Wat happened to the my fellow clone-crazy Wiseguy I used to know=??? Ergh...don't tell me I'm the last person here predicting 6+ clones again...
Don't get me wrong, I really like the Skull Kid. He may even be my favorite character in the series. But in terms of bringing originality to the roster, an Imp/canine tag team is infinitely more unique in my view.
SK is my fav character in the series! HAHA, no one saw that coming, and it is 100% true!
I wouldn't say SK and Ralf are lacking in character development, but in terms of number of hours devoted to a character Midna takes the cake. We didin't see an awful lot of Skull Kid in his game, as he was more lurking in the background.
They lack screen time, popularity, and Ralph lacks reconizability. Plus they have brutal competition in
That's actually a good argument. You bring up a fair point: why would an alias from OoT get in over the main villian from the more recent MM (who is also more important to the series as a whole)? POPULARITY. IN spite of the fact that MM is infinitely better (in my view) OoT was imply more popular. Fortunately, TP is currently the most popular Zelda - so there is no "Sheik" to rob Midna of her place in Brawl.
OOT sold over twice as well, and was twice as popular. MM was regarded to as crap by "Legend of Zelda fans" (or n00bs). Anyone who hates Majora's Mask...well.......
Nope. I also added Black Mage (as a Sora replacement) and Bonk and de-cloned Dx3. I hated cutting DS and Miciaiah, but I think the roster is now better overall.
de-cloned the roster!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! O, Black Mage is super awsome and all, but Geno or Crono would definitely be the best IMO, and have a much larger cult-classic fanbase. But I suppose BM at least has a better chance than Sora.
Sheik is WWWWAAAAYYYYY cheaper than SSB64 Kirby and Pikachu. Her attacks' spped and power (particularily her ariel attacks) give her a significant advantage over non-high tier characters. In SSB64, I was able to play as DK against equally skilled Kirby players and still compete. Try that in Melee against Sheik.
Dude, that is straight up bull. Can she instantly KO someone with one attack within 5 feet the edge? Is she used nearly as much as Falco, Fox, Marth, or Peach in tournies=??? No, and Pikachu and Kirby in SSB64 percentage-wise are used like 10 times more by experienced players in SSB64 than Shiek in SSBM.
Plus I've never been 0 to Ko'ed comboed by Shiek, or even seen one do that on a youtube or anything, while I've personally been 0 to Ko'ed comboed by Kirby twice, and once with Pikachu (and I generally win 70% or so of my matches at least!) Plus, if she is so cheap, how come more people use Falco, Fox, and Marth=???
Your new sig rocks. I suggest you make SR93's sig as humiliating as possible. I had my bro (who goes by Bane round these parts) cook up a suitably atrocious looking WW sig that will make his eyes bleed.
Can I see it=???
Also, I plan on adding artwork in the background, once my cousin shows me how.
To be fair, Gamespot did give positive reviews to Warioware (9.1) and Super Paper Mario (8.9) so I'm hoping that the TP thing was an isolated incident from one reviwer who happened to hate fun. We'll know for sure when we see the reviews for Prime 3, Brawl and Galaxy.
Ya, but the whole "end of the world scenario" thing in TP that is excited was made sounded boring. With Gears of War, they made it sound super-exciting, like the story was something from heaven or something, while GoW really has a weak stroy (but awsome campain and online).
Whatever makes you feel better JK1, but Sakurai was pretty clear.
Trust me, I read that like 50 times, and I'm positive. Trust me, and you'll feel smarter!
Hey, I don't disagree. Ganondorf SHOULD be given his sword, in my view. I'm just saying, Sakurai could have done the same for Zelda and chose to include a moveset more consisent with her Melee moveset. I hope you are correct, but I'm not so sure anymore.
It proves he apprciates a original moveset, while G-dorf could easily have his sword. However, no clone will take his place, unless the super-lame Black Shadow thakes his place! Heck, he's the character I would be happiest with not in Brawl (ie: Pichu>Tingle>Plusle and Minun>Black Shadow). With Goroh as a AT, G-dorf chances of remaining as a clone went up, for better or for worse.
In addition to new trailers for Prime 3 (my favorite single player series ever) and Brawl (the most anticipated Nintendo game ever), I'm also looking forward to more news on:
1) Dragon Quest XI: Who cares about FFXIII? This game could be the greatest RPG ever - if it lives up to DQVIII's quality. This game is the reason I bought a DS and I can't wait for this game to grce our shores.
2)Fire Emblem GoD: I must have spent 200 hours playing and replaying Path of Radiance, and the sequel can't come soon enough. Where's my North American release date Nintendo?
3) Battaleon Wars Wii: Halo killer? Starcraft killer? Maybe not, but it's a wachy RTS/shooter in the same vein as Pikmin - with online play.
4) LoZ: Phantom Hourglass: It's Zelda. Need I say more?
5) FF: Chrystal Chronicles Wii: That trailer looked incredible, and made me ancious to see more of what looks to be the Wii's answer to Kingdom Hearts.
Agreed, but no way DQ XI will top FF XIII, other than it's on the PS3 and not very many people will play it!
*prays it comes to thee 360*
They explain it pretty well here:
In part 2 they discuss E4 for all:
Ya, I already saw this after making my last post, so I'm happy. However, E3 and E4 aren't taking place in San Francisco, but rather a smaller town (smaller than my town actually, lol!), and E3 is going to be lame, other than Nintendo, Capcom, Square Enix, Sony, Microsoft,
Indeed it did. I haven't played an RE game yet, so I'm looking forward to playing the Wii edition.
It is overall considered the greatest survival horror game of all-time, and since it's the GC edition, plus the PS2's extra missions, plus better graphics and Wii motion sensoring technology, it's bound to be awsome. We finally go the perfect third-person shooter for the Wii, now all we need is MP3 (first-person shooter) with online, a TPS with online, and a second person shooter with online, lol!
Then the Wii will almost make up for the lack of GTA IV, Halo 3, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Gears of War, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfare 1&2, etc. Well...almost at least!
Marth was the most requested character for Melee. Was. And he got in Melee. Mission accomplished. Now, it's time for the more worthy and popular Ike to take his place. BK will be the new clone, so he'll replace Roy.
Marth is still big in Japan, if not bigger. With him on the Japanese VC, and him being popular in Japan, I don't see why not keep him. BK bleah...I like him and all, but Marth is much more important to the series, much more liked, and much more wanted. BK could make it if there are 3 FE characters as I have predicted, with it being one of the (if not the) fastest growing Nintendo series in terms of sells.
Waluigi has appeared in alot of games, but has yet to star in his own (as either a hero or a villian).
Snake is awesome, but that doesn't mean that more awesome characters need to be included. Ganondorf, Black Knight, Ridley and Simon Belmont all deserve a spot as well - and having them all in one game would be infitely more awesome.
Waluigi was the main villian of the last great and best Mario Party to date, Mario Party 3, as well as Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix. Sure those are spin-offs, but it is still a good size roll, and how does Simon deserve the spot=??? Barely anyone who plays Smash knows him, he probably isn't even one of the 70 most desired characters for Brawl, and there are liked 5 other characters who were main characters in the Castlevania series. In other words, replace him for the much cooler, super awsome, and ever awsome Geno or Crono!
As for BK, IMO he'll only make it if there are 3 FE spots as I predicted, and if Roy, Sigurd, or Hector don't take that spot first.
Marth is not more popular among FE fans - and that's really all that matters when deciding who will represent the series. Ike's games are more popular, because they are available worldwide.
Marth is more popular in Japan, and unless Sakurai screws Japan over he isn't going anywhere. My point is Marth is more popular than BK, and if the perfect Japan only character. Seriously, Donkey Kong Country and Metroid Prime is generally western only, and FE the exact opposite in the begining. Just look at sales, after DKC 1, no one if Japan really got it, after Prime 1, Prime 2's sales sucked (not even reaching 1 million, because again no one in Japan got it, and it was considered too hard), and FE sales were best in the Marth era, until the international release of the series.
My verdict: Don't screw over our fellow Japanese smashers, and at least give them Marth!
The difference is that Sunshine is a GC game, so it should meet higher standards.
It did IMO, but something makes me like SM64 more....
Physics wise, the game was basically SSB64. That isn't a bad thing, since it's not always necessary to fix what aint broken. Bottom line, being fun and revolutionary are not the same thing. Sunshine is a fun game, but it isn't as revolutionary as WW or Prime.
Dude, Sunshine's physics were totally diffrent, I've beat SM64 a dozen times (literally), and Sunshine 10. While not as revolutionary as WW or Prime, it is definitely a primaraly original idea that overall succeeded, as it should. The spin jump was added, sliding is super fast adn heavily improved, the levels are mcuh taller, deepeer, and better, the game actually has a story, the jumping is totally remade and has tons of added content, the levels and enviornments are almost entirely original, etc.
Retro characters have their place, but they should never tke the place of relevant and contemporary game characters. Games like Aniaml Crossing and Pikmin are just as revolutionary, and far more popular today.
How did AC revolutionize gaming as much as IC, or even 1/10th as much as G&W, when the Sims had already made the real life concept system, and got it down=??? AC definitely revolutionized something, but not as much as IC and G&W. Pikmin combined puzzle-solving and RTS' into one beatiful package, which generally was ingenious and intriginly smart and original, though not as original as IC or G&W. New characters come and go, but G&W is here to stay, and hopefully Pikmin and Animal Crossing follow in G&W;s footsteps.
Also, a Ice Climber Wii would be pretty awsome as well, and I would totally get that game if it looked like I hope it would!
Again, all that matters is what AC fans want as their representative. Lots of people hate Pikachu and Jiggs, but they usually aren't Pokemon fans.
But the pros for Jiggs (who has earned it's spot twice), and Pikachu (who is popular only because of the show, and Yellow Versio) totally outwieght the cons (like 50 to 1). As a AC fan, I want Miis to be or rep, not Tom Nook.
You change AC characters from game to game as well, just like Pokemon trainers. The game randomly selects a facial appearance every time you start a new file.
But that could change in the upcoming Wii AC, a game I bet will either be announced at Nintendo World (in November), or E3, with Miis as the new AC humans.
Simon is the most likely thrd party character. He is owned by Konami, who also own Snake, while Sonic and Megaman require separate agreements with separat companies.
But Bomberman is more popular and reconizable! However, if you remove him, keep Bonk, and add Marth, Mewtwo, or Falco back I'll agree.
As for Sora, I already replaced him with Black Mage in my latest update.
Thakn you, Black Mage is much cooler. (BM>Roxas>Sora) However, Geno and Crono have a much bigger fanbase, and more reconizable, and have a much larger cult following. C'mon Wisey, you know you want Geno or Crono! *jedi mind trick like Ferro taught me*
Simon is the most important caracter in the Castelvania series ( a series that is extrmeley popular still and is very commonly associated with Nintendo) and he has the potential for a far more unique moveset.
Not as big as the others I listed, and he is not as reconizable as the stars of the 3rd party series I listed. Take off FF and DQ from my list (which have little chance of having a rep), and that leaves you with:
1.Sonic the Hegehog: Sonic the Hedgehog - Most desired character for Brawl, PERIOD!
2.Resident Evil: Leon Keneddy - Loses spot to the much more popular, reconizable, and super awsome classic MEGAMAN!
3.All the Megaman series: Megaman - Can't touch the Blue Bomber!
4.Street Fighter: Ryu - Also owned by Capcom like the two above, but since Megaman is the mascot of Capcom.
5.Rayman: Rayman - He's old, new, and everything inbetween, but I don't think he has what it takes to make the cut into Brawl. Maybe next time=???
6.Kingdom Hearts: Sora - W00t, love the series, but Roxas would pwn Sora, even after being voiced by Jessie McCarthy!
I could see Black Mage from FF I appearing...
I could see him, if there are 4 3rd party characters, and the slight chance that Geno or Crono don't make it. I actually think that is a rather good choice, and a rather good intresting and original idea of a character.
Fly?! Your kiding! That's amazing! That will definitely set him apart from Metaknight, Pit, Dx# and Ridley.
His flying attacks could be super original, plus he can do stuff they can't. Dex3 can't fly...well he flys like Kirby in the Kirby series, but Kirby doesn't fly in Smash, now does he=??? Also, Pit probably won't fly (but will use his wings), but Ridley could be awsome with those wings!
ROB would be just as unique as G&W or ICs so he and Pit should definitely take their spots as the new reps for Retro Nintendo.
But wat would his moves be=??? The only game he appears in is Mario Kart DS, and he races, like that could be a move, unless you include ROB 64, who just talks and repairs stuff. G&W got basically all his moves from him 20 or 30 something games, while IC got almost all their moves from their games, and had a few awsome games for Smash only.
Wel, if you give one new character to DK and Metroid it would be fair - as long as you are equally hard on series like Pokemon and Starfox.
Ergh, do I need to explain why Pokemon deserves more reps tahn Star Fox, Donkey Kong, or Metroid=??? With the exception of Donkey Kong, Star Fox and Metroid haven't sold 1/10th the units of Pokemon, in fact Blue/Red/Green/Yellow version outsell both series...combined!
Or, you know, not. Nook for Brawl!!
I'm 95% positive Nook won't make it into Brawl.
I like Nook. Don't I count?
Yes, but most people are against him, and Sakurai will primaraly aim for the majority of Smash players, but he'll keep the AT and pro smashers in mind as well. When it comes to which character should be in, majority almost always wins, but time restraints make exceptions (ie: clones). However, Nook can't be a clone (unless he's a Mii clone), so I see no reason why he should be in.
Yeah, and who could be more objective than the peopl on the Pokemon thread?
Actually a lot of them don't even play Pokemon games. And you could find a lot of people agree with me on this one. Also, there are a lot of smart people on there, minus the flamming about Blazekein, Charizard, and Meowth.
Ya, bet you don't wanna know that one=ya.
Maybe, maybe not. Personally, I don't care as long as only 4 pokemans max make it.
Mewtwo does need redmeption! At least 3 times as many people want him to return than to leave, in fact the idc crowd outnumbers the anti-Mewtwo crowd. He's probably the 2nd most popular Pokemon, and MORE deserves his spot! He's the only Pokemon (other than Ho-oh, Suicune, Groudon, and Kyrogue) to actually be a part of the story in the games, and I see no reason why he should go. He's both a modern and classic Pokemon, as well as the strongest.
That is one thing we all can agree on. Make that do lke 10-15% less, and have half the have a lot less impact, and she's fair and balanced.
Ocelot won't be in Brawl. He is WWAAAAYYY too awesome.
Solid friggen Snake>uber pwnageable Big Boss>Revolver Ocelot. However, Liquid Ocelot (Ocelot possessed by Liquid Snake), the main villain of MGS4 looks awsome! Also, no one is too awsome for Brawl, I mean c'mon Solid Snake is in it! You can't get much awsomer than that!
Fine, fine. I get it. They're great. Moving on...
If you were to get Diamond and/or Pearl you would be addicted, 100% guarenteed!
Your right. 12 chracter cuts seems more likely. Jiggs? Ness? Falcon? I'm coming for ya!
If you cut Ness, you will be PK Rocked! Earth Bound fans...UNITE!
It very well could be. You never know if you are the hunter, or hunted. It is the ultimate edge of your seat moment. That whole boss fight is like me in a super close SSB64 game on kaillera where it could go either way, and I'm facing someone who I know is better than me, but they can't beat me, and I can't beat them! SUPER EPIC!
Uh... call me crazy, but you shouldn't have to be as good as Sheik to compete with the character of your choice. Equally skilled players should b equally matched, regardless og their character pic. As it stands, if you try and fight a Sheik, Marth or Falco with Doc or Young Link you are at a disadvantage.
Young Link, up there with Falco, lol! Actually, I can add Link, Ice Climbers, Mario, Luigi, Peach, Roy, Donkey Kong (thanks to Capt. Jack), Capt. Falcon, Ganondorf, Zelda, FOX! (my main), Samus, Pikachu (surprisingly still good, unlike Kirby), Ness (takes a ton of work, I've seen it myself), and Jigglypuff (slapped to death by a puffball! Wat now?) to that list. Now it's good.
Honestly though, I think Yoshi, Kirby, Pichu, Mewtwo and G&W users are at the biggest disadvantage of all. All we gotta do is slightly weaken Fox and Falco all around, weaken Capt. Falcon's knee, make Shiek's chain grab harder, plus take Zelda away from her, and weaken Peach's adownsmash, and we got a pretty good tier list. Then, buff the lower tier characters, as well as some of the low-mid tier characters, somehow fit in the new characters, make ZSS and Samus seperate characters, and there you have it! More balanced tiers than you can imagine without being completely impossible.
Let's just say a alot of bright purple and a collection of WW LInk's most dopey expressions is on the menu...
I wonder what that would look like, lol.
Heck, if they cut Jigs for M2, I wouldn't complain. I don't care for either to be honest. Personally, I suspect that Jigg's role as one of the original 12 guarantees her spot on the roster - but I could be wrong.
They both should return, Jiggs has proven itself as a worthy fighter, while Mewtwo proved itself in the Pokemon series as the indisputed strongest.
I felt bad about cutting K. Rool - but de-cloning Dx3 left me no choice. I think having DK and Diddy represent their series would be acceptable, as long as the other series (like Pokemon) are also given the bare minimum.
**cough* cut Bonk, add Dixie* *clears throat*. I think there is room for 42 original characters, add in 6 more clones, and yae we're all happy!
Interesting. I had no idea that was when PH was released in Japan. Coincidence? Perhaps not...
It is set to come out in NA on October 1st, and came out in Japan on June 23rd. It has got overall positive reviews from what I've read so far, so far being the keyword. I'm betting it is as good as a Zelda DS translation as Hunters was a DS MP translation.
@ Eveyone else: I've got to go. I'll respond to you later.
In the mean time, here's my latest challenge: list the five games you most want to here about at e3 (besides Brawl, Prime 3 and Galaxy.)
Obviously my list goes Brawl, Prime 3, then Galaxy, but here is my list!
1.Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots: Since I am probably going to get a 360 soon (or once it's available) I would like to know if this game goes to the 360 or not. The previous installments were epic, and if this game comes to the 360, epic story, super online, and all, I am going to get it, PERIOD!
2.Halo 3 (take that Microsoft haters!): It is a common fact that Johnknight1 loves Halo, and isn't a fanboy in his term of the definition (only likes 1 certain developer, or totally wants the opponent's rival systems to die, etc.), and I love the series. I'm hoping for more massive online battles, more fun, and less fanboys/morons (same goes for Brawl's online!). Let us hope that it turns out this way!
3.Any new Zelda/more of PH: Verdict-with PH coming worldwide, where will be the next Zelda we all live for=??? Another Wii Zelda is on the way I suspect, maybe in 3 or so years, but on the way nonetheless. Hopefully it tops the greatest of the series the way the great TP toped everything before it.
4.Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: This is one of the games where good graphics, more tahn 60 FPS, and insane weaponry is needed, and we got it! This looks super intense, and I can't wait to see more of it! Set for a Novemeber release date, I'm sure it could make a good attempt to rival Halo in terms of online, story (probably top it actually), heck even sales. This game will flat out be intense.
5.Final Fantasy XII/Versus XII (Especially Versus): Sure this is set for a 08 release, but it looks straight up sick! The in game action, the stroy, and the Shakespear quotes all fit the 5 minutes of trailers perfectly! XD
6.Grand Theft Auto IV: I hate gangster games to be honest, but GTA's open massive, fun, and odd world is the exception. Thank god this game isn't a gangster game (though it may well be a mafia game), and something tells me this game is going to be good. Heopfully it isn't overrated like San Andreas or Vice City, the two best selling games last gen (which don't deserve it). Hopefully it deserves all the respect it gets vs. just getting it because everyone wants to be a gangster.
7.Blue Dragon: Made by the insanely smart makers of Chrono Trigger (it is said their IQs rival God's), this game has definite potential to be a epic for the ages!
8.Dragon Quest XI: Looks good from what I've seen, and though I've yet to get into the series, well I am very intrested in checking this game out.
9.Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn: Looks epic, plus it has Ike, so you can't go wrong, lol!
10.Kingdom Heats III: We could/could not get info on this, but just in case we do, I'll have it here.
11.FF: Chrystal Chronicales Wii: Looks pretty intresting, and I liked the GC one, for sure!
12.Devil May Cry 4: DMC 1-3's awsome combat style, similar to arcade style button mashing+awsome comboes, but involves skill system is amazing! Hopefully the 4th part of the series follows through with the greatest of the first three, specifically the 1st and 3rd, lol!
13.Assassin's Creed: This game involves a assassin killing people, and it looks like a super awsome Mideval/Renissance/possibly future assassin/stealth (killing) game. However, since I only really trust EA Montreal, I'm a bit worried.
14.Krysis: Day of Disaster: I'm worried about this FPS, because it is made by EA, and I'm not one to trust EA. However, this could be diffrent.
15.Battallion Wars 2: Looks intrestingly original, though I never played the 1st one. Why not=???
That's it for now, and look out Johnknight1's updated list is coming soon! Also by the way, Bowser looks sicker than ever, he looks like a villian for sure. Ganondorf might have a hard time toping that awsomeness and evil looks, lol! Simply amazing, first time since I saw the FFXII/Versus trailers any game's graphics has amazed me. Hopefully like Melee, the graphics improve a lot over the game's creation.