ugh, matt, your art sux;bc it's sooo mother f***in gud!!! so, you come over to house with these skills and...i just cant believe that people can do stuff like this. i know it takes special programs; this is comp, rt?no way you painted this. ?? i might photoshop some things in paint, but that's it when it comes to visuals on the comp. yeah, i said in paint, you wanta fight about it?
i do my art on canvas, it's where im most comfortable. i especially love the fact that the objects,ie-link, rocks, grass, clothes, look so impressionistic. that's my fav style of painting and i think rembrandt would be impressed with your ability to make the areas in the pic contrast each other while still retaining thier cohesion.
here's one of my fav pics i painted...long background story, so i'll post the BG in my art thread that i will eventually make.
not sure why they came out soo freakin big!! if theyre too big, someone let me know and i'll remove them.
Thx EML ^_^
Yeh, its in PS. I didn't learn how to paint in PS though. I have plenty of Oil and watercolor experience. Aswell as sculpting and the ever important drawing. PS is just a tool like a brush and canvas or ball of clay. Though it does make clean up much easier. And doesn't cost an *** load of cash (oils are ****ing expensive)
I'm not usually so impressionistic.. I was just trying out the brushes I downloaded and ended up drawing link >_> go figure.
I do like your painting though I'll give a more indepth synopsis once you get your thread up. (and your pics are so big becuase you didnet tell the upload site otherwise. It should have a resize option. I know Imageshack does.)
pic of link for the link+ thread in teh workshop. HES SICK OF SUCKING IN SMASH!!!!
Different lighting