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Pound 3 results/shoutouts thread


Smash Champion
Feb 20, 2006
Columbus, Oh
i remember being at this tournament then we went to another place and it was late but it was also fun. then watty was tricking ppl saying he had to play tourny sets with them and forward was scared cuz he was getting his rock polished. good times


Smash Champion
Feb 20, 2006
Columbus, Oh
getting your rock polished...it's a commonly used phrase...by me and mathos. lol cuz watty was up like 3 stock to one and forward took a deep breath then we told him it wasn't a real set. then watty pulled it on m2k and took him to the last stock. watty is amazing under no pressure when other ppl may be under pressure. lol

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
Lies.. go get your stack of wood, burn it up, and sit down watching the flame. Also setup your tent.
My Bowser been did that a long time ago. He could even do it right now, but he's sleeping. He's on my bed and I know he's dreaming of new mindgames, lol.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Wobbles; that new CG is fcuking serious and i copied ur controller haha! thx for being one of my only noteable wins haha!
Sliq; That was the best Ive ever played on brinstar. Im actually gonna practice it more and use it against ppl in fox dittos. thx you're an awesome dude.
KillaOR; you shouldve @ least showed up or something to say hey.
Maine; dammit that blows I might see y'all over the break.
RayneX; Such fun dittos. Sry if I seemed a bit bitter @ first when we played in pools i was stressin out. Im glad we got in them friendlies i was pretty impressed with your fox. It one of the only foxes that truly made me go wtf in dittos.
Anther; I didnt get to play you, but I saw what you did there(pun intended). **** ur pika is no joke on battlefield
Kage; **** son ur ganon is **** vs marth
Watty; hell yeah you are awesome teams in brawl!?!?!?!?! haha
Mathos; thx for the friendlies **** the steelers
GREG; haha in crews you were amazing...**** you're so fun to watch and like you keep your cool ALL THE TIME.
CT; thx guys for watching my matches and cheering me on in pools I needed it.
Chu; good job beating me without wobbling me this time.
PB&J/Mog; I R the controller fixer guy
Hax/jman; alright someone a while ago told me that you guys were beast and young. I thought u guys were just good for your age. But holy **** you guys are just plain good. **** honestly thats real talent.
Team Ben; thx to team ben for being old school smash and still showing love to the community. Yea i didnt get to talk to you bach/oro but im glad y'all showed up it actually meant alot to me seeing some of the pioneers of smash. thx neo for telling me that story about Maverick and his 8$ cheeseburgers!
Mikehaze; **** i didnt know who u were till i was on my way home, ur fox ditto game is pretty tight.
Otru; I hope your avatar is changed lol.
XIF; I missed friendlies with you again sad panda :ohwell: I gotz Cort @ least
Chinesah; good **** making it out of pools 3 we didnt get to play this time but its all good.
Kiwi; thx for giving me a fox shooting teh lazrs on my name tag. im not throwing it away EVAR!
Crismas; thx for the sticker i can has a fox
Unknown522; never give up trust ur instincts!(starfox pun intended)
Zel; mad hard fox dittos
Kirbstir; Do you need wood?
Woz; thx for giving me a hug
PockyD; I hope you ***** settlers
PC; good **** pumping up EC in crews
Tec0; good **** in crews ur platform game is ridiculous
Starzonedge; **** i didnt get to play you.
Silentwolf; thx for that set it was pretty awesome....*sad that u main falco now D=*
Azen; you make me look like a scrub. You probly were wondering how I even made it to pools 3(thats because im crazy good and just sandbag you lol)
Cactuar;Im calling hax on ur movement because ur fox looks like its moonwalking or something. I continue to be impressed the most by ur fox as apposed to ppl like myself who have been pure fox mains from jump. Good **** using ur secondary all tourney..its better than ur marf amirite?
Hugo; you are the man. I saw some of that secret training you were giving alextriad. DAYUM!
Cort; GOOD FCUKING **** you deserve it..
Brookman; mouth based videogames
isai; where were you? I wanted to **** you in meteos
Wes; you shouldve came so you couldve actually ate mango instead of letting WC win GJ.
Scar; we shouldve put the protector on the projector (dayum freestyle skillz)


Midwest- I have to apologize because I was hating on y'all hard for a while(like @ VLS). But now I love everyone from MW that i've met.

Raftbuilder and crew- thx for holding this. Mad time and work went into this and I find it amazing that you got the venue open way after the time it was
scheduled to close. good ****. I will say that Tia has been fcuking up lately. Perhaps a new program should be looked into.(or some patch/update should be made). because some pools were CRAZY LOPSIDED. HOWEVER Thanks for being an understanding host and changing that round 3 death pool even if it only made my chances of survial go from 0% to .2%. I still appreciate the effort as a whole.(this is not sarcasm).I dont think any other fox mains but PC/Chillin wouldve survived my pool. *johns johns johns*. But to end on a good note, thanks again plank and crew for taking this responsibility. nothing is perfect butseeing all of these talented smashers in one room all having a good time seems pretty **** close.

good **** KDJ
hey, sorry i didnt even
notice this post for a while. Thanks a lot!

also i talked to nealdt for a bit afterwards and we found some glitches with the program that he wasn't aware of pre-pound. Kind of lame, I wish i would've even known they existed.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
well I think besides TIA effin up and creating some STUPID pools, pound3 was just a hard tournament there were alot of tough pools BY ROUND 2. Round 3 pools were just getting ridiculous... thats why i'm really proud for making bracket at this tournament... I placed higher at pound 2 (by one step lol) but I felt I performed better at pound3.

But thats too much about me.

lets talk about the other me.

the one that owned it up in teams.

9th placed at 3 major national tournaments thats some consistency whut whut?

me and green are own.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
hey, sorry i didnt even
notice this post for a while. Thanks a lot!

also i talked to nealdt for a bit afterwards and we found some glitches with the program that he wasn't aware of pre-pound. Kind of lame, I wish i would've even known they existed.
Well @ least we know for future stuff.*COUGH* FC *COUGH* I'm just glad you and neal are aware.


Jun 12, 2005
Long Beach CA
To be fair, the glitch didn't have anything to do with multiple 1 seeds ending up in the same pool. That one wasn't my fault, sorry. But it's conceivable that two people from the same 1st round pool might've ended up in the same second round pool; that would be the fault of tio.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
But it's conceivable that two people from the same 1st round pool might've ended up in the same second round pool; that would be the fault of tio.
4 the record i'll just point out that it happened to me twice. I'm not here to harp on anything tho*moves on*

Im shocked that this thread hasn't died yet.

kiwi its been 3 weeks(?) and I still have my name tag.

Crismas my sticker died >_< now i need another


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003
I've done FC by hand every year. Haven't gotten to the point where I trust computer programs yet, but I'm sure Neal will get his there soon!


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Um in that case i declare my pool at VLS was faulted, and we should redo VLS..

from the beginning..

Who's with me?

/random attempt at one last big melee tournament


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
I've done FC by hand every year. Haven't gotten to the point where I trust computer programs yet, but I'm sure Neal will get his there soon!
and some of us just want u to do it one more time so we can actually go to an FC lol ^_^


Smash Champion
Aug 29, 2004
Overland Park, KS
To be fair, the glitch didn't have anything to do with multiple 1 seeds ending up in the same pool. That one wasn't my fault, sorry. But it's conceivable that two people from the same 1st round pool might've ended up in the same second round pool; that would be the fault of tio.
Yeah that definitely happened to Husband and I, as we were in the same pools round 1 and 2 heh.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
i love how everyone has hyped up FC and the kishes havent even announced one. XD


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
yeah man, what are you doing posting here?

we're all shouting out and resulting it up

also.. getting your rock polished?
I live here Cort...

"if you have sex, your peniis will fall off and land in another dimension populated entirely by dogs who will eat it.."
What show is that from VaNz? Family Guy?

EDIT: If EC hosts another huge tournament I'll do my best to show up. It would be my first EC tournament in USA.
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