.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 17, 2013
Going wherever I please
Alot of people are saying Krystal was never considered and it was just wolf or no one outright. She was only mentioned because of the interviewer.

What do you guys think?


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Alot of people are saying Krystal was never considered and it was just wolf or no one outright. She was only mentioned because of the interviewer.

What do you guys think?
That's up to them if they think Sakurai is the type to tell a bold-faced lie for public relations reasons. Some people really have that mindset, but when it comes to development choices, I think he's being sincere when he outlines the challenges he's faced with on the job.

We actually haven't rerated Krystal at all. Her only rating was from really early on, and she got kicked down a lot from people who assumed only one Star Fox character could get in or thought she'd "steal" a "slot" from Wolf.

That, and a little bit of the furbait card, which was ridiculous and hypocritical when so many of them were Wolf supporters.
I could've sworn I've seen one or two of these arguments in the original RTC thread. Disappointing, but not unexpected. Here's hoping they've set aside their biases and are willing to look at it from a fresh perspective this time.
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