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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Kirby, Meta Knight, and Dedede are all the Kirby series needs. They're the three most important and recognizable characters the series has to offer, as well as the most interesting. After them, character choice breaks down into hamsters and balls of ooze with googly eyes.
My point is that there isn't any Kirby character left who's really important enough for a spot on the Brawl roster. There just isn't. You could argue that having a fourth Kiby character would be a surprise, and that in the past surprise characters have won out over popular ones through the sheer weight of their novelty, and sure, Mr. Game and Watch and Ice Climbers were surprises, but then they were also really unique in the having-only-two-dimensions and being-two-characters-at-the-same-time kind of way. Can a hampster bring that kind of uniqueness to the table? Not really.

Besides, shouldn't having surprises means having obscure characters from unheard-of series, not digging up minor characters from series that already have their best representatives accounted for?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
I've chosen Rick and Gooey, because they had trophies in Melee.

Maybe you are calling him only a hamster, but he is really more like that. He could have an unique moveset, but nevermind.
(Mario is only a plumber - Bowser is a freaking turtle and go on)

Gooey is the best friend of Kirby. He is a blue weird thing with a long tongue and stupid looking eyes. They aren't the only one characters from the Kirby series.

Dark Matter is an important character. Nightmare is likely a boss, (Dark Matter also could be). Marx could be a really unique character, bringing new aspects for Brawl, he also was mentioned on Sakurai's poll. Daroach is an important boss from the new DS game. Lololo&Lalalala had their own game, now they belong to the Kirby series and they are also mentioned on Sakurai's poll.

And Sakurai knows his series perfectly. Making a character, who even hasn't a moveset could be really easy for him. Most of the characters I mentioned, have enough unique moves for a playable moveset.

And after your logic we should have only the most important and recognizable characters from the series.
So LoZ should get only three characters? The Mario series 4 and go on.



Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
No. I don't know where you possibly could've gotten this from. There weren't any characters revealed on the SSBM Dojo before the game came out that weren't in the first trailer or shown in the first update and those were all of the starters. Then Luigi was profiled the day the game came out and they started revealing the secret characters one a week.

Someone who got an advance copy did leak everything before the release, though.
That must have been where I had remembered it from. I can only recall the roster being revealed a week or two prior to release. Obviously, I didn't realize that it was from a leaked source. I apologize for my ignorance. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
I've chosen Rick and Gooey, because they had trophies in Melee.

Maybe you are calling him only a hamster, but he is really more like that. He could have an unique moveset, but nevermind.
(Mario is only a plumber - Bowser is a freaking turtle and go on)

Gooey is the best friend of Kirby. He is a blue weird thing with a long tongue and stupid looking eyes. They aren't the only one characters from the Kirby series.

Dark Matter is an important character. Nightmare is likely a boss, (Dark Matter also could be). Marx could be a really unique character, bringing new aspects for Brawl, he also was mentioned on Sakurai's poll. Daroach is an important boss from the new DS game. Lololo&Lalalala had their own game, now they belong to the Kirby series and they are also mentioned on Sakurai's poll.

And Sakurai knows his series perfectly. Making a character, who even hasn't a moveset could be really easy for him. Most of the characters I mentioned, have enough unique moves for a playable moveset.
I never said these characters couldn't have good movesets, just that they wouldn't have movesets with the same kind of "wow, I can't believe there's a character like this" factor as Mr. G&W or the Ice Climbers did.
Which is why I find it highly unlikely that another Kirby character could pop up as a surprise on the roster in the same way that Mr G&W and the Ice Climbers did.

And after your logic we should have only the most important and recognizable characters from the series.
So LoZ should get only three characters? The Mario series 4 and go on.

Why, yes, I do think we should only have the most important and recognizable characters from a series. Smash Bros is a mascot fighter, after all, I don't think a character who couldn't be considered a mascot should get in.

I wouldn't be so strict as to say ONLY three for the Zelda series or ONLY four for Mario, though. But I would say that once we get down to Marin or Birdo in terms of character choice we should move on to other franchises or series and let some of their characters have a chance.

Major characters from minor franchises should be greater than minor characters from major franchises.

Anyone after the trio of Kirby, Metaknight, and Dedede in the Kirby series is a minor character from a major franchise.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
I never said these characters couldn't have good movesets, just that they wouldn't have movesets with the same kind of "wow, I can't believe there's a character like this" factor as Mr. G&W or the Ice Climbers did.
Which is why I find it highly unlikely that another Kirby character could pop up as a surprise on the roster in the same way that Mr G&W and the Ice Climbers did.
You want to have an unexpected Kirby-character? Something special and really unexpected.

Let's see.... Marx

He would have a really unique moveset (I'm too lazy to make one >_>), he was on Sakurai's poll and didn't Sakurai say he would love to see him being playable? (I think it was Marx...).
Why, yes, I do think we should only have the most important and recognizable characters from a series. Smash Bros is a mascot fighter, after all, I don't think a character who couldn't be considered a mascot should get in.
Not only mascots are / will be in Brawl. (I hate the anti-Geno argument that he isn't a mascot). So how are characters like Roy or Dr. Mario mascots to Nintendo?
I wouldn't be so strict as to say ONLY three for the Zelda series or ONLY four for Mario, though. But I would say that once we get down to Marin or Birdo in terms of character choice we should move on to other franchises or series and let some of their characters have a chance.
There are many characters in the Kirby series who aren't that obscure like the characters you named. And yes smaller franchises should be represented, but it seems like the bigger franchises like Mario, Zelda, Pokémon and Kirby will also get characters first.

Anyone after the trio of Kirby, Metaknight, and Dedede in the Kirby series is a minor character from a major franchise.
Dark Matter? Nightmare?



Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
You want to have an unexpected Kirby-character? Something special and really unexpected.

Let's see.... Marx

He would have a really unique moveset (I'm too lazy to make one >_>), he was on Sakurai's poll and didn't Sakurai say he would love to see him being playable? (I think it was Marx...).
I don't recall Sakurai ever saying he would love to see Marx playable, although if you could find the quote...
And the poll is a nice thing, but then remember that James Bond was also on the poll, and he literally can't be a character because he didn't get his start in a videogame.

But Marx is a minor character. He was just one of several final bosses in superstar. You might as well have Dyna-Blade up there, because at least she appeared twice in the same game.

Not only mascots are / will be in Brawl. (I hate the anti-Geno argument that he isn't a mascot). So how are characters like Roy or Dr. Mario mascots to Nintendo?
Well, they were clones, and clones can get into the roster under dubious circumstances. But if I had to defend them, I'd say that Dr. Mario is the face of a popular Nintendo puzzle game and that Roy was the main character of the most recent game in a long lasting and popular series.

There are many characters in the Kirby series who aren't that obscure like the characters you named. And yes smaller franchises should be represented, but it seems like the bigger franchises like Mario, Zelda, Pokémon and Kirby will also get characters first.
Kirby already got it's characters first. It got it's two most important and most recurring characters after Kirby.
The only characters left are the obscure ones. Just more end bosses and mid bosses, really. And Metaknight and Dedede already have the roles of rival and boss covered very well.

Dark Matter? Nightmare?

Those aren't major characters. Case in point: have either of them been ever been playable or unlockable in a kirby game? Metakight and Dedede have.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Listern, Maggie, perhaps you don't quite get it: Kirby has gotten two new characters, a large part in the SSE, two new items, and a new stage. Do you think that they already have enough!? Listen, I can see Kirby getting a new character, and Dedede was expected, but another!? What makes Kirby get so much attention while the Yoshi, Earthbound, Fire Emblem, and in particular, F-Zero get left behind to rot? What makes you think that Kirby will get a ridiculus amount of reps when the series has already gotten more than it's share. As for Kirby being Sakki's creation, that is the one reason he won't go too overboard. He's given Kirby a lot, but making Kirby have as many reps as the Zelda series is rediculous! Sakurai is not one to go "Look at me, I made this, so let's make it Super Kirby Brothers!" Maybe I'm being a little exaggerative, but I at least know that most sensible businessmen won't blow their own horn as much as you're suggesting. Giving your creation some due is one thing, but making it a huge blowout makes you come off as bias, egotistical, and self centered, and that can jepordize your chances of getting much say in the next Smash Bros. I mean, look at it this way: If you come off as playing up your creation and not spreading the accolade, you'll not be able to have much say again, and I'm sure that that's the last thing that he wants.

As for characters, the Kirby series has already shown all of it's top characters. Nightmare and Dark Matter, in case you've forgotten, were both huge, bigger than Master Hand! I know that in Smash, preportion is in constant flux, but you really can't pull something like that off. They're probably going to be boss(es) in the SSE. Waddle Dee and Waddle Doo, another popular character choice for Kirby, are simply moves for Dedede. All other characters, such as Gooey (Too cloned and wacky looking) to Rick (Not even remotely iconic or anthropomorphic) or this Marx (WTF!?) have not been reoccuring characters and are not nearly as important as Dedede or Metaknight to the series and thusly should be included, but after all franchises get their due, otherwise Sakurai comes off as playing favorites.

'Nuff said.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 22, 2007
That is on a strictly need-to-know basis. If I to
Don't let the fact that you like a series cloud your judgement. Kriby will not be getting another character. This is a fact. I don't want to be mean but you have to accept that. I like Ness but have accepted his loss. I like Mewtwo but I honestly don't see him coming back. You may like a character or series, but that is not enough to justify another rep from that game.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Don't let the fact that you like a series cloud your judgement. Kriby will not be getting another character. This is a fact. I don't want to be mean but you have to accept that. I like Ness but have accepted his loss. I like Mewtwo but I honestly don't see him coming back. You may like a character or series, but that is not enough to justify another rep from that game.
For one speaking of facts, you make a few assumptions. Just because the facts point against something doesn't mean it won't happen, just meaning that it will be very unlikely. Kirby could get another character, but it is highly unlikely. Ness may come back, but Lucas seems to make it doubtful. Mewtwo may come back, and there are no facts against him.

However, you are right, facts should be unbias, and not based on opinion. Geno is incredibly unlikely, Marx, Rick, and Gooey are unlikely. These are facts, and I've given a slew of irrefutable facts to back this up, and all are true.

'Nuff said.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
Listern, Maggie, perhaps you don't quite get it: Kirby has gotten two new characters, a large part in the SSE, two new items, and a new stage. Do you think that they already have enough!? Listen, I can see Kirby getting a new character, and Dedede was expected, but another!? What makes Kirby get so much attention while the Yoshi, Earthbound, Fire Emblem, and in particular, F-Zero get left behind to rot? What makes you think that Kirby will get a ridiculus amount of reps when the series has already gotten more than it's share. As for Kirby being Sakki's creation, that is the one reason he won't go too overboard. He's given Kirby a lot, but making Kirby have as many reps as the Zelda series is rediculous! Sakurai is not one to go "Look at me, I made this, so let's make it Super Kirby Brothers!" Maybe I'm being a little exaggerative, but I at least know that most sensible businessmen won't blow their own horn as much as you're suggesting. Giving your creation some due is one thing, but making it a huge blowout makes you come off as bias, egotistical, and self centered, and that can jepordize your chances of getting much say in the next Smash Bros. I mean, look at it this way: If you come off as playing up your creation and not spreading the accolade, you'll not be able to have much say again, and I'm sure that that's the last thing that he wants.
Don't forget. The Kirby series are the 4th biggest Nintendo franchise and the 5th best selling Nintendo franchise. The series you've named are all smaller franchises, with less importance to Nintendo.
And how did the Kirby series got more than they share? Yes, they got a lot, but they didn't get too lot. We're talking about one additional Kirby character. The other series get also represantion. Being the 4th biggest franchise of Nintendo means that Kirby get more represantation than smaller franchises. That's clear. And Sakurai has the rights to represent the Kirby franchise with a 4th rep. And don't exaggerate it. >_>
And he won't and he isn't underrepresenting and not overrepresenting his series.

As for characters, the Kirby series has already shown all of it's top characters. Nightmare and Dark Matter, in case you've forgotten, were both huge, bigger than Master Hand! I know that in Smash, preportion is in constant flux, but you really can't pull something like that off. They're probably going to be boss(es) in the SSE. Waddle Dee and Waddle Doo, another popular character choice for Kirby, are simply moves for Dedede. All other characters, such as Gooey (Too cloned and wacky looking) to Rick (Not even remotely iconic or anthropomorphic) or this Marx (WTF!?) have not been reoccuring characters and are not nearly as important as Dedede or Metaknight to the series and thusly should be included, but after all franchises get their due, otherwise Sakurai comes off as playing favorites.
Add Luigi and Ganondorf to the roster and the Mario series and the Zelda series have shown all their top characters.
=> They don't need more characters, right?

Waddle Dee/Doo are like Koopas and Goombas to the Mario series. They are like impossible being a playable.
Sakurai could make every character not being a clone, OK Gooey has moves, but there are better characters. Rick isn't a human, that's clear and he can't be like a human. Why should be every character human-like? Is it a rule for being a character? Rather not.
And you said it right. Marx could be a wonderful WTF-character.
All characters here mentioned aren't that important like the main three one. But after this we won't have any more characters like the important one in the Zelda- and Mario series.

Dark Matter could have an appearence like this:

(And no, he isn't too similar to Meta and no he wouldn't be a Meta-clone)
His FS could be a transformation to the eye.

Nightmare is for sure a boss. It's impossible, him not being a boss.
Don't let the fact that you like a series cloud your judgement. Kriby will not be getting another character. This is a fact. I don't want to be mean but you have to accept that. I like Ness but have accepted his loss. I like Mewtwo but I honestly don't see him coming back. You may like a character or series, but that is not enough to justify another rep from that game.
The discussion started when I've posted my prediction roster and it isn't a dream roster.
I'm only sure that the Kirby series will get the 4th most reps. It could be reached with including a 4th Kirby character, or like Wiseguy had made it.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 22, 2007
That is on a strictly need-to-know basis. If I to
For one speaking of facts, you make a few assumptions. Just because the facts point against something doesn't mean it won't happen, just meaning that it will be very unlikely. Kirby could get another character, but it is highly unlikely. Ness may come back, but Lucas seems to make it doubtful. Mewtwo may come back, and there are no facts against him.

However, you are right, facts should be unbias, and not based on opinion. Geno is incredibly unlikely, Marx, Rick, and Gooey are unlikely. These are facts, and I've given a slew of irrefutable facts to back this up, and all are true.

'Nuff said.
Sorry if I came of as a pessimist. I guess I kind of am. There may not be facts against Mewtwo, I personally believe we'll be saying goodbye to our psychic little friend. I think he'll be replaced by Lucario. And, you can't deny that Ness has the least chances to come back, maybe just a little bit better than Pichu. And while there still is the option of another kirby character, you have to admit that there will not be one.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Don't forget. The Kirby series are the 4th biggest Nintendo franchise and the 5th best selling Nintendo franchise. The series you've named are all smaller franchises, with less importance to Nintendo.
And how did the Kirby series got more than they share? Yes, they got a lot, but they didn't get too lot. We're talking about one additional Kirby character. The other series get also represantion. Being the 4th biggest franchise of Nintendo means that Kirby get more represantation than smaller franchises. That's clear. And Sakurai has the rights to represent the Kirby franchise with a 4th rep. And don't exaggerate it. >_>
And he won't and he isn't underrepresenting and not overrepresenting his series.
Where are the statistics to that? I know that Mario's on top, with Zelda close behind, then the incredibly well selling Pokemon, but then it gets fuzzy between Kirby and Metroid and others that it gets hard to tell, but even then I'll take your word for it. Why would Kirby get three additional characters in one sitting? I honestly think that Kirby has gotten enough attention, heck, we wer lucky to get Dedede and Metaknight, getting a smaller character is pushing it. That "just one" will speak volumes about who's getting in, who's not getting in, and Sakurai's favoritism, and none of these are positive. And with three new characters, it most certainly is overrepresentation.

Add Luigi and Ganondorf to the roster and the Mario series and the Zelda series have shown all their top characters.
=> They don't need more characters, right?

Waddle Dee/Doo are like Koopas and Goombas to the Mario series. They are like impossible being a playable.
Sakurai could make every character not being a clone, OK Gooey has moves, but there are better characters. Rick isn't a human, that's clear and he can't be like a human. Why should be every character human-like? Is it a rule for being a character? Rather not.
And you said it right. Marx could be a wonderful WTF-character.
All characters here mentioned aren't that important like the main three one. But after this we won't have any more characters like the important one in the Zelda- and Mario series.

Dark Matter could have an appearence like this:

(And no, he isn't too similar to Meta and no he wouldn't be a Meta-clone)
His FS could be a transformation to the eye.

Nightmare is for sure a boss. It's impossible, him not being a boss.
If he is a boss, what makes him enough to be both a boss and a PC, Rick doesn't need to be remotely human, just look at any one of the Pokemon or Kirby himself, all I was saying was that he wouldn't be iconic or recognisable enough to be a character for Kirby, and before you pull out the cheap, oft drawn to GaW or Ice Climbers card let me tell you that those characters were pretty popular, just retro, so please don't do that (Everyone does that, particularly the Geno fans. Ugh!) WTF characters are generally for Retro characters, and the only reason Doctor Mario got in was a way to get a cheap clone, which Rick couldn't.

'Nuff said.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
Where are the statistics to that? I know that Mario's on top, with Zelda close behind, then the incredibly well selling Pokemon, but then it gets fuzzy between Kirby and Metroid and others that it gets hard to tell, but even then I'll take your word for it. Why would Kirby get three additional characters in one sitting? I honestly think that Kirby has gotten enough attention, heck, we wer lucky to get Dedede and Metaknight, getting a smaller character is pushing it. That "just one" will speak volumes about who's getting in, who's not getting in, and Sakurai's favoritism, and none of these are positive. And with three new characters, it most certainly is overrepresentation.
It's proven with sources.
Yes, last year DK was over Zelda. Now Zelda is overall better selling.

1) Mario ~ 200 million
2) Pokémon ~ 164 million
5) Tetris ~ 70 million
9) Zelda ~ 52 million
10) DK ~ 48 million
23) Kirby ~ 30 million
44) Brain Age ~ 17 million
49) Nintendogs ~ 16 million
57) Metroid ~ 13 million
60) Mario Kart ~ 12 million
88) Animal Crossing ~ 7 million

That are all Nintendo franchises in the best 100 selling game series.
(I think I didn't forgot one)
EDIT: Forgot Tetris.... :(

Kirby was underrepresented in Melee. It was planned having the big three in the game, but because of many things, only Kirby was included. BTW Dedede was originally planned for SSB64.

If he is a boss, what makes him enough to be both a boss and a PC, Rick doesn't need to be remotely human, just look at any one of the Pokemon or Kirby himself, all I was saying was that he wouldn't be iconic or recognisable enough to be a character for Kirby, and before you pull out the cheap, oft drawn to GaW or Ice Climbers card let me tell you that those characters were pretty popular, just retro, so please don't do that (Everyone does that, particularly the Geno fans. Ugh!) WTF characters are generally for Retro characters, and the only reason Doctor Mario got in was a way to get a cheap clone, which Rick couldn't.
Ness was a WTF-character and he wasn't retro. And if you want to get it, Marx is retro and known being one of the awesomst bosses.



Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Ness wasn't WTF. His game was a best seller in Japan, where the game was made. Just because *YOU* and a lot of other Americans thought "WTF?" when they saw him doesn't make him a WTF character.

Eh, yeah. Just felt like saying that.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
Ness wasn't WTF. His game was a best seller in Japan, where the game was made. Just because *YOU* and a lot of other Americans thought "WTF?" when they saw him doesn't make him a WTF character.

Eh, yeah. Just felt like saying that.
The game wasn't really a best seller, more a popular game.

I should better say that he was a real surprise. Jigglypuff would fit better calling her a WTF-character.
Ness wasn't supposed to be a WTF-character (SSB should originally release only in Japan), but he is unknown to many. And me as a European player, I couldn't even play / nearly impossible know about his game.



Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
It's proven with sources.
Yes, last year DK was over Zelda. Now Zelda is overall better selling.

1) Mario ~ 200 million
2) Pokémon ~ 164 million
5) Tetris ~ 70 million
9) Zelda ~ 52 million
10) DK ~ 48 million
23) Kirby ~ 30 million
44) Brain Age ~ 17 million
49) Nintendogs ~ 16 million
57) Metroid ~ 13 million
60) Mario Kart ~ 12 million
88) Animal Crossing ~ 7 million

That are all Nintendo franchises in the best 100 selling game series.
(I think I didn't forgot one)
EDIT: Forgot Tetris.... :(

Kirby was underrepresented in Melee. It was planned having the big three in the game, but because of many things, only Kirby was included. BTW Dedede was originally planned for SSB64.

Ness was a WTF-character and he wasn't retro. And if you want to get it, Marx is retro and known being one of the awesomst bosses.

Sorry, but the 'sources' on Kirby from Wikipedia came up with a deadlink: http://sites.godaddy.com/sites.html?v=article&p=14513, and personally, let me give you some advice, don't trust Wikipedia at face value. Check the sources where Wikipedia got their sources first. That's like quoting Google without seeing which site your looking at. Please, in the future, try to be more accurate and check your sources for reliability.

As far as Ness to Marx relationship, there is none, and thusly, I need to say no more, as PrettyGoodYear summed it up very well. As for Jiggs, she was big in Japan too, not a WTF character for anyone besides us Americans.

'Nuff said.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
Yeah kirby has all that its gonna get. There is no other major reoccuring character that could possibly be put in (like ridley is in metroid), and there is no recent game with a new major character (like midna in loz). Youve got all the major pieces of the kirby franchise and dont need anymore.
Daroach - Kirby: Squeak Squad
If you're including Luigi and Ganondorf you also have the major Zelda-/Mariocharacters.

Sorry, but the 'sources' on Kirby from Wikipedia came up with a deadlink: http://sites.godaddy.com/sites.html?v=article&p=14513, and personally, let me give you some advice, don't trust Wikipedia at face value. Check the sources where Wikipedia got their sources first. That's like quoting Google without seeing which site your looking at. Please, in the future, try to be more accurate and check your sources for reliability.
Sry, you're right the one source is down and the other one unbelievable.
None the less, the Kirby franchise is good selling. I must search a better source.
I try to search better sources next time.

Japanese Brawl advertising: (If anybody want to see)

As far as Ness to Marx relationship, there is none, and thusly, I need to say no more, as PrettyGoodYear summed it up very well. As for Jiggs, she was big in Japan too, not a WTF character for anyone besides us Americans.
You said that WTF-character must be retros. OK, Ness isn't WTF and he wasn't retro. Jigglypuff was a shocker for American players, but also for Japanese.
OK, Jigglypuff is the 2nd most popular Pokémon in Japan. BTW she isn't important in the games/anime, she's only popular.


M man

Smash Rookie
May 6, 2006
Daroach - Kirby: Squeak Squad
If you're including Luigi and Ganondorf you also have the major Zelda-/Mariocharacters.

Sry, you're right the one source is down and the other one unbelievable.
None the less, the Kirby franchise is good selling. I must search a better source.
I try to search better sources next time.

Japanese Brawl advertising: (If anybody want to see)

You said that WTF-character must be retros. OK, Ness isn't WTF and he wasn't retro. Jigglypuff was a shocker for American players, but also for Japanese.
OK, Jigglypuff is the 2nd most popular Pokémon in Japan. BTW she isn't important in the games/anime, she's only popular.

I tired of this wining about a fourth charator for kirby
Give give me five good reasons that any onthe kiby charactors u said should in over far more desevering ones


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
I tired of this wining about a fourth charator for kirby
Give give me five good reasons that any onthe kiby charactors u said should in over far more desevering ones
First of all, I'm not whining.

I only want to say, that Kirby probably will have the 4th most characters of all series in Brawl. A second possibility (beside adding a 4th Kirby character) is underreping the other series, allowing maximal two characters for other series. (Like Wiseguy did it)



Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2008
First of all, I'm not whining.

I only want to say, that Kirby probably will have the 4th most characters of all series in Brawl. A second possibility (beside adding a 4th Kirby character) is underreping the other series, allowing maximal two characters for other series. (Like Wiseguy did it)

Kirby DOES NOT need another rep. There are no more "major" characters left. PErsonally I think DK would deserve up to 4 reps, but im slightly baised and the DK games have been suckage as of late
Jun 26, 2007
koopa cape located at the end of rainbow road
Kirby DOES NOT need another rep. There are no more "major" characters left. PErsonally I think DK would deserve up to 4 reps, but im slightly baised and the DK games have been suckage as of late
yeah i would love to see lanky, tiny or chunky kong from dk 64. But that will never ever happen. AT's mabye? That would be cool. But i dont think dk has enough major characters that could take the 4th spot (with k rool probably takin the the third). Who could possibly take the spot Funky? Candy? CRANKY? the point is, like kirby there ain't enough good characters to take up that many spots.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
Kirby DOES NOT need another rep. There are no more "major" characters left. PErsonally I think DK would deserve up to 4 reps, but im slightly baised and the DK games have been suckage as of late
Yes, Kirby doesn't need more than three reps. They are also the major one in the series.
But Zelda also doesn't need more than three reps. Link, Zelda and Ganondorf are the major characters in the series. After this they are important charactes (and yes the Kirby series has important characters).

yeah i would love to see lanky, tiny or chunky kong from dk 64. But that will never ever happen. AT's mabye? That would be cool. But i dont think dk has enough major characters that could take the 4th spot (with k rool probably takin the the third). Who could possibly take the spot Funky? Candy? CRANKY? the point is, like kirby there ain't enough good characters to take up that many spots.
Dixie Kong.... (no she isn't an alt - Diddy has a pink dress, that's all)

Als the Kirby series has enough other charactes.



Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Zelda deserves more than three reps. That'd be less Zelda characters in this game than in Melee and I don't really think that'd be a smart move.

Sure, those three represent the Zelda series the best, but now it's time for some other characters to shine. Zelda's a much more popular series than Kirby, I don't see why they have to be equal. :ohwell:


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2007
Isaac from Golden Sun won't be in because we already have an Isaac. :p

That's Ike in case you guys missed it....


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Woah, we appear to have a whole lot of people with itchy fingers, because these people seem to type before thinking. Let's take a looksee, shall we?

I think Game&Watch should have more reps! Oh, wait...
You, my friend, obviously do not know the diffrence between Kirby, a 3-D pink character with sucubus-esque abilities with several characters in the franchise, with a 2-D character who's retro, is the only character in the series, and has none of Kirby's abilities. For someone to make a mistake like that they must have an inhuman amount of ignorance.

Kirby, for God's sake, isn't GaW, or the Ice Climbers, nor is Geno or any other character but them! I am so tired of people saying "Well, GaW got in, or got this, or got that, so that's what's happening with this character lolz!!1!%%one!" I'm tired of it! Kirby is an important faction to Nintendo and is recent, with a plethora of primary characters to delve through, GaW doesn't, and anyone who thinks that they can even remotely compare them is so incredibly ignorant to the point where I question they're mental health. Honestly, if you're trying to make a point, it's lost, drowning in your coming off as someone who doesn't know what he's talking about.

So for the umpteenth time, people, please at least attempt to know what you're talking about. If you feel that Kirby isn't going to get another rep, fine, but try to make sense and provide actual facts, rather that giving the Chewbacca defense like this wayward person here.

Look, I'm not tring to insult anyone, but please, please, please don't make fools of yourself by trying to make a point, it merely makes you, and all those who support the idea as ignorant fols who are talking through their teeth.

Isaac from Golden Sun won't be in because we already have an Isaac. :p

That's Ike in case you guys missed it....
Ike's name is Ike, just Ike, like how people can be named Bob and not Robert. Just Ike. Moving on...

Where the f*ck is Lucario?!
Obviously, not on this list, if you mean roster. If you mean in real life, Lucario is imaginary, and thusly would be in both Pokemon games Dimond and Pearl. There is no real reason to include Lucario, as all Pokemon hopefuls (Deoxys, Meowth) who were much more likely, were pokeballed. Just screaming where Lucario is randomly doesn't do anything for anyone.

'Nuff said.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Hey folks. Miss me?

Tonight is the long awaited return of the Dojo updates! If my spider senses are correct, we're in store for Playable Character Update blitz leading up to the Japanese release! What do you think tonight's update will be?



I found some Japanese brawl comercials if anyones interested.

EDIT: It turns out someone made a thread about these comercials. I found a Link that had the two I already listed and another one in a single video.

*Drools* I want this game so much, it's almost painful. I can't wait!


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
Flatzone, right behind the reset button.
Woah, we appear to have a whole lot of people with itchy fingers, because these people seem to type before thinking. Let's take a looksee, shall we?

You, my friend, obviously do not know the diffrence between Kirby, a 3-D pink character with sucubus-esque abilities with several characters in the franchise, with a 2-D character who's retro, is the only character in the series, and has none of Kirby's abilities. For someone to make a mistake like that they must have an inhuman amount of ignorance.

Kirby, for God's sake, isn't GaW, or the Ice Climbers, nor is Geno or any other character but them! I am so tired of people saying "Well, GaW got in, or got this, or got that, so that's what's happening with this character lolz!!1!%%one!" I'm tired of it! Kirby is an important faction to Nintendo and is recent, with a plethora of primary characters to delve through, GaW doesn't, and anyone who thinks that they can even remotely compare them is so incredibly ignorant to the point where I question they're mental health. Honestly, if you're trying to make a point, it's lost, drowning in your coming off as someone who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Did you notiuce the "Oh, wait..." at the end? just a comment on how people want , like, a decillion kirby reps.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
I think we will get one or two character before release to hype the game in Japan.
Can't imagine seeing another really bad updates before release.

Most likely a veteran (Captain Falcon) and a really popular newcomer (Krystal, Captain Olimar).

For tomorrow's update.... a new stage

Dude, can't you take a joke? What do you get from torturing Mallo? Cloud Strife
I had a bad mood.
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