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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
Miami, Florida
You make a lot of valid points. From what I've seen, there're a lot of complaints now about how Star Fox Zero is throwing the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak. It seems like a significant amount of fans were hoping they'd take what Assault started and improve on it, make it better polished. Now it comes off as them trying to reclaim the nostalgia Star Fox 64 had, even though that ignores a lot of potential issues that are already looking like they could bring the game down.

You're also on the mark about most of the Krystal hate coming from people who use her as a scapegoat for the series not matching their nostalgia any more. Funny how it took a game that tries to appeal to said nostalgia for Krystal's supporters to stop being as quiet and afraid of getting harassed any more.

As for the game itself...I'm going to wait and see how it turns out.
I know what you mean. Yes it is true that Starfox 64 is my favorite game in the series. But I also do acknowledge and consider both Adventures and Assault as my favorite entries in the Starfox series. I'm not like those so called genwunners you guys refer to. And besides, I found Adventures and Assault to be natural steps of evolution to the franchise. It is like the Metal Gear Solid series where in every new entry, Kojima takes it a step further with every game in the series and the Starfox series is no different. But what annoys me is yeah like you guys said, there are those who like to bash on Krystal for no reason and make her as the scapegoat to play the blame game. Even other female Nintendo characters who are popular like Krystal get the same treatment as her. You will have those who either love or hate them so it is no surprise.

As you guys already know, Krystal has been my favorite character ever since her debut in Adventures and she still is my favorite even as of today. That will never change and I'm really happy that she's getting the huge amount of support and in the Miiverse of all things. Even Wolf is getting great support. Like Miyamoto said, he wasn't kidding around when he said that this will be the year of Starfox and hopefully Sakurai is aware of this. I saw the pic you guys posted of Krystal and Busby and I found it cool. What is even better is the pic itself being popular on the Miiverse. Awareness for a character like her is always important to let other people know about her. We need to keep this up.

Also I found this latest pic of our vixen online you guys should see.

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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL

I agree with this entirely. That's exactly why Assault is my favourite Star Fox game. It takes the franchise in a much more creative route without drastically changing its identity. It just felt like a natural evolution to me. This is another reason (besides no Krystal or the other newer characters) I was left a bit disappointed with Zero, it seems to be taking a huge step backwards and putting the series back to square one.

Assault added a more in-depth story and many new ways to play and with Zero we just seemed to have lost that. Sure, Assault wasn't perfect, but that's all the more reason as to why I see some wasted potential here. What I wanted from the new Star Fox game was an exciting new story that really explored each character and just over-all had a very imaginative plot to go with it. Regarding gameplay I would have loved to just see every mechanic from Assault return (Foot Missions, Free Roaming elements ect) with all the improvements needed that stopped Assaults gameplay from truly bring great, heck throw new mechanics in there as well.

Now I'm not saying Star Fox 64 was at all bad for being more simplistic and less story driven, because it was definitely great at the time, but this isn't the 1990's anymore and naturally I just feel as though each new game in a series should be working towards being bigger, better and more creative than the last. It's kinda like if Mario Galaxy 3 was announced and it played as a 2d pixelated platformer. Bad example, I know, but you get the idea, aha.

I kinda went off the point of "as to why people blame Krystal" there aha, so as far as that goes, I just feel as though all the "old school" fans who want to stay in the past of 64 just blame Krystal because they have no one else to blame for the drastic changes in the franchise. Lets be honest, if the sequel to 64 played just like it, but it just so happened to include Krystal as a "new female lead to join the Star Fox team" she wouldn't get nearly as much hate. Honestly I also thought Adventures was a great game too. Yes, it was drastically different, but its honestly no different to Zelda 2 in that aspect. *sigh* unfortunately there's just going to always be people out there who can't accept that sometimes change I'd necessary in order to move forward.

Aaaanyways guys, I'm really sorry for that insanely long message. Just a few things I wanted to get off my chest I guess, aha. Despite my views on Zero, i still very much plan on buying it. Also Keep in mind these are just my opinions, I respect anyone who thinks other wise about what I just said (assuming any of you even managed to read all that, aha o.e)

Just moving onto this real quick, but have any of you guys seen this on Miiverse?


I'm assuming you have since since it's pretty much the 3rd top rated post on the main Smash community, but its just really nice to see Krystal support on that high a scale on the Miiverse board right now.
Those are the reasons why I hate Zero too, Assault was rushed, and needed more polishing, but hey the VS mode was pretty fun


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
Also I found this latest pic of our vixen online you guys should see.

That picture is just stunning. You know it's actually on Miiverse? It's on the Art Academy community so I guess it must have been created on that: https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYIHAAAEAACHVRTpxm4KOA

Unless it was Miiverse you actually found it on, of which that's a derp on my part, aha. It's interesting to see it was a Japanese person who painted that and considering the amount of "yeahs" it has, I'd say that further proves her support in Japan.

Those are the reasons why I hate Zero too, Assault was rushed, and needed more polishing, but hey the VS mode was pretty fun
Yeah, Assault's multiplayer was definitely top notch. Whenever I had a friend over it was practically a tradition to force them into playing it with me, aha. Was yet to come across anyone who didn't enjoy it. Another thing that unfortunately bothers me about Zero. 2015 and no online multiplayer for a game that practically begs for it (even command, an almost 10 year old DS game had it). I mean, I'm not a huge online multiplayer guy, so it wouldn't really impact me personally, but from what I've read, the game only seems to be getting a limited co-op mode, similar to Mario Galaxy.

I'm not going to completely overlook Zero until I've actually played it myself (I'll be buying it just for the sake of supporting the franchise regardless, aha) however, it's not really ticking many box's in my imaginary "what makes a great innovative game" list from what I've seen so far. I'm going to go ahead and stop hating on it now though, aha.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
As I have said before, Zero looks more like an overglorified EShop title than a major AAA title, if Nintendo were smart, after Zero and maybe Mario Galaxy 3, Miyamoto would get a filter to filter out his good ideas from his bad ideas

Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
I already know who the final boss is, that was a troll video, It will.be Andross
I'm well aware of that. I thought some people could use a good laugh (and I intended to make fun of the devolution Stair Fax Zero). X)
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Zero represents what's wrong with Nintendo, they are afraid to fail, and when new ideas don't work, Nintendo throws a tantrum and reverts everything back to the way it was before, and panders to nostalgia, they don't keep trying to move the series forward

Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
Zero represents what's wrong with Nintendo, they are afraid to fail, and when new ideas don't work, Nintendo throws a tantrum and reverts everything back to the way it was before, and panders to nostalgia, they don't keep trying to move the series forward
And let's see what happens if retrying an old idea fails.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Let's cut out the Zero bashing, let it come out first.

IT's funny that a lot of people are either neutral on Krystal or want her with Wolf these days. Back in the pre-Brawl times Wolf and Krystal fans would be at each other's throats.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Let's cut out the Zero bashing, let it come out first.

IT's funny that a lot of people are either neutral on Krystal or want her with Wolf these days. Back in the pre-Brawl times Wolf and Krystal fans would be at each other's throats.
I guess, it really is you don't know what you've got until it's gone, maybe they realized that United we stand divided we fall


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
I guess, it really is you don't know what you've got until it's gone, maybe they realized that United we stand divided we fall
The adversarial mindsets together with the lukewarm (at best) sales have have not helped one bit in the grand scheme of things. This division between the fanbase is the very same thing that's contributing to the decline of Star Fox. We don't have to agree, but the least we can do is get along and not attempt to provoke each other with astonishing pettiness that's almost unreal.


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
If it does, Nintendo and Miyamoto should ignore the purists and the whiny fans, that are impossible to please
I mean I thought of sending Nintendo a letter about the series of Zero ended up being a failure, whether it sells poorly or that everyone hates it like Other M despite its sales, if that means anything.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
The adversarial mindsets together with the lukewarm (at best) sales have have not helped one bit in the grand scheme of things. This division between the fanbase is the very same thing that's contributing to the decline of Star Fox. We don't have to agree, but the least we can do is get along and not attempt to provoke each other with astonishing pettiness that's almost unreal.
I know, why can't we just all get along
I mean I thought of sending Nintendo a letter about the series of Zero ended up being a failure, whether it sells poorly or that everyone hates it like Other M despite its sales, if that means anything.
Do It.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
The adversarial mindsets together with the lukewarm (at best) sales have have not helped one bit in the grand scheme of things. This division between the fanbase is the very same thing that's contributing to the decline of Star Fox. We don't have to agree, but the least we can do is get along and not attempt to provoke each other with astonishing pettiness that's almost unreal.
Unfortunately that kind of mindset to be seen among any fan base in general is easier said than done, but it's good to see that things have at least calmed down a bit in the Star Fox fan base as of recently regarding character bashing and whatnot.

I mean I thought of sending Nintendo a letter about the series of Zero ended up being a failure, whether it sells poorly or that everyone hates it like Other M despite its sales, if that means anything.
I personally don't want Zero to sell badly, simply because I don't want Nintendo to immediately think "well that's it, Star Fox is dead, no coming back now" or something across those lines. At the same time however I do hope that people who do buy the game make their voices heard to Nintendo about any problems they may have with it. What I don't want however is more people moaning about its graphics, because as far as I'm concerned, that's the least important issue to have with any game as long as it plays good. Nintendo proved that more than enough times with many of its Wii titles.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Graphics are somewhat important, but they really shouldn't be the main factor, I am more mad about Nintendo regressing the series to appease the purists, (who are not true fans) and the idiots who are hypocrites, they bash Nintendo for not making what they want and bash Nintendo for giving them exactly what they , Nintendo should take a Hideo Kojima type approach to them, ignore them and make the best Star Fox game they can, and try new things with their series, not pander to Nostalgia


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
Graphics are somewhat important, but they really shouldn't be the main factor, I am more mad about Nintendo regressing the series to appease the purists, (who are not true fans) and the idiots who are hypocrites, they bash Nintendo for not making what they want and bash Nintendo for giving them exactly what they , Nintendo should take a Hideo Kojima type approach to them, ignore them and make the best Star Fox game they can, and try new things with their series, not pander to Nostalgia
Graphics are somewhat important, but check the comment section of a SF Zero article anywhere and you can guarantee 70% of comments are people saying silly things like "the N64 looks better than this" aha. And I agree Nintendo should take that kind of approach. People complain at companies for doing that, but there's clearily a reason most of them do. But alas, who knows what the future holds. Just because Nintendo are taking this Nostalgic approach with Star Fox right now doesn't mean it's a theme they'll plan to stick with forever.

Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
At the same time however I do hope that people who do buy the game make their voices heard to Nintendo about any problems they may have with it.
Well the thing that may make that idea not so good is that Nintendon't listen to petitions (such as the region lock one). Maybe if Zero does flop, they'd just sell the series to another company.
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Well the thing that may make that idea not so good is that Nintendon't listen to petitions (such as the region lock one). Maybe if Zero does flop, they'd just sell the series to another company.
Or give it to Retro, who would make a fantastic Star Fox title, and would reinvent the franchise,
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Unfortunately that kind of mindset to be seen among any fan base in general is easier said than done, but it's good to see that things have at least calmed down a bit in the Star Fox fan base as of recently regarding character bashing and whatnot.

I personally don't want Zero to sell badly, simply because I don't want Nintendo to immediately think "well that's it, Star Fox is dead, no coming back now" or something across those lines. At the same time however I do hope that people who do buy the game make their voices heard to Nintendo about any problems they may have with it. What I don't want however is more people moaning about its graphics, because as far as I'm concerned, that's the least important issue to have with any game as long as it plays good. Nintendo proved that more than enough times with many of its Wii titles.
To be honest there really is no excuse for the bad graphics in Star Fox: Zero when compared to the graphics of other Wii U titles; even more so then you compare its development time to the graphics we got. That is my personal problem with it at least. At least they seems to still be working on it so there is the chance they will improve. But at the same time that also scares me. The game we saw at E3 was still the Demo build and with the release date being this Holiday season I'm worried they won't have the time needed to finish it or they may push back the release date like Yoshi's Woolly World.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2015
Graphics are somewhat important, but check the comment section of a SF Zero article anywhere and you can guarantee 70% of comments are people saying silly things like "the N64 looks better than this" aha.
My problem with SF Zero visually isn't the graphics itself (textures etc.) but the fact that the worlds seem so freaking empty. I know the game is still in development, but every time when I see the corneria level I just can't ignore the fact how empty and unreal everything seems. I'm supposed to believe there's an invasion going on in some city, that doesn't have any marks from some kind of battle (there are maybe few dirt marks here and there). Sure some buildings will fall when you are near them, but those are knock down by some enemies just for the sake of making them obstacles for you, and even those still look fully intact like nothing had happened. Just lift them back up and there, no harm done, it's like the building never fell.
Aesthetically it all just seems so empty, where are the broken military or civilian vehicles, maybe some soldiers fighting the enemy or civilians running to safety? How about some actually destroyed buildings? Maybe one big building that would have a hole in it that you could fly though and feel like a badass. Some detail here and there that would make me believe that this is a world/scenario that could be real. Right now it just looks way WAY too simple. On the level of SF 64 simple...

The desert level, I admit, does look a lot more promising, but I do think that it's lot more easier to make a desert look more "real", because, well... It's a desert, it's mostly made of rocks and sand.
The space level with Pigma looks more barren compared to SF Assault, and I'd expect some improved rather than downscale. (And no, the dual screen is not an excuse. Sure I understand that it takes a lot of power, especially since both also run at 60fps, but nobody asked for the dual screen, it wasn't mandatory, but someone decided still go with it, because "innovation").

I'm not saying "have a million things going on on the screen, so that you can't focus on anything", what I mean is that the game lacks a lot of detail. I can understand why SF 64 looked like it did, and the need to use some imagination, because the limited power of the n64. But I cannot except the same barren look for today on a more powerful machine.
They chose to shoot themselves in the foot with the dual screen gimmick, I just truly hope that it was worth it and that they can "wow" me when the game is released. (Plus I'm displeased about the fact that it's basically a third remake -.- with the same old simple story and same old memes).

My hopes for the future of star fox games will rise up if Krystal gets added to smash. It is one of the big reasons why I want her as a fighter!


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
My problem with SF Zero visually isn't the graphics itself (textures etc.) but the fact that the worlds seem so freaking empty. I know the game is still in development, but every time when I see the corneria level I just can't ignore the fact how empty and unreal everything seems. I'm supposed to believe there's an invasion going on in some city, that doesn't have any marks from some kind of battle (there are maybe few dirt marks here and there). Sure some buildings will fall when you are near them, but those are knock down by some enemies just for the sake of making them obstacles for you, and even those still look fully intact like nothing had happened. Just lift them back up and there, no harm done, it's like the building never fell.
Aesthetically it all just seems so empty, where are the broken military or civilian vehicles, maybe some soldiers fighting the enemy or civilians running to safety? How about some actually destroyed buildings? Maybe one big building that would have a hole in it that you could fly though and feel like a badass. Some detail here and there that would make me believe that this is a world/scenario that could be real. Right now it just looks way WAY too simple. On the level of SF 64 simple...

The desert level, I admit, does look a lot more promising, but I do think that it's lot more easier to make a desert look more "real", because, well... It's a desert, it's mostly made of rocks and sand.
The space level with Pigma looks more barren compared to SF Assault, and I'd expect some improved rather than downscale. (And no, the dual screen is not an excuse. Sure I understand that it takes a lot of power, especially since both also run at 60fps, but nobody asked for the dual screen, it wasn't mandatory, but someone decided still go with it, because "innovation").

I'm not saying "have a million things going on on the screen, so that you can't focus on anything", what I mean is that the game lacks a lot of detail. I can understand why SF 64 looked like it did, and the need to use some imagination, because the limited power of the n64. But I cannot except the same barren look for today on a more powerful machine.
They chose to shoot themselves in the foot with the dual screen gimmick, I just truly hope that it was worth it and that they can "wow" me when the game is released. (Plus I'm displeased about the fact that it's basically a third remake -.- with the same old simple story and same old memes).

My hopes for the future of star fox games will rise up if Krystal gets added to smash. It is one of the big reasons why I want her as a fighter!
I know, we waited 10 years for that?!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
Well the thing that may make that idea not so good is that Nintendon't listen to petitions (such as the region lock one). Maybe if Zero does flop, they'd just sell the series to another company.
Yeah, it's true Nintendo seem to have Cotten buds in their ears when it comes to that aspect, but I was thinking less petitions and more just general discussion and evens reviews that all state similar issues they have with the game. Granted this was years ago, but they got very mixed reviews with Zelda 2 and because they took notice to all of its faults, Zelda ended up becoming one of Nintendo's biggest franchises.

Or give it to Retro, who would make a fantastic Star Fox title, and would reinvent the franchise,
I'd love for this to happen one day. It's a shame those rumours about Retro taking on Star Fox a few years ago didn't turn out to be true.

To be honest there really is no excuse for the bad graphics in Star Fox: Zero when compared to the graphics of other Wii U titles; even more so then you compare its development time to the graphics we got. That is my personal problem with it at least. At least they seems to still be working on it so there is the chance they will improve. But at the same time that also scares me. The game we saw at E3 was still the Demo build and with the release date being this Holiday season I'm worried they won't have the time needed to finish it or they may push back the release date like Yoshi's Woolly World.
Yeah there's really no excuse, but in the end I think it all tied together into the fact that Nintendo are seemingly rushing the game in every aspect, both gameplay and graphics. Personally I don't think it'd be bad if they pushed the release date back if we get a better polished game out of it. I don't think they'll do that however, because they'll want to release it for the holiday season due to wanting more sales.

uildings? Maybe one big building that would have a hole in it that you could fly though and feel like a badass. Some detail here and there that would make me believe that this is a world/scenario that could be real. Right now it just looks way WAY too simple. On the level of SF 64 simple...

The desert level, I admit, does look a lot more promising, but I do think that it's lot more easier to make a desert look more "real", because, well... It's a desert, it's mostly made of rocks and sand.
The space level with Pigma looks more barren compared to SF Assault, and I'd expect some improved rather than downscale. (And no, the dual screen is not an excuse. Sure I understand that it takes a lot of power, especially since both also run at 60fps, but nobody asked for the dual screen, it wasn't mandatory, but someone decided still go with it, because "innovation").

I'm not saying "have a million things going on on the screen, so that you can't focus on anything", what I mean is that the game lacks a lot of detail. I can understand why SF 64 looked like it did, and the need to use some imagination, because the limited power of the n64. But I cannot except the same barren look for today on a more powerful machine.
They chose to shoot themselves in the foot with the dual screen gimmick, I just truly hope that it was worth it and that they can "wow" me when the game is released. (Plus I'm displeased about the fact that it's basically a third remake -.- with the same old simple story and same old memes

My hopes for the future of star fox games will rise up if Krystal gets added to smash. It is one of the big reasons why I want her as a fighter!
Well that seems to be Nintendo's only excuse for saying that they've innovated with Zero unfortunately. Personally I'll be using the Pro Controller. And yeah, hopefully by getting Krystal into Smash it'll further the chances of getting the timeline we know and love back into the next Star Fox game.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Yeah there's really no excuse, but in the end I think it all tied together into the fact that Nintendo are seemingly rushing the game in every aspect, both gameplay and graphics. Personally I don't think it'd be bad if they pushed the release date back if we get a better polished game out of it. I don't think they'll do that however, because they'll want to release it for the holiday season due to wanting more sales.
I hope that in making a Star Fox that's more accessible for everyone, they aren't extracting all the flavor and challenge they can from Zero. One of the worst mindsets they can have going into the holiday season is thinking that it's okay if the game flops, because it's only an experiment that has nothing to do with the main storyline.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Who knows maybe after Zero, we will get a retelling of Adventures, a good way to test the waters for that would be to release Adventures and Assault on Virtual Console


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Who knows maybe after Zero, we will get a retelling of Adventures, a good way to test the waters for that would be to release Adventures and Assault on Virtual Console
Didn't they claim to have plans for GameCube games on the Virtual Console? You have no idea how much I've been wanting Assault to appear in the shop. (My GameCube broke! :crying:)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
I hope that in making a Star Fox that's more accessible for everyone, they aren't extracting all the flavor and challenge they can from Zero. One of the worst mindsets they can have going into the holiday season is thinking that it's okay if the game flops, because it's only an experiment that has nothing to do with the main storyline.
Yeah, that's true. I have noticed a current trend where Nintendo have been making there games mind numbingly easier in order to appeal to everyone, which yeah, is fine as long as they're leaving in the option to make it challenging for the older audience, but a lot of games, such as Kirby's Epic Yarn, for example were forcing these "spoon feeding" aspects on to you. You couldn't even die in that game. And yeah, I hope they're not thinking in that mindset either, because all it'll end up doing is damage the franchise further.
Who knows maybe after Zero, we will get a retelling of Adventures, a good way to test the waters for that would be to release Adventures and Assault on Virtual Console
Didn't they claim to have plans for GameCube games on the Virtual Console? You have no idea how much I've been wanting Assault to appear in the shop. (My GameCube broke! :crying:)
I can definitely see this happening. We did just get Command after all, and both Adventures and Assault were much more successful.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Yeah, that's true. I have noticed a current trend where Nintendo have been making there games mind numbingly easier in order to appeal to everyone, which yeah, is fine as long as they're leaving in the option to make it challenging for the older audience, but a lot of games, such as Kirby's Epic Yarn, for example were forcing these "spoon feeding" aspects on to you. You couldn't even die in that game. And yeah, I hope they're not thinking in that mindset either, because all it'll end up doing is damage the franchise further.
I know, Nintendo needs to stop doing that, if Zero fails, Nintendo can only blame themselves, but Nintendo will naturally blame someone else for their screwups

Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
Yeah, that's true. I have noticed a current trend where Nintendo have been making there games mind numbingly easier in order to appeal to everyone, which yeah, is fine as long as they're leaving in the option to make it challenging for the older audience, but a lot of games, such as Kirby's Epic Yarn, for example were forcing these "spoon feeding" aspects on to you. You couldn't even die in that game. And yeah, I hope they're not thinking in that mindset either, because all it'll end up doing is damage the franchise further.
Well Iwata did say that the reason Ninty casualizes their games is because gamers spend so much time playing difficult games that they don't start hounding down for new releases (basically it's for moneys).


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Well Iwata did say that the reason Ninty casualizes their games is because gamers spend so much time playing difficult games that they don't start hounding down for new releases (basically it's for moneys).
That's ****ing ridiculous, challenging games have an appeal, but they should NOT be too difficult
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