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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
Sadly, I think Wolf being cut in this game hurt what could've been amazing odds for her. Yes, I believe we can still get both characters, but Krystal's odds would've been even better if Wolf's cut hadn't happened to begin with. Suddenly Star Fox would just be looking for one DLC character. As it stands, Wolf is a vet character now with high demand... and there's evidence that Sakurai is quite comfortable bringing back vets if that's what the people want. Like was the case pre-brawl, totally original characters require more work and we just aren't sure how many of those Sakurai has planned and what the requirements are for him to feel the effort is worth it, beyond character popularity.

I think that article is a plus for Krystal since it shows he's considered her as a totally original fighter. At the same time however, he's since cut Wolf from the roster. Consider all he said in that article and the fact that Wolf is currently not in Smash anymore. It's interesting. I don't know that his consideration of Krystal means as much as it should simply due to Wolf's absence. That's basically my point I guess.

Oh, and just to reiterate. I want both characters in Smash.
Honestly I'm hoping Wolf is still announced but as a character separate from the ballot. It seems a waste to me to use up a slot on a character that's already been created when they could literally just snap their fingers and bring him back anytime. If he was brought back as a character separate from the ballot, I think that'd improve Krystals chances a little more.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Honestly I'm hoping Wolf is still announced but as a character separate from the ballot. It seems a waste to me to use up a slot on a character that's already been created when they could literally just snap their fingers and bring him back anytime. If he was brought back as a character separate from the ballot, I think that'd improve Krystals chances a little more.
Wolf really is that easy to bring back, so just release him already


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
Proving Sakurai obviously doesn't care how many reps a series gets. If fire emblem can go from 2 to 5 from one game to the next, Starfox can go from 3 to 4.
2 to 4 now.

Darnit Wolf!

I think if Sakurai added Krystal, her design would be fairly classy. Most of the female cast have non-sexualized designs. The only exception I think is Zero Suit Samus.
I hope so.

Great avatar btw. I approve.

I know, but relevance to a series is important too, and Toad isn't even one of the main or important supporting characters,
Toad is kind of a big deal, heh. He's appeared in a ton of Mario games. That said, there's a bunch of "big deal" Mario characters.

Just, you know, be careful simply making claims about the viability of other characters. We here support Krystal. Our forte isn't in the analysis of why other characters "aren't as good as her", only that she's good for us. I'd also like to avoid randomly upsetting a lurking fan.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Well, someone already shared the article to GameFAQs and OP tried using it has a way to discredit Krystal with the title, "Sakurai Compares Krystal to Dry Bones and Baby Peach" completely using what Sakurai said out of context to make her look bad. Lucky some of the people there already pointed out that Sakurai meant something completely different.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Well, someone already shared the article to GameFAQs and OP tried using it has a way to discredit Krystal with the title, "Sakurai Compares Krystal to Dry Bones and Baby Peach" completely using what Sakurai said out of context to make her look bad. Lucky some of the people there already pointed out that Sakurai meant something completely different.
Somehow, I figured someone would twist the article that way. One new revelation gives birth to a whole new line of BS, sadly.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Somehow, I figured someone would twist the article that way. One new revelation gives birth to a whole new line of BS, sadly.
I knew it was coming the moment I read the article. And the first person that commented tried using Zero as a reason Krystal can't be added because she isn't in the game. Meanwhile King K. Rool hasn't been in a DK game the past three games and let he is give a pass. The same for Isaac. Not being the main character of your own series for the past two games seems to be perfectly OK. But Krystal is not in one game and suddenly "Krystal disconfirmed!"


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
I knew it was coming the moment I read the article. And the first person that commented tried using Zero as a reason Krystal can't be added because she isn't in the game. Meanwhile King K. Rool hasn't been in a DK game the past three games and let he is give a pass. The same for Isaac. Not being the main character of your own series for the past two games seems to be perfectly OK. But Krystal is not in one game and suddenly "Krystal disconfirmed!"
Good point. Why do these higher standards exist for Krystal?


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
Honestly I'm hoping Wolf is still announced but as a character separate from the ballot. It seems a waste to me to use up a slot on a character that's already been created when they could literally just snap their fingers and bring him back anytime. If he was brought back as a character separate from the ballot, I think that'd improve Krystals chances a little more.
I agree, although I don't know how easily Wolf could be brought back exactly, only that I can safely assume it's much easier than creating a totally new fighter. Ever since Lucas's announcement, I've always felt that Wolf had to come back and the sooner the better for Krystal's odds. He's already made me wait much longer than I even expected, and it's not like I'm one to have unrealistic expectations. If he's a pre-ballot character, it bodes much better for Krystal obviously, but with each passing week of no Wolf, the odds of that decrease. There's still that chance that he was always planned along side Star Fox Zero however. He could be a "late pre-ballot" because they're holding off on him until Star Fox Zero has a direct or comes out. If Wolf gets pushed any later, our hopes will be wrapped up in some Star Fox bundle since at that point Krystal's best chance may be to get released with Wolf. Who knows.

There's a lot I was hoping would've happened by now - Star Fox Zero giving Krystal renewed relevancy and Wolf's announcement for Smash - but these things haven't swooped down to help us. In an odd twist however, Krystal's popularity seems to be spiking. We're making up for what we don't have with more support, which is great. Not sure what to attribute this too. Perhaps it was the Zero snub creating an outcry of "what happened to my Star Fox universe?" Perhaps Command on VC helped, somehow, heh. Perhaps the feeling that K. Rool is off the table (which I don't believe for a second) has gotten people thinking about the other popular characters. Perhaps all of the above plus all the support we and all Krystal supporters have been spreading around with a smile on our faces.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Well, someone already shared the article to GameFAQs and OP tried using it has a way to discredit Krystal with the title, "Sakurai Compares Krystal to Dry Bones and Baby Peach" completely using what Sakurai said out of context to make her look bad. Lucky some of the people there already pointed out that Sakurai meant something completely different.
Well what did you expect, it's the GameFAQs message board after all, FYI @ jahkzheng jahkzheng , K Rool is not off the table at all, a Mii Costume doesn't mean anything
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2015
Well I just read the article and I knew it that Sakurai was considering Krystal to be in brawl but he didn't have time, at least Wolf was lucky (which I'm happy that he still got in), man I wish Sakurai had more time and I also like the damage equipment idea because that would've been cool. This article gives me high hopes for Krystal and that Krystal's chances has increase a little so I hope she can make it including Wolf but I'm still wondering why Wolf didn't get in smash bros 4 roster in the beginning I hope Sakurai can explain this, anyway I got to get back finishing my Krystal art. Oh and @ Krayon Kaphonie Krayon Kaphonie I hope you get your new gamepad soon so you can do amazing Krystal art or any other art that you do.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
Good point. Why do these higher standards exist for Krystal?
Because nostalgia elitists consider her the odd one out since she wasn't in the older games. That and, what's been discussed in the past, they like to blame her for the so called "downfall" of the franchise.

I agree, although I don't know how easily Wolf could be brought back exactly, only that I can safely assume it's much easier than creating a totally new fighter. Ever since Lucas's announcement, I've always felt that Wolf had to come back and the sooner the better for Krystal's odds. He's already made me wait much longer than I even expected, and it's not like I'm one to have unrealistic expectations. If he's a pre-ballot character, it bodes much better for Krystal obviously, but with each passing week of no Wolf, the odds of that decrease. There's still that chance that he was always planned along side Star Fox Zero however. He could be a "late pre-ballot" because they're holding off on him until Star Fox Zero has a direct or comes out. If Wolf gets pushed any later, our hopes will be wrapped up in some Star Fox bundle since at that point Krystal's best chance may be to get released with Wolf. Who knows.

There's a lot I was hoping would've happened by now - Star Fox Zero giving Krystal renewed relevancy and Wolf's announcement for Smash - but these things haven't swooped down to help us. In an odd twist however, Krystal's popularity seems to be spiking. We're making up for what we don't have with more support, which is great. Not sure what to attribute this too. Perhaps it was the Zero snub creating an outcry of "what happened to my Star Fox universe?" Perhaps Command on VC helped, somehow, heh. Perhaps the feeling that K. Rool is off the table (which I don't believe for a second) has gotten people thinking about the other popular characters. Perhaps all of the above plus all the support we and all Krystal supporters have been spreading around with a smile on our faces.
I suppose our biggest chance now for a pre-ballot Wolf would be a Nintendo Direct prior to October. I suppose there's a chance somehow that he'd be announced AFTER all the ballot characters, but I think that's much less likely. Though saying that, I know Sakurai said no more characters after the ballot, but again much less effort would be put into including a pre existing character. And I'm not sure where the spur in Krystal support is coming from, but I sure hope it carries on growing. Krystal's huge fan base is the only thing that doesn't make me lose hope that we've seen the last of her.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Because nostalgia elitists consider her the odd one out since she wasn't in the older games. That and, what's been discussed in the past, they like to blame her for the so called "downfall" of the franchise.

I suppose our biggest chance now for a pre-ballot Wolf would be a Nintendo Direct prior to October. I suppose there's a chance somehow that he'd be announced AFTER all the ballot characters, but I think that's much less likely. Though saying that, I know Sakurai said no more characters after the ballot, but again much less effort would be put into including a pre existing character. And I'm not sure where the spur in Krystal support is coming from, but I sure hope it carries on growing. Krystal's huge fan base is the only thing that doesn't make me lose hope that we've seen the last of her.
Maybe because of her absence in Zero, people have finally realized her potential, and that people are finally starting to appreciate her as a character like the old N64 cast
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Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
Because nostalgia elitists consider her the odd one out since she wasn't in the older games. That and, what's been discussed in the past, they like to blame her for the so called "downfall" of the franchise.
Don't forget that Nintendof*gs don't wanna hold their favowite company and developers accountable for anything.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Don't forget that Nintendof*gs don't wanna hold their favowite company and developers accountable for anything.
That's silly, I do like Nintendo, but I WILL hold them accountable for their screwups, but the reason why I am so critical of them is because, I want Nintendo to thrive, since a healthy Nintendo is good for the rest of the industry, I want Nintendo to stop shooting themselves in the foot with stupid decisions.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
About the Article. We did get equipment getting destroyed in this game in the form of Robin. And it mention something about Caption Falcon helmet getting broken in the victory screen. Well in this game Little Mac has the bandages on his face and a black eye. So Sakurai finally got to add in some of those elements he wanted.

Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
That's silly, I do like Nintendo, but I WILL hold them accountable for their screwups, but the reason why I am so critical of them is because, I want Nintendo to thrive, since a healthy Nintendo is good for the rest of the industry, I want Nintendo to stop shooting themselves in the foot with stupid decisions.
I said "Nintendof*gs," not the normal Nintendo fans.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
Don't forget that Nintendof*gs don't wanna hold their favowite company and developers accountable for anything.
Kinda makes them hypocrites in a way. They feel the need to blame Krystal rather than Nintendo even though it was their decision to INCLUDE Krystal, the character they seem to think "ruined" everything? Makes totes sense.

Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
Kinda makes them hypocrites in a way. They feel the need to blame Krystal rather than Nintendo even though it was their decision to INCLUDE Krystal, the character they seem to think "ruined" everything? Makes totes sense.
Even Nintendo haters would agree with us on that matter (I know one who does).


Smash Master
Sep 12, 2014
Mexico? (reference to Star Man)
Here's why I say no to Captain Tu*d in Smash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA2L0_5IQ5s
*says Captain Toad copies format from Angry Birds series*
"Go through the level and get to the end"
REALLY! Because Angry Birds is about shooting birds at pigs. No getting to the end just shooting pigs with birds.
"All it has is controls for the Wii U Gamepad" You can't play with any other controller."
Maybe because it was made for the Gamepad and the Gamepad is the controller the Wii U comes with.
How is touching the screen so ****ing difficult? A button would've worked fine, but that would've made the puzzles easier and HOW IS TOUCHING THE SCREEN SO DIFFICULT?

How do you even watch this guy? He says Nintendo isn't targeting adults with Splatoon (in another review) with the sci-fi, military, or similar theme. Splatoon targets kids with, get this, a very generic, bland theme. Lost all credibility.

Back from my rant, to our usually scheduled Krystal propaganda. If you want to continue the Captain Toad conversation, go to the Captain Toad thread since I don't want to derail this one.
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
*says Captain Toad copies format from Angry Birds series*
"Go through the level and get to the end"
REALLY! Because Angry Birds is about shooting birds at pigs. No getting to the end just shooting pigs with birds.
"All it has is controls for the Wii U Gamepad" You can't play with any other controller."
Maybe because it was made for the Gamepad and the Gamepad is the controller the Wii U comes with.
How is touching the screen so ****ing difficult? A button would've worked fine, but that would've made the puzzles easier and HOW IS TOUCHING THE SCREEN SO DIFFICULT?

How do you even watch this guy? He says Nintendo isn't targeting adults with Splatoon (in another review) with the sci-fi, military, or similar theme. Splatoon targets kids with, get this, a very generic, bland theme. Lost all credibility.

Back from my rant, to our usually scheduled Krystal propaganda. If you want to continue the Captain Toad conversation, go to the Captain Toad thread since I don't want to derail this one.
I moved on from that topic, did you read my post about why I am critical of Nintendo


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Wow, that was some crazy news to come back here to. So now we know for a fact that Krystal was--and likely still is--on their radars! And even though the DLC dev team is smaller than the base team, they also have only a fraction of the content to work on at a time. Compared to everything that had to be done for the base game, DLC content and balance patches are far less arduous of tasks. Unique and complicated character models aren't a problem with this group, as we've already seen a DLC newcomer, a veteran with a revamped appearance, and countless more promised!

Nothing's for certain, of course...but I don't think there's any doubt any more that Krystal is a frontrunner.


Smash Cadet
Dec 17, 2013
Going wherever I please
Whats annoying is people will try to spin this like krystal is as unimportant as waddle dee and baby daisy.

Anyway finally some info! You know what this means correct? she was acknowledged! Sakurai knows who she is, our popularity cannot be denied any longer.

Two scenario's can happen at this point though.

1. The same BS happens again and they add wolf and call it a day because no time
2. We get krystal and wolf for DLC.

Keep up the support this news just reinvigorates me despite being old, however the krystal support has not wavered we still can do this guys, let's be loud enough to get sakurai to make her! (i mean they have namco assets after all... not like they needed to ask Rare/or....i forgot what division studio SF was in during brawl.) But you get my point.
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Nah, was too busy watching this idiot. (Not anyone in this thread). Probably read it later.
It's on this thread
Wow, that was some crazy news to come back here to. So now we know for a fact that Krystal was--and likely still is--on their radars! And even though the DLC dev team is smaller than the base team, they also have only a fraction of the content to work on at a time. Compared to everything that had to be done for the base game, DLC content and balance patches are far less arduous of tasks. Unique and complicated character models aren't a problem with this group, as we've already seen a DLC newcomer, a veteran with a revamped appearance, and countless more promised!

Nothing's for certain, of course...but I don't think there's any doubt any more that Krystal is a frontrunner.
We can only hope
Whats annoying is people will try to spin this like krystal is as unimportant as waddle dee and baby daisy.

Anyway finally some info! You know what this means correct? she was acknowledged! Sakurai knows who she is, our popularity cannot be denied any longer.

Two scenario's can happen at this point though.

1. The same BS happens again and they add wolf and call it a day because no time
2. We get krystal and wolf for DLC.

Keep up the support this news just reinvigorates me despite being old, however the krystal support has not wavered we still can do this guys, let's be loud enough to get sakurai to make her! (i mean they have namco assets after all... not like they needed to ask Rare/or....i forgot what division studio SF was in during brawl.) But you get my point.
#2 seems more likely


Smash Cadet
Dec 17, 2013
Going wherever I please
It's on this thread

We can only hope

#2 seems more likely
I forgot one more scenario.

3. A mii costume, sakurai seems to do this to characters he cant make into a fighter lately, (as for king K its a toss up between... double dip for the $$$ or decomformation)

But yes we are in a good spot, worst comes to shove this will be the worst case scenario, but its good still because, she's not dead like everyone says and this will prove it.

However i'm hoping for option 2 heh.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
Miami, Florida
Well I just read the article and I knew it that Sakurai was considering Krystal to be in brawl but he didn't have time, at least Wolf was lucky (which I'm happy that he still got in), man I wish Sakurai had more time and I also like the damage equipment idea because that would've been cool. This article gives me high hopes for Krystal and that Krystal's chances has increase a little so I hope she can make it including Wolf but I'm still wondering why Wolf didn't get in smash bros 4 roster in the beginning I hope Sakurai can explain this, anyway I got to get back finishing my Krystal art. Oh and @ Krayon Kaphonie Krayon Kaphonie I hope you get your new gamepad soon so you can do amazing Krystal art or any other art that you do.
I read the article from that interview. So he was considering Krystal after all for Brawl. This is really a interesting turn of events here. Hopefully for Smash 4 our wishes to have Krystal make the cut for Smash 4 DLC, this does help her chances in a good way. Which is why it wouldn't be surprising that the Starfox roster can go from 2 to 4. If Fire Emblem can do that from 2 to 5 and Kid Icarus can go from 1 to 3, then I can see it with Starfox especially with the series becoming relevant once again this year. Most likely Sakurai is aware of the existence and development of Starfox Zero. And considering the release of Command on the Wii U's eShop, this helps in our favor along with the increasing amount of support Krystal's been getting as of lately.

As for Wolf being cut from the initial roster, I think I know a reason why. I have a theory that both Lucas and Wolf were considered low priority during the development of the game for the initial roster which could explain the custom movesets both Fox and Ness got from Lucas and Wolf. As time moved on when DLC was announced, did that stop Sakurai from bringing Lucas back? Not at all and this is most likely going to be for Wolf because he's a popular character in the series he is from and in Smash. That may also be the reason why they have been holding back a bit on Wolf so he can be released as a pack with another character just like what they did with Ryu, Lucas and Roy together. And judging of all the known IPs coming out this year, it appears that Starfox is the only one that could be getting the treatment of getting a DLC pack for Smash 4 which could contain both Wolf and Krystal in it as some sort of Starfox DLC pack. Anyway, after reading that article, this really helps us out even more for Krystal to make the cut and get Wolf back.



Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I forgot one more scenario.

3. A mii costume, sakurai seems to do this to characters he cant make into a fighter lately, (as for king K its a toss up between... double dip for the $$$ or decomformation)

But yes we are in a good spot, worst comes to shove this will be the worst case scenario, but its good still because, she's not dead like everyone says and this will prove it.

However i'm hoping for option 2 heh.
Option 2 seems like the best way to please both the Wolf supporters and the Krystal supporters


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Kinda makes them hypocrites in a way. They feel the need to blame Krystal rather than Nintendo even though it was their decision to INCLUDE Krystal, the character they seem to think "ruined" everything? Makes totes sense.
Command is a mixed review for the most part, but the other two games were competently made and many found them enjoyable. I wonder exactly when Armageddon occurred. It's strange that the overall community imposes a double standard on this franchise as well. Star Fox was mostly known as a rail shooter, but was it really so crazy for it to branch out into an adventure game? Did anyone cry foul when Super Mario (a series primarily known for 2D platforming) became an RPG?! I was there and I don't recall any outrage over that! Why is this fanbase so finicky? So unwilling to test the waters and see what else they can do with a franchise that's in dire need of broader horizons? Into more than one genre, which on its own is dying out. I think a lot of people have had the absolute wrong attitude and aren't seeing the forest for the trees. Krystal is the least of Star Fox's problems, and if anything, she may have helped it live for just a little while longer.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
As for Wolf being cut from the initial roster, I think I know a reason why. I have a theory that both Lucas and Wolf were considered low priority during the development of the game for the initial roster which could explain the custom movesets both Fox and Ness got from Lucas and Wolf. As time moved on when DLC was announced, did that stop Sakurai from bringing Lucas back? Not at all and this is most likely going to be for Wolf because he's a popular character in the series he is from and in Smash.
That's my theory as well, actually. Lucas and Wolf both missed the initial cut because they were just lower priority, ostensibly because they weren't relevant at the time of development. Lucas is already back, and I still think there's a better chance than not that Wolf ends up being pre-Ballot.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
I forgot one more scenario.

3. A mii costume, sakurai seems to do this to characters he cant make into a fighter lately, (as for king K its a toss up between... double dip for the $$$ or decomformation)

But yes we are in a good spot, worst comes to shove this will be the worst case scenario, but its good still because, she's not dead like everyone says and this will prove it.

However i'm hoping for option 2 heh.
If we did get a Krystal Mii costume, then on one hand I'd be like "ugh, we were so close to getting her in the game!" But on the other hand I'd just be happy that she's still being acknowledged.

Command is a mixed review for the most part, but the other two games were competently made and many found them enjoyable. I wonder exactly when Armageddon occurred. It's strange that the overall community imposes a double standard on this franchise as well. Star Fox was mostly known as a rail shooter, but was it really so crazy for it to branch out into an adventure game? Did anyone cry foul when Super Mario (a series primarily known for 2D platforming) became an RPG?! I was there and I don't recall any outrage over that! Why is this fanbase so finicky? So unwilling to test the waters and see what else they can do with a franchise that's in dire need of broader horizons? Into more than one genre, which on its own is dying out. I think a lot of people have had the absolute wrong attitude and aren't seeing the forest for the trees. Krystal is the least of Star Fox's problems, and if anything, she may have helped it live for just a little while longer.
Exactly this. Couldn't put it any better myself. If Zero DID end up getting bad feedback after its release, hopefully the best case scenenario would be that it'd open certain fans eyes a bit more. Fans attitudes towards the subject have already changed, even if just a little bit, so I remain cautiously optimistic, aha.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2015
Well I guess that theory of your make since @ Wolfheart07 Wolfheart07 and I hope Wolf just get release sooner because the sooner the better it is for everyone and since it is the year of starfox there should be a starfox dlc pack that should have both Wolf and Krystal in it and with some stages too, also guys spread the info of that article so more people can know.


Aug 12, 2015
New Jersey
To be honest. The only reason why I think Wolf hasn't shown up yet is because the team was too busy working on Roy and Ryu. Also they were also working on tournament mode at this time as well. Now that this stuff is out, I think Wolf will be next.

Great avatar btw. I approve.
Thanks bb :denzel:
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