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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Lord of Revenge
Apr 16, 2015
N.Murica Indiana
Honestly, I can see them coming together in some sort of 'Star Fox DLC Pack'. You get Wolf, Krystal, and a new stage. Or, maybe instead of a new stage all together, Lylat Cruise for 3DS and Corneria for Wii U. Three DLC Fighter packs all together, four in pack #1 and #2, and two in the Star Fox pack. I'm thinking ten total DLC characters because ten total completely evens out the roster on the Wii U CSS, and makes the 3DS CSS one character off from having the same shape as when it first launched.
If we get Krystal AND Wolf? I might need a trip to the hospital. I wouldn't be able to handle hype over 9000!

The best thing is that it's possible with SFZero on the way. If it does well then my favorite series might be coming back with a bang.
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Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
To add to one of my previous posts, they're having a photo challenge with a unity theme, perhaps doing something pertaining to Adventures and Assault would help. You cant paint in your submission so you have to really figure something out.

See guys, We were right, Krystal's absence in Zero really proves that old adage, "You don't know what you've got until it's gone
This same thing happened with Dixies absence in DKCR


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
See guys, We were right, Krystal's absence in Zero really proves that old adage, "You don't know what you've got until it's gone
Hopefully makes the heart go Fonder rather than Yonder


Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
Well, I've just joined this place and I have to say its a pleasant surprise to see this much support for Krystal both here and on miiverse. She's definitely my number one for getting in and until recently I thought I was one of only a few fans of hers, aha.

Was pretty bummed to see that she's being left out of Star Fox Zero, but fingers crossed that getting her enough votes for the ballot will not only get us a really unique, female character for Smash Bro's, but to hopefully show Nintendo that she's still in fact a very popular character among fans and that we'd definitely like to see more of her in the future if not in Zero, then the next game in the franchise.

Anyways, got a bit off track and slightly dramatic there, aha. Long story short, she's an awesome character and would fit right into Smash Bros. /quietly takes my leave


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2015
USA border (stealing da americans jobs)
XeVioN !
@Krayon Kaphonie Hey there I actually found this thread by searching your name here on smashboards, I love videogame comics so when I saw that you were going to start one I needed to know when will we be able to see it.

Ohh and what characters are you planning to include ?(so far)


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Well, I've just joined this place and I have to say its a pleasant surprise to see this much support for Krystal both here and on miiverse. She's definitely my number one for getting in and until recently I thought I was one of only a few fans of hers, aha.

Was pretty bummed to see that she's being left out of Star Fox Zero, but fingers crossed that getting her enough votes for the ballot will not only get us a really unique, female character for Smash Bro's, but to hopefully show Nintendo that she's still in fact a very popular character among fans and that we'd definitely like to see more of her in the future if not in Zero, then the next game in the franchise.
People like to talk about Brawl speculation and go "oh you should have been here then, she had so much support." Thing is, Krystal support has never been this strong and this pervasive in social media. I'm almost angry about it. Now I'll have to burn my jelly shoes, my triangular cheese, my floral headband and my lensless glasses. She's way too mainstream now.
Anyways, got a bit off track and slightly dramatic there, aha. Long story short, she's an awesome character and would fit right into Smash Bros. /quietly takes my leave
Aw, you're leaving us already? Thanks for coming by.


Aug 12, 2015
New Jersey
Well, since everyone else is coming out in this thread. Hello. I just recently joined Smashboards but I've been creeping around this page for some time now. Since more people are joining this thread, I decided it was the perfect time to join as well.

Krystal has been one of my favorite characters for as long as I can remember. She has been someone I wanted in Smash all the way back in the pre-Brawl days. I'm hoping with this sudden boost in support, Sakurai will finally put her in as a new, unique fighter.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Well, since everyone else is coming out in this thread. Hello. I just recently joined Smashboards but I've been creeping around this page for some time now. Since more people are joining this thread, I decided it was the perfect time to join as well.
Welcome to Smashboards and the Krystal thread! Good to have you.
Krystal has been one of my favorite characters for as long as I can remember. She has been someone I wanted in Smash all the way back in the pre-Brawl days. I'm hoping with this sudden boost in support, Sakurai will finally put her in as a new, unique fighter.
If Sakurai ever does, I think he will find it will be no hard task to make her into an amazing and unique fighter.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I wonder how easy porting Wolf over would be. Either they can copy the Brawl assets or the modify Fox to get to him. IF the latter, that may take a while, Wolf isn't even a semi according to Smash Wiki (I'd disagree but not important)

In any case may be beneficial to Krystal.
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Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
Yes but we don't know what he did with Lucas, all his specials were already Ness's customs.
I hope Sakurai explains the process in a Famitsu column, he did stress that porting over melee veterans would be difficult because of how old the assets are, that implies that Brawl veterans have their assets ported over.

And about Lucas's specials, I have a theory that characters like Lucas and Wolf were atleast partially worked on in early development before being put off to work on newcomers. I think that since Lucas was put on low priority Sakurai decided to include what little work was put into Lucas was implemented into Ness as customs; same with Fox and Wolf


Aug 12, 2015
New Jersey
What if Wolf was decloned completely, having new special attacks
I doubt Wolf would be decloned. Even though Roy did get some changes in his animations and attacks, he still plays pretty much the same way he did in melee. I feel once a character has a moveset, that moveset is there to stay *cough* :4ganondorf: *cough*


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
Wow. 55% Krystal support and 40% Wolf support? That's really good to say the least. I guess we Starfox fans are really lucky after all especially with this amount of support. If this amount of support doesn't work, then I don't know what can. Anyway, I'm glad that this is working and like I said before, Nintendo will finally realize that these 2 should be in the Smash roster especially since the SF series is going to be a big deal this year. Starfox Command on the Wii U's eShop was just the icing in the cake. Now with Zero still slated for Holiday 2015, Wolf's chances for instance to come back as DLC is still high and it's inevitable(doubt of him being a Mii Fighter costume and the same goes for Krystal). Krystal's chances are also and still high up there especially after what happened with the King K. Rool Mii costume fiasco(which he can still make it in except that his chances are not as nearly as high as it used to be).

Also, it appears that Alfore just posted up some new pics that you guys should see and they are

That pic was taken from Fox's support page in the Smash section. Here's another one

As for you Draxis, I already added you to my friend list on the Miiverse. ^^

Rough estimates as much as it sounds like I'm pulling data. Let me count the actual number of popular posts on the Fox support page and how many of them are for Krystal, and post them in a spoiler below...
DLC Posts
6 Krystal support posts
5 Wolf support posts
1 Krystal and Wolf support posts
Total: 12

Other Posts
2 "Pew Pew" posts
2 Barrel Roll posts
2 Animal Fox posts
1 "Furries" post
1 Slippy Comment post
Total: 8

It doesn't look entirely the same as when I first saw it, but I can see myself missing a number of regular support posts, heh. Basically, I overestimated pretty badly. Still, there's as much Krystal support on that day as there was regular posts, and far more DLC support than anything else.

Now, the latest popular post page up on Miiverse is the 10th and these are the numbers...

DLC Posts
4 Krystal support posts
1 Krystal and Wolf support posts
0 Wolf support posts
Total: 5

Other Posts
2 Barrel Roll posts
2 Slippy Comment posts
2 Fox Basic Fox Pic posts
1 Animal Fox post
1 Peppy Instruction post that's actually not "barrel roll".
1 James McCloud post
1 Fox News post
1 "What Does The Fox Say?" post
1 Fire Fox post
1 Random post
and of note...
1 Star Fox Adventures reference that may or may not be related to a Krystal request. Features the staff and a comment that seems to request Adventures on Wii U.
Total: 14

Yeah, I didn't need to categorize the "Other Posts" but I wanted to and it was fun.

Btw, I've seen both of those Alfore pics and I like them both.

I see Alfore isn't the only one to have thought of this. I like this, heh.

@ jahkzheng jahkzheng I honestly see more Krystal support post than Wolf but sometimes I do see a dual support of both of them. I guess Krystal is more popular on miiverse but that what I think at least but it good to see many people are supporting her, oh and I was here in this thread for a pretty long time just never made an account at the time and sometimes I will be here but I don't know wha t to say sometimes.
Yeah, I definitely see more Krystal support and a larger proportion of it is detailed drawings too, but I really like it when both characters get a shoutout. Better united than divided, as Delzethin reminded us a couple days ago.


Also, hi all these new people that have come out of the woodwork! Great to see more Krystal supporters in here and I'm glad Draxis and XeVioN apparently opened some floodgates somewhere, hah.
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Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
What if Wolf was decloned completely, having new special attacks
It'd be out of left field, if anything. Mewtwo and Lucas were kept as similar as possible from their previous incarnations, even though Mewtwo in particular has a much wider movepool to work with now and his neutral special isn't even associated with him outside of Smash. Roy is the exception so far, but he was a full clone in Melee and not a semi-clone like Lucas or Wolf, we know he was planned for Brawl, and there was a lot of decloning in general done in Brawl, so it's not out of the question that Roy's moveset is a carryover from his Brawl incarnation that never came to be.

tl;dr, Wolf would probably stay the same as he was in Brawl, but his moveset makes him less of a clone than characters we already have, so it wouldn't be as big a deal.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
People like to talk about Brawl speculation and go "oh you should have been here then, she had so much support." Thing is, Krystal support has never been this strong and this pervasive in social media. I'm almost angry about it. Now I'll have to burn my jelly shoes, my triangular cheese, my floral headband and my lensless glasses. She's way too mainstream now.

Aw, you're leaving us already? Thanks for coming by.
Oh, I'm not actually leaving, aha, I wasn't being serious with that last part. Like I said I'm pretty ecstatic to have found this place.

But yeah, her increase in popularity is pretty insane. From what I've seen she's even got a huge fan base in Japan. No Krystal loving hipster is safe it seems. o.e


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
Since we're on the topic of Krystal support on Miiverse. I just wanted to let you all know that I am Kitsune (the Mii with the green shirt & brown sunglasses on his head like fox ears) on Miiverse.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
The most voted polls by far:

1. King K. Rool:
335 Yes
156 No
38 Indifferent

2. Wolf:
369 Yes
46 No
44 Indifferent

3. Shantae:
288 Yes
130 No
33 Indifferent

4. Krystal:
175 No
160 Yes
50 Indifferent

5. Bandanna Dee:
212 Yes
87 No
73 Indifferent

6. Balloon Fighter:
138 No
107 Indifferent
100 Yes

7. Daisy:
179 Yes
115 No
23 Indifferent

8. Isaac:
225 Yes
52 Indifferent
39 No

9. Pichu:
148 No
100 Yes
32 Indifferent

10. Shovel Knight:
133 No
93 Yes
53 Indifferent

If you want to change the circumstances for some characters you gotta vote here. ;)


Smash Cadet
Dec 17, 2013
Going wherever I please
Cool krystal in fourth despite those no's for no reason, like i said if she werent hated she'd be near tops. It is what it is though, glad the no's will never count. Edit: okay not 4th exactly, but still we're near/in the top 5 give or take. And any publicity is good publicity imo, she gets alot of attention and thats a good thing.

Check it


Yknow how people say, hurr durr that wus a long time ago krystal ain't popular in japannn.

An actual Japanese top player straight up says she's still popular over there, STILL.

Good news for us, lets keep the support going!
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Cool krystal in fourth despite those no's for no reason, like i said if she werent hated she'd be near tops. It is what it is though, glad the no's will never count.

Check it


Yknow how people say, hurr durr that wus a long time ago krystal ain't popular in japannn.

An actual Japanese top player straight up says she's still popular over there, STILL.

Good news for us, lets keep the support going!
I few years ago I thought Krystal was not liked at over there


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I few years ago I thought Krystal was not liked at over there
Compared to Wolf.

I heard something about her ruining Star Fox Yaoi but that was probably someone ****posting.

Cane Seven

Smash Cadet
Jul 30, 2015
I heard something about her ruining Star Fox Yaoi
She's that dent in their yaoi fantasies. You're not way off.

I said that user deserves a medal. Most of what was said is spot-on. (top)
That one was my post. (bottom)

I've always been incredibly confused by that post. It assumes that everyone who hates Krystal is a gay furry (not trying to be offensive here).
I don't see what's so confusing about it. That's not being assumed here. At the end s/he does say: "I know not all Krystal naysayers are like this." Anyway, a member asked for evidence, so I posted links pointing out that there are people with that type of headcanon (I'm not one of them). I seen what comments these people post on the sites I mentioned in the GFaqs post above. I hope y'all don't mind me sharing these links form various sites. All of them are about Star Fox. [strong language warning]:

http://i.imgur.com/rPOlVay.jpg - This one is right. I see nothing wrong with this comment.
http://i.imgur.com/8ds6dpG.jpg - Joking or not, I think it's stupid that people actually believe this.
http://i.imgur.com/D7cYsXV.jpg - Some random anon on r34.
http://i.imgur.com/DN7Vpbs.jpg - For those who don't believe Star Fox yaoi is a thing. [cropped version]
http://i.imgur.com/dUFWuCs.jpg - This one is enjoying some Wolf nsfw. [unrelated to previous link]
http://i.imgur.com/iBo3lz8.jpg - This is on a Smash 4 related image featuring Krystal.
http://i.imgur.com/bpQOcvB.jpg - Doesn't sound crazy imo.
http://i.imgur.com/BPBK50B.jpg - These threads do exist. 99% of the time it's male based [this isn't 4chan]
http://i.imgur.com/uAie8yF.jpg - Some people really believe this as canon.
http://i.imgur.com/llVpQNc.jpg - This male furzilla fetish.
http://i.imgur.com/vffRefJ.jpg - This one gets enraged because Star Fox yaoi streak was broken.
http://i.imgur.com/XAcXbkg.jpg - A anon similar to the previous link (or probably same anon).
http://i.imgur.com/UT0UgoG.jpg - I can't disagree with that last comment.
http://i.imgur.com/VeBVrdT.jpg - Just more from this thread (not 4chan)
http://i.imgur.com/aOYL8gC.jpg - Most likely OP (original poster) of thread.
http://i.imgur.com/XTATECb.jpg - One of the very few safe images in this entire thread. Still implies twisted headcanon though.
http://i.imgur.com/zkWCXh9.jpg - "Krystal attracts furries." Males of the series aren't excluded from this. They have that same effect.
http://i.imgur.com/uog96U7.jpg - One of many who think the yaoi is canon to the series.
http://i.imgur.com/h1tM98L.jpg - Just some variation of the Wolf meme.
http://i.imgur.com/9OfFFup.jpg - Notice how mad someone gets when they see a genderswaped Wolf O'Donnell.

That last link... did you catch it? A harmless genderswap of Wolf = "ruined hotness." Anyway, it's clear that Krystal isn't the only one who gets that kind of attention, but certain people will always try to sidestep this fact, and ignore it. I could post thousands of links to comments regarding Star Fox yaoi and its shady fans, but I won't because that would be a huge waste of time. A lot of comments on Star Fox yaoi are pretty much the same anyway. I most likely see Star Fox 64 quotes. Take a guess on what quote I saw on a Star Fox image that featured meatspin.

If you guessed the obvious "Do a barrel roll." you're right.

"Krystal haters are gay furries." That statement is true to an extent. Imagine if Krystal had been male instead... there would be less hate, obviously. It wouldn't really bother the yaoi shippers... because to them it's just another wang. Using R34 as a reason why she shouldn't be included is easily one of the dumbest excuses out there. You might as well take all the characters out of Smash for that one. Every fictional character has R34. "Only furries want her in Smash." is a false generalization. Using a cancelled game (Dinosaur Planet) as an excuse. "The games she was in sold poorly." These naysayers are always reaching for lame excuses. Some call her a bland character with no development. Well, the same thing can be said about the others. SF64 quotes, and memes don't count as character depth imo. Panther comes out of nowhere in Assault. There's not much you can say about him, so where's the hate for this cat? I guess character development only "matters" when you're playing as team Star Fox. Panther gets a golden pass. I can't help but laugh when I see people say they want Krystal gone, only for Miyu and Fay to take her place, acting as if they would be far more developed characters. Get real, it's Miyamoto.
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Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
She's that dent in their yaoi fantasies. You're not way off.

I said that user deserves a metal. Most of what was said is spot-on. (top)
That one was my post. (bottom)

I don't see what's so confusing about it. That's not being assumed here. At the end s/he does say: "I know not all Krystal naysayers are like this." Anyway, a member asked for evidence, so I posted links pointing out that there are people with that type of headcanon (I'm not one of them). I seen what comments these people post on the sites I mentioned in the GFaqs post above. I hope y'all don't mind me sharing these links form various sites. All of them are about Star Fox. [strong language warning]:

http://i.imgur.com/rPOlVay.jpg - This one is right. I see nothing wrong with this comment.
http://i.imgur.com/8ds6dpG.jpg - Joking or not, I think it's stupid that people actually believe this.
http://i.imgur.com/D7cYsXV.jpg - Some random anon on r34.
http://i.imgur.com/DN7Vpbs.jpg - For those who don't believe Star Fox yaoi is a thing. [cropped version]
http://i.imgur.com/dUFWuCs.jpg - This one is enjoying some Wolf nsfw. [unrelated to previous link]
http://i.imgur.com/iBo3lz8.jpg - This is on a Smash 4 related image featuring Krystal.
http://i.imgur.com/bpQOcvB.jpg - Doesn't sound crazy imo.
http://i.imgur.com/BPBK50B.jpg - These threads do exist. 99% of the time it's male based [this isn't 4chan]
http://i.imgur.com/uAie8yF.jpg - Some people really believe this as canon.
http://i.imgur.com/llVpQNc.jpg - This male furzilla fetish.
http://i.imgur.com/vffRefJ.jpg - This one gets enraged because Star Fox yaoi streak was broken.
http://i.imgur.com/XAcXbkg.jpg - A anon similar to the previous link (or probably same anon).
http://i.imgur.com/UT0UgoG.jpg - I can't disagree with that last comment.
http://i.imgur.com/VeBVrdT.jpg - Just more from this thread (not 4chan)
http://i.imgur.com/aOYL8gC.jpg - Most likely OP (original poster) of thread.
http://i.imgur.com/XTATECb.jpg - One of the very few safe images in this entire thread. Still implies twisted headcanon though.
http://i.imgur.com/zkWCXh9.jpg - "Krystal attracts furries." Males of the series aren't excluded from this. They have that same effect.
http://i.imgur.com/uog96U7.jpg - One of many who think the yaoi is canon to the series.
http://i.imgur.com/h1tM98L.jpg - Just some variation of the Wolf meme.
http://i.imgur.com/9OfFFup.jpg - Notice how mad someone gets when they see a genderswaped Wolf O'Donnell.

That last link... did you catch it? A harmless genderswap of Wolf = "ruined hotness." Anyway, it's clear that Krystal isn't the only one who gets that kind of attention, but certain people will always try to sidestep this fact, and ignore it. I could post thousands of links to comments regarding Star Fox yaoi and its shady fans, but I won't because that would be a huge waste of time. A lot of comments on Star Fox yaoi are pretty much the same anyway. I most likely see Star Fox 64 quotes. Take a guess on what quote I saw on a Star Fox image that featured meatspin.

If you guessed the obvious "Do a barrel roll." you're right.

"Krystal haters are gay furries." That statement is true to an extent. Imagine if Krystal had been male instead... there would be less hate, obviously. It wouldn't really bother the yaoi shippers... because to them it's just another wang. Using R34 as a reason why she shouldn't be included is easily one of the dumbest excuses out there. You might as well take all the characters out of Smash for that one. Every fictional character has R34. "Only furries want her in Smash." is a false generalization. Using a cancelled game (Dinosaur Planet) as an excuse. "The games she was in sold poorly." These naysayers are always reaching for lame excuses. Some call her a bland character with no development. Well, the same thing can be said about the others. SF64 quotes, and memes don't count as character depth imo. Panther comes out of nowhere in Assault. There's not much you can say about him, so where's the hate for this cat? I guess character development only "matters" when you're playing as team Star Fox. Panther gets a golden pass. I can't help but laugh when I see people say they want Krystal gone, only for Miyu and Fay to take her place, acting as if they would be far more developed characters. Get real, it's Miyamoto.
Plus, I remember being told that Command gave Krystal more depth and personality, so you can't say she's bland.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
She's that dent in their yaoi fantasies. You're not way off.

I said that user deserves a metal. Most of what was said is spot-on. (top)
That one was my post. (bottom)

I don't see what's so confusing about it. That's not being assumed here. At the end s/he does say: "I know not all Krystal naysayers are like this." Anyway, a member asked for evidence, so I posted links pointing out that there are people with that type of headcanon (I'm not one of them). I seen what comments these people post on the sites I mentioned in the GFaqs post above. I hope y'all don't mind me sharing these links form various sites. All of them are about Star Fox. [strong language warning]:

http://i.imgur.com/rPOlVay.jpg - This one is right. I see nothing wrong with this comment.
http://i.imgur.com/8ds6dpG.jpg - Joking or not, I think it's stupid that people actually believe this.
http://i.imgur.com/D7cYsXV.jpg - Some random anon on r34.
http://i.imgur.com/DN7Vpbs.jpg - For those who don't believe Star Fox yaoi is a thing. [cropped version]
http://i.imgur.com/dUFWuCs.jpg - This one is enjoying some Wolf nsfw. [unrelated to previous link]
http://i.imgur.com/iBo3lz8.jpg - This is on a Smash 4 related image featuring Krystal.
http://i.imgur.com/bpQOcvB.jpg - Doesn't sound crazy imo.
http://i.imgur.com/BPBK50B.jpg - These threads do exist. 99% of the time it's male based [this isn't 4chan]
http://i.imgur.com/uAie8yF.jpg - Some people really believe this as canon.
http://i.imgur.com/llVpQNc.jpg - This male furzilla fetish.
http://i.imgur.com/vffRefJ.jpg - This one gets enraged because Star Fox yaoi streak was broken.
http://i.imgur.com/XAcXbkg.jpg - A anon similar to the previous link (or probably same anon).
http://i.imgur.com/UT0UgoG.jpg - I can't disagree with that last comment.
http://i.imgur.com/VeBVrdT.jpg - Just more from this thread (not 4chan)
http://i.imgur.com/aOYL8gC.jpg - Most likely OP (original poster) of thread.
http://i.imgur.com/XTATECb.jpg - One of the very few safe images in this entire thread. Still implies twisted headcanon though.
http://i.imgur.com/zkWCXh9.jpg - "Krystal attracts furries." Males of the series aren't excluded from this. They have that same effect.
http://i.imgur.com/uog96U7.jpg - One of many who think the yaoi is canon to the series.
http://i.imgur.com/h1tM98L.jpg - Just some variation of the Wolf meme.
http://i.imgur.com/9OfFFup.jpg - Notice how mad someone gets when they see a genderswaped Wolf O'Donnell.

That last link... did you catch it? A harmless genderswap of Wolf = "ruined hotness." Anyway, it's clear that Krystal isn't the only one who gets that kind of attention, but certain people will always try to sidestep this fact, and ignore it. I could post thousands of links to comments regarding Star Fox yaoi and its shady fans, but I won't because that would be a huge waste of time. A lot of comments on Star Fox yaoi are pretty much the same anyway. I most likely see Star Fox 64 quotes. Take a guess on what quote I saw on a Star Fox image that featured meatspin.

If you guessed the obvious "Do a barrel roll." you're right.

"Krystal haters are gay furries." That statement is true to an extent. Imagine if Krystal had been male instead... there would be less hate, obviously. It wouldn't really bother the yaoi shippers... because to them it's just another wang. Using R34 as a reason why she shouldn't be included is easily one of the dumbest excuses out there. You might as well take all the characters out of Smash for that one. Every fictional character has R34. "Only furries want her in Smash." is a false generalization. Using a cancelled game (Dinosaur Planet) as an excuse. "The games she was in sold poorly." These naysayers are always reaching for lame excuses. Some call her a bland character with no development. Well, the same thing can be said about the others. SF64 quotes, and memes don't count as character depth imo. Panther comes out of nowhere in Assault. There's not much you can say about him, so where's the hate for this cat? I guess character development only "matters" when you're playing as team Star Fox. Panther gets a golden pass. I can't help but laugh when I see people say they want Krystal gone, only for Miyu and Fay to take her place, acting as if they would be far more developed characters. Get real, it's Miyamoto.
That proves the idocracy and hypocrisy of the bad part of the fanbase


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
Plus, I remember being told that Command gave Krystal more depth and personality, so you can't say she's bland.
They tried that for her and everyone else and failed miserably, they were alienated as all hell. Rumor has it the writing was taken directly from fanfics.


Smash Cadet
Dec 17, 2013
Going wherever I please
It's annoying to see Krystal is dead, in other support forums, like slippy's

I really dont understand why they come to that conclusion when king K rool is literally in the same situation. He got acknowledged weeks ago even. If it wasnt for that he'd still be in the same boat as krystal.

I for one, think they will reintroduce both rare characters in the way that they want this time, because blah blah blah omg foreigner character = bad. Sadly, that's how i think it went down and why they weren't touched. But i know fan demand will bring krystal and Rool back in a game soon enough.

Rool will most likely be the next DK game, the same can go for Krystal in the next starfox for a proper reintroduction.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2015
Somewhere without a Smash community. Send hlep
Oh, it's those "Krystal haters are gay furries" argument again?

So you assumed if Krystal were male and there would be less hate, is it exactly this simple? If Krystal is male, but the rest of the characters are the same, like being a love interest for Fox. I doubt if the support will get any better, and if most of you guys would actually still want her(him?) that way.

Bone Conjurer

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2015
It's annoying to see Krystal is dead, in other support forums, like slippy's

I really dont understand why they come to that conclusion when king K rool is literally in the same situation. He got acknowledged weeks ago even. If it wasnt for that he'd still be in the same boat as krystal.

I for one, think they will reintroduce both rare characters in the way that they want this time, because blah blah blah omg foreigner character = bad. Sadly, that's how i think it went down and why they weren't touched. But i know fan demand will bring krystal and Rool back in a game soon enough.

Rool will most likely be the next DK game, the same can go for Krystal in the next starfox for a proper reintroduction.
That could be likely if Ninty goes out of business (and instead of going 3rd-party or turning into a pure toy company) due to their constant stream of failures (the NX will promise their fall), and their IPs fall into the hands of better developers.



Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
Oh, it's those "Krystal haters are gay furries" argument again?

So you assumed if Krystal were male and there would be less hate, is it exactly this simple? If Krystal is male, but the rest of the characters are the same, like being a love interest for Fox. I doubt if the support will get any better, and if most of you guys would actually still want her(him?) that way.
As someone who witnessed a couple people, who one of em loves Wolf O'Donnel in that sort of way, commenting on a rather messed up drawing of Wolf doing something to Krystal praising she's gone, this kind of enforces this. I've seen people even act like the 63 images of her is somehow okay, which is probably a joke but it seems suspicious regardless.

What even brought this debate on anyway?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2015
I don't know what was going on while I was gone for the whole day but it looks like you guys brought that yaoi argument and I have to say let not mention any of that stuff because it weird and don't listen to the 64 fans because most of them are just blind haters that has terrible reasons of Krystal being in smash so lets get back on topic.
Also welcome @Kitty-chan @ T thief_of_demons and @ Flavius Flavius it good to see more new supporters, and guys I'm working on a new Krystal drawing.
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