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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
you people are evil. I was gone for two days and i had to read like 10 walls of pain to be caught up on this thread however i love this thread's intelligence Personally a thread with thought is what brawl needs

anyway about captain olimar i liked vali's moveset however olimar is too dependent on his pikmin. even though it reflects his game's well and is unique one must consider that smash has an absolute minimum of a character's dependence on one move. therefore i imagine a moveset blending mine and vali's to further balance him. Also if PIKMIN 3 isn't made i will also join your rebellion/march

secondly, am i the only one that thinks that pokemon representation is larger then the characters alone, the pokeballs alone shows the series character's and variety

finally, IMO K. Rool will make an awesome asset to smash. even though he is a bowser clone in the line's of creativity, the donkey kong games had supplied a lot of unique possibilities for his attacks, he can box, shoot cannonballs/magic gas and can strangely do some acrobatic feats seeing dixie's exclusion from dk64 i think that k. rool has a better chance to be in brawl

edit: i wonder how much chief mendez has to read

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
The top five games that I wanna hear about at E3? Oooo.

At the top of my list is Halo 3. Sorry, gents, but I'm absolutely stoked to hear about the latest (and final) installment to this great FPS franchise. I played the hell out of Beta (when I got the chance, of course) and loved every second of it. Sure, there was still tons of work that needed to be implemented but it showed just how well the franchise has made the transition over to next gen.

The second most anticipated game on the list is DMC 4. This game simply looks amazing. I can't wait to start kicking some demonic ***---with style and badass-ness, of course.

The third most anticipated game is Guilty Gear Accent Core (for the bloody PS2!!!!). I wanna know when they're gonna port this game and how much it's gonna be. NOW. I'm a big fan of the GG franchise (Shoop Da Whoop + Justice= Too broken for tourney play).

Coming in at a steady fourth is MGS 4. I may not own a PS3, but I can hope that E3 confirms (or rebukes) that pesky rumor of a multi-platform venture that extends to the 360. If MGS 4 does make that epic leap onto the 360, I am throwing my money down on a reservation immediately.

When it comes to last, well...I'm stuck between two games. I wanna hear more about Final Fantasy XIII, for sure. The Final Fantasy franchise is probably one of my favorites (when it comes to RPG's, anyway). However, I had received my latest issue of GI a day or two ago and it highlighted a game that literally made my jaw drop as I read the article. While I've never, ever played the previous two installments, Fallout 3 seems amazing. I wonder if E3 is going to cover even more about that spiffy combat system that's similar to Vagrant Story's (i.e. you can aim for a specific part on the enemy and strike it).

Smooth Criminal

Edit: Oh, wow. Take a look at the update, Wiseguy. Looks like Samurai Goroh is not going to be playable after all. He's an "assist item" now.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Los Angeles (310)
Well with no Goroh and the fact that Black Shadow was in his poll, Black Shadow's chances have now increased >_<. Who knows who the other f-zero representative will be, I personally will be satisfied with Falcon alone as the roster has other worthy characters form other games anyway.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
It's midnight madness at the Wiseguy thread! Well, for me at least. While all reasonable people are snug in their beds asleep, I'm spending these hours awaiting the new Brawl update, and what better way to kill time than responding the the posts by you fine folks.

For those who don't know yet, I'm issuing a new challenge: list the five games you are most looking forward to hearing about at E3 - other than The Big Three (Prime 3, Galaxy and Brawl. Here's mine, if case you missed it:

In addition to new trailers for Prime 3 (my favorite single player series ever) and Brawl (the most anticipated Nintendo game ever), I'm also looking forward to more news on:

1) Dragon Quest XI: Who cares about FFXIII? This game could be the greatest RPG ever - if it lives up to DQVIII's quality. This game is the reason I bought a DS and I can't wait for this game to grce our shores.

2)Fire Emblem GoD: I must have spent 200 hours playing and replaying Path of Radiance, and the sequel can't come soon enough. Where's my North American release date Nintendo?

3) Battaleon Wars Wii: Halo killer? Starcraft killer? Maybe not, but it's a wachy RTS/shooter in the same vein as Pikmin - with online play.

4) LoZ: Phantom Hourglass: It's Zelda. Need I say more?

5) FF: Chrystal Chronicles Wii: That trailer looked incredible, and made me ancious to see more of what looks to be the Wii's answer to Kingdom Hearts.
When I wrote this, I wasn't considered games I would like to see announced. Otherwise, Kid Icarus Wii and Perfect Dark DS would be up there.

The following characters should be cut imo:
Marth(sorry but we have ike now)
jigglypuff(he was added in the first place cause he was popular in the show which is hated worldwide by anyone over 10)
Game&watch(don't freaking ask about this)
D.r Mario(unless he is changed from being a mario clone)
Roy(Sorry we got sothe now)

Characters that need to be revamped:
Luigi:(make him own his own playing style such as EX: instead of fire let hi shot lightning balls as he did in the mario and luigi superstar saga game one)
Bowser:(just improve him please)
Link: (he needs more speed to compliment his power) he seems to have been revamped already but you never know.
Falco: give him his own fighting style more of an aerial fighter with most of his attack on the ground being(fast)setups for aerial combos.
Mewtwo: ok I don't know much about mewtwo but I know this he is very fast in pokemon and insanely strong with specials so I suggest he gets more devastating moves and his speed is tweaked a bit.

Characters that should be nerfed imo (basically lower theire strength)
Fox: give him slower animations than falco and mariolink kirby and pikachu)
I might edit this later

Charecters that should be in imo:
pokemon trainer

Star fox:

Mario series:

Zelda series:
(see possible fighters)

Samus / Zamus (sheik play style - please dont have her wastes a metroid slot with zamus)
two of the hunters
(weavel and surge would be cool)

Kid icarus series:
Pit (nuff said)

Fire emblem series:
silver haired girl

Sonic series:

Megaman series
Megaman (classic)

I will finish this post later so wait for it.:chuckle::chuckle:
Okay, I'll reserve judgement until you complete your list. You've got some intersting ideas...

Note: The "silver haired girl" is called Miciaiah.



This might be a possible movset for King K. Rool. Or maybe use this character model from DK 64.
Yeah, that would be pretty interesting. I suppose a boxer-based moveset is possible as long as a character like Mac doesn't make it.

Thanks for sharing that. I never did muster the patience to beat DK64.

I honestly thought that K. Rool was saying "F*** you" to the crowd for like a split second. Then I realized he was saying "thank you."


I'm gonna crack up laughing if K. Rool's taunt is like that if he turns up in Brawl.

Smooth Criminal
That would be classic. :laugh:

But those are the only three I want to hear about...
Fair enough. Those are the ones I am most intersted in, and I assumed that they would be on everyone's list anyway. Personally, if those three were the only games coming out this year, I wouldn't complain.

Same here. The only way they'd make me pay attention to anything else would be iNiS presenting EBA 2. I'd say Ouendan 3 better, but that's more likely at TGS, if anything :p. That, or maybe some new NIS game. I hope Odin Sphere reaches this parts soon.

Oh, and thanks for the worry, Wisey. But don't worry, I'm getting surprisingly proficient with this remote, I'd say. It's still uncomfortable, and slow, and multi-quoting is a *****, but I am starting to manage. Still, let's hope your keyboard idea doesn't fall on deaf ears. HEAR THAT NINTENDO?! WE WANT WIRELESS KEYBOARDS! AND THE ABILITY TO COPY/PASTE!
How about a EBA-Ouedan crossover? Hey, it could happen.

I've heard some great things about Odin Sphere, and the graphics look stunning by any standard.

Let's see, MGS4, Halo 3, hopefully a new Star Fox installment (if there are any more), that's about it.
I'm looking forward to viewing the next MGS trailer. Even though I may never get a chance to play it, those mini-movies are still amazing to watch.

Starfox Wii? Sign me up!

Hey, why did you take Micaiah out?

I've been watching some FE10 trailers and now I want her in brawl :D
So do I. I still think Miciaiah would make a great addition, but given that Zelda is apparently still a magic user (as opposed to a magic/sword user) I'm not as certain as I once was that Miciaih will make the cut - given that she and Zelda could potentially be too similar.

MGS4, Halo 3, and Resident Evil: Umbrella Chron. and RE5. Give me something Capcom!!!
I'm intrigued by Umbrella Chronicles. It sorta remids me of the zany shooting matches in Raving Rabbids (only with Zobies instead of Bunnies). As long as there is co-op, I'll probably give it a rental at least.

Five, huh?

1. The third game from Team ICO
2. Metroid Dread
3. Kirby of the Stars
4. Final Fantasy XIII
5. The next The Legend of Zelda game (ya...I know it could be pretty far off but they said it's further along than we would expect and if they ban Mr. Miyamoto from intervening the game could come out within a reasonable time frame <_<)

As for unannounced games I'd like to see, I wouldn't mind a new Mario Kart or Star Fox for the Wii.
Question: does Sony own Ico? SotC was amazing, and I'd love to see what that team could do on Wii.

Hey, doesn't Phantom Hourglass count as the next Zelda game?

Yeah, another Metroid would keep me salvating. Or advance wars ds2. Or even... Golden Sun??
Golden Sun Wii is a possibility. Camelot is making a mystery RPG for the system...

Well, being the DMC fan I am, I'd like to see some Devil May Cry 4 footage (I should probably think about acquiring one of the consoles it'll play on soon). I want to see more of Dante now that they revealed he'll be playable. Fortunately the anime will keep me occupied for the moment.

I also want to see more of FF XIII and FF Versus XII, as that would be one of the things that would persuade me to actually want a PS3 if they look appetizing enough.

Anything regarding the next Tales of game would be good too, there's supposedly another one in development. I'm interested in which console Namco will bring the tales series to this time.

We'll also probably get more on Soul Calibur Legends and SC4, so I'll look forward to that too.

And hopefully we'll finally get an international release date for GoD by then.
Good choices - especially Tales. Maybe it will come to Wii?

I'm playing through Abyss right now, and I must say it's pretty great. But did they really have to include Mew in thstory?

you people are evil. I was gone for two days and i had to read like 10 walls of pain to be caught up on this thread however i love this thread's intelligence Personally a thread with thought is what brawl needs

anyway about captain olimar i liked vali's moveset however olimar is too dependent on his pikmin. even though it reflects his game's well and is unique one must consider that smash has an absolute minimum of a character's dependence on one move. therefore i imagine a moveset blending mine and vali's to further balance him. Also if PIKMIN 3 isn't made i will also join your rebellion/march

secondly, am i the only one that thinks that pokemon representation is larger then the characters alone, the pokeballs alone shows the series character's and variety

finally, IMO K. Rool will make an awesome asset to smash. even though he is a bowser clone in the line's of creativity, the donkey kong games had supplied a lot of unique possibilities for his attacks, he can box, shoot cannonballs/magic gas and can strangely do some acrobatic feats seeing dixie's exclusion from dk64 i think that k. rool has a better chance to be in brawl
I personally wouldn't mind if Olimar were mostly dependant on his Pikmin - though I still want him to have some of his own attacks. I suppose a balance between the two extrmemes is needed...

Wow. I just read that update. Goroh is none-playable (which is disapointing) but he is included as a tempory ally - along with Hammer Bros and the Nintendog. This changes everything. Expect some updated predictions from me soon. For now, to bed.

Edit: I guess I took my time with that post...

@ Smooth Criminal: Thanks for sharing. Of the one's to mentioned, Fallout 3 excites me the most. That teaser was pretty haunting...

Oh, and if you think Halo 3 will be the last game in the series, I have a bridg I want to sell you...


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Question: does Sony own Ico? SotC was amazing, and I'd love to see what that team could do on Wii.
Yup. Team ICO is a first party Sony development team.

Hey, doesn't Phantom Hourglass count as the next Zelda game?
Oh yeah...technically that's out already, though, and we've seen a ton about it. I'm excited about it but the only thing we'd learn from E3 is localization stuff.

Wow. I just read that update. Goroh is none-playable (which is disapointing) but he is included as a tempory ally - along with Hammer Bros and the Nintendog. This changes everything. Expect some updated predictions from me soon. For now, to bed.
Ya, it seems a lot of people (myself included) are afraid that some of their favorite prospective characters will be assist trophyified. :/ This seems an effective way to deconfirm characters, though. I suspect we'll see some unimportant-ish characters such as Waluigi, Bowser Jr., Vaati etc. as assist trophies...or...anyone really...This has totally blown my character predicting circuits. X.x


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2007
Haha, Samurai Goro is indeed in the game.

As an Assist Trophy! XD

Already mentioned! ;P

Deleted member

Wow, big surprise... No Goroh( kind of). Now what? Black Shadow?


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Aannnnd Goroh is there but not. Well, crap. This assist trophies thing throws every prediction right outta the window. Anybody we thought important might be simply a trophy. I'm fearing for Ridley's chances greatly ATM... :urg:

How about a EBA-Ouedan crossover? Hey, it could happen.

I've heard some great things about Odin Sphere, and the graphics look stunning by any standard.
That too. Would be very fun, and seeing Kai directing agent J would be enough for a big, big laugh. Also, I'm wishing to every god in the religion index for Kahn or Kai as assist trophies now. While they're cheering you, you deal extra damage and knockback with every hit! :laugh:. Nah, not really, but it would be awesome ('course, the best thing would be a Ryuta/Kahn tag team ala Ice climbers as a playable, but even I have a tinge of realism in me xDD)

And Odin Sphere is an RPG by Atlus. That alone is usually a good reason to buy a game. They do tend to be heavily awesome, after all :).


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Good choices - especially Tales. Maybe it will come to Wii?

I'm playing through Abyss right now, and I must say it's pretty great. But did they really have to include Mew in thstory?
That's what I'm hoping, and it's actually a strong possibility. With the main Tales audience in Japan, the fact that the Wii is dominating the PS3 and 360 there could persuade Namco to bring the series to it (similar to high DQIX is coming out on the DS, which must be a serious blow to Sony).

As for Mew Mieu, he fills his uses as this games sorcerers ring, and there are some funny moments when he get's abused quite harshly.

Devastlian said:
Or maybe no extra F-Zero representative at all...:/
Hopefully Sakurai just felt that despite Goroh being one of the bigger characters in the series, there were other characters that he felt had greater moveset potential. Though I admit the chances of Captain Falcon being the only F-Zero playable character seems to have increased dramatically.:ohwell:


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!

Halo 3 has already been confirmed to be the last game in the three-game story arc, so while it may be the final representation of this particular 'series', it is definately not the last one within the Halo universe.

My top 5 for E3:
-Halo 3
-Starcraft 2
-Rock Band
-Unreal (Tournament) 3
-Starfox Wii?

Lately, it's been hard to get really excited for a lot of games coming in. I know that, realistically, I'm only going to be able to afford a few choice games, and I already know I'm getting Halo 3 and Brawl. Between those two games alone, I'm already selling my life away for a conversion to couch-potato-ism. I don't think I can muster much more strength (or money) to be excited for much else.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud

Yup. Team ICO is a first party Sony development team.
Dang. Oh well...

Oh yeah...technically that's out already, though, and we've seen a ton about it. I'm excited about it but the only thing we'd learn from E3 is localization stuff.
Yeah, I see your point.

Here's a question: would you rather wait 1 or two years for a Majora's Mask-esque Twilight Princess sequel, or wait 4 or 5 years for an entirely new Zelda?

Ya, it seems a lot of people (myself included) are afraid that some of their favorite prospective characters will be assist trophyified. :/ This seems an effective way to deconfirm characters, though. I suspect we'll see some unimportant-ish characters such as Waluigi, Bowser Jr., Vaati etc. as assist trophies...or...anyone really...This has totally blown my character predicting circuits. X.x
Mine too. All the rules have been thrown out the window. Here's my best guess at the moment which characters now have the potential to be assist trophies:

Mario Series: Hammer Bros (confirmed), Bowser Jr., Toadsworth, Waluigi, Count Bleck, Geno, Mallow

Zelda Series: Imp Midna (I can't believe it's come to this...), Skull Kid, Vaati, Old Man Zelda

Metroid: Dark Samus, U-Mos the Lumenoth, One or all of the Hunters

Pokemon: Errr... Pokeballs?

Star Fox: Peppy, Slippy, General Pepper, ANDROSS!!!

Kirby: ?

Fire Emblem: The Black Knight :(

F-Zero: Goroh (confirmed), Pico, Jody Summer

Earthbound: Paula, Jeff, Poo

Others: Dr. Kawasaki,

Haha, Samurai Goro is indeed in the game.

As an Assist Trophy! XD

Already mentioned! ;P
Yep, already mentioned. But I still find it surprising evey time I think about it.

Woah! Goroh an Assist Trophie!?!

Wow, big surprise... No Goroh( kind of). Now what? Black Shadow?
Or maybe no extra F-Zero representative at all...:/
I'm with Devstalian on this one. Goroh was the heir apparent to that second F-Zero spot, and with him out of the picture I suspect Falcon will remain the sole F-Zero rep.

Aannnnd Goroh is there but not. Well, crap. This assist trophies thing throws every prediction right outta the window. Anybody we thought important might be simply a trophy. I'm fearing for Ridley's chances greatly ATM... :urg:
Sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh..... don't even SAY things like that! Ridley MUST be in Brawl!

What hath Sakurai wrought? :(

I still think Kahn with Kai as his clone would be be good, but at this point: who knows?

I haven't payed an Atlus RPG yet, though I'm serious interesting in checkinh out Odin Sphere and that new DS RPG: Etrian Odyssey.

That's what I'm hoping, and it's actually a strong possibility. With the main Tales audience in Japan, the fact that the Wii is dominating the PS3 and 360 there could persuade Namco to bring the series to it (similar to high DQIX is coming out on the DS, which must be a serious blow to Sony).
How do you feel about the next Tales using motion controls? Personally, I'm a little cocerned that if they go that route, the combat won't feel as precise...

As for Mew Mieu, he fills his uses as this games sorcerers ring, and there are some funny moments when he get's abused quite harshly.
Yeah, there is that. I swear, someone should report Luke Fon Fabre (the game character) the SPCA.

Hopefully Sakurai just felt that despite Goroh being one of the bigger characters in the series, there were other characters that he felt had greater moveset potential. Though I admit the chances of Captain Falcon being the only F-Zero playable character seems to have increased dramatically.:ohwell:
This whole thing makes my brain hurt. If there is one F-Zero character, does that mean there will also only be one Eathbound character?

Suddenly, I think my whole "include clones to increase the total number of characters" is false. Instead, we may see a small roster of 35 characters and several dozen assist trpohies...

My 5 awaited games at E3

1. Halo 3

2. Spore

3. Starcraft 2

4.Battalion wars

5/ Final Fantesy XIII
Woot! Another Bataleon Wars fan! I approve. And Spore looks awesome as well....


Halo 3 has already been confirmed to be the last game in the three-game story arc, so while it may be the final representation of this particular 'series', it is definately not the last one within the Halo universe.
Yeah, that's what I meant. I can't see a future where Micrsosoft says: "I think we've made enough money!" and retires the Halo brand.

Expect to see Halo Kart and Halo Party games from now until armagendon...

My top 5 for E3:
-Halo 3
-Starcraft 2
-Rock Band
-Unreal (Tournament) 3
-Starfox Wii?

Lately, it's been hard to get really excited for a lot of games coming in. I know that, realistically, I'm only going to be able to afford a few choice games, and I already know I'm getting Halo 3 and Brawl. Between those two games alone, I'm already selling my life away for a conversion to couch-potato-ism. I don't think I can muster much more strength (or money) to be excited for much else.
Yeah, even between Prime 3, Phantom Hourglass and Brawl, I'm not sure if I can afford to live through this fall...

I see a lot of rentals in my future.

Rock Band, eh? I've heard good things. It's like Guitar Hero, only it's like having an entire band in your basement.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2007
thanks wiseguy for the replybut you can judge if you want I really dont care anyways. I going to attempt to finish now. updates:
*Added assist trophy characters*
*Saw that I forgot DK comepletly*

The following characters should be cut imo:
Marth(sorry but we have ike now)
jigglypuff(he was added in the first place cause he was popular in the show which is hated worldwide by anyone over 10)
Game&watch(don't freaking ask about this)
D.r Mario(unless he is changed from being a mario clone)
Roy(Sorry we got sothe now)

Characters that need to be revamped:
Luigi:make him own his own playing style such as EX: instead of fire let hi shot lightning balls as he did in the mario and luigi superstar saga game one)
Bowser:just improve him please)
Link: (he needs more speed to compliment his power) he seems to have been revamped already but you never know.
Falco: give him his own fighting style more of an aerial fighter with most of his attack on the ground being(fast)setups for aerial combos.
Mewtwo: ok I don't know much about mewtwo but I know this he is very fast in pokemon and insanely strong with specials so I suggest he gets more devastating moves and his speed is tweaked a bit.

Characters that should be nerfed imo (basically lower their strength)
Fox: give him slower animations than falco and mario link kirby and pikachu)
I might edit this later

Characters that should be in imo:
pokemon trainer

Star fox:
(slippy krystal and peppy assist trophies)

Mario series:
waluigi(maybe a assistI want him to be a character )

Zelda series:
(see possible fighters)

Samus / Zamus (sheik play style - please dont have her wastes a metroid slot with zamus)
two of the hunters
(weavel and surge would be cool as assist trrophies or characters )

Kid icarus series:
Pit (nuff said)
Have no idea about assist trophy

Fire emblem series:
(marth ,epram, roy as assist trophies)
Sonic series:
sonic(with shadow as an assist trophy)

Megaman series:
Megaman (classic)
with megamen of other generations as assist trophies


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
How do you feel about the next Tales using motion controls? Personally, I'm a little cocerned that if they go that route, the combat won't feel as precise...
Can't say I can imagine it quite clearly, though they might not bother with motion controls. I get the feeling some 3rd parties might not use the motion sensitivity of the wiimote, especially seeing as not all Nintendo franchise games are such as FE:GoD and Brawl.

Yeah, there is that. I swear, someone should report Luke Fon Fabre (the game character) the SPCA.
Mieu: But Master, I can't swim.

Luke: *kicks Mieu* Shut up and drown!

This whole thing makes my brain hurt. If there is one F-Zero character, does that mean there will also only be one Eathbound character?
Well, we don't know if we only have one F-Zero rep just yet, though I can't say it's looking good for the Mother series. Hopefully Sakuri just felt that Goroh wasn't the best candidate for another F-Zero rep.

Suddenly, I think my whole "include clones to increase the total number of characters" is false. Instead, we may see a small roster of 35 characters and several dozen assist trpohies...
While I could probably suffice with 35 characters as long as I get some of my most wanted, I do wonder if clones are off the menu now. I get the feeling that because he's doing this means that the game really is approaching it's finishing stages, so it doesn't seem like he'll be strapped for time including characters.

Still, it's probably too early to tell just yet. Hopefully after E3 we'll get a better impression of where everything stands.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
I can't multiquote from the Wii, so I'll go the other route: I'm numbering the paragraphs xD

1 - Here's a question: would you rather wait 1 or two years for a Majora's Mask-esque Twilight Princess sequel, or wait 4 or 5 years for an entirely new Zelda?

2 - Mine too. All the rules have been thrown out the window. Here's my best guess at the moment which characters now have the potential to be assist trophies:

Mario Series: Hammer Bros (confirmed), Bowser Jr., Toadsworth, Waluigi, Count Bleck, Geno, Mallow

Zelda Series: Imp Midna (I can't believe it's come to this...), Skull Kid, Vaati, Old Man Zelda

Metroid: Dark Samus, U-Mos the Lumenoth, One or all of the Hunters

Pokemon: Errr... Pokeballs?

Star Fox: Peppy, Slippy, General Pepper, ANDROSS!!!

Kirby: ?

Fire Emblem: The Black Knight :(

F-Zero: Goroh (confirmed), Pico, Jody Summer

Earthbound: Paula, Jeff, Poo

Others: Dr. Kawasaki,

3 - I'm with Devstalian on this one. Goroh was the heir apparent to that second F-Zero spot, and with him out of the picture I suspect Falcon will remain the sole F-Zero rep.

4 - Sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh..... don't even SAY things like that! Ridley MUST be in Brawl!

What hath Sakurai wrought? :(

5 - I still think Kahn with Kai as his clone would be be good, but at this point: who knows?

6 - I haven't payed an Atlus RPG yet, though I'm serious interesting in checkinh out Odin Sphere and that new DS RPG: Etrian Odyssey.

7 - How do you feel about the next Tales using motion controls? Personally, I'm a little cocerned that if they go that route, the combat won't feel as precise...

8 - This whole thing makes my brain hurt. If there is one F-Zero character, does that mean there will also only be one Eathbound character?

Suddenly, I think my whole "include clones to increase the total number of characters" is false. Instead, we may see a small roster of 35 characters and several dozen assist trpohies...

9 - Yeah, even between Prime 3, Phantom Hourglass and Brawl, I'm not sure if I can afford to live through this fall...

I see a lot of rentals in my future.
1 - Easy-peasy. I'll take the Majora-style sequel. I loved that game ('course, being able to turn into a Zora might have a bit to do with that xD) so I'd be all for it.

2 - Midna... Black Knight... as trophies... *starts sobbing uncontrollably*. I hope not. I was looking very much forward to playing with Midna. :urg: :urg: :urg:

3 - Yeah, pretty much. Looks like the roster is going to be far smaller than predicted.

4 - Yeah... I know he should be in... but what if he is just a trophy? What if Sakurai listened to all the naysayers who kept saying that "didn't fit" and "was too big" and solved the matter by trophy-fying him?

Seriously, this update has left me without any certainty of anything... up is down, left is right, and Ridley's chances look grim... :(

5 - I'd actually say more like Kahn is a clone of Kai, being that Kai came first, but whatever. It'd be cool to have them around. Let's hope that they are at least trophies, if nothing else.

6 - Seriously, man, do. You got a lot of choices: if you like SRPGs, Disgaea (better than FFTactics, or even Fire Emblem, especially the second one, IMO) or Makai Kingdom; for pure old-school feel, Etrian Oddyssey; for action RPG, Odin Sphere; for classic turn-based RPG with a twist, Atelier Iris... the list goes on. And thing is, they're ALL good. And they all have that Atlus/NIS feel, with quirky characters, humor, beautifully designed sprite graphics, and all that.

7 - I'm willing to give Namco a bit of trust. They'll manage. Symphonia wasn't exactly button-heavy, after all.

8 - Yeah... We were all thinking 40-45 characters, but it's looking there's going to be a lot less than that. Maybe 36 chars, 40 tops. Gah.

9 - Yup. With all those good games, I'm seeing also a lot of failures in my next term... :embarrass


Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2007
Holy blankety-blanking spacepants, this thread has grown. Well, that's what I get for letting RL get in the way of computery goodness.

Well now, I think my list is going to need some serious retooling thanks to the Pokeball 2.0...err, Assist Trophy news. Sakurai sure loves to surprise us, eh? As much as this turns the world of playable character predictions on its ear, I must say I'm looking forward to all of the extra characters we'll see as allies. Especially since Sakurai said only diehard fans would recognize some of them. Yay obscurity!

Aannnnd Goroh is there but not. Well, crap. This assist trophies thing throws every prediction right outta the window. Anybody we thought important might be simply a trophy. I'm fearing for Ridley's chances greatly ATM... :urg:
While I do mourn the loss of Goroh (well, not mourn, but it's still kinda crappy), I still feel pretty confident about Ridley. It's more DS and the Hunters that are really looking shaky now. Hmm, what I'd like to see actually is an AT that summons a metroid...heck, why not the giant baby metroid from the end of Super Metroid?

Also, I'm wishing to every god in the religion index for Kahn or Kai as assist trophies now. While they're cheering you, you deal extra damage and knockback with every hit! :laugh:. Nah, not really, but it would be awesome ('course, the best thing would be a Ryuta/Kahn tag team ala Ice climbers as a playable, but even I have a tinge of realism in me xDD)
Drascin, you're a genius. Plain and simple. The EBA must cheer me on!

Oh, and just because, here are my 5 "other" E3 games I want to get some juicy details on:

1. Banjo-Threeie - After seeing the teaser, no new info has been revealed about this game at all. I really hope the lid is taken off this one.
2. Starcraft 2 - It's about blankety-blanking time. 'Nuff said.
3. Rock Band - Let's see how much this bad boy will cost...
4. Soulcalibur 4 - Need more SOULS!
5. Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure - I hear this game is shaping up to be all sorts of awesome. Let's hope E3 just cements that.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2006
I think that Wiseguy's character list is pretty much perfect now (although I don't agree with ROB or Bonk)


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
people what's with all the worries due to ATs
I think most or all the ATs will be major minions (chain chomp, space pirate), minor heroes (old zelda man, daisy) and minor villains (prime hunters)

Goroh was IMO a minor villain in Sakurai's eyes
he was set to be a captain falcon clone or weird swordsmen

therefore i trust sakurai to only have the utmost best for brawl

sadly this might make tom nook and miis (they're both from peaceful franchises like nintendogs) to the AT pile


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Attn Wiseguy: Now that Goroh is an AT, you technically have an open spot on your list if you want to keep it at 44 or whatever the number is.

*Hint: Add Toad*


Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
Okay, I am altering my character list to take into account the ATs. I am working under the ASSUMPTION that there are fifteen ATs.

Mario - 6 (Mario, Bowser, Peach, Luigi, B.J., Waluigi)
LoZ - 5 (Ganondorf, Vaati, Midna, Link, Zelda (Wolf Link makes 6))
Pmon - 4 (Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario)
Star Fox - 4 (Wolf, Fox, Krystal, Falco)
Kirby - 3 (DeDeDe, Meta, Kirby)
Metroid - 2 (Samus, Ridley, (Zamus makes 3))
Third-Party - 3 (Sonic, Snake, [Insert])
DK - 3 (Donkey Kong, Diddy, K. Rool)
Fire Emblem - 3 (Ike, Marth, Michiah)
Earthbound - 1 (Ness)
F-Zero - 1 (Falcon)
Misc. - 8 (Pit, Mii, G&W, IC, Wario, Yoshi, Olimar, Ray 01)

Mario, Bowser, Peach, Link, Zelda, Pikachu, Fox, Krystal, Kirby, Samus, Donkey Kong, Ness, Falcon, Pit, and the Ice Climbers. (Total: 15)

Hidden (Non-Clones):
Luigi, B.J. Waluigi, Ganondorf (Luigify), Vaati, Midna, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Mewtwo, Wolf, Falco (Luigify), Metaknight, Ridley, Sonic, Snake, [Insert 3rd-party], Diddy, Ike, Marth, G&W, Wario, Olimar, Ray 01, and Mii. (Total: 24)

Hidden (Clones):
DeDeDe (Kirby), Michiah (Vaati), and K.Rool (Bowser) (Total: 3 clones = 1 character slot)

Altogether, that's 42 characters. Not unreasonable...and it leaves room open for more additions.

Assist Trophies:
- Confirmed: Samurai Goroh, Hammer Bro, Nintendog (Total: 3)
- My Predicted: Toad, Dark Samus, Poo/Lucus, Tom Nook, Andy, Birdo, Skull Kid/Tingle, Dixie, Andy, Roy, Dr. Mario, and Young Link. (Total: 12)

It's a little rougher than the first one, but I think it is pretty plausible.

Alrighty... Here's the old list (for those of you who want to know.)

Starting Characters:
Mario, Bowser, Peach, Link, Zelda, Pikachu, Samus, Kirby, Fox, Donkey Kong, Diddy, Ike, Ness, Captain Falcon, Yoshi, Pit, Mii, Mr. Game & Watch, and Ice Climbers. (Total: 19)

Hidden (Non-clones):
Luigi, B.J., Midna/Wolf Link, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario, Zamus, Ridley, Metaknight, Wolf, Krystal, Marth, Wario, Olimar, Andy, Tom Nook, Snake, Sonic, and [Insert final third-party here.] (Total: 18)

Hidden (Clones):
Toad (Peach), Falco (Fox), Metroid Prime (Samus), DeDeDe (Kirby), K. Rool (Bowser), Black Knight (Ike), Ganondorf (Captain Falcon), Samurai Goroh (Marth), Poo/Lucas (Ness) (Total: 9 clones = 3 characters)

Mario - 6 (Mario, Toad, Bowser, Peach, Luigi, B.J.)
LoZ - 4 (Ganondorf, Midna, Link, Zelda (Wolf Link makes 5))
Pmon - 4 (Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario)
Star Fox - 4 (Wolf, Fox, Krystal, Falco)
Kirby - 3 (DeDeDe, Meta, Kirby)
Metroid - 3 (Samus, Ridley, Dark Samus (aka Metroid Prime) (Zamus makes 4))
Third-Party - 3 (Sonic, Snake, [Insert])
DK - 3 (Donkey Kong, Diddy, K. Rool)
Earthbound - 2 (Ness, Lucas/Poo)
F-Zero - 2 (Falcon, Goroh)
Fire Emblem - 3 (Ike, Marth, BK)
Misc. - 9 (Pit, Mii, G&W, IC, Wario, Yoshi, Olimar, Andy, Nook)


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
thanks wiseguy for the replybut you can judge if you want I really dont care anyways. I going to attempt to finish now. updates:
*Added assist trophy characters*
*Saw that I forgot DK comepletly*

The following characters should be cut imo:
Marth(sorry but we have ike now)
jigglypuff(he was added in the first place cause he was popular in the show which is hated worldwide by anyone over 10)
Game&watch(don't freaking ask about this)
D.r Mario(unless he is changed from being a mario clone)
Roy(Sorry we got sothe now)

Characters that need to be revamped:
Luigi:make him own his own playing style such as EX: instead of fire let hi shot lightning balls as he did in the mario and luigi superstar saga game one)
Bowser:just improve him please)
Link: (he needs more speed to compliment his power) he seems to have been revamped already but you never know.
Falco: give him his own fighting style more of an aerial fighter with most of his attack on the ground being(fast)setups for aerial combos.
Mewtwo: ok I don't know much about mewtwo but I know this he is very fast in pokemon and insanely strong with specials so I suggest he gets more devastating moves and his speed is tweaked a bit.

Characters that should be nerfed imo (basically lower their strength)
Fox: give him slower animations than falco and mario link kirby and pikachu)
I might edit this later

Characters that should be in imo:
pokemon trainer

Star fox:
(slippy krystal and peppy assist trophies)

Mario series:
waluigi(maybe a assistI want him to be a character )

Zelda series:
(see possible fighters)

Samus / Zamus (sheik play style - please dont have her wastes a metroid slot with zamus)
two of the hunters
(weavel and surge would be cool as assist trrophies or characters )

Kid icarus series:
Pit (nuff said)
Have no idea about assist trophy

Fire emblem series:
(marth ,epram, roy as assist trophies)
Sonic series:
sonic(with shadow as an assist trophy)

Megaman series:
Megaman (classic)
with megamen of other generations as assist trophies
No Ganondorf? That's unacceptable, dude. Also, I think Krystal has a much greater chance of being included as a playable character - given the uniqueness of her moveset.

Otherwise, it's not too bad. 6/10

Can't say I can imagine it quite clearly, though they might not bother with motion controls. I get the feeling some 3rd parties might not use the motion sensitivity of the wiimote, especially seeing as not all Nintendo franchise games are such as FE:GoD and Brawl.
Actually Brawl now supports the motion control, but I get your point.

Mieu: But Master, I can't swim.

Luke: *kicks Mieu* Shut up and drown!
:laugh: So true...

Well, we don't know if we only have one F-Zero rep just yet, though I can't say it's looking good for the Mother series. Hopefully Sakuri just felt that Goroh wasn't the best candidate for another F-Zero rep.
Maybe. We'll have to wait and see...

While I could probably suffice with 35 characters as long as I get some of my most wanted, I do wonder if clones are off the menu now. I get the feeling that because he's doing this means that the game really is approaching it's finishing stages, so it doesn't seem like he'll be strapped for time including characters.

Still, it's probably too early to tell just yet. Hopefully after E3 we'll get a better impression of where everything stands.
The more I think about it, the more I realize that I could probably live with 35 characters. By keeping the roster relatively small, they can spend their time making the game as balanced as possible.

But yeah. All eyes are on E3...

I can't multiquote from the Wii, so I'll go the other route: I'm numbering the paragraphs xD

1 - Easy-peasy. I'll take the Majora-style sequel. I loved that game ('course, being able to turn into a Zora might have a bit to do with that xD) so I'd be all for it.

2 - Midna... Black Knight... as trophies... *starts sobbing uncontrollably*. I hope not. I was looking very much forward to playing with Midna. :urg: :urg: :urg:

3 - Yeah, pretty much. Looks like the roster is going to be far smaller than predicted.

4 - Yeah... I know he should be in... but what if he is just a trophy? What if Sakurai listened to all the naysayers who kept saying that "didn't fit" and "was too big" and solved the matter by trophy-fying him?

Seriously, this update has left me without any certainty of anything... up is down, left is right, and Ridley's chances look grim... :(

5 - I'd actually say more like Kahn is a clone of Kai, being that Kai came first, but whatever. It'd be cool to have them around. Let's hope that they are at least trophies, if nothing else.

6 - Seriously, man, do. You got a lot of choices: if you like SRPGs, Disgaea (better than FFTactics, or even Fire Emblem, especially the second one, IMO) or Makai Kingdom; for pure old-school feel, Etrian Oddyssey; for action RPG, Odin Sphere; for classic turn-based RPG with a twist, Atelier Iris... the list goes on. And thing is, they're ALL good. And they all have that Atlus/NIS feel, with quirky characters, humor, beautifully designed sprite graphics, and all that.

7 - I'm willing to give Namco a bit of trust. They'll manage. Symphonia wasn't exactly button-heavy, after all.

8 - Yeah... We were all thinking 40-45 characters, but it's looking there's going to be a lot less than that. Maybe 36 chars, 40 tops. Gah.

9 - Yup. With all those good games, I'm seeing also a lot of failures in my next term... :embarrass
1) Agreed. I say just take Twilight Princess' engine and give us a sequel ASAP.

2) Yeah, Midna or BK as trophies would be REALLY grim. Don't go there, Sakurai.

3) So it would appear...

4) Have faith Drascin. Goroh was trophified becuase he was deemed to be not important enough to be included in the roster (I assume...) and Ridley doesn't have that problem becuase he is one of Nintendo's most unique, popular and prominent villians. Ridely will be in Brawl. Count on it.

5) Yeah, trophies even Kahn as a trophie would rock, I must say...

6) Thanks for the recomendation. I think I'll start with Odyssey, assuming I ever finish my current handheld RPG: FF III.

7) True enough. If done correctly, motion control might fit perfectly: ala Twilight Princess.

Holy blankety-blanking spacepants, this thread has grown. Well, that's what I get for letting RL get in the way of computery goodness.

Well now, I think my list is going to need some serious retooling thanks to the Pokeball 2.0...err, Assist Trophy news. Sakurai sure loves to surprise us, eh? As much as this turns the world of playable character predictions on its ear, I must say I'm looking forward to all of the extra characters we'll see as allies. Especially since Sakurai said only diehard fans would recognize some of them. Yay obscurity!
Captain Falcon: *Grabs assist trophy* "Hehhe... SAUMERAI GOROH! I CHOOSE YOU!"

Saumerai Goroh: "Oh the humiliation...."

While I do mourn the loss of Goroh (well, not mourn, but it's still kinda crappy), I still feel pretty confident about Ridley. It's more DS and the Hunters that are really looking shaky now. Hmm, what I'd like to see actually is an AT that summons a metroid...heck, why not the giant baby metroid from the end of Super Metroid?
Good ideas. The more I think about it, the more I realize the potnetial of this item. Think of all the awesome and obscure characters who could appear. Happy Mask Salesman, anyone?

Drascin, you're a genius. Plain and simple. The EBA must cheer me on!

Oh, and just because, here are my 5 "other" E3 games I want to get some juicy details on:

1. Banjo-Threeie - After seeing the teaser, no new info has been revealed about this game at all. I really hope the lid is taken off this one.
2. Starcraft 2 - It's about blankety-blanking time. 'Nuff said.
3. Rock Band - Let's see how much this bad boy will cost...
4. Soulcalibur 4 - Need more SOULS!
5. Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure - I hear this game is shaping up to be all sorts of awesome. Let's hope E3 just cements that.
Ah, Zack & Wiki. Those IGN guys won't shut up about it. The graphics have a definite Windwaker vibe - which is most certainly a good thing.

I think that Wiseguy's character list is pretty much perfect now (although I don't agree with ROB or Bonk)
Thanks. But... what's wrong with ROB and Bonk? As obscure retro characters go, they are top notch.

people what's with all the worries due to ATs
I think most or all the ATs will be major minions (chain chomp, space pirate), minor heroes (old zelda man, daisy) and minor villains (prime hunters)

Goroh was IMO a minor villain in Sakurai's eyes
he was set to be a captain falcon clone or weird swordsmen

therefore i trust sakurai to only have the utmost best for brawl

sadly this might make tom nook and miis (they're both from peaceful franchises like nintendogs) to the AT pile
I'm not so sure. I think Mii and Nook have a far greater potential for a moveset than the Nintendog...

Attn Wiseguy: Now that Goroh is an AT, you technically have an open spot on your list if you want to keep it at 44 or whatever the number is.

*Hint: Add Toad*

instead of toad how about Geno
Well, I listed Goroh as a clone - so to keep my 40 character limit, his replacement would also have to be clone. I'll give it some thought and revise my list tomorrow.

Okay, I am altering my character list to take into account the ATs. I am working under the ASSUMPTION that there are fifteen ATs.

Mario - 6 (Mario, Bowser, Peach, Luigi, B.J., Waluigi)
LoZ - 5 (Ganondorf, Vaati, Midna, Link, Zelda (Wolf Link makes 6))
Pmon - 4 (Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario)
Star Fox - 4 (Wolf, Fox, Krystal, Falco)
Kirby - 3 (DeDeDe, Meta, Kirby)
Metroid - 2 (Samus, Ridley, (Zamus makes 3))
Third-Party - 3 (Sonic, Snake, [Insert])
DK - 3 (Donkey Kong, Diddy, K. Rool)
Fire Emblem - 3 (Ike, Marth, Michiah)
Earthbound - 1 (Ness)
F-Zero - 1 (Falcon)
Misc. - 8 (Pit, Mii, G&W, IC, Wario, Yoshi, Olimar, Ray 01)

Mario, Bowser, Peach, Link, Zelda, Pikachu, Fox, Krystal, Kirby, Samus, Donkey Kong, Ness, Falcon, Pit, and the Ice Climbers. (Total: 15)

Hidden (Non-Clones):
Luigi, B.J. Waluigi, Ganondorf (Luigify), Vaati, Midna, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Mewtwo, Wolf, Falco (Luigify), Metaknight, Ridley, Sonic, Snake, [Insert 3rd-party], Diddy, Ike, Marth, G&W, Wario, Olimar, Ray 01, and Mii. (Total: 24)

Hidden (Clones):
DeDeDe (Kirby), Michiah (Vaati), and K.Rool (Bowser) (Total: 3 clones = 1 character slot)

Altogether, that's 42 characters. Not unreasonable...and it leaves room open for more additions.

Assist Trophies:
- Confirmed: Samurai Goroh, Hammer Bro, Nintendog (Total: 3)
- My Predicted: Toad, Dark Samus, Poo/Lucus, Tom Nook, Andy, Birdo, Skull Kid/Tingle, Dixie, Andy, Roy, Dr. Mario, and Young Link. (Total: 12)

It's a little rougher than the first one, but I think it is pretty plausible.

Alrighty... Here's the old list (for those of you who want to know.)
Hmm... 8.8/10. I just can't see Waluigi as a playable character and Young Link as a trophy - it should be the other way around. Waluigi hasn't starred in a single game, while Young Link has starred in the majority of Zelda titles...

It has also just occured to me that we are over looking the potential significance of the Assist Trophies. What if ALL the character trophies you unlock with coins become an assist character? There could literally be hundreds!


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
In light of the new update, I believe that the entire Melee playable cast will likely return in some form as either a playable character again, assist, or Pokemon. The assist character feature undermined much of my rationale for character and series representation in the game. For example, this and the Zelda update make it seem likely that Sheik will return as an assist character. The ICs, G&W, and other questionable returnees may become assist characters. Pichu will likely end up in a pokeball. I'll need to rethink my roster now.

For those who don't know yet, I'm issuing a new challenge: list the five games you are most looking forward to hearing about at E3 - other than The Big Three (Prime 3, Galaxy and Brawl).
I am most looking forward to Halo 3. Hopefully Bungie fixed or did away with everything they did wrong with Halo 2. I hope Halo 3 will be even half as good as Halo 1. Other than that (and the Big Three), there isn't much that I am looking forward to, at least from what has already been announced. I'm hoping to hear about a new Starfox, Mario Kart, or Golden Sun game. Maybe the third Banjo-Kazooie game as well (B-K in Brawl: if only...). I hope to see some exciting, new, original game at E3 too.

Oh, and if you think Halo 3 will be the last game in the series, I have a bridg I want to sell you...
It will be the last game in the franchise with Bungie as the developer, at least for a while. There's still Halo Wars, some project with Peter Jackson, I think some officially unannounced title, possible movie tie-ins if the movie is ever finished, and probably even more games in the series not-yet-concieved. The Halo train will be rolling down the tracks for a good time to come. :)

Here's a question: would you rather wait 1 or two years for a Majora's Mask-esque Twilight Princess sequel, or wait 4 or 5 years for an entirely new Zelda?
I think I would rather wait for an entirely new Zelda, considering the series (in my opinion, and specifically the 3D portion) is in desperate need of (r)evolution. MM, WW, and TP all brought something new to the table, but they all play just like OoT and follow the same formula. I remember people complaining about Gamespot's "harsh" TP Wii review, but I agree with their general sentiments that the presentation is often outdated and the series has hardly changed.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
How do you feel about Sigurd being a possible assist trophy. I think he's got a fair shot since we don't have that many FE reps as playable characters. Heck, maybe they'll even add his son Celice.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
How do you feel about Sigurd being a possible assist trophy. I think he's got a fair shot since we don't have that many FE reps as playable characters. Heck, maybe they'll even add his son Celice.
Heck, I'd love to see all the other FE lords as Assist Trophies! Think of it: what if they took ALL the chatacter trophies and made this Assist characters once you unlock their trophy? I'm loving this item more by the minute.

So yeah. Why not?


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Yeah, I see your point.

Here's a question: would you rather wait 1 or two years for a Majora's Mask-esque Twilight Princess sequel, or wait 4 or 5 years for an entirely new Zelda?
Well, I love MM to death...probably moreso than OoT...So, if they can make TP2 (er...TPG?) as different and unique despite using the same assets as they did with MM, then I'd be all over it.

Mine too. All the rules have been thrown out the window. Here's my best guess at the moment which characters now have the potential to be assist trophies:

Mario Series: Hammer Bros (confirmed), Bowser Jr., Toadsworth, Waluigi, Count Bleck, Geno, Mallow

Zelda Series: Imp Midna (I can't believe it's come to this...), Skull Kid, Vaati, Old Man Zelda

Metroid: Dark Samus, U-Mos the Lumenoth, One or all of the Hunters

Pokemon: Errr... Pokeballs?

Star Fox: Peppy, Slippy, General Pepper, ANDROSS!!!

Kirby: ?

Fire Emblem: The Black Knight :(

F-Zero: Goroh (confirmed), Pico, Jody Summer

Earthbound: Paula, Jeff, Poo

Others: Dr. Kawasaki,
Ya, I think this also means the Contribution Fist is more important than ever. Suddenly the viruses from Dr. Mario and Link's Uncle from ALTTP don't seem very far-fetched in terms of making an appearance. And, if they only take as much work as Pokemon do, then we'll probably see an equal or close number of Assist Trophies. Jeeze...


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
Petey, chain chomp, hunters, Kiddy kong and kremlings, some kirby enemies, fe lords and retro for ATS

i just got an interesting bit of speculation from the rat in the confirmed character thread

in the pictures it looks like kirby transformed into hammer bros you think that might be possible

after he stated that i noticed that the update never mentioned kirby throwing the trophy instead he held it up high

wouldn't it be cool to control these at characters even if you only have one attack


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
Gah. I feel...empty.
In other news, still no Metaknight.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Im sure the AT will be activated when grabbed, kinda like the cloaking device, once u grabbed it a character will be summon, but I doubt u will become the assistant, thus the wrod: ASSIST, in other words it helps u, so I doubt u'll transform, at least IMO I doubt...



Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2007
*Added assist trophy characters*
*Saw that I forgot DK completely*
*wiseguy mentioned ganon forgotten sorry*
*krystal will be put on the maybe a hope list cause I have no idea how she would play*
underline = maybe fighter*
*added mewtwo*
*italic= assist trophy*
*added pic for klonao he isnt very well known *

The following characters should be cut imo:
Marth(sorry but we have ike now)
jigglypuff(he was added in the first place cause he was popular in the show which is hated worldwide by anyone over 10)
Game&watch(don't freaking ask about this)
D.r Mario(unless he is changed from being a mario clone)
Roy(Sorry we got sothe now)

Characters that need to be revamped:
Luigi:make him own his own playing style such as EX: instead of fire let hi shot lightning balls as he did in the mario and luigi superstar saga game one)

Bowser:(just improve him please)

Link: (he needs more speed to compliment his power) he seems to have been revamped already but you never know.

Falco: give him his own fighting style more of an aerial fighter with most of his attack on the ground being(fast)setups for aerial combos.

Mewtwo: ok I don't know much about mewtwo but I know this he is very fast in pokemon and insanely strong with specials so I suggest he gets more devastating moves and his speed is tweaked a bit.

Ganon:needs sword. SWORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also must have TWP look.

Characters that should be nerfed imo (basically lower their strength)
Fox: give him slower animations than falco and mario link kirby and pikachu)
I might edit this later

Characters that should be in imo:
pokemon trainer

Mario series:
waluigi(maybe a assist I want him to be a character )
hammer bros

Donkey kong series:
Diddy kong
king K.rool
all other kongs as assist

Star fox:
(slippy and peppy assist trophies)

Zelda series:
(see possible fighters)

Samus / Zamus (sheik play style - please dont have her wastes a metroid slot with zamus)
two of the hunters
(weavel and surge would be cool as assist trophies or characters )

Kid Icarus series:
Pit (nuff said)
Have no idea about assist trophy

Fire emblem series:
(marth ,epraim, roy as assist trophies)

Sonic series:
sonic(with shadow/tail/knuckles as an assist trophy)

Megaman series:
Megaman (classic)
with megamen of other generations as assist trophies

Metal GEAR:

Maybe hope For these warriors:
Nintendo owned characters:
WW link
Wolf link(I pray for this one)

Third party:
pacman(hes in mario kart arcade racing)
kloanao http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z252/hurd23/httpwwwklonoafa.jpg
knuckles (I love knuckles this is just my personal hope)
pokemon trainer(it could happen)
No chance in hell list:
Marth (Ike isnt a princess)
Roy (games over man your 4 games too late roy)
Naruto(no manga fighters)
blaziken(other guys deserve it more *coughs SCEPTILE*)
Theres so many more but my brain hurts at the thought of listing them all

POKEmon trainer:
since battle revoulutin release I have been hoping he woul make it. also battle rev allows you to make you own trainer and choose your own team so fighting with your awesome poke pimp team in brawl would rock

*to be continued*


mask man

Smash Cadet
Jun 23, 2007
havnt read most of the topic,id just like to point out how nintendo promised to try and get sonic in brawl by asking sega.had to make my mark somewere cuss i dont think i have seen anything about that promise on the boards


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2006
Location: 1vs1 no items online at this very moment
Call me crazy if you guys wanna but,if you wanna know who I think isnt gonna be in Brawl,its Jigglypuff imo. Simply because back in 98-01,it was the generation era of Pokemon games Blue,Red,Yellow,and a few new ones that had the 2nd generation Pokemon like Lugia and Unknowns,which were added in Melee.Times changed now folks,and we got 500+ Pokemon running around now.Reguardless if Jigglypuff is among the orginal 12,she's still from the 1st generation of the species plus her popularity is muffled compared to Pikachu and the newer legendaries/rare crew.

Now,what generation are we in,like 7th or 8th? Ive lost track lol,but anyhow,if you still are into the series(Iam not anymore),Pikachu is STILL running around with this Ash Catch'um look-a-like today,thus explaining his popularity and appearance in Brawl.That Pokemon(Gordon) they showed at the site is also from the newer generation,thus showing us that we can except even more new ones to follow it,to stay true to current events.Just like with the Zelda TP changes to Link for instance.

As I touch apon earlier,Mewtwo and Pichu also fall under the same boat,and it would look rather dated to still have these characters floating around while in the series currently is lightyears ahead with more Pokemon with advanced attacks and such.

And with the stuff thats changing with other characters like Zelda,Mario,Samus,hell even Wario just to name a few,it just wouldnt make sence at all to throw in Pokemon characters for generations ago into a game with updated freshness.And again,Pikachu is excused from this because of what was said above. :)

mask man

Smash Cadet
Jun 23, 2007
i think jigglypuff will be in becouse,
think.jiggly was made to be probly the first unlocked char in ssb64.
and she sucked,and im not the sure about melee,but i think she sucked there too.sorry if im wrong on that.
nintendo probly wanted her to suck in both,
i mean,even games like this have to have atleast one thing in them that is hard to master becouse of the fact that,it sucks.
its like tradition that jigglypuff should be in brawl becouse shes horrable.hope that made since,
also remember that their are those poeple out there like 8-10 year olds that dont play in tournements and that stuff that probly dont know about hitboxes and stuff to much.and chances are there are more of them then of us,so which do you think the game will be aimed more at?
dont get me wrong,they will prrobly have those tactics and complex stuff for the poeple like us too,and most charecters should have stratagy deep in them,but those 8-10 year olds and poeple like that without internet or knowlage of all the gaint tourneys around the earth wont know how to use the power correctly.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2006
Location: 1vs1 no items online at this very moment
i think jigglypuff will be in becouse,
think.jiggly was made to be probly the first unlocked char in ssb64.
and she sucked,and im not the sure about melee,but i think she sucked there too.sorry if im wrong on that.
nintendo probly wanted her to suck in both,
i mean,even games like this have to have atleast one thing in them that is hard to master becouse of the fact that,it sucks.
its like tradition that jigglypuff should be in brawl becouse shes horrable.hope that made since,
also remember that their are those poeple out there like 8-10 year olds that dont play in tournements and that stuff that probly dont know about hitboxes and stuff to much.and chances are there are more of them then of us,so which do you think the game will be aimed more at?
dont get me wrong,they will prrobly have those tactics and complex stuff for the poeple like us too,and most charecters should have stratagy deep in them,but those 8-10 year olds and poeple like that without internet or knowlage of all the gaint tourneys around the earth wont know how to use the power correctly.
Call me crazy if you guys wanna but,if you wanna know who I think isnt gonna be in Brawl,its Jigglypuff imo. Simply because back in 98-01,it was the generation era of Pokemon games Blue,Red,Yellow,and a few new ones that had the 2nd generation Pokemon like Lugia and Unknowns,which were added in Melee.Times changed now folks,and we got 500+ Pokemon running around now.Reguardless if Jigglypuff is among the orginal 12,she's still from the 1st generation of the species plus her popularity is muffled compared to Pikachu and the newer legendaries/rare crew.

Now,what generation are we in,like 7th or 8th? Ive lost track lol,but anyhow,if you still are into the series(Iam not anymore),Pikachu is STILL running around with this Ash Catch'um look-a-like today,thus explaining his popularity and appearance in Brawl.That Pokemon(Gordon) they showed at the site is also from the newer generation,thus showing us that we can except even more new ones to follow it,to stay true to current events.Just like with the Zelda TP changes to Link for instance.

As I touch apon earlier,Mewtwo and Pichu also fall under the same boat,and it would look rather dated to still have these characters floating around while in the series currently is lightyears ahead with more Pokemon with advanced attacks and such.

And with the stuff thats changing with other characters like Zelda,Mario,Samus,hell even Wario just to name a few,it just wouldnt make sence at all to throw in Pokemon characters for generations ago into a game with updated freshness.And again,Pikachu is excused from this because of what was said above. :)
Please re-read this,as tatics in battle have 0% to do with odds of a character appearnce.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Looks like we called it, Wiseguy---you, me, Smash Daddy, Vali, Mendez, and just about 98% of the Smash Community.

Bowser is confirmed for Brawl.

This picture totally says: "Fox! Move it, you little mammal. I'm too badass looking to be low tier anymore." SMACK!

Bowser looks amazing. I know I sound like a drooling little fanboy, but his makeover is just too awesome.

Smooth Criminal
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