HEHE, guess who's back! Anyways Wiseguy I can't help but embrassing that I win=Samus and ZSS are seperate characters=yae! (goes off and Wavedashes) Thank god that the "under certain condition" stuff was all about Metroid: Zero Mission=that could have turned out bad=worse mindgames than Zelda/Shiek!
Anyways **** I didn't win my bet!!!
****** Sakurai had to have the Wiimote, Wiimote w/t Numchuck feature work. O well...it was only $20, and at least the GCN controller works with the Classic Controller. At least I didn't LOSE the bet, it was a tie. O what I would have done with $20=nothing, but gloting is always good!
At least we have that awsome song from the Ridley boss battles=Ridley confirmed soon=hopefully...
We saw Miis of Miamoto and Reggie at E3, but we didn't know they were customizable at that point.
I didn't even know that!
I personally think it would be awesome seeing other Smasher's Miis in action over Wi-fi. If they suck, all the more fun will be had when kicking the snot out the them.
Plus, we can exchange friend codes and settle our Anakin vs. Jack Bauer rivalry once and for all!
Or Young Darth Vader (as I call him=Vader before that AWSOME black) vs. Osama! Ken plays Young Vader while I play Osama=I get owned! That would be awsome, and let the beating begin!
It would be what it would look like, unless God posses me or something! Only question is how to make a Anaking Mii=confusing. Maybe I'll just use my Rocky Balboa Mii instead, and maybe I'll make a Rambo one as well. Or maybe I'll use my Governor Tarkin one, lol!
DK Jungle Beat is another innovative DK game. DK Jet for the Wii also looks pretty good. Again, I have nothing against Starfox, Pokemon or DKC - I did give them three, four and three characters, respectively. I just think the Mario and Zelda series deserve special recognition which is why I assigned them more reps than any other series.
Jungle Beaet was good, but Guitar Hero pwns all! Honestly I usually hate music games, but that game makes you want to break stuff, because you feel that cool! *calms down* Hopefully Guitar Hero III comes out on the Wii. Anyways, I'm probably going to check out Jet, maybe rent it, but I want a DK Country or 64 like Wii game. A Diddy Kong Racing Wii game (along with Mario Kart Wii) would be pretty nice.
Anyways, popularity>innovation, that is what I think it comes down to. Donkey Kong has a cult following (I am in it, we sacrifice a monkey to the great Diddy every blue moon
), and Pokemon will always have a cult following. Not to mnetion us "true" Pokemon fans release every Pikachu we find or Pichu we find, unless we plan on evolving them into the ever awsome Raichu=pwner of n00bs!
8 players would be great, but the Dojo update specifically said four. Maybe in SSB4...
Where did it say that=??? Hope you're wrong (as should everyone). Maybe Sakurai was refering to playing on one Wii vs. online. I wouldn't be surprised if it went either way (4 max, or 6-8 max). As a side note (and heavily unlikely one) imagine 16 person play=imagine pros. Lots of fighting=need to replay youtube vids over and over and over=insane.
It's not going to happen, but that would be pretty crazy to watch/play, and getting teamed never hurt so bad. But even if I had 14 clones+me on the same team, I'd still lose to Ken=dang it!
One stage or two, either way that stage look really, really cool. Can't wait to try it out.
I'm almost willing to bet two. One is inside (in a dungeon like area), one is outside ontop of a castle (on fire). Maybe along with the Yoshi music and Ridley music it is refering to Marth is very likely=???
Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely be consulting the Satge Discussion thread in the fututre for all my Stage related needs.
Stages needs to be discussed more. Having Wiseguy is a definite plus. M/aybe we'll get a stage discussion thread by Brawl's release. That way we don't have to go to every character disscussion section to learn which character sucks/is awsome at X stage, to exploit those advantages/weaknesses.
I could sort of see that working, seeing as how Fox's moveset is so popular. Still, I'd much rather see a clone from a different series (ie: Black Knight, Poo, Goroh, etc.) instead. Still, I can see what your saying and it's definitely possible.
Goroh is basically guarenteed, and Poo wouldn't work as a Ness clone. Ness has a bat, yo-yo, and a slingshot, Poo has a sword. Paula would work better (considering Ness stole all her moves, her pans work exactly like Ness' bat, plus she could easily have a yo-yo and can wield slingshots), but overall Lucas would be the best choice.
He's basically a neo-Ness, but I bet he'd be more like Ness in Earth Bound in terms of moves in SSB than Ness is, considering how all of his PSI moves are stolen from Paula.
Did you see the new trailer for FF: Crystal Chronicles on Wii?
Looks pretty great.
It looks amazing, but have you seen FF XIII=not graphics, it's real life! This is coming from someone who thinks Brawl should have SNES graphics!
Roy over the Black Knight? FOR SHAME!
He's my 4th best (behind only obviously FOX, Link, Falco), so what do you expect. Plus he's the best rep IMO for the GBA FE games, Marth is the best for the classics, and Ike is the best for the newer (but still awsome) FE games. Not to mention Roy plays a main roll, and all the Black Knight has been is a villian in 2 games. Again, I think all we'll get is Fire Lords, and I don't think Miciah is one of them.
IMO these are the FE characters with the best chances (in order): Ike, Marth, Roy, Hector (Roy and Hector are tied IMO), Sigurd, Maciah, etc.
Very true. This Fall is shaping up to be a truly great one for gamers of all stripes, and Nintendo fans especially. I can hardly believe that Prime 3 is coming THIS AUGUST! Even that game alone would make the Wii a must buy.
I'm still WD around about the release date news for MP3, and that came out like a month ago! Hopefully I don't slip!
Fair enough, but I think we disagree somewhat on which ones are classic" enough is warrant returning.
I never thought about it that way. You could onto something by balancing the # of retros with the newer characters. We'll have to see...
But would you really prefer to see G&w and ICs return over new additions like Mac, Balloon Fighter or Mach Rider? There are a ton of forgotten characters who deserve a shot at Brawl just as much as those two...
I bet G&W is as easy to make as clones. Honestly, he's 2D=not hard to make, or at least I think. I could be wrong, but he's fairly/decently popular, takes little time to make=works. IC has a big fanbase, so I think they could stay, but again nothing is for certain. I think IC and G&W's roll in video gaming history (one starting Nintendo in gaming, the other being the backup for Super Mario Bros. on the NES, and virtually creating the side-scrolling genre similar to SMB, but the exact opposite) could save them.
Also, I think you might want to put Luigified clones on the first page under certain characters (WW Link, Dedede, etc.), so you don't get blasted as much, or as badly.
I'm betting WW Link will be a Luigified kinda clone, and Dedede...well he's Dede. I suppose he'll be somewhat like Kirby, but he'll also have a good twist (myabe a few original B moves), plus some neat original A attacks, but his A moveset could be a combination of IC+Kirby=Luigified. Maybe then you won't get hung!
Anyways, I generally think originality like IC and G&W can't be matched. Overall that could saves them, along with what I wrote 2 paragraphs up. Unless Mach Rider rides his bike the whole time (maybe as a special attack), he isn't going to be as original. Balloon Fight however could be extrmely original, behind only who I think are the 2 most original characters (G&W and IC). However, his roll in gaming isn't as big, and that could virtually make him not make it. However, I won't be surprised either way with Balloon Fight, as should everybody.
Not overboard in terms of the total # of characters, but overboard in the sense that it would be over representing the Starfox series, in my view. There are a ton of awesome characters who deserve to be in Brawl just as much as Falco, but are STILL waiting for a shot at the big time. Falco has had his chance, so its time for give that chance to some other character.
But I doubt it takes much time. Just reprogram him, update the graphics on him, give him a new gun, give him a few new moves, and you're done. With Wolf give him Falco or Fox's old blaster, give him luigified/falcofied (new vocab for the heck of it) b moveset, make his weight diffrent, and you're done. Plus give him more/less damage in moves as Falco and Fox, and make his attacks have a few diffrent effects. Everybody wins!
Evertime I think I've seen the last of Pokeon, the series is reborn once again like an undead zombie and the craze begins a new. With the games already selling zillions of copies, and the DS dominating like nobdy's bussiness I expect Nintendo to achieve total world domination by year's end - and I'll be the only one who notices because I haven't been brainwahed by that evil yellow rat and his brotherin.
I've noticed it already...scary. Seriously, I caught 5 of my friends going crazy because one of them lost a Pokemon battle in the old Gold/Silver version games (in which they made bets on), which is odd because I didn't even know they had those games to begin with. Add the fact they generally hated Pokemon=proof it is the most addicting RPG of all time! This is not debateable, it is fact!
O, and expect in the 6th gen (maybe the 5th) of Pokemon we'll get a baby/evolved version of Plusle and Minun. Or maybe even a trio in case they come out with 3 on 3's. Then we'll have anywhere from 7-10 annoying yellow rats (one being the awsome Raichu). Overall the Pika family (snap snap) and Pokemon series will keep reviving itself like zombies in Resident Evil 4 or Dead Rising=they won't stop coming=they won't die...FOREVER!!!
Force Unleashed does look great. I hope the Wii gets some Star Wars love eventually, since the Wii controller is perfectly suited for lightsaber duels.
Jedi Knight 4 for the Wii....need...now=if we get it I'll have a nerdgasm!
Still love how I love Star Wars while I generaly don't like Sci-Fi, at ALL! Well with a dozen or so exceptions at least.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll do just that.
Bet you liked it, past the first few episodes at least.
MGS3 Big Boss costume: a fair addition since the character appeared in the old NES games and all they would really have to do is add an eyepatch.
MGS4 Old Snake: Not too sure, since that form is exclusive to the PS3.
Pink Snake?!?!: *glares at Johnknight1* No. Never speak of this again.
I love MGS 3. I played it this weekend at my cousin's house, and I'm like 7/10th's through the game. I think I need to buy it...today=consumed my soul more than MGS2=a lot. God I love that game, why hadn't I played it so in depth before=curse you RE4! (or maybe not, since that game is awsome too)
How is Pink Snake not awsome, Solid Snake could show off his femine side.
I think the old outfit from MGS4 is likely actually, and hasn't every MG game since MGS been a PSx, PS2, or PS3 exclusive (or Twin Snakes=GCN exclusive)=??? Also, maybe having some of that makeup-like facepaint from MGS3 would be pretty funny.
Gotta say I love the zombie facepaint, a lot=awsome! Honestly, what stealth game star doesn't wear that (Sam Fisher does, under all that tech, unless he's being a n00b). The MGS3 Big Boss outfit is awsome=should be in (strangles Sakurai until he puts it in). Hopefully holding Sakurai hostage will bend him to my will (I'll add the Pink outfit just for Wiseguy!)
How about some of the world famous Canadian Prime minister’s? We could have the ultimate showdown between:
Founding Father John A. Macdonald - known for creating the first international railway and for spending most of his term in office completely drunk!
Mackenzie King – served longer than any leader in North America. He is also famous for seeking political advice from his dead dog’s ghost (I kid thee not).
Pierre Trudeau - who introduced the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and more impressively had an entire airport named after him!
Our current Prime Minister Steven Harper - Nothing to remarkable about him, other than the fact that he has heat vision (okay, not really).
Pretty exciting stuff, eh? I’ve decided to stop taking about Smash Bros on this thread and only talk about Canadian Politics. You guys are cool with that, right?
So how about a beer ol' Macdonald=??? Maybe on a train=??? O, and Wiseguy tell Harper to stop looking at me from behind, I got a burning feeling on my neck=reallly hurts and burns!
Also ask King for me how's Sparky doing, and tell him to tell Sparky to say I said hi. And to think I thought Richard Nixon was a bad president...
Well...I could use a history lesson Why not talk about old/dead politicans (from anywhere), find a way to make a Mii of them, and prepare them for battle in Brawl. Unleash the Bush army to consume the world=ultimate way to stop terrorism. *evil laugh*
Honestly, we could Bush vs. Harper vs. Blair vs. the President of Iran. Now that would be epic! *duel of fates begins to play in the background, while they they all pull out their lightsabers, (the President of Iran has a duo=Darth Mauls) and the battle begins*
I would be happy to see Prime 3 have Hunters-caliber online multiplayer, but if that were the case I would expect it to have been delayed even longer. The fact that we’re getting an August release makes me think that the game will consist entirely of a lengthy, superbly polished single player experience. And since the Wii will be getting both Brawl and Batteleon Wars online, that’s fine with me.
Metroid Prime 3 has been in development for a while longer than Brawl, so I won't be surprised if we get online somewat like Hunters. Also I heard (from several reliable sources) that drama in MP3 is going to at a much higher level, and maybe we'll hear Samus' voice, since we heard voice from the trailers. Maybe much like the end of the game she takes off her helmet deal, we hear her voice=??? Just a thought.
Anyways, I doubt we'll get multiple players with diffrent abilities (if we do, we'll get Space Pirates, Galatical Federation Troopers, and Dark Samus), and maybe we'll at least get more than 2 or 4 courses. Hopefully as many as Hunters (which is like 22-25), but more realistically around 16.
Nintendo needs a shooter to rival Halo 3, and Corruption is the way to go (with the pun intended!) Battalian Wars 2 helps (never played 1), but overall Nintendo needs to se their biggest hitters (SSB, Mario, tLOZ, Pokemon, Metroid) wisely on the Wii=their main path to victory.
Anyways, hopefully we'll get a Metroid game after Fusion. Fusion was amazing, and the end of that story makes me want more! Seriously, it's the last Metroid on the official timeline (Metroid/Zero Mission, MP, MP Hunters, MP2, MP3, Metroid II, Super Metroid), and what happens next=??? Such a plot twister=if you know what I'm talking about, you probably feel the same way. The ending of Fusion seriously turns the whole series upside down!
Resetti is awesome, but Nook is a more iconic character for the series in my view. Still, if Resetti did make it, you wouldn’t hear me complaining.
Most non-Animal Crossing fans don't reconize Nook, and most of the SSB fans know him because he is mentioned and talked about, or from that trophy. Same thing, but to a lesser extent with Resetti. Still, Miis are the best rep, maybe we'll have Nook in SSB4.
Watch these. They make the lightsaber duels in the movies look really lame in comparison!
I've already seen them...a few dozen times. Still, that Yoda vs. Dooku battle was short, but sweet, and I'd definitely have to say that was much better, though lacking length. The Obi-
Wan vs. Dooku was good, but not as good as it could hav been. At least Anaking vs. Dooku was good, and Yoda vs. Dooku was awsome (plus uber pwnage!)
I agree for the most part, though I personally prefer MM over OoT. It was the first Zelda I played and it will forever have a special place in my heart.
Alrite, time for my legthy speech=good story! Now MM/OOT are technically the same game, and MM is virtually the perfect sequal, as well as the best sequal ever. Now, I:m not saying a seqaul being better than the original makes it better (ie: Megaman II, SSBM), but a sequal that has everything the original doesn't have, and the original having everything the sequal doesn't have makes it the best sequal ever.
Same thing with tLOZ+Zelda II, but to a lesser extent. That is why I jump on people who hate on MM (or as you say, I go Snake on them, sneak up from behind, and slit their throats
) OOT had timechaging madeness, MM had mask madness. OOT had a wide world in 2 diffrent views (times), while MM had a smaller bugt more in detailed and detailed map, in 3 days of change. Plus they both virtually had opposite emotion effects in story and cutscenes, but while being exactly the same. They both fit together perfectly!
Plus tLOZ made the soverhead 2D genre, added switching weapons into video gaming, multiple (and seemingly endless) 1st and 2nd quest into the fray, etc. Zelda II is the birth of modern action RPG, first game with actually AI (that can pwn u anyday!), seeminly endless dungeons (along with tLOZ, but that last dungeon is literally insanely long=Miyamoto was bored), and super insane bosses that mad children cry (while being still beatable, but tLOZ had some insane bosses too).
Virtually in 2 games, tLOZ invented/reinvented the side-scrolling and overhead 2D, in ways that even Mario and Luigi couldn't=impressive. Ya, it pwns that friggen much, plus the level ups in Zelda II are pretty awsome, along with the insanely awsome magical spells. You could literally spend hours just looking and going around the overworld map before takling or even discovering the next or even any dungeon. You can't lose either way, with tLOZ/Zelda II, or OOT/MM.
If you want to play a REAL super hero game, try Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.
I'll check it out, thought I heard it was good. Superman not for Brawl FTW! His games suck, what can I say (and it is sad the real superman died). Too bad Superman games coudn't pwn like the original Superman, and the same thing, but to a somewhat lesser extent with Batman games.
Seriously, Adam West (along with the new and awsome Batman) need to team up and make good Batman and Superman games (leave out the new Superman=Return focuses too much on "zomg he can fly!")
Other then that, Superman Returns was sorta good I guess, but Batman Begins totally pwned! Best Superhero movie since Spider-man and X-Men. The guy who's playing the Joker in the next Batman doesn't look so good=like Venom. I want jack Nicolas back=never a better role for anything! Ya, off topic on a off topic on a off topic. Wanna get more off topic Wiseguy=???
Agreed. Diddy as a clone is utter lunacy in my view. And I’m seen as the most clone-happy guy on Smashboards.
Let Diddy be original. Disagree, and I'll make you look behind=slit your throat, the MGS3 way=o ya! No one (even Wiseguy) can disagree, just like no one can disagree King Dedede (dedededede) will be in Brawl. If you do (or did), then I've probably already slit your throat=needs to withdraw from MGS3. Too awsome=best thing since Twilight Princess!
Now for my feelings on the update. Kudos to Ferro for convincing (or using a Jedi Mindtrick) on you Wiseguy!
Dark Samus could go either way being original or being a Samus clone, so I won't disagree. WW Link will be a clone, but a friggen awsome one (along with my new main). I bet I made Wiseguy put Wolf O'Donell as a Fox clone=success! I guess if King K. Rool made it into Brawl he could be a Bowser clone, but sorta Luigified, plus with some originality=exactly a Luigified clone.
Miciah probably won't be in Brawl. Even if she is the star of the newest FE game, she isn't as big or popular worldwide as Ike, Marth, Roy, Hector, or Sigurd. One or two of them will make it, so she'll have to compete with 3 (possibly even 4) of them for that last spot. I don't think Goroh could be a clone, other than Luigified. Maybe use that sword, maybe not, but that determines if he's a clone or not.
Poo doesn't have anywhere near the same moves as Ness. Ness uses more PSI, and can use bats, yo-yo's, and slingshots as weapons. Poo has a sword, and uses a lot less PSI, so virtually Poo being a Ness clone is hard to imagine. Unless Poo steals most of Ness' moves like Ness did to Paula in SSB, I don't see him happening, especially as a clone. I think I'll take Wiseguy's character challenge in a while. That way he can insult my character predictions back!
@ Chief Mendez
Jet Set Radio Future...well isn't that good of a game (IMO it isn't that good). Jet Set Radio (on the Sega Dreamcast) was somewat good I guess. Still, what about Pikmin 1 or 2, or even F-Zero GX=???=both awsome games!