You know, this may be really random and off topic (who hasn't been on this thread?), but I just had an interesting idea. Don't know if it's a
good idea, but interesting nonetheless.
I have a proposed solution to the Sheik conundrum.
So, if I am not mistaken, most Sheik haters (good 'ol Wisey included) are opposed to Sheik's return for two reasons. One, Sheik's moveset is broken and needs fixing to be a fair fighter in Brawl. Two, Sheik is the OoT Zelda, not TP Zelda as has already been revealed for Brawl. Points both driven into our skulls so far. However, the Sheik fanatics argue that not only are no moveset changes necessary, but it doesn't matter which Zelda may turn into Sheik, Brawl is OOC with the Zelda timeline.
I think the best possible compromise for both sides of the argument would be to include OoT's Impa as a separate playable character. No, I'm not crazy, hear me out.
First of all, this would remove the nigh-used Zelda/Sheik transformation. Hardly anyone in Melee actually used both Zelda and Sheik, and it would open up Down B specials for both Zelda and Impa.
Storywise, she could accommodate Sheik's moveset just fine. After all, in OoT it's implied that Impa passed on her teachings to Zelda while Ganondorf was taking over Hyrule. And when it comes to the game mechanics, well, if she's exactly the same as Melee's Sheik, then she would please the Melee Sheik lovers (and must've been a very good teacher
). But if she uses a more balanced Sheik moveset, this would please those who loathe Sheik's brokenness and play on the fact that master and student will have slight differences in fighting style.
On top of that, Brawl's Zelda representation would be represented by arguably the best interpretation of a long-running Zelda character (hmm...decrepit nursemaid or shadowy desert ninja?). Plus, we know Impa's gender
So, am I crazy or does this actually intrigue anybody? Feedback welcome!