Holy S*** the amount of hate about the roster IT'S TOO DAMN HIGH. Seriously peoole. Stop whining ungrategul brats. Sakurai its a game design genius and he does everything he can do for the fans. If Ridley or another x or y character its not in the game, there's is a good reason for it. Dont complain, if yoy dont like it, then dont buy it. I'm in this board so i can get information, but jesus... reading trough all this hate and complains makes me angry.
EDit: btw, how can you hate dark pit? You dont even know if he is a clone. And if Sakurai have a bias, well let him, he is the one who make this for you guys.
"Oh no! Not everyone agrees with my opinions!" Get use to it
It's the internet, it's been around for decades, welcome aboard. No one here is an "ungrateful brat" just because they don't praise and worship everything Sakurai touches. We're entitled to our own positive OR/AND negative opinions. Also, don't give anyone the "have a positive approach with your opinion" rubbish because frankly people would overreact either way. If your on these boards for information, be aware that people can also comment their thoughts on that information, which won't always matched up to the yours. Forums are not places exclusively for extremely optimistic people and "information". Please kindly show me where in the Terms and Rules section where it says otherwise .
BTW: Bias has no justification at all. Just because he worked on one game in a recently revived series, doesn't mean that series should get favoritism over the Nintendo "All Stars" AKA the purpose of the series' existence. How is it that Kid Icarus has TWO newcomers, while other Nintendo franchises such as Donkey Kong, Kirby, Star Fox, Zelda, F-Zero, or Mother can barley manage to get one? Kid Icarus Uprising has the most representation in the game, not even the older Kid Icarus games hardly have any recognition. Meanwhile, many long time Smash Bros veteran franchises as well as important parts of Nintendo history will unfortunately be removed in Sm4sh so Sakurai can further advertise a game we worked on. Technically speaking the Clone characters in Smash Bros are just minor additions to the roster that don't cost as much resources as original characters. We don't know what Dark Pit will be. Those resources could have been used to ring back another veteran or
fix issues with another veteran.
While I don't hate Dark Pit as a character or even a fighter, is he what you would call an Nintendo "All-Star"? I would rather have one more returning fighter than a clone newcomer.