Dr Peepee
Big post inc, I have lots of questions and ideas post CEO.
What are some rules of thumb when fox double jumps to top platform out of his full hop?
For example, if I try to approaching laser him out of his full hop when i'm at a longer range and he double jump wave lands to top platform to avoid the laser on dreamland. Should I read his movement to side platform or just wait and reset? What positions are best here when fox is on top platform, should I move away to avoid falling bair threat while staying close enough to pressure side platforms?
I have learned the sami nair / anti - cc nair as you call it. I find it to be too delayed to beat jumps oos usually and I think it seems really only good to pressure shields safely. Do you think this is true or can I be doing it better, and how should I be covering jumps if not using this nair? Is there a height where I can actually be safe hitting shield? I like reading jumps with nair but I get hit oos for trying to do this frequently.
I don’t think that I threaten nair / dair in after laser much at all, therefore people don’t hold shield / counter attack vs me as much I think. I think that is why people jump or wavedash oos so vs me often, and if I did dair to discourage this it could be better. Does this sound like a reasonable conclusion that I made for myself? As if I'm not attacking or lasering and instead waiting too often I let them move, where as if I was attacking they would be forced to shield.
When he was cornered and shielding, did you react here to his jump oos and do fh nair assuming a FH waveland or full hop from him? If so, were you reacting to the jumpsquat?
Should I fh nair pre emptively in this situation ideally should it always be reaction to jumpsquat?
I do not like how this FH nair puts me in a bad spot if it doesn't work out, although it worked in this clip with your bair afterwards, should I just use it sparingly or figure out exactly when to use it?
Here, did you dj waveland to top platform because you reacted to him doing dash back during your short hop forward, thus allowing you to know aerial wouldn't reach? Does that mean you have a decision point during the short hop which determines if you attack or dj or not? Would you have done delayed nair instead if he hadn't dashed back so far?
At 7:17, why did you go for an approaching laser on his landing when it seems like you could have punished with dair?
at 8.36, did your long dash forward here influence him to double jump because his landing was being threatened by dair? In your head, is this something you would consider being the case because you know how dash forward would influence him here while he's falling, thus giving you the prediction to back up and laser his double jump landing??
I think this short hop forward I did after this laser was very bad, because it was at such a long range and also he was holding shield so it should have seemed likely he was going to jump.
What do you think I should have done instead, if I assumed he was going to FH over this second laser?
What could I do to pressure the top platform movement here?
Do you think an instead nair forward would beat this jump oos he did here after the approaching laser? I did the jump shine to achieve the same purpose but not sure when I should use one or the other to beat jumps at a close range.
here, could I have seen his dash back after the first laser hit and not went for the shine because of the range difference? What should I do to help cover this roll? lol
What could I have done to beat this full hop after my slight laser at 8.56?
Do you think my dash back turn around laser in place was bad here?
Would doing dash forward > dash back > (see jump) > fh nair be good here?
Here I do the slight laser forward when he's shielding to keep me safe full hop bair then dash back whiff punish the bair.
Do you think this is a reliable way to beat foxes aggressive full hops? I use it a ton. What else could I do to whiff punish here?
What could I do if he did a defensive full hop?
here, do you think a delayed fast fall "anti-cc" nair would still hit his jump?
What do you think the laser > dash forward > dash back > laser in place set up is good for besides lasering and discouraging a fox out of his aggressive full hop?
Where are the decision points in this above set up? So during the start up of the laser I know there is one that I have been working on, and then the next one would be generally during the dash back correct?
What is the purpose of the laser > dash back > earlyish nair in setup?
I think the slight dash back lets you confirm the shield and might condition them into believing they are safe thus leading to them jumping / moving out of shield which I hit with nair.
What is the purpose of dash back > nair when close and the opponent is shielding? From my work on dash back when people are shielding I notice it convinces people of their safety and they may try to move / escape. Same thing as above really just asking about the dashing back near someones shield part because these are my thoughts on it.
I've done a lot of work on laser > foxtrot forward > dair, I notice it is mainly useful at a longer range and also is useful in that people often end up close to me and confused at the fact that I am now so close to them, thus my dair stuffs whatever they try to do often. It seems good for confusing people honestly and gets me lots of hits. I find it problematic in a way though because I do this when I land a laser at a longer range, and often here I want to close space with approaching laser / slight approaching laser instead because it keeps frame advantage, while doing the dash forward sacrifices the frame advantage. I am asking about why I would use the foxtrot forward instead of the approaching laser at this range after I land an initial laser?
A few reasons I have come up with is that if they jump over the initial laser, I can react during the dash forward and play accordingly instead of approaching laser into a hit from the air.
Another reason is that it throws people off and confuses them lol.
Thoughts on this? I like this set up a lot but i'm not sure where to fit it in.
What is the purpose of laser > dash forward > dash back > dair in?
I find it useful to punish people jumping out of the air and then attacking, the dair often punishes their landing (in particular fox).
I also find it useful when people do dash back out of laser and then dash forward into my aerial, assuming the range is okay.
What's a good way to know if someones going to hold shield after I laser them?
When do you plan on using Z PS to send back powershields? I did some testing and I don't really think it's possible to react to the fact that they got a powershield with it. Do you plan on using it pre emptively when you assume they are going to land a powershield and then act out of the shield you bring up with something like a laser or a wavedash?