Hi there, this is my first post here, though I've been lurking around this thread. (I've read the whole thing once, and part of it TWICE.) After seeing all the logical, weel thoughtout disscussion, I've decided to join in. And what better way to start than by trying your 40 character challenge, Wiseguy.
Well, here I go.
Mario Series
1) Mario - 'Nuff said.
2) Luigi -
Mario Clone It would be nice to see some of his moves based on his more recent appearences.
3) Peach - Once agaain, it would be cool to a see a moveset based on her more recent starring roles.
4) Bowser - Not much to say.
5) Bowser Jr. - A speedier Bowser-type with a paintbrush based moveset would be a welcome addition to Brawl.
TLOZ Series
6) TP Link - Again, not much to say.
7) WW Link -
TP Link Clone I don't care what anyone says, I think he's unique enough to deserve a spot. "Celda" my ***!
8) Zelda - Long live the sword-weilding, Shiekless Zelda!
9) Gannondorf - Please, Sakurai, stop taunting us and give hime the sword! (Side note: We seem to like seeing Zelda series chars. have swords, don't we?)
10) Midna w. Wolf Link - Orginally I just wanted Midna on her own, but after seeing the amazing moveset on this thread, I reconsidered.
Pokemon Series
11) Pikachu - Okay, I admit it, I've been a Pikachu main since SSB64, and I don't see that changing.
12) Jigglypuff - Stupid Purin.... Wish you'd go away...
13) Mewtwo - I honestly don't really see a need for him to go. He is villianous, and I feel he deserves one more chance.
14) Lucario - Seeing as he stared in a movie, and there are very few of them in the game, he seems like a good shot.
15) Dexoys - Eh, why not?
Metroid Series
16/17) Samus/ Zero Suit Samus - I hope they don't mess this up. Otherwise..... *Shudders*
18) Ridley - The Smash series needs more villians, and who better than a flying psace dragon?
Kirby Series
19) Kirby - Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, Kirb. (Translation: He's a shoe in.)
20) Metaknight - I've always liked him, and we need more "mysterious" characters.
21) King Dedede -
Kirby Clone Um... Ahh... DON'T HURT ME FANS! *Runs away*
Starfox Series
22) Fox McCloud - I don't care what anyone says Fox, I think your boots are stylish.
23) Krystal - A staff wielder would be an interesting addition.
24) Falco - We may disagree on this, but I think Falco would be bad*** with an original moveset.
25) Wolf -
Fox Clone Once again, DON'T HURT ME FANS! *Runs*
Donkey Kong Series
26) Donkey Kong - Promise us one thing, Sakurai: You'll remove the DK Rap.
27) Diddy Kong - He's been in the shadows for too long a time. Its Diddy's turn to shine.
28) King K. Rool -
Bowser Clone I'd prefer his pirate form, but eh, whatever.
Fire Emblem Series
29) Marth
30) Ike
31) Lyn
I know we're going to disagree on this, so let me present my view. Instead of only using chars. from the games that have been released worldwide, I think a different compromise should be reached. Marth represents both the character who is Japan only, as well as the older part of the FE series. Lyn, the female rep., represents the games popular in the West, as well as the middle part of the series. And Ike represents the joining of the FE fandom, as well as the newer parts of FE histroy. I feel that's a fair arrangement. BTW, I like the Black Knight, I just think we need a better balance of heroes before we add a villian.
*Dodges Wiseguy's Anime argument* HA!
F-Zero Series
32) Captain Falcon - Um, Ryo Horikawa rocks, and does a much better Vegeta than the English Vegeta? FALCON ... PUNCH!
33) Samurai Goroh -
Captain Falcon Clone Eyuup.
Earthbound/Mother Series
34) Ness - I actually had Earthbound (It came in the big box with the Player's Guide) so I knew who he was when he appeared in SSB64
35) Lucas -
Ness Clone Once again, we disagree, but I believe in compromising between East and West. Plus Smash got FE released, maybe it will work for Mother 3.
Other Series
36) Yoshi - YOSHI!
37) Wario - I've always liked the Wario games. At least he isn't invincible like he was in some of his earlier adventures.
38) Pit - You've finally returned.
39) Tom Nook - Everyone knows he is Nintendo's ULTIMATE villian.
40) Captian Olimar - Orginally I knew next to nothing about Pikmin, and was against his conclusion. But after coming here, that all changed. And thus a puppy was born.
41) Mach Rider - After reading this thread, I decided there needs to be at least one vehicle based fighter in Smash, and MAch seems the best for the job.
42) Ray -
Samus Clone Now, this is going to likely throw a lot of you, so let me explain. Samus's main attacks are gun, rockets, and bombs. The Custom Robo's three types of attack are: Guns, missles, and bombs. Thus, modify the moveset a bit, remove any morph ball, and change the up-b from from the Screw Attack to jets. There you have it, and workable, and yet unique, clone.
Third Party
43) Snake - It takes a real man to wear a mullet.
44) Sonic - Three blue anthros in one game. Hmm.... What?
45) Geno - I have fond memories of beating SMRPG together with my babysitter back in the day.
So there is my list. So with original characters counting a 1, and clones counting as 1/3, heres the numbers:
Originals - Mario, Peach, Bowser, Bowser Jr., TP Link, Zelda, Gannondorf, Midna w. Wolf Link, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario, Deoxys, Samus/Zamus, Ridley, Kirby, Metaknight, Fox, Krystal, Falco, DK, Diddy, Marth, Ike, Lyn, Captain Falcon, Ness, Yoshi, Wario, Pit, Tom Nook, Captain Olimar, Mach Rider, Snake, Sonic, Geno - (
Clones- Luigi, WW Link, King Dedede, Wolf, King K. Rool, Samurai Goroh, Lucas, Ray - (
2 2/3)
39 2/3 Characters
I have a challenge for you Wiseguy: Who would you add as a last clone, WITHOUT cloning someone twice (such as two Samus clones)?
Before I go, here is my top five runner up:
1) Vaati - I like a short villian.
2) Simon Belmont - Konami's already on board, so it's a good chance.
3) Soren - We need more magic users, and another FE char. would be alright in my book.
4) Megaman - I like the Blue Bomber, but I like Ray better, and Ray is 1st/2nd party.
5) Skull Kid- And fanciful design, and MM always gets the shaft.
Well, that's it from me. Good thread, Wiseguy, and great thoughts everybody.
Sanrei out.