I believe you want to do it before the aerial.
Hello Yort, I'm liking your progress =)
So you mean they are committing to the edge or just moving toward it? I like faking Bair so they don't try to go over me and then they either have to go for me or edge. Sometimes I drift farther out if they do with SH and DJ Bair them but that doesn't always work. Fsmash is great just as they weave away before they come back in to grab the edge. You probably Fsmash too early, and it's something simple practice can help you with. Her slowly falling into your range doesn't always mean you can hit her when she gets kind of close. It's weird. I like committing to Fsmash if I've punished her going high/coming into me more or I just have a really good reaction while threatening Bair. It is hard to get Fsmash to connect without a read in that position I think, but it helps to count her jumps and watch her weave since Puffs have predictable patterns that you can manipulate. Ftilt is really easy to hit with reactions on her going to edge, and this is something not to ignore I think. This will help you burn through her jumps and reset the situation quickly so you can start getting those killing Dairs much more easily. Sometimes you can Dair her going into you or trying to go high if she has more jumps, but this isn't always so reliable. Not sure how much more useful info I can offer without specific situation stuff.
If they're spacing the edge grab or they're close to the edge and not teching then yes absolutely. Walk slightly Dsmash can be very surprising for Puffs. Most Puffs don't seem to tech all that much so that is something you can play around with. I prefer Dair since it's safer if she techs but Dair is harder to hit, especially on spaced edge grabs unless you commit to going offstage and falling with it or running off then rising with it.
You'll have to be more specific about the dodges. You may be swinging too early, not manipulating her, swinging right when she gets into range, not counting her jumps, staying still too much so you get manipulated by her....so I don't know what the issue is. Maybe a video example can help unless you can give specifics.
I generally want to hit Puff out of the air and with Peach it can be either way, though out of the air is preferable since she loses options and is less able to contest me(Bair) when airborne. It's mainly about working my Bair, and if I dash forward I can always pivot SH/FH/DJ Bair out of it which is important. I can also WD and jump and Bair, which Mango used a lot at Summit and got him a lot of kills on DI away as the floaty tries to drift away. So then the floaty may come into you, which he used Usmash/Dtilt to hit and kill.
Anyway, you have to know what you can reach with in a given situation and if it's reactable/punishable. So if your pivot FH/DJ Bair is punishable or can be easily dodged, you either want to fake it or wait it out and just settle for positioning/manipulation. Manipulation can change how reactable things are, as can your own movement. Anyway yes if you make Peach float and you make her drift one way, it'll be pretty hard for her to do much else with that float. If you make Puff use 2-3 jumps it's a relatively similar story. You just need to stay in range and threaten Bair but be ready for them to move full away or come into you, and to keep moving as they move, or trying to head them off safely etc. Utilt helps a lot if they move into you, so over-DD is not necessarily the answer. Just dash some....hard to explain I guess.
You can practice it as a floaty on one end and see how you get down and then think of that. You need to learn your ranges and both sides' options first. Once you do that, then you can begin doing a type of shadowboxing where you play the options out and see if you could cover things. This is different from neutral shadowboxing because you can cover most things and in some cases everything with practice but it takes work. Be okay with using platforms.
The goal of juggling is to burn their options and hit them, or to hit them because they didn't want to let their options burn. Ideally you also want to force them away from top platforms and toward one side of the stage so they can't go over you and have a narrower mixup range as a result. This sort of transitions it into an edgeguard scenario, which means you can start thinking of getting spikes longer-term from this position, which is pretty good.
Thanks :]
So you mean they are committing to the edge or just moving toward it? I like faking Bair so they don't try to go over me and then they either have to go for me or edge. Sometimes I drift farther out if they do with SH and DJ Bair them but that doesn't always work. Fsmash is great just as they weave away before they come back in to grab the edge. You probably Fsmash too early, and it's something simple practice can help you with. Her slowly falling into your range doesn't always mean you can hit her when she gets kind of close. It's weird.]
I mean both. When talking about fsmash, I mean to cover them committing to the edge but also drifting towards it, pretty much everything. By faking bair, do you mean doing an empty short hop in place thus threatening the double jump bair to hit them drifting above you? I like the idea of that and never thought about it influencing them to not go above you. What about if they are so high above you they are above the double jump bair height? So do you empty sh off the stage and dj bair if they’re drifting far away from you to hit them drifting in? Is this because fsmash won’t cover their drift to ledge when they’re this far away?
Can you give me an example of a predictable puff pattern with weave and jumps? Do you think they commit more towards landing when they have lower amounts of jumps for example? Anything else important i’m missing here? Do you have a rule for what puffs prefer to do when they have 6 jumps versus 2 for example?
Are you saying that run off DJ dair is a staple for edgeguarding puff who’s recovering below the stage?
I never go for it because it seems very risky. And Dair on stage doesn’t cover her good dj sweetspot to ledge so I don’t bother.
[You'll have to be more specific about the dodges. You may be swinging too early, not manipulating her, swinging right when she gets into range, not counting her jumps, staying still too much so you get manipulated by her....so I don't know what the issue is. Maybe a video example can help unless you can give specifics. ]
I think some of my problems include swinging too early, swinging when she gets right into range, not counting her jump, pretty much everything. What are some ways to manipulate puff into going for ledge so I can land an fsmash?
What are some ways you manipulated her into going for ledge here / why did this ftilt not work?
What should I have done here instead? I just fsmashed too early right / right as she drifted in, should I have just inserted a wait and then fsmash when I saw her drift backwards?
Do you think top players are not proficient at edgeguarding puff? I noticed a lot of opportunities for leffen to go for fsmash on puffs in for example and he would rather just wait center stage, is this a fine decision for him because of the risk of even going for this type of thing or do you think lots of players are respecting puffs drift recoveries too much / don’t understand them well enough?
Can you explain why you didn’t jump up and try to hit her here and instead waited for her to land so you could laser?
Do you mind breaking down this example of juggling for me so I can get a better idea of what’s going on here? Like what cues caused you to dj bair, what options burned and how that influenced your decision, how you manipulated her, etc.
What about this one, why did you go for the fh aerial at this timing and why did it not work and what should you have done instead?
Why did you go for this retreating high laser fsmash instead of an ftilt edgeguard etc? What made you think she would attack into you here?
Can you explain this juggle starting with the shine on the rest whiff and why it was good? Just trying to get a feel.
[I generally want to hit Puff out of the air and with Peach it can be either way, though out of the air is preferable since she loses options and is less able to contest me(Bair) when airborne.]
Sure she’s less able to contest you when airborne but she’s better at repositioning in the air than you are, and it’s difficult to rise and meet her without risking a whiff and then being stuck in the air / being beat out (at-least that’s how it feels to me).
[Anyway, you have to know what you can reach with in a given situation and if it's reactable/punishable. So if your pivot FH/DJ Bair is punishable or can be easily dodged, you either want to fake it or wait it out and just settle for positioning/manipulation]
How do you fake it here? Empty sh?
By wait it out do you mean wait for a better spot to dash forward pivot fh bair or wait for her to land and hold a good position?
[This is different from neutral shadowboxing because you can cover most things and in some cases everything with practice but it takes work. Be okay with using platforms.]
How is this different from neutral shadowboxing? I kind of considered juggling one aspect of neutral considering that puff / peach are pretty much always above you / in a juggle spot right. How would you use platforms to juggle? Waveland uptilt / land on platform with aerial / laser? I can’t imagine myself covering everything with practice it seems so hard. Juggling still feels like some magical entity that I can’t really grasp, probably because I haven’t done enough analysis on it / don’t know my options well but I still have a “loose” feeling about it.
[Ideally you also want to force them away from top platforms and toward one side of the stage so they can't go over you and have a narrower mixup range as a result]
How can they not go above you? Just the full hop bair threat?
I don’t notice you doing the dash forward pivot fh bairs in your old vods, is this a new thing?
I started working on the dash forward sh dj bair to hit her and peach but it still feels more situational than anything and I need to get a good read on her drift to make it work. Am I just not good enough at this?
How do you get so good at matchups without practicing them much? I never get puff / peach practice really and even with analysis it feels difficult to really stay up to speed when fighting out of state floaties who have falco practice. Just shadowboxing and making the most out of your friendly sessions when you get the chance? Kind of a general question
From watching mang0 vs hbox at summit, what sort of things do you mango was doing well in the match up and where is he lacking?
What types of things do you think need to be developed in order for a falco to beat hbox as he currently is? Why do you think falcos are struggling against puff these days is what I’m trying to ask I think, like what are we missing here.