If I had a word for every great idea you come up with, I'd have a book.
Wow that was lame
I love the ideas, especially Bill's "evolution machine". I had never thought of something like that and I think it's great. Back to the seasonal/weather changes. The types of Pokemon that you posted are great, and I highly support them, but I'd like to add a few myself.
During rain/storms, water, and electric Pokemon should be found much more often, but flying are practically impossible.
During dry seasons like the midst of Summer, both fire and rock Pokemon should be more common in practically all non-aquatic environments.
Now, aside from the types, certain Pokemon should be able to be found at certain times. For instance, during Spring, if you come across some, let's say flat, grassy land, you may find a Miltank, or Taurus, or any other Pokemon that may "graze" the field. All bird Pokemon should be found in northern regions during the Spring and Summer, but when it turns to Fall and Winter, they move South. This may also go for Bug Pokemon, seeing as how they migrate also.
The idea of catching certain Pokemon by slathering honey on trees was very interesting in that it introduced an entirely new way of catching Pokemon. I think many, many more methods should be implemented into the games so that catching certain Pokemon becomes more of a "game" or setup, rather than random encounters.
Also, I'd like it to be possible to encounter Pokemon in other outdoor areas like the beach (you would mainly just find Krabby, Shelder, Shellos, etc), but perhaps just right along the shoreline, not in the denser sand areas.
And on a last note, while most Pokemon should remain as random encounters in the grass and what not, what if some Pokemon could randomly appear walking around so you would know what it is and could chase it down specifically. This could happen anywhere, anytime (well, depending on seasonal and weather standards) with any Pokemon. Imagine walking down some route when you spot a Magby just trotting around, maybe checking out some I dunno... rock. Then you can sneak up on it, press A, and engage battle. It would help to bring a lot more taste to the Pokemon world, but alas, it is a controversial idea as it would semi-disrupt the mechanics of Pokemon.