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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
Well Iwata did say that the reason Ninty casualizes their games is because gamers spend so much time playing difficult games that they don't start hounding down for new releases (basically it's for moneys).
He said that? I would have thought it was the complete opposite. We get these Call of Duty's and Assassins Creed's churned out yearly purely DOWN to the fact that all these *ahem* "pro gamers" crave for new releases. Regardless though, adding a hard mode difficulty ain't gonna hurt anyone. Not like these casual gamers are going to say "Holy smokes, this game has an easy difficulty AND a hard difficulty! Nope nope nope, can't buy this now." Aha.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Well Iwata did say that the reason Ninty casualizes their games is because gamers spend so much time playing difficult games that they don't start hounding down for new releases (basically it's for moneys).
I don't recall him ever saying that.

He said that? I would have thought it was the complete opposite. We get these Call of Duty's and Assassins Creed's churned out yearly purely DOWN to the fact that all these *ahem* "pro gamers" crave for new releases. Regardless though, adding a hard mode difficulty ain't gonna hurt anyone. Not like these casual gamers are going to say "Holy smokes, this game has an easy difficulty AND a hard difficulty! Nope nope nope, can't buy this now." Aha.
That's probably the actual reason why the average difficulty of most games nowadays has fallen. A lot of gamers nowadays don't have the desire or the time to sink a lot of hours into beating a game, so more forgiving default difficulty works out better for them while those of us that want more of a challenge can pick higher difficulty levels.

And it's not like there aren't still games that are tough by default. Even from Nintendo, the two newest Donkey Kong Country games are legitimately challenging.

Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
Which is rather silly as she isn't in Zero
And I'm hoping that she isn't (since people are starting to appreciate her more, and that if the game flops (which it likely will) and she were to be in it, then she'll be getting all that blame again).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
I don't recall him ever saying that.

That's probably the actual reason why the average difficulty of most games nowadays has fallen. A lot of gamers nowadays don't have the desire or the time to sink a lot of hours into beating a game, so more forgiving default difficulty works out better for them while those of us that want more of a challenge can pick higher difficulty levels.

And it's not like there aren't still games that are tough by default. Even from Nintendo, the two newest Donkey Kong Country games are legitimately challenging.
Yeah, I see what you mean. There's definitely modern Nintendo games out there that are challenging, heck I'm sure Xenoblade Chronicles is going to be (or is? Not sure if it's out yet) very challenging, but obviously regarding difficulty it's very hit and miss these days with Nintendo and I think my concern regarding Zero is whether it's going to be in the "easy peasy" category, the "tough as nails" one or somewhere in between, as we've talked about before with having both difficulties present. Personally I hate games that are TOO challenging, so I'd rather somewhere in between, but I just don't want Zero to be another one of those spoon feeding games, because I just don't feel as though that befits Star Fox at all.

And I'm hoping that she isn't (since people are starting to appreciate her more, and that if the game flops (which it likely will) and she were to be in it, then she'll be getting all that blame again).
Personally I think it would be nice to have her even as an unlockable character for multiplayer in the game, I mean surely people couldn't blame her if she wasn't even part of the main story. (Even though it wouldn't surprise me...) even so, that's completely out of the question anyways, since Zero seemingly doesn't have any kind of multiplayer VS mode or anything.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Personally I think it would be nice to have her even as an unlockable character for multiplayer in the game, I mean surely people couldn't blame her if she wasn't even part of the main story. (Even though it wouldn't surprise me...) even so, that's completely out of the question anyways, since Zero seemingly doesn't have any kind of multiplayer VS mode or anything.
Admittedly, the announcement of no multiplayer raised my hopes for an even better single player experience. After the demo, I'm not sure anymore. Nothing about Zero except for the walker has me looking forward to it. I like the idea of a transformable Arwing, but it's probably safe to say a lot of people like the idea of transformable anything.

Which is rather silly as she isn't in Zero
At best, I can see them pointing the finger at Krystal's fanbase for allegedly boycotting the game. To blame Krystal herself when there's no trace of her to be found anywhere? How could anyone say that and believe it even if they were the most ardent detractor?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Admittedly, the announcement of no multiplayer raised my hopes for an even better single player experience. After the demo, I'm not sure anymore. Nothing about Zero except for the walker has me looking forward to it. I like the idea of a transformable Arwing, but it's probably safe to say a lot of people like the idea of transformable anything.

At best, I can see them pointing the finger at Krystal's fanbase for allegedly boycotting the game. To blame Krystal herself when there's no trace of her to be found anywhere? How could anyone say that and believe it even if they were the most ardent detractor?
Oh, apparently on the Star Fox: Zero board on GameFAQs I'll be reason that it flopped if it does to some users. Lol


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Its because I mention that "...if this game flops you won't be able to blame it on Krystal this time. But knowing you all you'll find another scapegoat". To which one user replied. "We can always blame you." and thus now I will be the reason Zero fails. Lol


Smash Cadet
Dec 17, 2013
Going wherever I please
Its because I mention that "...if this game flops you won't be able to blame it on Krystal this time. But knowing you all you'll find another scapegoat". To which one user replied. "We can always blame you." and thus now I will be the reason Zero fails. Lol
Dat Avi.

Where? Sauce? I cannot find it.

Are krystal artists starting to draw her again or something cause i've been seeing some new stuff, and most are good.

Edit: and no, its not for "science" purposes (never done with her btw). I'm actually trying to draw and stuff. I wanna start with kirby characters and her and i need references to look at.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Dat Avi.

Where? Sauce? I cannot find it.

Are krystal artists starting to draw her again or something cause i've been seeing some new stuff, and most are good.

Edit: and no, its not for "science" purposes (never done with her btw). I'm actually trying to draw and stuff. I wanna start with kirby characters and her and i need references to look at.
I actually found this picture on a very NSFW site but I can get you the artist's name Monkeyspirit is the name. It has a FA account but it seems like all the art is set to "Mature" so you need an account to view them. Honestly this is the best Picture I have seen for Krystal let and its a clean picture which makes it better!


Smash Cadet
Dec 17, 2013
Going wherever I please
I actually found this picture on a very NSFW site but I can get you the artist's name Monkeyspirit is the name. It has a FA account but it seems like all the art is set to "Mature" so you need an account to view them. Honestly this is the best Picture I have seen for Krystal let and its a clean picture which makes it better!

Do you know if FA is voting for krystal or anything? first time i've lurked around there in awhileeee, but it seems no one talks smash there, a shame since we could use more support.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015

Do you know if FA is voting for krystal or anything? first time i've lurked around there in awhileeee, but it seems no one talks smash there, a shame since we could use more support.
I don't go on FA and from what I've seen on other sites is that Krystal is general disliked among some groups of Furries because they ran her to the ground ironically. But as of late its been easing up slowly.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
Its because I mention that "...if this game flops you won't be able to blame it on Krystal this time. But knowing you all you'll find another scapegoat". To which one user replied. "We can always blame you." and thus now I will be the reason Zero fails. Lol
Well I guess if you're the one to be blamed now, Krystal is now saved from the rage of haters everywhere. Thank you for your honourable sacrifice.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
Miami, Florida
I don't recall him ever saying that.

That's probably the actual reason why the average difficulty of most games nowadays has fallen. A lot of gamers nowadays don't have the desire or the time to sink a lot of hours into beating a game, so more forgiving default difficulty works out better for them while those of us that want more of a challenge can pick higher difficulty levels.

And it's not like there aren't still games that are tough by default. Even from Nintendo, the two newest Donkey Kong Country games are legitimately challenging.
True. I have played Tropical Freeze and boy was it tough as nails to get 100% there on the first playthrough and I'm going ot get back in to go for the 200% completion. Also, I have played recently on my second playthrough on Metal Gear Solid 4 and trying to get a Big Boss Emblem there is the toughest thing I will ever have to do in any Metal Gear Solid game I have ever played. Hopefulyl I'll be able to do it. Because don't get me wrong. I like to do a challenge that I can do because that will test the skill of the player and see if they have the guts to master it. Besides, I'm hoping that Starfox Zero itself will deliver the challenge I want to see out of it.

For Ian making negative comments on Zero, I understand your disappointment on Zero. But lets not bash on the game. I remember when Super Mario 3D World was revealed back in E3 2013, people were criticizing that game like there was no tommorow when it was shown. Then when the game came out later on the same year to the public in stores, it was considered to be one of the best Mario games ever on the Wii U and it didn't have online while selling well. I mean it's Mario. I have a feeling that Starfox Zero will be no different. Do you have any idea how long I have been waiting for a new Starfox game? Quite long to be exact and I never lost hope on it. I'm happy that we're finally getting a new one and it's coming out later this year. If it gets pushed back for a few more months, I wouldn't get upset about it. There is a saying on this: "Don't judge a book by its cover." You can have a game that has such awesome graphics, but crappy gameplay. Most of the time, gameplay is considered to be the most important factor in any video game no matter what it is. I mean yes, graphics also do play a big role in the matter. But it is the gameplay is what drives the player to get the experience they need. Anyway, I have a feeling that Zero will have more control options to play the game with besides the Gamepad. With more control options, you can never go wrong with it. Miyamoto did acknowledge of Zero's graphics not living up to modern-day standard from the demo. But he did confirmed that the graphics will get better at the game's final release and this happened to SM3D World. I have faith in Miyamoto on this and with Platinum Games working with Nintendo on it, you can't go wrong with that studio. I personally am looking forward to the game's release and to show my support to the game.

Getting back to Krystal, I see the support for her is not backing off not one bit and I'm liking this on our favorite vixen. Our Miiverse friend Alfore posted a new pic on her and this is coming from Ryu's post on the Miiverse page:

A friend of mine on Deviantart who goes by the name of nickanater1 submitted this on Deviantart that you guys can use for any of your comments.



Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Getting back to Krystal, I see the support for her is not backing off not one bit and I'm liking this on our favorite vixen. Our Miiverse friend Alfore posted a new pic on her and this is coming from Ryu's post on the Miiverse page:

Indeed. I know I mention this already but from the last time I said it I've seen even more people that support Krystal appear on GameFAQs which is amazing.
And not only is Alfore still showing show support but just yesterday I saw Jordan, our biggest support on Twitter tweet out again about getting people to vote for Krystal! Its been away and I was afraid he had given up because of Zero but it seems he hasn't or if he had as coming back to support of favorite girl!
And finally, I'm not sure how much of an impact this had but the world's best Smash 4 player Zero made a video shortly after the Ballot was shown and in his Top Five characters, I think forth, was Krystal! So if the best player with a massive following wants a character you bet people will follow suit.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
Indeed. I know I mention this already but from the last time I said it I've seen even more people that support Krystal appear on GameFAQs which is amazing.
And not only is Alfore still showing show support but just yesterday I saw Jordan, our biggest support on Twitter tweet out again about getting people to vote for Krystal! Its been away and I was afraid he had given up because of Zero but it seems he hasn't or if he had as coming back to support of favorite girl!
And finally, I'm not sure how much of an impact this had but the world's best Smash 4 player Zero made a video shortly after the Ballot was shown and in his Top Five characters, I think forth, was Krystal! So if the best player with a massive following wants a character you bet people will follow suit.
I've seen the odd person here and there say things such as "oh Krystal will never get in! She's a terrible character blah blah blah" without stating any solid facts as to why, when the irony is, as you've just stated, the proof is in the pudding for the exact opposite. Sure, she does have a fair amount of haters out there, but especially as of recently, that hate is easily getting drowned out by her supporters. No matter what people say, it's almost a fact that Krystal has a REAL chance of getting into Smash.


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
I don't go on FA and from what I've seen on other sites is that Krystal is general disliked among some groups of Furries because they ran her to the ground ironically. But as of late its been easing up slowly.
As someone who does those groups are the gay side, I saw a couple users praise this really messed up image of Wolf over her being gone, and upon looking at their profiles out of sheer curiosity, both of them were proud gay furries, and one of them basically had them saying on their profile info how much they love Wolf in that way. The real kicker, they're both into really messed up things, things that are beyond what you'd see in a Doujin or an H-Movie.


Smash Master
Sep 12, 2014
Mexico? (reference to Star Man)
Can we not talk about this stuff, its making me uncomfortable. So Fire Blaster is usually used as a Neutral B, but it reminds me of Fox's Blaster so anyone like the idea of using those grenade bomb things from Assault that she has in her art.

Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
Can we not talk about this stuff, its making me uncomfortable. So Fire Blaster is usually used as a Neutral B, but it reminds me of Fox's Blaster so anyone like the idea of using those grenade bomb things from Assault that she has in her art.
Sure, we can move to other topics. One idea I have is having one of her alts be her Command outfit with her helmet and jacket.

Krayon Kaphonie

Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2014
@Draxis @XeVioN

Well It depends on when I get my new gamepad. Nintendo said it'll be 3 to 4 weeks. :/ I guess you guys have me to think for XeVion joining us ;D xD!!!
I'm a lot closer to being done with the Krystal 4Smash pic. :) I still got some work to do obviously. x)



Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
So people, the mystery's been revealed, Krystal at the time of Brawl would've taken a ton of effort, and Wolf was very lucky to even getting in at all, he's aware they're both popular, and because of Bandai helping out with the development of this game, by my assumption this could very well mean something for her. Dont take my word for it.

Apparently it would've taken effort for a few others too, Dee and many others, part of me feels it's lazy though, but since they werent getting help by Bandai back then it kinda makes sense.


Smash Master
Sep 12, 2014
Mexico? (reference to Star Man)
She looks kinda dumb in my opinion lol.
So people, the mystery's been revealed, Krystal at the time of Brawl would've taken a ton of effort, and Wolf was very lucky to even getting in at all, he's aware they're both popular, and because of Bandai helping out with the development of this game, by my assumption this could very well mean something for her. Dont take my word for it.

Apparently it would've taken effort for a few others too, Dee and many others, part of me feels it's lazy though, but since they werent getting help by Bandai back then it kinda makes sense.
Wasn't Wolf a last minute character. So basically Sakurai didn't add Krystal because she would take too much time, that hints that Krystal would be different from Fox to a level past Wolf (Wolf is already one of the least clonely semi-clones so that's saying a lot). Then again, I might be interpreting this wrong.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Can we not talk about this stuff, its making me uncomfortable. So Fire Blaster is usually used as a Neutral B, but it reminds me of Fox's Blaster so anyone like the idea of using those grenade bomb things from Assault that she has in her art.
Oh this subject. I was thinking what if like how Roy got a redesign with a mixture of his Melee Outfit and his Awakening look. What if Krystal got a mixture of her Adventures look and her Assault look? This could be a way where her move-set consist of both her Staff and the gadgets and weapons from Assault and its also a way to make her look more, I guess natural looking for her to be using her staff in a Assault styled Costume.
Any thoughts on this?

Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
She looks kinda dumb in my opinion lol.
Eh. At least it's got plenty of differences from a mere color change (unlike, say, switching between TP Link and OoT Link or switching between Brawl Fox/Falco and Melee Fox/Falco in Projec M), right?

Oh this subject. I was thinking what if like how Roy got a redesign with a mixture of his Melee Outfit and his Awakening look. What if Krystal got a mixture of her Adventures look and her Assault look? This could be a way where her move-set consist of both her Staff and the gadgets and weapons from Assault and its also a way to make her look more, I guess natural looking for her to be using her staff in a Assault styled Costume.
Any thoughts on this?
I was also thinking having her Adventres bikini as an alt costume in addition to her Assault suit and her Command outfit that has a helmet. Though I'd wonder what your idea would look like...
Oh, also, maybe one of her alts could be her look in the original Dinosaur Planet? It could make for a nice little easter egg. :bee:
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Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
She looks kinda dumb in my opinion lol.

Wasn't Wolf a last minute character. So basically Sakurai didn't add Krystal because she would take too much time, that hints that Krystal would be different from Fox to a level past Wolf (Wolf is already one of the least clonely semi-clones so that's saying a lot). Then again, I might be interpreting this wrong.
"For Krystal, we didn’t have any of the technical modeling knowledge that we had cultivated with Fox and Falco, so it was like making a brand-new character from scratch. And because of the limited amount of time we had, creating Krystal wasn’t realistically possible. On that point, with Wolf we already have some knowledge of how to model his character, and would require about 70% of the effort required to create a whole new character."

In other words, and this applies to many others not just her, she would've taken more effort to model and create compared to Wolf where they already had an idea, even if he ended up being very close to a clone, but even he faced getting cut as much as Toon Link and believe it or not Jigglypuff. The questions and answers is old as the headline states, but it may be different now that they have Namco Bandai helping him out. Remember, it was they who made Assault and they did design and model her in there, they also did get Ryu in there who was an entirely new character.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
So people, the mystery's been revealed, Krystal at the time of Brawl would've taken a ton of effort, and Wolf was very lucky to even getting in at all, he's aware they're both popular, and because of Bandai helping out with the development of this game, by my assumption this could very well mean something for her. Dont take my word for it.

Apparently it would've taken effort for a few others too, Dee and many others, part of me feels it's lazy though, but since they werent getting help by Bandai back then it kinda makes sense.
ll this legit made me sad. Thank you. Lol. However! What we can take away from this is that Sakurai wanted Krystal to be different from both Fox and Falco and for that reason Krystal wasn't added! That actually makes me happy and I can use this article to stop people from pulling, "Why do you think Krystal will be different? All the Star Fox characters have been the same so why Krystal?" which a lot of people have been suing recently.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
So Sakurai planned her for Smash, but couldn't get her in for technical reasons and because of time constraints?, That means she has been considered before which is fantastic news
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Krayon Kaphonie

Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2014

ll this legit made me sad. Thank you. Lol. However! What we can take away from this is that Sakurai wanted Krystal to be different from both Fox and Falco and for that reason Krystal wasn't added! That actually makes me happy and I can use this article to stop people from pulling, "Why do you think Krystal will be different? All the Star Fox characters have been the same so why Krystal?" which a lot of people have been suing recently.
exactly!! I'm using this for future arguments too especially on Miiverse xD!!

Mental Surge

Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2015
Oh this subject. I was thinking what if like how Roy got a redesign with a mixture of his Melee Outfit and his Awakening look. What if Krystal got a mixture of her Adventures look and her Assault look? This could be a way where her move-set consist of both her Staff and the gadgets and weapons from Assault and its also a way to make her look more, I guess natural looking for her to be using her staff in a Assault styled Costume.
Any thoughts on this?
Dat avatar

And yes, I think Krystal has a lot of potential for a more unique ability set. I would much rather see Krystal over Wolf tbh.


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2015
Switch FC
SW 5478 1069 7302
In light of Krystal not being added to Brawl because her model would've taken more time to develop, let's keep reminding ourselves that Sakurai has a considerably smaller team working with him than he initially started with before starting work on Smash 4.


Aug 12, 2015
New Jersey
The discovery of this article has now put Krystal in an incredible spot. It seems the stars in the heavens have aligned just perfectly for her. I personally feel Krystal has one of the highest chances to make it. Dare I say, even higher than K. Rool.
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