Smash Ace
Midna for Brawl indeed, but when I said that her hair could be used as a thther recovery it makes me think: How many other characters will have a tether recovery?
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Pictue of Blue Falcon speeding by Pikachu, forced to run by foot.What's this? Smash now uses fun karts?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!Woah, looks like Captain Falcon's really fast in his Blue Falcon. Slow down!
Yhea remember that time in F-Zero when Captain Falcon actually jumped out of his machine and started uses special fighting moves against all the other racers? No! Didn't think so.
Seriously the move argument is the worst argument against a character there is.
But who knows how he could have walked... and WW Link deserves to be in way more than Skull kid and Midna combined.
Wind Waker Link for Brawl. He's one the newest Link, the most original Link, and his game [Phantom Hourglass] is the newest Zelda game. Plus c'mon, cel-shaded is confirmed in Brawl via Tingle's cel-shaded trophy. SO HA, his chances are double that of Midna's!Wh do I doubt this? WW Link is more than Midna and Skullkid combined? He's another Link, for Pete's sake! How can he be better then unique characters like Midna and Skullkid.
Let me show you in a scorechart form:
1st: Midna
2nd: WW Link
3rd: Skullkid
They're al pretty even, but Midna's performace trumped both of them, her spunk was unique and called to mind Tatle from MM. She wasand performed beautifully.the Twilight Princess
WW Link was a dynamic character , although he only had one line (Alright!) his eyes spoke volumes and he changed from the little kid to the warrior in a believable way, right down to.him stabbbing Ganondorf's head
Skullkid was, in my opinion, a great villian. In only one cinematic it made you hate him for taking your horse and turning you into a Deku Shrub. He also played the hurt villian, being overcome by the mask and eventually gaining redemtion. His TP character lacked all of that, making him just an annoying sub-boss esque character.
1st: Midna
2nd: Skull Kid
3rd: WW Link
Let's face it, Midna's hair for projectiles and long range attacks/tether recovery is awesome tie that in with her quadreped status with Wolf Link and you've got one sweet team.
Skull Kid got second due to his abilities showcased in MM and TP. The teleporting and calling of enemies from TP screams moves in Brawl and that scream of his seems to, well, scream taunt (Just a little less annoying please)
Well, WW Link got third due to his Link status. Although he could be differentiated by using an array of weapons from WW I doubt that he won't use his sword or other generic 'Link' stuff.
1st: WW Link
2nd: Midna
3rd: Skull Kid
WW Link seems pretty obvious, seeing as he is an obvious replacement to YL and is head of his own game style that was birthed on the GC. (WW) He would make a good contrast to the realism of the TP Link, but makes a good companion to thge more chibified characters like Kirby and Pikachu.
Midna is TP, in fact, one of the major new characters to the series. She was part of the games hook (Turning into Wolf Link) and was the actual. She killed Zant once (alibeit he came back to life) and guided Link in the right diredtion. Seeing as Brawl is taking a TP route, Midna makes a close second.Twilight Princess
Skullkid was a minor character in TP, which make me not get my hopes up of anything more than a simple AT, but hey, he could make it, there's always that chance. Ah, who am I kidding. Although it would be awesome, little evidence supports this wooden antagonist.
Midna: 8
WW Link: 6
Skull Kid: 4
Well, looks like WW Link comes in second with 6 points, and I did this totally on logic with no bias entering this at all, personally, I'd like to see both Midna and WW Link.
'Nuff said.
P.S: Wouldn't get my hopes up for Meowth, Sakurai knows we've had it up to here with 1st gen Pokemon
Kind of an interesting idea, sparked by your comment, there, jimmywhatevacomesnext.Yeah, with all of these new abilities it seems pretty hetic. Same deal with the new features, Music Mode, Trophies are back, and Stickers? I hope that I don't have to see a new update on The Modes Section saying "What is Super Smash Kart?"
Picture of MArio in his Kart and Kirby on his star
What's this? Smash now uses fun karts?
Pictue of Blue Falcon speeding by Pikachu, forced to run by foot.
Woah, looks like Captain Falcon's really fast in his Blue Falcon. Slow down!
I'm.Will Ppl Stop Ritin In Giant Paragraphs
That depends. Will you learn how to spell?Will Ppl Stop Ritin In Giant Paragraphs
I whole heartedly agree, Wisey, let's see some Sonic, he should be in over Geno, I know I'll just be rehashing what Johnny just said but, Geno is lower on the deserve-o-meter than Sonic, anyone can tell you that.Ergh Wiseguy, you only have two third party characters. We will at least have 3, defiinitely. There is no chance in Hell sonice won't be playable, seriously. Belmont is a class D character, while Sonic is clas AAA, according to sales. Geno lacks importance next to Sonic, and Sonic's fanbase eats both Belomont's and Geno's fanbase alive. If Sonic isn't in Brawl, Sega will be boycotted to extremes that Devil May Cry 4 and Capcom will never dream of seeing. And quite frankely, having Geno before Megaman is wrong, just flat out wrong. Megaman is a icon, Geno appeared in two games, and one was a cameo appearance. Sure I think we'll see Geno in Brawl, but Megaman is just simply higher priority. Heck, SMRPG didn't ever reach Europe, and was pretty overlooked next to Chrono Trigger [saadly].
Yeah, I have to agree with Johnny. Although Roy should be banished at least one of the old FE characters should get in, and MArth is the prime canadate. Although BK is the most awesome being in existance and Machiah would be a fresh face to a usually all swordsman crowd, MArth should get in simply because he was in Melee. Booting off both Marth and Roy is a little bit of overkill, particularly if you're replacing them with others from the same franchise.And you have the Black Knight and Miciah over Marth=??? Sakurai shows his love for classic characters in the Ice Climbers, and quite frankely Miciah is unnecciassry [since Ike also helps sells of GoD], and his roll in three times as important as her's in the series, and the Black King is not even 1/5th as important as Marth. Face it, Marth is all but confirmed, and has much better chances then Shiek [in which, it should be Shiek vs. Midna, and WW Link should be in, since ya know he is more important then the two of them combined]. The Black Knight still has a good shot [facing down Roy], but Miciah is a big NO!
Like I have said before Miis are in all ways superior to the AC character, They represent more, they are more customisable and thusly more unique, they bring in casual gamers and have less against them. Miis are just all around more likely then AC character.And the AC villagers...and no Miis=??? They appear in the background of Smashville, and the Miis don't even appear in the ACTUAL GAME [aka fighting], and since Mr Resetti, K.K. Slidder, TOm Nook, and the AC humans have been deconfirmed..."who ya gonna call?" The Miis!Suer the Miis never appeared in a AC game before, bu who are they gonna rep, the Wii=??? :lauigh: I'm actually more confident about the Miis chances more now then ever. Just show me how a online icon effects the battle [anyone], and how it deconfirms then next to characters making a appearance in the background. I dare you.
Yeah, I too have had it up to here with all of the 1st gen Pokemon, we simply need a new Pokemon that's a little more modern, and Lucario seems to be the likely canidate. I mean, it seems that there should be another Pokemon from the newer series, but I wouldn't be too downheatened if he/she doesn't make it. I think that Olimar has better chances then Krystal, but that's just me.No Lucario=incorrect. Allow me to explain. Simply put, Sakurai will do wat the big fanbases tell him to [though he'll still put in characters he likes]. He's going to put in the top 6 or 7 most desired 1st/2nd party characters for Brawl. He's put in Ike and Diddy Kong, two of the five most desired characters for Brawl. The other three you ask=???? Ridley, then King Dedede, then LUCARIO, then Krystal, and then someone else. Simply put, not repping the newest Pokémon gen is stupid, and Sakurai won't do it. Especially since it's sales have already outsold the 3rd gen, and WILL eventually outsell the 1st and 2nd gne, by a great margin. Lucario is in Brawl for all I'm concerned.
Yeah, I'm thinking that you may need to increase your 40 character challange to 45, it just seems more likely. If they have so much free time on their hands that they can make stickers, I think that they have enough time to program 5 more characters.About the PT being one character, let me explain. If the trophies, PT, wi-fi online, deep indepth adventure mode, new pysics, stickers, Assist Trophies, and Pokéball [Pokémon] tell us anything, it is that the Brawl developers have lots of time, money, and a HUGE TEAM! Therefore I conclude that the PT is actually one character. Sakurai's Brawl team clearly is bigger then Nintendo's other AAA franchise's that have Wii games, like MP3, TP, and Galaxy. Simply put, Lucario is ALL BUT CONFIRMED. There is no excuse for 4 reps of Nintendo's 2nd biggest series, while Zelda gets 5. Plus by the 6th gen of Pokémon, Pokémon will outsell Mario. Definitely.![]()
Yeah, Ness is in the original 12, I doubt he's going anywhere, particularly if he's being replaced with a blonde copy of himself. MOTHER 3 never made it to Western shores and Ness did. With a little anti-nerfing for Ness he can be brought to his former glory. We can rebuild him, make him better, stronger. And yeah, Ness should be higher priority, he's been in a SSB game twice already and has woven his way into all of our hearts.And if Lucas is in and no Ness, EarthBound/Mother fanbases will be further outraged. Not just has Reggie been a dumb a** by not giving them Mother 1 and 3, but he's probably never going to give them it. And in case you don't realize, the EarthBound cult following fanbase is the biggest of the 4th gen gaming era, behind really only Donkey Kong Country [and SMRPG is about the same size, along with Chrono Trigger/Chross in the 4th/5th gen of gaming]. Simply put, Ness will be in Brawl, unless Reggie goes against his previous statements [which are hate towards EarthBound fans], and pleases them for once. So Lucas could still make it in Brawl, but Ness is MUCH HIGHERE prioritey, and he's a retro classic character *points at Ice Climbers*
Basically, Reggie has hated on EarthBound fans enough [saying he's annoyed by them], and Sakurai would just give the EarthBound fans a knee to the balls replacing Ness with Lucas. Even if Lucas brought new EarthBound fans, Reggie will continue to ingnore them, focusing too much on a broad perspective of the future, and caring too much about non-gamers over their most dedicated fanbasess. If Sakurai has Ness, they'll be content, and if Sakurai has both...well the EarthBound fanbase would be happy. Real. Happy.![]()
EXACTALLY! Have no fear Johnny, I'm a clone fan too! Not because I like clones as a copy, but I like clones because it frees up room for more characters. Some clones just off the top of my head are WW Link, BK, and Falco/Wolf.And worse of all....NO CLONES! NO CLONES! Great, now I'm the sole clone entusiast. Well I say, BRING EM' ON!I can take em'...and I'm still betting on clones in Brawl. Since Sakurai wants to please fanbases, there is no way around it, in characters like CSLink, Luigi, Falco, Wolf, Dark Samus, Roy/the Black Knight [since I don't see Roy/the BK having any chance of being original, due to time constrants], and Lucas. Simply put, Sakurai wants to please many diffrent fanbases, and there is no way around it, but with clones, definitely.
Uh...if Lucario's so popular, then how come he wasn't on the poll? Lucario was known by Japanese audiences since February 2005. Yet Sakurai never responded to someone who said Lucario, he only responded to someone who suggested Gardevoir and Steven Stone. So I don't think Lucario is as popular or important as you say he is, especially when you place him above Krystal, who was actually on the poll.No Lucario=incorrect. Allow me to explain. Simply put, Sakurai will do wat the big fanbases tell him to [though he'll still put in characters he likes]. He's going to put in the top 6 or 7 most desired 1st/2nd party characters for Brawl. He's put in Ike and Diddy Kong, two of the five most desired characters for Brawl. The other three you ask=???? Ridley, then King Dedede, then LUCARIO, then Krystal, and then someone else. Simply put, not repping the newest Pokémon gen is stupid, and Sakurai won't do it. Especially since it's sales have already outsold the 3rd gen, and WILL eventually outsell the 1st and 2nd gne, by a great margin. Lucario is in Brawl for all I'm concerned.
Geno will most likely get in whether you like him or not...Remove Geno, Vaati, Sheik, Sukapon, and Masked Man and replace with Sonic and Black Knight and you've got the perfect list EVER!
Um, may I ask what 2nd party is?IC's were only in one game, and Sakurai has said that he does NOT consider Geno 3rd party, what that means for Geno's fate exactly, im not sure, but one thing is for sure is that if Sakurai's gonna have Geno in game, he'll do his best to make Geno at least 2nd party.
Are a company working exclusively for a first party like Rare to Microsoft and Gamefreak to NintendoUm, may I ask what 2nd party is?
There is a 4th party...Whatever. You two are so full of it!
If there are 4th-7th parties, please, do explain.
Its about using your brain to click on "<< First" and read the first post.wat is thread actually about again???
Oh no! We've all dissappeared from the list! But somehow we're still here. Perhaps if you used a dictionary? Or anything above Cat in the Hat on the Children novel shelves? Nah, jk. But grammar is important.yeah i no but weve disappered from that