Gamespot sucks. Giving Majora's Mask a 8.0, Mario Kart 64 a 6.4, Super Mario Sunshine a 8.0, Twilight Princess a 8.8, and Prime 3 a 8.5. Gamespot needs to be shot, have Falcon knee them in the b***s, have Solid Snake slit their throat, and Link slash the crap out of them in the 10,000 foot fall!

*calms down* Seriously though, all those games rock. I've played Prime 3 like 3 hours, and it's already a 10/10 game in my mind. Beat MGS2....10/10 game, for sure!

Anyways, Prime 3 has amazing graphics [very artistic, and cool comicbook like], and it's soundtrack is wat I wish TP's was. Seriously, TP is a 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 out of 10 game. And they give Sould Calibur [good game] and Tony Hawk Pro Skater a 10/10. Shameless I SAY!
That last line is LIES! NOthing beats Twilight Princess, nothing! Samus might have had a good early fight, but that King Bokoblin fight pwns the ever awsome Ridley pitfalling fight anyday. And btw, you forgot the awsome music. The music is the penical of the series, topping my old favorite Fusion, and crushing it. Only the classic Zelda, Donkey Kong, and Mario music beats it IMO.
I!!!! For king, country, Mario Kart 64, Majora's Mask, Super Mario Sunshine, Twilight Princess, and Corruption, ATTACK!
It's time for a Revolver Ocelot like interogation. "This isn't the geniva [I know I spelled that wrong] convention."
Yes, but wat if it was a conspiracy. Sortal ike MGS2: Sons of Liberty. Wait, I spoiled it, o no, more spoilers. WHY ARE ALL 3 hours of cutscenes so good=??? Seriously, storywise that's the best Metal Gear game, ever. It was worth the $6.

Heck, it's worth $60, just at a tenth the price!
And btw, the WW ending shows Link as a adult, since in the future they never saw him leave as a kid. It's either some famous painting or way he left in the past, or...just a cool picture.
Well Nintendo confirmed TP to take place inbetween OOT and WW. Ganondorf has died 3/4 times. In ALTTP he dies. in TP he dies. In WW he dies. And in OoS and OoA in the secret ending he is revised, then dies. So he ***could*** go back to the dark world and the seal in which he came from, until WW. I'm guessing the sword strike is wat really limits his power in the opening of WW, not really the god's wishes. [hint: The sage incident]
You forgot OoS and OoA, where Ganon is revised, and dies. In ALTTP he also dies, which could be the end of the timeline A, except for OoA or OoS of course.
Capcom did great work, by teaming with Nintendo making the best 2D LOZ in ALTTP [definitely a classic], and making OoS and OoA. Definite classics. In fact, all Zeldas are classics IMO, really.
That was a good retrospective. Saw all 5. Now I need to see more of the Final Fantasy retorspective. Stopped at the whole FF8/9 part.
His return is justified enough in that Mario is the only more reconizable video game character. Period. He needs some M&L decloning, but a Vacuum Moveset seems kinda lame. Maybe as a item or final smash. <_<
But it fails in sales, along with Bomberman. They both wither in fear next to the Metal Gear, Sonic, and Megaman series, for sure.
Fox's dB: Great for hitting opponents down, and the fastest move in the game.
Falco's db: Great for juggling opponents, and mindgaming them into KO'ing them up.
Fox's nB: Great for lots of damage here and there.
Falco's nB: Great for spam to melee and grab comboing them.
Fox's dA: Great for KO's.
Falco's dA: Great for juggling and combos.
Fox's uA: Great for juggling and combos.
Falco's uA: Great for KO's.
Fox's dAir: THE BEST DAMAGE RACKER EVER! [it's super cheap]
Falco's dAir: Exellent meteor smash, and is a super Koing and for bouncing your opponent off the groud [as a combo] move.
See the diffrence=???
That's the SNES [fake] Andross. Andross would hae never been playable, but the N64 [real] Andross could very well be a boss. Hopefully.
*cough* SMRPG, ALTTP.
And for Legolastom, it's all about Captain Falcon going solo, unless Pico or Blood Falcon join him. Deathborne is unworthy, and Black Shadow is a wimp. Black Shadow sucking should go down in the Bible. Seriously.