trades i'm looking for...(just IM me at TheCyphus for trade discussion)
Duskull/clops/noir that is Careful
Heracross that is Adament
somebody to trade my porygon back and for til i get a PorygonZ
some trade-worthy pokemon i have...
mime jr, pichu, cleffa, magnemite, milotic, eevee, porygon, uxie, rotom, dialga, giratina, skarmory
aerodactyl: lonely
carnidos: adament
anorith: adament
Weavile: lonely, level 66: nightslash, slash, iceshard, false swipe
Medicham: naughty, level 66: hi jump kick, reversal, lightscreen, reflect
Empoleon: quiet, level 68: surf, blizzard, drill peck, aqua jet
my team so far that i don't think i'll be trading but list anyway...
Azelf: mild, level 80, EV trained for special, speed, and some attack
psychic, thunderbolt, U-Turn, Explosion
Garchomp: adament, level 60, EV trained for attack and speed
earthquake, crunch, dragon claw, dragon rush
Porygon: calm, level 61, ability = "download", ev trained for special atk and spd
Tri Attack, recover, signal beam, discharge