The impression that i'm getting is that the ballot's effecting more than one character, basically there's going to be more characters than just another set. It's best to show support by doing a number of things;
Miiverse, Fox and Falcos Smash section, even spam Star Fox Commands page while stressing she and everyone is out of character in that game incase.
Smashified, some here say the guy loves her, but it's a good idea to suggest her anyway
this around, there's a few others like it but this one seems more popular given who it is
It may not serve much purpose but
this might help too
Most importantly, remind people in the event they mention Krystals absence in Zero that K Rool, Daisy, and a few others havent been in their respective games in awhile. Daisy while does appear in spinoffs, she hasnt once been in any main Mario installment since Mario Land unless I missed something.