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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
I still believe in Ness. It's not like I lose something over it...

By the way, Wiseguy, who is Soinc and why is he in your list?
Like I always say, he's still got a chance as an elaborate alternate outfit ^_^

they all do:
wolf, falco, doctor mario, dixy kong, Dark Samus, Fierce Deity Link, Puppet Zelda? Ness, Daisy, maybe even Birdo


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
I Really have to bump this one again , Besides you have Two third party's and i can go in-depth on how unlikely Simon belmont is .... Heck they are even from the same company @_@ Yet you don't put claus on the roster :( ? PUT CLAUS :laugh: (Reasoning below:
Ok seriously i'm sorry to bring this up again but add Claus to the list.
1.)Mother deserves 2 reps , It's a cult-hit in japan and very popular as to the fact lucas and claus are.
2.)Claus scored very high on the poll's.
3.)Very unique moveset.
4.)His competition...R.I.P. Ness.
5.)His role in mother 3 is very big to the storyline. (2nd Most important.)
6.)Sakurai has shown LOTS Of interest into him and lucas. (Which is good for him.)
7.)The idea of putting in Claus and Lucas could help a potential world-wide release for mother's international market now that we have Smashbros :Looks at what marth and roy did for FE In america: That's saying a lot.
8.)Kawashima is less deserving than claus will ever be in a billion years , There are a lot of people less deserving there than claus.(Lot's of people on your roster are @_@ Think about claus.)
9.)Sakurai has shown interest into mother 3.(He likes it more than the first two.)
10.)He has PRA (Popularity role attacks.)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2007
I seriously think there will be no veteran announcements until the game is released. But that's just mere speculation.


Mar 16, 2007
Well, Wiseguy, it took me a while, but I have compiled my own list and am ready to put it here for comparison with yours. My list is mostly the same as yours, so first I'll just pass over the characters who are the same, then make some commentaries on the changes I would have made, and why. So without further ado, here are the parts that are the same:

1) Mario
2) Luigi
3) Peach
4) Bowser
5) Link
6) Zelda/Sheik
7) Ganondorf
8) Midna or WW Link (I'd rather see Midna, and consider her to have greater chances for various reasons.)
9) Pikachu
10) Jigglypuff
11) Pokemon Trainer
12) Kirby
13) Metaknight
14) Dedede
15) Fox
16) Krystal
17) Falco
18) (Zero Suit) Samus
19) Ridley
20) Donkey Kong
21) Diddy Kong
22) Ike
23) Micaiah
24) Captain Falcon
25) Lucas
26) Yoshi
27) Wario
28) Pit
29) Ice Climbers
30) Game & Watch
31) Captain Olimar
32) Animal Crosser
33) Solid Snake
34) Sonic
35) Megaman

Now, not all of the choices I make are entirely different from yours, I have just made slight adjustments for my own reasonings, which I will give.

1) Excise Geno, and just go with Bowser Jr.
---Think about it, Geno is a third party character, and with three others who are either in or have a much better chance of getting in, Geno is out, IMO, even though he'd be an interesting character. Unless you're to assume that Megaman is not in, but I highly doubt it.

2) Mewtwo would be interchangeable with Lucario
---It's not like they'd be the same, but I'd say they both have equal chances of getting in, considering that while M2 has the advantage of being from the earlier smash games, and being from the original game, Lucario is more current, and promotes the more recent Pokemon games better, which you'd think they want to do. If one appears, I'm sure the other would be a pokeball. For the sake of being clear, though, I would think Mewtwo has a slightly greater chance, but that's just a hunch, and I can't think of a good reasoning for it.

3) Marth shall be interchangeable with Takamaru
---Your own distaste for Marth aside, the fact that he appears in the most FE games out of all the lords is very significant, as is his appearance in promos for the next upcoming game. Furthermore, as you yourself point out, he is the face of FE. He is interchangeable with Takamaru because of the latter's popularity in Japan, which you mention. For the sake of being even more compromising, I would also consider those to and Micaiah to be in a situation where two of the three would be in. Their advantages and disadvantages seem to be in that kind of limbo.

Further, Marth and Ike are far from clones, as we've seen from the brawl demo. They have one move vaguely in common, but that never stopped Mewtwo from appearing with a similar move to Samus, and it seems even now that Kirby and Metaknight will have the same throws. Hmmm. Face it, Marth is more likely than you would like him to be.

4) Kawashima = gone.
---Kawashima Ryuuta was a real person before being put in the game, and he still is. If you'd be so kind as to read the stickies, you'd know this means he's out, without a doubt. Really, I wonder what was going on in your head here.

5) Sukapon = in.
---So you want a WTF character? I like the idea of Sukapon. No one knows who he is here, yes, but his historical significance is important, in my opinion. He (it?) was the first fighting game character on a Nintendo console. If you take into account the reasoning for G&W being in Melee as an important figure in Nintendo history, you'll see why Sukapon makes so much more sense than Kawashima.

6) Excise Simon Belmont
---Well, since I've already committed my decision to three 3rd party characters, which was the max stipulated by Sakurai, I can't see Simon Belmont appearing in Brawl, which saddens me greatly because of the emblematicness of the Castlevania series. Unfortunately, the reason already listed, plus the fact that there's already a Konami rep, just makes Belmont seem to not have a very good chance.

7) Isaac or Claus shall be included, but not both
---Well, you know as well as I why either of these two should be included, but IMO they seem the most likely, all other things considered. Look through your own runners up. Is there anyone else that is more fit to be in the game?

That's the conclusion I've come to, personally. Feel free to shoot it down, or ignore it entirely.

Edit: Hmm, I seem to have counted wrong. You might as well just include both Isaac and Claus in my own list, then.

Also, I have a wonderful addition for your 3rd Party runners up: Rocket from "Rocket: Robot on Wheels." No one played this game except for me, but it was probably the most enjoyable gaming experience I've had in a long time, and as a one-wheeled fighter, you can't deny that Rocket would be a unique character. I even imagined up a moveset for him, but I haven't posted it because it's not likely to ever happen.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
what does everyone think the 150th update (monday) will be? I am obviously still waiting for my main (guess who?) to be anounced
I'll take it you hate Captain Falcon! :laugh:

I'm ok with Ness being gone, really, I am.




He better be an uber AT
F*** That, he should be a alternate costume at least, with all the cut veterans, to make it better for thier fans and ex-users, who could still technically use them. :)

Also, if Ness isn't a alternate outfit at least (to heck with ATs), any Lucas user I see will be destroyed, and face my wrath. End of story. :p

Beleive it or not, I have been considering it. But with Takamaru still having a decent shot of appearing as a Marth replacement there is still a chance of a Ness-style deconfirmation.

*Moment of silence in memory of the fallen PK master*
Takamuru is a dead samurai with a sword, who hasn't made a gaming appearance in forever, and he's A JAPAN ONLY CHARACTER=Japan only SSB playable characters are the root of all evil.

Marth has starred 2 games (on the NES and SNES) that were far more popular, and a upcoming one on the DS. Marth in terms, is cooler, a stronger personality, and a much better fighter.

wiseguy here is another one(not my pic)
Woaw, just woaw. If you made that, you simply put made the best fan art of a character since forever.

You said no clones, and yet you put in Roy... :/

And the paragraph above was horribly stupid. Hmm... LAWL I SEZ EVERYONE ELSE IS LAME, LET'S PUT IN ROY! *facepalm*

And Balloon fighter = not happening. I don't see it. Like Sukapon his chances were shot pre-Melee.
Umm...ever heard of casual play=??? I can guarentee Roy is liked better amongst casuals then Marth-which in case you don't know, is the 9*% majority. Roy could simply not be a clone based on his game. Also, he needs to be a great character for once, instead of average in Melee (the tiers are f***ed up=2 top tiers, 8 bottom and mid tiers=horribly organized; if the tiers were organized 5 top, 5 high, 6 mid, 5 low, and 5 bottom tiers, Roy would be a mid-tier, instead of right next to DK on the upper part of the low tiers), and a not son good character in his game.

Again, you have no knowledge whatsoever what his moveset could be. Falco never actaul fights on land other then with guns in Assualt, so where would his original moveset come? How about Fox, with no outside of ship experience? Captain Falcon? See, Roy could use his attacks from his game, instead of being based off a strong version of Marth. Ike and Marth are based on their game appearances, so why not Roy=??? So facepalm that b***hes! :laugh:

And if Balloon Fighter is not happening, how come he was originally playable in the beta of Melee=??? Ya, Balloon Fighter has been heavily considered over and over again. You obviously are unaware of the Balloon Fighter fanbase and his moveset possibilites-because they'd be even more original then the Pokémon Trainer. If you want uber originality, chose Balloon Fighter for prez. Who would be better, that lame Japan-only character Takamuru=??? :laugh:

O, and with 3 Japan-only characters, give us 5 North and South America only charaacters, 4 Europe only characters, and 2 other regional only characters as playable characters just to be fair Sakurai. O wait, you're not fair, so you don't give a f***. Jerk. :laugh:

And good charcter prediction list ph00tbag, definitely! :)


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
phootbag, add Mewtwo, Claus, Isaac, Marth, and K. Rool
All but K. Rool are on his list, but they may not all get in. Besides, there's no more room on his list to add another character.

No he isn't

No he isn't

What logic did you use for this?
Limited space?
Edit: Hmm, I seem to have counted wrong. You might as well just include both Isaac and Claus in my own list, then.
Or that logic?

Anyways, great list, ph00tbag. The only issues I have with it is that I don't expect Claus, Takamaru, and Sukapon to all be playable, since (including Lucas) that's four Japan-only characters. Also, I think that Animal Crossing won't be getting a rep, but I'm sure you've heard the arguments.


Mar 16, 2007

Again, Agreed.

Or that logic?
Quite obviously.

Anyways, great list, ph00tbag. The only issues I have with it is that I don't expect Claus, Takamaru, and Sukapon to all be playable, since (including Lucas) that's four Japan-only characters. Also, I think that Animal Crossing won't be getting a rep, but I'm sure you've heard the arguments.
I agree somewhat on Takamaru and Claus. In the case of Takamaru, though there seems to be a good enough argument. I'd rather see Marth, but unless there is a good argument otherwise, I'm willing to compromise. In the case of Claus, I can't really think of anyone better. Instead of maybe K. Rool, but I would feel dirty including him in my list for some reason.

And I can understand the arguments against an AC rep, but I've been more inclined to side with the for arguments, despite the fact that I still have to raise an eyebrow at the thought of him being a playable character. Plus, the rumor mill supports him fairly well.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2007
Orlando, FL / Pittsburgh, PA
Mewtwo is 6 ft psychic cat.
Lucario is a 4 ft fighting/steel dog.
And you have to ask?

Also, M2 is a veteran and the two have nothing to do with each other even in thier own franchise
And 3 movies > 1 movie

To qoute Johnknight...
"Takamuru is a dead samurai with a sword, who hasn't made a gaming appearance in forever, and he's A JAPAN ONLY CHARACTER=Japan only SSB playable characters are the root of all evil.

Marth has starred 2 games (on the NES and SNES) that were far more popular, and a upcoming one on the DS. Marth in terms, is cooler, a stronger personality, and a much better fighter."
Add to that the fact that they aren't in the same franchise

Limited space?

Or that logic?
I must have missed that part.


Mar 16, 2007
Mewtwo is 6 ft psychic cat.
Lucario is a 4 ft fighting/steel dog.
And you have to ask?

Also, M2 is a veteran and the two have nothing to do with each other even in thier own franchise
And 3 movies > 1 movie
Oh, You're misunderstanding me. I'm sorry, I wasn't very clear. I meant that it could be either of them, but not both. They both have good reasons for being in, as far as I can see, but if one is in, the other will most definitely not be.

To qoute Johnknight...
"Takamuru is a dead samurai with a sword, who hasn't made a gaming appearance in forever, and he's A JAPAN ONLY CHARACTER=Japan only SSB playable characters are the root of all evil.

Marth has starred 2 games (on the NES and SNES) that were far more popular, and a upcoming one on the DS. Marth in terms, is cooler, a stronger personality, and a much better fighter."
Add to that the fact that they aren't in the same franchise
Same situation here as M2 and Lucario. I've heard good arguments for both, and both seem like neat ideas. I don't particularly care one way or the other, so I don't really feel a need to make a decision.

Also note that when Melee came out, Marth was a Japan only Character.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Guys, I'm going to vanish for all next week to clean up a giant pile of school work. But before I go, here's a mini wall-o-pain.

Yeah, it's kind of hard to ignore what 'the Sakurai' said. But I wouldn't say that the words ONLY point to him being gone. I think they point more towards Sakurai trying to avoid confirming or denying Ness' place in Brawl.

Imagine if you were trying to only MENTION a veteran character without giving a yes or no to their playable status in Brawl. What words would you use? You could say: "Luigi, a character who made appearances in the previous smash bros games," or "Ganondorf, a character who was playable in the last smash bros game," or perhaps you could say "Ness, [a character] who has appeared in the Smash Bros. series up until now".
Really, almost any way you try and say it it comes out sounding like a character got cut in the transition from one smash bros to the next. So I'm not going to try and analyze what Sakurai said too much, and instead focus on whether or not I think Lucas looks like a Ness replacement. And I don't think Lucas looks like a replacement for Ness any more than I think Luigi looks like a replacement for Mario (or Ike looks like a replacement for Marth. Zing!).
You're not alone, Oyster. My little brother (he goes by "Bane" round these parts) also thinks Ness is alive and well, in spite of my repeated attempts to convince him otherwise. Personally, I see Lucas' moveset as what Ness from Melee would be like if he didn't suck so I have no problem seeing him as a replacement. Still, I've been known to be wrong before.


For those of you with a GamePro subscription, you have recieved (or will recieve soon) your new December 2007 edition of the magazine.

I wish to direct your attention to page number 137 of said magazine.

Now look in the top right corner of that page. See the "An All-Star Brawl" letter?


I read through the whole leter, glanced at the name, and was about to move on to the last cople pages... Then I did a double take... That was my letter. I had completely forgotten that I sent them that thing.

Wow...just wow.

Also, just as a treat (and to prove it's mine), here is the un-edited version that I sent to them.


Letter was sent on August 14th. It is out-dated.
[/end note]
Congrats, Ferro. Too bad you're well written letter was wasted on a rag like Gamepro, the only gaming publication to give Super Mario Strikers Charged 10/10 and Metroid Prime 3 an 8.5/10. I subscribe too, but only so I have something to line my birdcage.

Ok seriously i'm sorry to bring this up again but add Claus to the list.
1.)Mother deserves 2 reps , It's a cult-hit in japan and very popular as to the fact lucas and claus are.
2.)Claus scored very high on the poll's.
3.)Very unique moveset.
4.)His competition...R.I.P. Ness.
5.)His role in mother 3 is very big to the storyline.
6.)Sakurai has shown LOTS Of interest into him and lucas.
7.)The idea of putting in Claus and Lucas could help a potential world-wide release for mother's international market now that we have Smashbros :Looks at what marth and roy did for FE In america: That's saying a lot.
8.)Kawashima is less deserving than claus will ever be in a billion years , There are a lot of people less deserving there than claus.
9.)Sakurai has shown interest into mother 3.
10.)He has PRA (Popularity role attacks.) Sakurai likes him , Fan's want him...And might i mention mother is more popular in japan than F-zero is ? And heck it has some well popularity here so i think that you should @_@ At least consider claus onto the main roster.
Anyhow those are my thoughts on it :p.
All valid points, but frankly I'm still reluctant to give the Eartbound series more representation than F-Zero in the interests of fairness. But I do support Claus (he sounds like a perfect addition) and I would not bat an eyelash to see him appear.

Oh, and Kawashima owns your face.

I still believe in Ness. It's not like I lose something over it...

By the way, Wiseguy, who is Soinc and why is he in your list?
You want to know who Soinc is? I'll tell you who Soinc is. Shut up. That's who Soinc is.

(I kid, I kid. I'll fix the correction. Thanks for the heads up.)

Well, Wiseguy, it took me a while, but I have compiled my own list and am ready to put it here for comparison with yours. My list is mostly the same as yours, so first I'll just pass over the characters who are the same, then make some commentaries on the changes I would have made, and why. So without further ado, here are the parts that are the same:

1) Mario
2) Luigi
3) Peach
4) Bowser
5) Link
6) Zelda/Sheik
7) Ganondorf
8) Midna or WW Link (I'd rather see Midna, and consider her to have greater chances for various reasons.)
9) Pikachu
10) Jigglypuff
11) Pokemon Trainer
12) Kirby
13) Metaknight
14) Dedede
15) Fox
16) Krystal
17) Falco
18) (Zero Suit) Samus
19) Ridley
20) Donkey Kong
21) Diddy Kong
22) Ike
23) Micaiah
24) Captain Falcon
25) Lucas
26) Yoshi
27) Wario
28) Pit
29) Ice Climbers
30) Game & Watch
31) Captain Olimar
32) Animal Crosser
33) Solid Snake
34) Sonic
35) Megaman

Now, not all of the choices I make are entirely different from yours, I have just made slight adjustments for my own reasonings, which I will give.

1) Excise Geno, and just go with Bowser Jr.
---Think about it, Geno is a third party character, and with three others who are either in or have a much better chance of getting in, Geno is out, IMO, even though he'd be an interesting character. Unless you're to assume that Megaman is not in, but I highly doubt it.

2) Mewtwo would be interchangeable with Lucario
---It's not like they'd be the same, but I'd say they both have equal chances of getting in, considering that while M2 has the advantage of being from the earlier smash games, and being from the original game, Lucario is more current, and promotes the more recent Pokemon games better, which you'd think they want to do. If one appears, I'm sure the other would be a pokeball. For the sake of being clear, though, I would think Mewtwo has a slightly greater chance, but that's just a hunch, and I can't think of a good reasoning for it.

3) Marth shall be interchangeable with Takamaru
---Your own distaste for Marth aside, the fact that he appears in the most FE games out of all the lords is very significant, as is his appearance in promos for the next upcoming game. Furthermore, as you yourself point out, he is the face of FE. He is interchangeable with Takamaru because of the latter's popularity in Japan, which you mention. For the sake of being even more compromising, I would also consider those to and Micaiah to be in a situation where two of the three would be in. Their advantages and disadvantages seem to be in that kind of limbo.

Further, Marth and Ike are far from clones, as we've seen from the brawl demo. They have one move vaguely in common, but that never stopped Mewtwo from appearing with a similar move to Samus, and it seems even now that Kirby and Metaknight will have the same throws. Hmmm. Face it, Marth is more likely than you would like him to be.

4) Kawashima = gone.
---Kawashima Ryuuta was a real person before being put in the game, and he still is. If you'd be so kind as to read the stickies, you'd know this means he's out, without a doubt. Really, I wonder what was going on in your head here.

5) Sukapon = in.
---So you want a WTF character? I like the idea of Sukapon. No one knows who he is here, yes, but his historical significance is important, in my opinion. He (it?) was the first fighting game character on a Nintendo console. If you take into account the reasoning for G&W being in Melee as an important figure in Nintendo history, you'll see why Sukapon makes so much more sense than Kawashima.

6) Excise Simon Belmont
---Well, since I've already committed my decision to three 3rd party characters, which was the max stipulated by Sakurai, I can't see Simon Belmont appearing in Brawl, which saddens me greatly because of the emblematicness of the Castlevania series. Unfortunately, the reason already listed, plus the fact that there's already a Konami rep, just makes Belmont seem to not have a very good chance.

7) Isaac or Claus shall be included, but not both
---Well, you know as well as I why either of these two should be included, but IMO they seem the most likely, all other things considered. Look through your own runners up. Is there anyone else that is more fit to be in the game?

That's the conclusion I've come to, personally. Feel free to shoot it down, or ignore it entirely.

Edit: Hmm, I seem to have counted wrong. You might as well just include both Isaac and Claus in my own list, then.

Also, I have a wonderful addition for your 3rd Party runners up: Rocket from "Rocket: Robot on Wheels." No one played this game except for me, but it was probably the most enjoyable gaming experience I've had in a long time, and as a one-wheeled fighter, you can't deny that Rocket would be a unique character. I even imagined up a moveset for him, but I haven't posted it because it's not likely to ever happen.
Thabks for taking the time to post such a well thought out roster. Although I disagree slightly on one or two points, I would be more than happy with the list you envision as well. I think you're point on having either Claus or Issac makes alot of sense.

And yeah, I know Ike is not a Marth clone - that was written before I read impressions from E4All. AT some point, I'll edit the post to explain why Takamaru makes a more logical choice for Marth replacement.

With that, I'm gone. Farewell until next week.

*Hopes for Ridley's confirmation tonight*


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Kawashima does not own my face.

All valid points, but frankly I'm still reluctant to give the Eartbound series more representation than F-Zero in the interests of fairness. But I do support Claus (he sounds like a perfect addition) and I would not bat an eyelash to see him appear.

Oh, and Kawashima owns your face.
I Can give you so many reasons on why Mother can easily get 2 reps while Captain falcon will drive alone again , Just put "Anyother F-zero Driver" For slot two if you feel that way or so.
1.Mother (Especially the third.) Is VERY Popular in japan As to the fact it was a cult cut hit.(Meaning very popular and well-hyped , Think "LOZ But smaller" Or something hyped like that in japan , Especially the third as i said which makes it more notable for sakurai to put in 2 Mother 3 Reps.)
2.Sakurai has had in his journal about 12 Mentions on the franchise ? (4 = Claus , 2 = Jeff , 2 = Lucas(I think , Or 1.) Then 4 = Kutamora , Ninten , Poo and Paula.) And where was F-zero's ? Only black shadow had two mentions on there >_<.
3.Sakurai has yet to reveal Captain falcon...For all we now he could be a unlockable (Hypothetically speaking of course.) So lucas could easily be a starter making room for claus being an unlockable (Still for all we now there could be 2 F-zero racers as unlockables.)
4.Starfox had 2 reps back at the time of melee and it wasn't even that popular compared to Mother (In japan especially.) And they even have those Starmen.etz people to add on to that <_< , Which add's to quite a bit.
5.Sakurai tends to like Mother 3 more than F-zero :Looks at samurai goroh and what sakurai did to ness a leader of the original 12: ORLY , He tends to give lot more "Attention" And support to Mother 3.
6.Lucas and claus = Help Mother 3 release worldwide (Think about it...The highest one out of the Three mothers can very well Make Mother a huge franchise in the U.S.... :p , Which does support the idea.)
7.There are some composers for mother 3 on the list + Didn't sakurai help work on the game or something like that from what i can remember ?

With all this in mind i get what you mean by on "Fairness" And whatnot but you should consider claus for the spot , I Mean he definantly has a very good shot At the roster , I Mean i can explain why he has a better shot than some of the people you listed.
@-Kawashima:To begin with this guy is a reallife person (Which counts for a lot more than you think.) Where is this source about being third on sakurai's poll's ? Anyhow there are other "Better" Represenitives for the "OLOL CASUAL GAMES" Series as opposed to the fact that sakurai is representing a LOT Of series already (Like Dr.lobe and mii's ? The big floating head +_+...)
@-Simon belmont:What makes you think he is more "Likely" Than Claus ? So sakurai includes a chain-chomp on his poll's and he is more likely ? To start it off he didn't even do that "Great" And the fact that snake and simon are from the same company + Konami is on rough groudns with them...Must i continue ?
@-Takamaru:Seriously put "SUKAPON OR TAKAMARU" Because i mean i get whats with him so high but still...Anyhow i'll just leave this where it is at for now.
@-Falco:So SF Deserves 3 reps when Fire emblem who has a big fanbase on both sides of the world , Marth being a Shoo-in(Read zevox's thread @_@.) Anyhow to an extent then you just leave Mother behind in the dust ? No way will SF Get 3 reps and mother only get one <_< I Assure you that is not likely to happen.

Anyhow with all that in mind and the fact that sakurai likes mother 3 a lot more (Look what he did to ness , A Two time Smash veteran and just for mother 3's popularity rankings and the fact that he likes Lucas and Claus more he cut him off ? What makes you think he's stopping now ?)
He has gave it loads of attention and support and mentioned it many times , Claus has almost everything going for him...The only fact that stands against him is the fact that Mother might not get as much representation as other series , If you really feel that you are ignoring F-zero then just add a flipping pilot there (Even through Mother is a lot more popular(Well a bit.) And has quite high regard + Sakurai likes it more , I Am a bit claus-fanatic i have to admit through :p.)


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2007
Orlando, FL / Pittsburgh, PA
Oh, You're misunderstanding me. I'm sorry, I wasn't very clear. I meant that it could be either of them, but not both. They both have good reasons for being in, as far as I can see, but if one is in, the other will most definitely not be.

Same situation here as M2 and Lucario. I've heard good arguments for both, and both seem like neat ideas. I don't particularly care one way or the other, so I don't really feel a need to make a decision.
Well, its just when I think of interchanging characters, I think of characters that would be too similar to justify both because they have the same role and moves in their franchise. (Example: Ness and Lucas)

The Lucario or Mewtwo arguement annoys me because I think they could coexist easily in Brawl, even though it may not be likely. :ohwell:

And, I'm pretty sure those arguing for Marth aren't aruging against Taka or vice versa.


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
Miami Florida
I may have missed it, but could someone point out why Isaac isn't on here? I'm he's been discussed on this thread once or twice, without me having to look trough all the 390 pages left... Any help would be appreciated.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Rubydragon it doesn't really matter anyways.

If Isaac's in he's in. It has nothing to do with Wiseguy's predictions, trust me.;)


Mar 16, 2007
Well, its just when I think of interchanging characters, I think of characters that would be too similar to justify both because they have the same role and moves in their franchise. (Example: Ness and Lucas)

The Lucario or Mewtwo arguement annoys me because I think they could coexist easily in Brawl, even though it may not be likely. :ohwell:
Well, the problem is not that they are similar, but that with both in, there would be 7 Pokemon representatives, and frankly, that's too many. We're pretty much restricted to one more Pokemon here, as far as sheer numbers are concerned.

And, I'm pretty sure those arguing for Marth aren't aruging against Taka or vice versa.
In this case, it's general fighting types that we're worried about here. The addition of either Marth or Taka brings the total amount of swordsmen up to five (if Ganon has a sword-based moveset, which is likely). Both would make it six. Like franchises, I think Sakurai would like to spread out the representation of fighting styles as well as he can. I just can't see both of them in Brawl.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Yet the way of fighting with a sword can vary with the character. :ohwell:

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Wiseguy, I hate you for having Dr. Kawashima's head in your prediction list. That's a new all-time low.

Yet the way of fighting with a sword can vary with the character. :ohwell:
To some extent, yes, but in general they seem to be the same general type. Plus it seems that almost anyone using a sword uses only sword attacks. Personally, I think the main reason Goroh got the boot was cuz of this reason...just being another sword-wielder. I think the number of swordsman will be limited even if there are several. But, about 6 out of 40+ isn't unreasonable.

On the note of Ganondorf, though...I'd personally like to see a very limited sword use. He's historically been more of a magic fighter anyway. Sword incorporation is fine, but I think at least 50% of his moveset should be melee/magic-type attacks.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH Stupid Radiant Dawn final boss being all hard and stuff. I need to take out all this pent up aggresion...... I know, I'll make a 40 character roster and get into a heated debate with people who dissagree.

Mario Series: 4


comments: The idea of reps fails. Mario only needs these characters.

Zelda series: 4


comments: Same with Mario. reps fail and Zelda only need these characters

Fire Emblem: 2


comments: Micaiah PWNS but is too new.

D.K: 3


comments: K.Rool is awesome and deserves to be playable and I'll take down anyone who don't agree.

Kirby: 3


comment: Just a gut feeling I have..

F-zero: 2


comments: Pico, Deathborne or Black Shadow for the villain? It doesn't matter who as long as one of them is playable.

Pokemon: 5

Trainer (squrtle, ivysaur, charizard)

comments: David Hayter did not reveal Jiggs and Lucario is an overrated cracker.

Metroid: 3


comments: I don't really care about Ridley but with music and a stage taken from his battles it's obvious he will be in the game SOMEHOW and as playable there won't be any riots of fanboys.

Star Fox: 3



Wherever the hell Lucas comes from: 2

Who ever the hell this claus guy is

comments: Why the **** not?

Wario: 1

If I need to say it I'll smack you right in the face

comments: Fat characters FTW.

Yoshi: 1


comments: Must...........resist urge to............make perverted comments

Third party: 3


comments: This game is for NINTENDO all stars. You people need to stop overdoing it with the third partys.


2 others?

comments: Look what you can do when you don't overcrowd big franchises with characters they don't need like Midna and Lucario. Extra spots that can be taken up with retros and smaller franchises.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Why do you guys still consider Zamus a separate character? It's clear you can't pick her at the beginning. She's just another part of Samus. I think it's ridiculous to count them as separate. Same goes for Pokemon Trainer by the way.

Unless characters work like Zelda/Sheik where you can start with either character at the beginning and continue to use that same character for the whole match, then they don't count in the roster count.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Why do you guys still consider Zamus a separate character? It's clear you can't pick her at the beginning. She's just another part of Samus. I think it's ridiculous to count them as separate. Same goes for Pokemon Trainer by the way.

Unless characters work like Zelda/Sheik where you can start with either character at the beginning and continue to use that same character for the whole match, then they don't count in the roster count.
It still takes the same amount of time to create their moveset. It's stupid to say they don't count when all that time is used on them.


Mar 16, 2007
Why do you guys still consider Zamus a separate character? It's clear you can't pick her at the beginning. She's just another part of Samus. I think it's ridiculous to count them as separate. Same goes for Pokemon Trainer by the way.

Unless characters work like Zelda/Sheik where you can start with either character at the beginning and continue to use that same character for the whole match, then they don't count in the roster count.
Separate moveset is considered to mean separate playable character. This only counts towards playable characters, though, and not roster slots, and this tread counts slots.

Unless you're numa dude, but he obviously hasn't put much thought into his list anyway, considering his "reason" for excluding Megaman.
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