Ok here is my translated version of this that makes it line up with all information we have so far with a few little tidbits:
53C: Same as the original leak 53 characters
33S: Thirty Three Starters this has the potential of being changed
20U: Twently unlockable characters which are in the leak could be,
L: Lucina or Luigi
The others are probably like the ones in the photo but can't be certain
5N: 5 Newcomers
M: Mario Representative (Bowser Jr.)
D: Duck Hunt Representative (Duck Hunt Dog)
M: This one is unknown possibilities include Metroid, another Mario, Doubt Mother
Z: Zelda representative or maybe F-Zero Representative with the latter being incredibly unlikely possibilities one possibility from each would be Impa or if it is F-Zero Black Shadow
X: Xenoblade (Shulk)
3Vtbr: 3 Veterans To Be Removed which would be Wolf, Ice Climbers and Lucas