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Poll: Best doubles partner for Captain Falcon


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
Whenever I watch team tourneys, I always watch for moments when the fighters chain moves together into an effective offense. But when watching some other tourneys, certain teams will look more or less cohesive. That got me wondering. Who is the best partner for each character? Well, since I’m a casual Brawler, and I don’t have the expertise to judge, so why not ask the experts? I originally tried this on GameFAQs, but the users in general were immature, or not qualified to give the information. Then I remembered the specific boards on Smashboards, so I brought the poll here. So who do you think the best partner is for Captain Falcon?


- The poll will last for a week. If it becomes popular, it may last longer.
- You may only vote for one character.
- Assume friendly fire is on.
- Assume there are no items.
- After posting your answer, give a detailed reason why you choose that character. If you don’t give viable information, your vote will not be added.
- You may ask to change your vote if you have a viable reason.
- Discussion on your choices is allowed. NO FLAMES!!!
- If you vote Pokemon Trainer, you must discuss details for all his pokemon.
- If you vote on the Pokemon Trainer poll, you must discuss details for all his pokemon.
- If you want to use videos to explain your reasoning, feel free to post them, but remember. I play this game casually, so you have to explain what parts of the video are important and why they are important.
- You may vote on multiple polls.
- If issues occur, I may add or remove rules, so be sure to review the list.

Bowser – 0
Captain Falcon – 0
Diddy Kong – 1
Donkey Kong – 1
Falco – 0
Fox – 0
Game & Watch – 1
Ganondorf – 0
Ice Climbers – 0
Ike – 0
Jigglypuff – 0
King Dedede – 0
Kirby – 0
Link – 0
Lucario – 0
Lucas – 0
Luigi – 0
Mario – 0
Marth – 0
Meta Knight – 0
Ness – 0
Olimar – 0
Peach – 0
Pikachu – 0
Pit – 2
Pokemon Trainer – 0
R.O.B. – 0
Samus – 1
Sheik – 0
Snake – 1
Sonic – 0
Toon Link – 0
Wario – 0
Wolf – 0
Yoshi – 0
Zelda – 1
Zero Suit Samus – 1

This poll is now closed. Sorry about lack updates. I’m just really busy right now. The most popular teammate is Pit. I’m going to start closing polls one by one over the next few days, so vote before it’s too late. Results will be taken to tactical discussion sooner or later.


Smash Cadet
Jun 13, 2008
Richmond Hill, Ontario
I think a Meta or Pit, because of speed.

Pit can help CF recover with arrows, and can use side b to distract/lock the opponent in place for a falcon punch.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
I say pit, bc of the mirror shield :D
Mirror Punch doesn't really have amazing range. At the most, it has maybe a short bit of range over a normal Falcon Punch, but the rest of the slide doesn't do anything.


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2006
Another Captain Falcon.

Then it's like playing Double Dragon.

But, seriously, it's whoever your partner is best and most comfortable with.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2006
so far ive place 3rd in most of the tournys in San Diego by partnering up with a marth
1 time with peach, but the peach player's probably one of the best player in SOcal
i did some friendly doubles with them and found that zelda is an amazing partner lol
my vote goes to marth and zelda

usually if ur partenr's char doens't have tether grab
and u got ur opponent team to 1 person left
grab to knee is always guarantee


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
I'd expect anyone with a good chaingrab would be able to throw an opponent into a Falcon Punch pretty easily. I'm not sure who'd be the best though.


Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Logroño, Spain
Another Captain Falcon.

Pure melee character, hard to hit your partner in friendly fire, cool combos, 2x show me your moves


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2008
zss? due to down smash? though it might hit zss also.

edit: she also has her paralyzer, and both of thse move could lead into knee or pawnch or any other stuff


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Me and my teammate were on top of the GB doubles ladder for a long, long time until summer started (and the semester ended, resulting in no wifi here at home : /)....

He mained DK and i mained Captain Falcon. Really, everyone knows falcon is good at racking up damage fairly fast, it's KOing he has trouble with. DK is strong, has a tilt that trips pretty often (Down Tilt), and can finish people off after falcon tacks on the damage.

Also, DK's grab>>>up throw>>>Sweetspotted knee works really, really well.
An alley oop...what we called it lol...they can't air dodge fast enough to escape it.

so im going with DK


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2006
Me and my teammate were on top of the GB doubles ladder for a long, long time until summer started (and the semester ended, resulting in no wifi here at home : /)....

He mained DK and i mained Captain Falcon. Really, everyone knows falcon is good at racking up damage fairly fast, it's KOing he has trouble with. DK is strong, has a tilt that trips pretty often (Down Tilt), and can finish people off after falcon tacks on the damage.

Also, DK's grab>>>up throw>>>Sweetspotted knee works really, really well.
An alley oop...what we called it lol...they can't air dodge fast enough to escape it.

so im going with DK
lol why is my falcon different than urs?

i am usually the killer in team
falcon has power, it's really not that hard to land a smash, utilt or bair when it comes to doubles. if u space urself well with ur partner
ppl tend to roll into u to avoid being juggle by ur partner
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