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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2007
Theres a lot of things I dont like, no offense:

Bowser Jr: I say hes gotta have the shadow mario transformation, seeing how sheik may not come back, hed be the only one with a transformation (not counting zamus seeing how "under certain conditions" she'll transform)

Twili midna: Seriously all of us who played TP are used to see midna in her imp form, why should she have a form weve only seen for about 5 minutes (at the end of the game)? I say Imp form or no deal :p
Also Zant is another good choice for a zelda character...

Mewtwo: how can u not have mewtwo on the list, yet jiggly is rite there, I say jiggly, not being as popular as she once was, should leave, and give mewtwo (that to this day is still considered the strongest pkmn [at least i think XD]) the boot? yet good job addin deoxys and lucario...

Metroid series: I have nothing against ur roster in the metroid part, yet sakurai stated he wanted to better represent the series, I just can c 3 characters (not counting zamus since u will [probably] not be able to select her rite from the selection screen)representing well the series, I say we gotta add a hunter in there: sylux weavel rundus seems like great choices, but only one can make it in :p

SF series: Wheres wolf??

FE: I think we can use more characters, maybe the goddes of dawn girl (forgot the name)?

yoshi series: I wanna c kamek in there

wario series: 9-volt and mona should be in, wario ware series is just that awesome

Kid icarus series: theres only a handful of retro series that can have mroe than 2 characters, kid icarus being one of them, I say they should add pelutena, that would bring some pwnage to the game, more retros the better!

Mii: 100% AAGREEE!! MII FTW!!!

too many 3rd parties, and with only 3 having the spot, I say: snake, sonic and megaman

I wouldnt say good bye to the ICs just yet, also geno shouldnt be counted as 3rd (ill explain l8r) and some characters like mach rider would bring pwnage even more to the list :p

overall 8/10

I agree. but your missing lucario who is very, very likley;)


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Great Thread!
Here are my predictions:


*Link WW

*King DDD.










*Ice Climbers



40 characters(counting transformations).
Seems pretty much perfect to me. The only problem I see is that it is somewhat lacking in the crazy surprises department. (Although Geno would come as a surprise to anyone outside of Smashboards).

OK, 8 3rd parties, and none of them are Rayman? Really wiseguy. Really.
Does anyone actually like the Rayman character? He seems pretty cookie cutter to me. But if I thought thare was a decent chamce of a Rabbid making the cut - you can bet I'd include him in a heart beat.


since i dont want anything to do with megaman i dont know how he is deconfimred.
can someone tell me plz?
Here ya go: http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/2007/12/22/no-mega-man-in-brawl-it-seems/

I agree. but your missing lucario who is very, very likley;)
I would say there is a strong chance of he being a mewtwo replacement, but the last time I predicted that Poke-fans burnt effigies of me in the streets...


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Those moves aren't just similar dude, they are indentical (save for his movements, I suppose). Either Ness and Lucas are clones or Sakurai ran out of ideas. (Or Ness is dead.)
Identical? Not exactly. You see, the animations are different. This is odd, considering that most characters retain their old animations from Melee. One or two redone moves moves would be expected, but all of them? If Lucas was a Ness clone (which he isn't, by the way) he'd be the first clone in Smash history to have new animations for all of his specials.
Personaly, I think Sakurai is going for a Mario/Luigi dynamic with Lucas and Ness.

Not to be rude, but there s a pretty logical explanation for why Ness's Melee moveset was completely remade: it kinda sucked. Seriously, why not just remake the moveset to fit the new Mother rep - only not useless. He he were going to make two unique movesets for the two characters, why not make them... unique?
Well, first of all, Lucas does have a unique moveset. Just look at his standard moves.
Second of all, I'd like you to remember the clones from Melee. I'm sure you'll recall that the clones, who's entire creation revolved around the idea of saving time, had new models, selection screen portraits, break the target levels, trophies, sound effects, and completely rebalanced movesets. But their animations remained the same, were practically the only thing to remain the same. What does this tell us? It tells us that the most time-consuming part of creating a moveset is the animations, and that it's easier (or at least quicker) to completely rebalance any given moveset than to re-animate it.
Did Ness's moveset suck? Well, re-balancing it is as easy as changing a few variables in the game's code; re-animating it would require the combined efforts of several people to get the motion and hit boxes in order.

Whether or not you believe Lucas will replace Ness, there are two undeniable points to consider:
1)Lucas is not a Ness clone, as proven by their differing animations.
2)It would have been far, far easier to give Lucas Ness's moveset AND re-balance it than to give Lucas his own moveset. But Lucas undeniably has his own unique (albeit superficially similar) moveset.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Identical? Not exactly. You see, the animations are different. This is odd, considering that most characters retain their old animations from Melee. One or two redone moves moves would be expected, but all of them? If Lucas was a Ness clone (which he isn't, by the way) he'd be the first clone in Smash history to have new animations for all of his specials.
Personaly, I think Sakurai is going for a Mario/Luigi dynamic with Lucas and Ness.

Well, first of all, Lucas does have a unique moveset. Just look at his standard moves.
Second of all, I'd like you to remember the clones from Melee. I'm sure you'll recall that the clones, who's entire creation revolved around the idea of saving time, had new models, selection screen portraits, break the target levels, trophies, sound effects, and completely rebalanced movesets. But their animations remained the same, were practically the only thing to remain the same. What does this tell us? It tells us that the most time-consuming part of creating a moveset is the animations, and that it's easier (or at least quicker) to completely rebalance any given moveset than to re-animate it.
Did Ness's moveset suck? Well, re-balancing it is as easy as changing a few variables in the game's code; re-animating it would require the combined efforts of several people to get the motion and hit boxes in order.

Whether or not you believe Lucas will replace Ness, there are two undeniable points to consider:
1)Lucas is not a Ness clone, as proven by their differing animations.
2)It would have been far, far easier to give Lucas Ness's moveset AND re-balance it than to give Lucas his own moveset. But Lucas undeniably has his own unique (albeit superficially similar) moveset.
Yes, but aside from the movement animations those three attacks (up-b, over-b, down-b) they seem to behave COMPLETELY identically. A very weird choice if both characters were designed with unique movesets - as even Luigi's attacks behave differently. It just doesn't make sense to me unless Ness is a clone or removed.

After thinking about it though, I think you are right that they being clones would be pretty much impossible. But while rebalancing Ness might be less time consuming than making Lucas from scratch, making Lucas from scratch AND rebalancing Ness would take more time than just remaking Lucas sans Ness (while at the same time allowing Lucas to inherient some of Ness' moveset). That's my theory, anyway.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Identical? Not exactly. You see, the animations are different. This is odd, considering that most characters retain their old animations from Melee. One or two redone moves moves would be expected, but all of them? If Lucas was a Ness clone (which he isn't, by the way) he'd be the first clone in Smash history to have new animations for all of his specials.
Personaly, I think Sakurai is going for a Mario/Luigi dynamic with Lucas and Ness.

Well, first of all, Lucas does have a unique moveset. Just look at his standard moves.
Second of all, I'd like you to remember the clones from Melee. I'm sure you'll recall that the clones, who's entire creation revolved around the idea of saving time, had new models, selection screen portraits, break the target levels, trophies, sound effects, and completely rebalanced movesets. But their animations remained the same, were practically the only thing to remain the same. What does this tell us? It tells us that the most time-consuming part of creating a moveset is the animations, and that it's easier (or at least quicker) to completely rebalance any given moveset than to re-animate it.
Did Ness's moveset suck? Well, re-balancing it is as easy as changing a few variables in the game's code; re-animating it would require the combined efforts of several people to get the motion and hit boxes in order.

Whether or not you believe Lucas will replace Ness, there are two undeniable points to consider:
1)Lucas is not a Ness clone, as proven by their differing animations.
2)It would have been far, far easier to give Lucas Ness's moveset AND re-balance it than to give Lucas his own moveset. But Lucas undeniably has his own unique (albeit superficially similar) moveset.

How are you and Devastlian still talking about this?

Mario has a new animation for his Fsmash, Bair, Dair is different, new down Special...OMG MARIO IS A CLONE OF MARIO!!!!
Mario and Mario will be in Brawl :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

This cracks me up! ;)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
Why are you calling this 'wise guys brawl predictions'?!?!? all u did was pick all the most cliche characters everyone has thought up so far and put it out there in an obnoxiously long list. you might as well have labeled this sakurais poll


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Why are you calling this 'wise guys brawl predictions'?!?!? all u did was pick all the most cliche characters everyone has thought up so far and put it out there in an obnoxiously long list. you might as well have labeled this sakurais poll
Well, the reason I went with "Wiseguy's Brawl Predictions" is because I'm Wiseguy, and these and my "predictions" about Smash Bros Brawl.

Sorry, was that too complicated for you to understand? If so, I could try getting that across again using sock puppets as visual aides.

Or you could bite me.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Yes, but aside from the movement animations those three attacks (up-b, over-b, down-b) they seem to behave COMPLETELY identically. A very weird choice if both characters were designed with unique movesets - as even Luigi's attacks behave differently. It just doesn't make sense to me unless Ness is a clone or removed.
I think you should check those moves again. You'll find that Lucas's moves are full of differences from Ness's in the Mario/Luigi style.
Lucas's PK thunder flies straight and explodes differently. Perhaps it's not that great of a difference, but then again all luigi's fireball did was fly straight too. And Lucas's PSI Magnet only covers his front, while Ness's covers all sides. PK Freeze may control the same, but then again so did Captain Falcon's up tilt and Ganondorf's volcano kick. Or Mario's super jump punch and Luigi's fire jump punch.
The bottom line is that Lucas has Luigified special moves and all his own standard moves. This seems like a set up to make Lucas and Ness into character with the Mario/Luigi dynamic.

After thinking about it though, I think you are right that they being clones would be pretty much impossible. But while rebalancing Ness might be less time consuming than making Lucas from scratch, making Lucas from scratch AND rebalancing Ness would take more time than just remaking Lucas sans Ness (while at the same time allowing Lucas to inherient some of Ness' moveset). That's my theory, anyway.
I see what you mean, but I still like my theory better. I think that Lucas and Ness are going to have the same kind of dynamic that Mario and Luigi had in Melee.
So far, it's a theory that's yet to be proven false or even unlikely, so I'm sticking with it.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
well recent news may prove otherwise, checkout the geno thread.

edit: nvm the news was fake
Evidence against Geno? Even more? What is it, I didn't find it on the Geno thread.

As for the fate of Ness, I think that Oyster Meister has a point, but I can't really pick out what could happen next. I personally don't want to see The Twelve ripped apart, but apparently Sakurai is MOTHER 3 obsessed.
Jun 26, 2007
koopa cape located at the end of rainbow road
Evidence against Geno? Even more? What is it, I didn't find it on the Geno thread.

As for the fate of Ness, I think that Oyster Meister has a point, but I can't really pick out what could happen next. I personally don't want to see The Twelve ripped apart, but apparently Sakurai is MOTHER 3 obsessed.
some guy had a blog saying that he contacted s-e about geno in brawl, and says they responded to him saying that they have not been contacted by nintendo yet. But the same day the post was removed so it was most likely a fake.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
Notice: I count transformations as one character.
* = confirmed

1) Mario (*)
2) Peach (*)
3) Bowser (*)
4) Luigi
5) Geno.

6) Link (*)
7) Zelda (*) / Shiek
8) Ganondorf
9) Midna&Wolflink

10) Kirby (*)
11) Meta Knight (*)
12) King Dedede (*)
13) Rick or another Kirby character

14) Pikachu (*)
15) PT (*)
16) Jigglypuff
17) Mewtwo

18) Samus (*) / Zamus (*)
19) Ridley

20) Fox (*)
21) Falco
22) Krystal

23) Ike (*)
24) Marth
25) Micaiah

26) Donkey Kong (*)
27) Diddy Kong (*)
28) K.Rool

29) Yoshi (*)

30) Wario (*)

31) Lucas (*)
32) Claus

33) Captain Falcon

34) Captain Olimar
35) Isaac
36) Animal Crosser

37) Ice Climber (*)
38) Pit (*)
39) Lip
40) Mr. G&W

41) Snake (*)
42) Sonic (*)

That's my prediciton list, if you want me to cut two characters, it will be Isaac and Micaiah.
I hope you'll find time to rate my list.

There is one thing I don't like on your list.

It's Takamaru.
I agree Sakurai is a retrofan and three retros are too low for the roster. But excluding Marth and including Takamaru as a replacement is a bad thing.

Marth is the face of Fire Emblem, probably the most popular character from the series. Ike, being a heavy, slow and strong sworduser is something like the opposite of Marth, being a light, fast and ... not so strong sworduser.

Takamaru could replace Marth. He could have the same stats and similar attacks. But Marth is a veteran, there isn't a big reason to replace him and certainly not with Takamaru.




Smash Cadet
Oct 7, 2007
That's a good prediction, though I think Megaman and Bomberman won't be in it though.



Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2007
See signature...
I like Wiseguys predicctions....The only problem in it starts with M and ends with arth.
I think Marth chances are very high because remake,high tier,etc.
Jun 26, 2007
koopa cape located at the end of rainbow road
I like Wiseguys predicctions....The only problem in it starts with M and ends with arth.
I think Marth chances are very high because remake,high tier,etc.
not that i have anything against marth but i dont think that sakuri cares about or even knows about tiers. I think he'll keep marth in there only if he or the fans like him enough.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Well folks, it's another year, the year we get Brawl. Unfortunately all we have to do is sit around and cool our heels until tthe seventh, and I sincerely hope that we get something big, and I mean BIG from Sakurai. You owe us for putting us through such mundanity as "Widescreen Settings" and "Options". He'd better give us something HUGE like Ridley, Olimar, something desired for a long time. Not music. Not funtions or how to plays. We. Need. Characters.

'Nuff said.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Well folks, it's another year, the year we get Brawl. Unfortunately all we have to do is sit around and cool our heels until tthe seventh, and I sincerely hope that we get something big, and I mean BIG from Sakurai. You owe us for putting us through such mundanity as "Widescreen Settings" and "Options". He'd better give us something HUGE like Ridley, Olimar, something desired for a long time. Not music. Not funtions or how to plays. We. Need. Characters.

'Nuff said.
I agree, but I have a huge feeling that nothing's going to change. :ohwell:

We'll know the full roster soon, anyways.:)

The Great Tama

Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008
Sakurai should definitely put Olimar up on the 7th. He seems like he would be the next starter. I like your thread Wiseguy. Keep it up.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I'd love to see Olimar, Isaac, or at this point out of pure desperation, ANY GOOD CHARACTER I'VE SEEN POP UP ACROSS THE FORUMS.

One more character's confirmation should tide me over until we know the full roster. :)


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Y'know, I honestly think that, despite any sort of roster it may have, I honestly believe that Brawl will be the game of all games. I believe that it will not only top Halo 3, but MassEffect, and Fallout 3. I think that Brawl could be so rediculously huge that it will be the game that will define this generation, just like the Wii defines this generation. Like the Wii, which isn't the Gamecube 2 or Gamecube 360, it's totally different and pioneering. Same for Brawl. Heh, Smash has come a long way from it's radicle percent based fighting game with celebrity characters with rough graphics. Now it's got Wi-Fi play, a story mode, and third party characters in a game with great graphics, and amazing music.

From the bottom of my heart and soul I rightously declare: "BRAWL FTW!"

Sorry, I just watched the speech part of Independance Day and felt very patriotic and speechy.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
After thinking about it though, I think you are right that they being clones would be pretty much impossible. But while rebalancing Ness might be less time consuming than making Lucas from scratch, making Lucas from scratch AND rebalancing Ness would take more time than just remaking Lucas sans Ness (while at the same time allowing Lucas to inherient some of Ness' moveset). That's my theory, anyway.
Well, it is pretty ****ing obvious that doing one thing would take less time than doing two things. Then again, with different people or different teams working on individual characters, ya never know.

How are you and Devastlian still talking about this?

Mario has a new animation for his Fsmash, Bair, Dair is different, new down Special...OMG MARIO IS A CLONE OF MARIO!!!!
Mario and Mario will be in Brawl :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

This cracks me up! ;)
WTF are you even talking about? You could always try thinking if you don't understand something.

As for the fate of Ness, I think that Oyster Meister has a point, but I can't really pick out what could happen next. I personally don't want to see The Twelve ripped apart, but apparently Sakurai is MOTHER 3 obsessed.
ITEM from MOTHER 2 and 3.
ITEM from MOTHER 1, 2, and 3.

It does seem to have the majority. Then again, elements from secret character's games could not be revealed yet, lololol.

Well folks, it's another year, the year we get Brawl. Unfortunately all we have to do is sit around and cool our heels until tthe seventh, and I sincerely hope that we get something big, and I mean BIG from Sakurai. You owe us for putting us through such mundanity as "Widescreen Settings" and "Options". He'd better give us something HUGE like Ridley, Olimar, something desired for a long time. Not music. Not funtions or how to plays. We. Need. Characters.

'Nuff said.
I believe we're due for a Mario song, Zelda and Snake's Final Smash, a few of the veterans' special moves, a few items and assist trophies from the demos, crawling...Those could easily fill up the thirteen updates before the release. Roffle roffle roffle. Then again, they could always just do triple updates from here on out.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
There will only be 3 Kirby characters.
Sakurai is making the game.
And I don't think that Sakurai would put the Kirby series at the same level with represantations than Fire Emblem, StarFox or the DK series. I think he want to put the Kirby series at the same level like the Mario series, Zelda series and Pokémon.

The Kirby series get lot of representation. We have three characters. It's the highest number of characters confirmed on the Dojo (with the Mario series).

And it's the last chance to give the Kirby series the high number of characters. It's his last game.

=> That's the reason I think, we get another Kirby related character.

Yeah, as much as I love Rick, Kirby does not need anymore playable characters.
We have the three characters we need. Well, Sakurai can put more, if he want to.



Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Sakurai is making the game.
And I don't think that Sakurai would put the Kirby series at the same level with represantations than Fire Emblem, StarFox or the DK series. I think he want to put the Kirby series at the same level like the Mario series, Zelda series and Pokémon.

The Kirby series get lot of representation. We have three characters. It's the highest number of characters confirmed on the Dojo (with the Mario series).

And it's the last chance to give the Kirby series the high number of characters. It's his last game.

=> That's the reason I think, we get another Kirby related character.

We have the three characters we need. Well, Sakurai can put more, if he want to.

Actually, I think that that is one of the things Sakurai won't do, specifically because he made the Kirby series. I'm sure that one of the things he set out to do when making Brawl was to give a little love to the Kirby series, but he certainly doesn't want to blare out on his own horn so that it deafens all others. PAting yourself on the back for a job well done is one thing, but three characters in one sitting? Even the Mario franchise didn't get 3 (excluding Luigi, who was in SSB64) new characters for Melee and they definitely have earns most cudos from the big N. Listen, Sakurai probably doesn't want to look cocky or ego filled. He's given Kirby a well deserved dose of reps, but slapping on so many characters for a franchise you made? It's overkill. Maybe we'll see Rick or others in SSB4, but for now, lets not go oveerboard on the Kirby characters.

On another note, am I the only one that thinks that SSBB has covered all of the bases as far as reps go? I mean, what oter big franchise is there that isn't in Brawl? I've already thrown out my two cents that now that Bungie's 2nd party the Cheif has a chance for the next one, but who else is there that big enough to get in? Nintendo's got every popular franchise that they own covered, so I suppose that third party will become much more increased as time passes. Some of the top icons, Lara Croft, the sadly lost his glory Crash Bandicoot, The stealthy Sam Fisher. All possibilities for SSB4, but most likely, not now.

Difficult to see, the future is.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
But I don't think Sakurai will rep the Kirby series same like Fire Emblem series, DK series or Fire Emblem series. (Wiseguy solve this problem in a good way)

That's a little bit bad to say, but I try it:
For SSB Kirby and King Dedede were planned (15 characters were originally planned)
For Melee Kirby, King Dedede and Meta Knight were planned (25 characters with an own moveset)
Having ~40 characters in Brawl, the Kirby series could get four reps.

Mario series: Mario + Luigi (clone) [1 1/2]
-> Mario + Peach + Bowser + Luigi (semiclone) + Dr.Mario (clone) [4 1/4]
+ 3 3/4 characters

Zelda series: Link [1]
-> Link + Zelda + Shiek + Ganondorf (clone) + YLink (clone) [4]
+3 charactes

Pokémon: Pikachu + Jigglypuff [2]
-> Pikachu + Jigglypuff + Mewtwo + Pichu [4]
+2 charactes

Kirby got 0 newcomer.

Don't forget that the Kirby series has a big role in Brawl. Meta's ship, the beggining and Sakurai shows the Kirby series as one of the four biggest Nintendo series.

I think the fourth Kirby rep could be an unique character like Marx. So nobody would mind that Sakurai put three new Kirby characters in.

Maybe a way to solve that problem.

On another note, am I the only one that thinks that SSBB has covered all of the bases as far as reps go? I mean, what oter big franchise is there that isn't in Brawl? I've already thrown out my two cents that now that Bungie's 2nd party the Cheif has a chance for the next one, but who else is there that big enough to get in? Nintendo's got every popular franchise that they own covered, so I suppose that third party will become much more increased as time passes. Some of the top icons, Lara Croft, the sadly lost his glory Crash Bandicoot, The stealthy Sam Fisher. All possibilities for SSB4, but most likely, not now.
Master Chief still belongs to Microsoft. Only Bungie doesn't belong 100% to Microsoft anymore.

I think the biggest serie of Nintendo not represented in Brawl with a rep is Nintendo Wars.



Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Maggirus, seriously... There won't be another Kirby character. It's incredible that we got three Kirby characters when you think about it!

Not only is giving Kirby the same amount of characters as the Mario series illogical, you're also forgetting that Sakurai is modest and that's why we didn't get any other Kirby characters in the past. Seriously, be happy with what we've got.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
I can see Kracko & Dynablade as ATs or bosses. Marx and a character like Daroach or Drawcia as ATs.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
But I don't think Sakurai will rep the Kirby series same like Fire Emblem series, DK series or Fire Emblem series. (Wiseguy solve this problem in a good way)
But both of those series got one new rep. (And you said Fire Emblem twice). We're lucky that Kirby got two new reps. Not even DK, who has been with Nintendo literally from the beginning has just now gotten Diddy and may or may not get K. Rool, and that would be lucky too.

That's a little bit bad to say, but I try it:
For SSB Kirby and King Dedede were planned (15 characters were originally planned)
For Melee Kirby, King Dedede and Meta Knight were planned (25 characters with an own moveset)
Having ~40 characters in Brawl, the Kirby series could get four reps.
Yeah, but you have to factor in the other rep spots that have been neglected. F-Zero, Earthbound, Yoshi, they all have only one rep, and if Kirby can get three more then surely it wouldn't be out of the qestion to give them some too? Listen, Sakurai won't do that because he'll seem bias. "Oh yeah, Sakurai gives his own series four reps, but when it comes to the others he's got cold feet. What a jerk." Does Sakurai want something like that blemishing his resume? I doubt it.

Mario series: Mario + Luigi (clone) [1 1/2]
-> Mario + Peach + Bowser + Luigi (semiclone) + Dr.Mario (clone) [4 1/4]
+ 3 3/4 characters

Zelda series: Link [1]
-> Link + Zelda + Shiek + Ganondorf (clone) + YLink (clone) [4]
+3 charactes

Pokémon: Pikachu + Jigglypuff [2]
-> Pikachu + Jigglypuff + Mewtwo + Pichu [4]
+2 charactes

Kirby got 0 newcomer.
Yeah, did F-Zero, Earthbound, DK, or Yoshi get newcomers? Listen, in a game like this you have a problem never encountered in a fighting game before (Besides Soulcalibur [slightly] and Marvel VS Capcom). They have to pay attention to the more popular before adding a handful to a rep, let alone three.

Don't forget that the Kirby series has a big role in Brawl. Meta's ship, the beggining and Sakurai shows the Kirby series as one of the four biggest Nintendo series.
Did you ever think that perhaps those characters are getting so much attention because they're compensating for only having three reps? Perhaps them having a big role in SE and four reps is pushinng it a bit far, don't you think?

I think the fourth Kirby rep could be an unique character like Marx. So nobody would mind that Sakurai put three new Kirby characters in.
People will mind no matter how unique the character, it still will take up a space that people would rather have go to Olimar or Ridley.

Master Chief still belongs to Microsoft. Only Bungie doesn't belong 100% to Microsoft anymore.
Bungie and bungie alone holds the rights to the future of the Halo series and all affiliated in it. Microsoft has none. Thus the 2nd Party title Bungie has now aquired.

I think the biggest serie of Nintendo not represented in Brawl with a rep is Nintendo Wars.

What are the Nintendo Wars?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
If Kirby gets a fourth rep, it might be Daroach. Another character would be Ribbon, but she's too small and light. Another could be Adeline, but meh...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
But both of those series got one new rep. (And you said Fire Emblem twice). We're lucky that Kirby got two new reps. Not even DK, who has been with Nintendo literally from the beginning has just now gotten Diddy and may or may not get K. Rool, and that would be lucky too.
We're not lucky we get three Kirby reps, they were necessary. DK series is very important to Nintendo, they are underrated (I think because of the worse games in last time).

Yeah, but you have to factor in the other rep spots that have been neglected. F-Zero, Earthbound, Yoshi, they all have only one rep, and if Kirby can get three more then surely it wouldn't be out of the qestion to give them some too? Listen, Sakurai won't do that because he'll seem bias. "Oh yeah, Sakurai gives his own series four reps, but when it comes to the others he's got cold feet. What a jerk." Does Sakurai want something like that blemishing his resume? I doubt it.
It's just one more character and even the Kirby series are a very important franchise for Nintendo, unlike the other three you mentioned. Well, is it that worse to have four Kirby characters?

Yeah, did F-Zero, Earthbound, DK, or Yoshi get newcomers? Listen, in a game like this you have a problem never encountered in a fighting game before (Besides Soulcalibur [slightly] and Marvel VS Capcom). They have to pay attention to the more popular before adding a handful to a rep, let alone three.
So, only popular characters will be in? I doubt it.
Until now, we've seen only important characters in Brawl (beside Ivysaur, Charizard and Shiggy). There were a lot of characters we will see, who are unexpected and maybe unpopular. And is a 4th Kirby rep really that unlikely?

Did you ever think that perhaps those characters are getting so much attention because they're compensating for only having three reps? Perhaps them having a big role in SE and four reps is pushinng it a bit far, don't you think?
It could be, but it could be also a sign that Sakurai is overrepresenting his Kirby serie.

People will mind no matter how unique the character, it still will take up a space that people would rather have go to Olimar or Ridley.
Like Mr. G&W and Ice Climber being in instead of Wario, Diddy and King Dedede in Melee?
They play the game and they see how awesome it is, like that what happend in Melee. And even, is one additional character really that worse? It sounds like a 4th Kirby character would take the space of 20 other more neccesary.

Bungie and bungie alone holds the rights to the future of the Halo series and all affiliated in it. Microsoft has none. Thus the 2nd Party title Bungie has now aquired.
Microsoft has the rights of Master Chief and Halo. Bungie is 2nd Party.



Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
We're not lucky we get three Kirby reps, they were necessary. DK series is very important to Nintendo, they are underrated (I think because of the worse games in last time).

Like Mr. G&W and Ice Climber being in instead of Wario, Diddy and King Dedede in Melee?
They play the game and they see how awesome it is, like that what happend in Melee. And even, is one additional character really that worse? It sounds like a 4th Kirby character would take the space of 20 other more neccesary.
Kirby has gotten enough reps. They've gotten 2 new reps, which is more than any other franchise yet (count PT as one). That could also be the biggest increase seen in brawl. Look at it that way and Sakurai has already done something good for the Kirby Franchise.

And yes, one character spot is a big deal. Just to touch a nerve, the thought of Ridley, Krystal, Issac, Olimar, Geno, or any other highly highly anticipated character losing out to some minor kirby character would put fans beyond irate. The different rosters on the boards are only separated by a few different spots and most don't have room for a fourth kirby rep, and people still complain that their character isn't represented.

Keep in mind that awhile ago the thought was 45 character roster, then 40 and now 40 is considered lucky. There just isn't any room for a fourth Kirby rep, plain and simple.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
Kirby has gotten enough reps. They've gotten 2 new reps, which is more than any other franchise yet (count PT as one). That could also be the biggest increase seen in brawl. Look at it that way and Sakurai has already done something good for the Kirby Franchise.
It's your opinion based. For Melee (25 character roster) three Kirby characters were planned, but because of lack of time they haven't be included.
Now, we have a bigger roster (~35-50 characters). There is for sure space for a 4th Kirby character.

And yes, one character spot is a big deal. Just to touch a nerve, the thought of Ridley, Krystal, Issac, Olimar, Geno, or any other highly highly anticipated character losing out to some minor kirby character would put fans beyond irate. The different rosters on the boards are only separated by a few different spots and most don't have room for a fourth kirby rep, and people still complain that their character isn't represented.
Like in Melee? Clones, Mr. G&W and cloned Ganondorf in, instead of the wish characters like Diddy, Dedede or Wario. They play the game and after a short time, they're happy with this roster. Like in Melee. When the roster had been leaked, many people were angry about it. Now, nobody is complaining anymore.
And the rosters are too similar, nobody can expecting the right characters, we will see a lot of surprises (like PT). Sakurai isn't that predictable.

The Kirby series are one of the four biggest series of Nintendo now. Bigger than StarFox, DK, or any series. Having four characters isn't far'fetchd.

Most of the people here agree that StarFox will have three characters. I don't think Sakurai would represent the Kirby series with the same number of reps like StarFox.
(It seems like Wiseguy thought about this. The Kirby series have four reps, but it's still the franchise with the four most characters)



Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2008
I hope that Japanese famicom character doesnt make it.

And Dixie Kong does instead :D

Arent there only going to be 3 3rd part characters? Geno is more likely than megaman
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